barack obama is the worst president in history!

this made me literally laugh out loud...

The problem is - Obama was worse than Jimmy Carter and Donald Trump is no Ronald Reagan. Hell, Trump isn't even a George W. Bush. He's more like a Theodore Roosevelt. A loudmouth who doesn't care about the U.S. Constitution.

Reagan was a true conservative. Trump is a lifelong liberal.
I'm personally glad Obama was a lying, cowering douchebag. Trump will look that much more amazing in contrast.
"we have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. when our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for our terror" - Obama's buddy Bill Ayers
Obama gives out more pardons & commutations than past 12 Presidents combined.

Obama secretly hates America!
when they were singin the star spangled banner at the inauguration, Obama with that arrogant smug feeling that he's better than everybody looked like he was depressed to death...he had a fake smile, michelle was frowning the entire time, because these are cult members who are put in power by the globalists so they can help divide & destroy our nation. they are absolutely evil and don't want poor people to be better.
when they were singin the star spangled banner at the inauguration, Obama with that arrogant smug feeling that he's better than everybody looked like he was depressed to death...he had a fake smile, michelle was frowning the entire time, because these are cult members who are put in power by the globalists so they can help divide & destroy our nation. they are absolutely evil and don't want poor people to be better.
Black America, Weakbama done more for illegal aliens, Syrian refugees and Iran than you. Then he dumped all of them in your community.
according to the Bureau Of Labor Stats, the US lost 300,000 manufacturing jobs since Obama took over. he failed to keep his 2012 promise to create 1 million manufacturing jobs, in fact he created ZERO.

in addition, the imposition of 230 major new regulations since 2009 cost the economy 110 billion dollars anually.

also, in every year under Obama, the US suffered an Islamic terror attack. and yet, Weakbama refused to use the words: "islamic terror"
The creator of this thread is just as insane as Trump himself..

Listen to the head case today:
Trump: Oscar Mix-Up Happened Because The Focus Was On Attacking Me.

We've never had such a president who is as emotionally and psychologically unfit as he is.
according to the Bureau Of Labor Stats, the US lost 300,000 manufacturing jobs since Obama took over. he failed to keep his 2012 promise to create 1 million manufacturing jobs, in fact he created ZERO.

in addition, the imposition of 230 major new regulations since 2009 cost the economy 110 billion dollars anually.

also, in every year under Obama, the US suffered an Islamic terror attack. and yet, Weakbama refused to use the words: "islamic terror"
You're fos a republican ass kisser

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