Barack Obama hints at tax rises after US debt bill goes through Senate


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Barack Obama hints at tax rises after US debt bill goes through Senate | World news | The Guardian

US president refuses to rule out tax rises for wealthiest Americans as he prepares to sign debt limit bill into law

Barack Obama came out fighting in an attempt to undo the damage to his reputation caused by the long-running debt stand-off, and pacify Democrats who feel betrayed by the deal that will result in spending cuts totalling trillions of dollars.

The president, who turns 50 tomorrow, faces a tough re-election fight next year. He needs not only to win back such disaffected Democrats, but also to get them out to campaign for him and vote in their droves, as they did in 2008.

Speaking minutes after the Senate joined the House in approving the deal to prevent the US going into default, Obama offered an olive branch by putting tax rises back on the table.

Good luck with that. May be a case of "too little, too late" as far as his party and supporters go.
He should cut defense spending and then raise taxes. In that order.
He was hoping for default to destroy the economy and allow him to impose martial law; suspend elections. Having failed in that he will now attempt the slower method of death-by-taxation augmented, of course, by offshoring of jobs through regulation.

None dare say he inconsistent!

Inept, maybe.

Destructive, no doubt.
He should cut defense spending and then raise taxes. In that order.

"Finally, the American economy throughout the 20th century has never demonstrated an ability to thrive in the absence of high military spending. The strategy used to co-opt foreign markets, an alternative to war, is ‘free trade.’"
H.W. Brands, “American Colossus: The Triumph of American Capitalism, 1865-1900.”
Hints my azz. It's a given. you iz late to his party moron.

Did you just call her a moron right off the bat? You don't waste time being an asshole, do you?

She is an idiot. She does nothing but post thread after thread of news articles. A LOT OF THEM. It's gotten very old and she just joined. Obviously doesn't listen to reason either. I messaged her and told her to either slow down or be prepared to shut off her rep. Obviously she opted for the later in favor of becoming a pestering troll. Shit gets old.
Barack Obama hints at tax rises after US debt bill goes through Senate | World news | The Guardian

US president refuses to rule out tax rises for wealthiest Americans as he prepares to sign debt limit bill into law

Barack Obama came out fighting in an attempt to undo the damage to his reputation caused by the long-running debt stand-off, and pacify Democrats who feel betrayed by the deal that will result in spending cuts totalling trillions of dollars.

The president, who turns 50 tomorrow, faces a tough re-election fight next year. He needs not only to win back such disaffected Democrats, but also to get them out to campaign for him and vote in their droves, as they did in 2008.

Speaking minutes after the Senate joined the House in approving the deal to prevent the US going into default, Obama offered an olive branch by putting tax rises back on the table.

Good luck with that. May be a case of "too little, too late" as far as his party and supporters go.

Yeah, I hear you. I mean, it's not that I won't vote for him. Who else am I going to vote for? A Republican? Not if my life depended on it. Nader? Nope. I will vote for Obama, but I'm done being patient with his negotiating style. He should have invoked the 14th Amendment and told the Tea Party to sue him. That's my opinion. Better than giving in to hostage takers.

However, I really hope that Democrats have learned something here. First, negotiating with the Tea Party is pointless. Second, when Dems have the chance and have the right issue - like taxes - they should do what Republicans do - don't budge. Let Republicans shut the gov't down over tax cuts for the rich. Let the chips fall where they may. I believe that voters would be on the side of Democrats.
Barack Obama hints at tax rises after US debt bill goes through Senate | World news | The Guardian

US president refuses to rule out tax rises for wealthiest Americans as he prepares to sign debt limit bill into law

Barack Obama came out fighting in an attempt to undo the damage to his reputation caused by the long-running debt stand-off, and pacify Democrats who feel betrayed by the deal that will result in spending cuts totalling trillions of dollars.

The president, who turns 50 tomorrow, faces a tough re-election fight next year. He needs not only to win back such disaffected Democrats, but also to get them out to campaign for him and vote in their droves, as they did in 2008.

Speaking minutes after the Senate joined the House in approving the deal to prevent the US going into default, Obama offered an olive branch by putting tax rises back on the table.

Good luck with that. May be a case of "too little, too late" as far as his party and supporters go.

It's not like he had a good reputation to start with.
He was hoping for default to destroy the economy and allow him to impose martial law; suspend elections. Having failed in that he will now attempt the slower method of death-by-taxation augmented, of course, by offshoring of jobs through regulation.

None dare say he inconsistent!

Inept, maybe.

Destructive, no doubt.


Barack Obama hints at tax rises after US debt bill goes through Senate | World news | The Guardian

US president refuses to rule out tax rises for wealthiest Americans as he prepares to sign debt limit bill into law

Barack Obama came out fighting in an attempt to undo the damage to his reputation caused by the long-running debt stand-off, and pacify Democrats who feel betrayed by the deal that will result in spending cuts totalling trillions of dollars.

The president, who turns 50 tomorrow, faces a tough re-election fight next year. He needs not only to win back such disaffected Democrats, but also to get them out to campaign for him and vote in their droves, as they did in 2008.

Speaking minutes after the Senate joined the House in approving the deal to prevent the US going into default, Obama offered an olive branch by putting tax rises back on the table.

Good luck with that. May be a case of "too little, too late" as far as his party and supporters go.

Yeah, I hear you. I mean, it's not that I won't vote for him. Who else am I going to vote for? A Republican? Not if my life depended on it. Nader? Nope. I will vote for Obama, but I'm done being patient with his negotiating style. He should have invoked the 14th Amendment and told the Tea Party to sue him. That's my opinion. Better than giving in to hostage takers.

However, I really hope that Democrats have learned something here. First, negotiating with the Tea Party is pointless. Second, when Dems have the chance and have the right issue - like taxes - they should do what Republicans do - don't budge. Let Republicans shut the gov't down over tax cuts for the rich. Let the chips fall where they may. I believe that voters would be on the side of Democrats.

Here in another year they wont have a choice but to negotiate with Tea party members, and you can thank Obama for that one. Also, the reason this country is in a huge mess is because people like you vote party line instead of the better candidate. Obama was no way in hell remotely qualified to be president, and that's becoming more apparent everyday, but the hopey changey bullshit reeled you all in, hook line and sinker, you get what you deserve.
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He can let the Bush tax cuts expire at the end of 2012 whether he's re-elected or not.

That would fix them good, lol.
He was hoping for default to destroy the economy and allow him to impose martial law; suspend elections. Having failed in that he will now attempt the slower method of death-by-taxation augmented, of course, by offshoring of jobs through regulation.

None dare say he inconsistent!

Inept, maybe.

Destructive, no doubt.



Jesus H. Christ. The Koolaid is real. Whoa.
Barack Obama hints at tax rises after US debt bill goes through Senate | World news | The Guardian

US president refuses to rule out tax rises for wealthiest Americans as he prepares to sign debt limit bill into law

Barack Obama came out fighting in an attempt to undo the damage to his reputation caused by the long-running debt stand-off, and pacify Democrats who feel betrayed by the deal that will result in spending cuts totalling trillions of dollars.

The president, who turns 50 tomorrow, faces a tough re-election fight next year. He needs not only to win back such disaffected Democrats, but also to get them out to campaign for him and vote in their droves, as they did in 2008.

Speaking minutes after the Senate joined the House in approving the deal to prevent the US going into default, Obama offered an olive branch by putting tax rises back on the table.

Good luck with that. May be a case of "too little, too late" as far as his party and supporters go.

Yeah, I hear you. I mean, it's not that I won't vote for him. Who else am I going to vote for? A Republican? Not if my life depended on it. Nader? Nope. I will vote for Obama, but I'm done being patient with his negotiating style. He should have invoked the 14th Amendment and told the Tea Party to sue him. That's my opinion. Better than giving in to hostage takers.

However, I really hope that Democrats have learned something here. First, negotiating with the Tea Party is pointless. Second, when Dems have the chance and have the right issue - like taxes - they should do what Republicans do - don't budge. Let Republicans shut the gov't down over tax cuts for the rich. Let the chips fall where they may. I believe that voters would be on the side of Democrats.

"A Republican? Not if my life depended on it. "

Assuminng that President Obama asks for your vote again....????

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein, (attributed)
Obama can hint on taxes until the cows come home. AInt happening and he knows it too.............

He was just out there saying that today to fire up some of his whiney base......and alot of the suckers will fall for it hook, line and stinker.

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