Barack Obama is the most racist presient since FDR


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016
and put race relations in the U.S. back fifty years. That's perhaps the only thing he was successful at doing.

There is no way on God's Green Earth Obozo could have been anything but a complete failure.
He hates America.
He hates white folks.
He hates Christians.
He thinks he is smarter than us.
He is totally inexperienced at everything. He has never even had a paper route, lemonade stand or washed cars. He's been a drag on America, since his Communist mother and Frank Marshall Davis conceived him. He is a complete intellectual idiot. (He has to go to school, to learn what we learn, naturally.)
Poor Moore- still pissed off that Americans elected a black man for the White House.

The only one peddling hate is Moore- who hates Americans who are a darker shade than pale.
Obama has been a complete failure. It's going to take years to fix the mess he's created.
He's FAR more racist than FDR or any other president. EVERYTHING is a race issue for this squirrel-faced motherfucker. I've never seen an American politician with such a crybaby racial chip on his shoulder - always complaining & sneering about "white folk" (in that dismissive tone of voice), always race-baiting, always race-card-masturbating, always glorifying black criminals & supremacists like Black Lives Fecal Matter. One of the most pathetic things about this treasonous, sniveling piece of I-don't-know-what is that he's been obsessed with taking white Americans "down a peg" to satisfy his own petty, jealous, insecure third-world demons. It's one of several reasons why Typhoid Barry is literally my most DETESTED living organism in the history of all life on this planet.
He's a creature who slithered out of a rust-speckled urinal of a bus station men's room in a shooting-gallery Chicago neighborhood.
I forgot to mention, that if filth like Obama/Holder/BLFM and their loathsome ilk think America is so racist, why can't they answer 3 questions as follows: A. Name me ONE white majority nation in history who has elected a black leader twice, B. Name me ONE black majority country on Earth in which blacks have a better life than they do in America, and C. If white Americans are so racist, explain why there are so many dozens and dozens of more black-on-white crimes than white-on-black crimes, despite blacks being only 13% of the population. Other non-white races get along and function with us whites far more positively than the blacks do. Because the blacks' racial insecurities cause them to stir up racial melodrama where none exists!
I forgot to mention.... Because the blacks' racial insecurities cause them to stir up racial melodrama where none exists!

You forgot to mention what a racist you are.

Ever heard of the Little Boy Who Cried Wolf, you insecure, miserable little minority crybaby? You liberals traitors have masturbated the word "racist" for so many years, it doesn't mean anything anymore, you silly little menial. How long did you shitskins arrogantly think you could spew your utter hatred of white males under Obama, before THAT HATRED BECOMES RECIPROCATED???

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