Barack Obama Lashes Out at Mitt Romney: “He Likes to Shoot First and Aim La

As we see his cult members were more outraged over Romney Speaking than what happend to our Embassy

cult??? riiiiiiiiiiight...because not supporting your rightwingnut agenda must make anyone voting against you idiots a 'cultist'... the fact that that's at about 50% of the country right now must confuse you terribly.

and the president, commenting on romney's stupidity, politely and respectfully, i might add, is 'lashing out' in your delusional world?

lol... :cuckoo:

Does your limited vocabulary extend beyond the use of "rightwingnut" and "troll".

No need to reply. Your posts hold the answer...:lol:
As we see his cult members were more outraged over Romney Speaking than what happend to our Embassy

cult??? riiiiiiiiiiight...because not supporting your rightwingnut agenda must make anyone voting against you idiots a 'cultist'... the fact that that's at about 50% of the country right now must confuse you terribly.

and the president, commenting on romney's stupidity, politely and respectfully, i might add, is 'lashing out' in your delusional world?

lol... :cuckoo:
It's called being MENTAL!
zero said Romney had a tendency.

Why isn't the press asking zero what these tendencies are.
Only an idiot PARTISAN HACK would actually compare an ABSENT President, who took 24 hours to respond to a nation who had been attacked.. whose only release was an apology to the very TERRORISTS who slaughtered innocent Americans.. An Appeaser N Chief who stabbed an ally, MUBARAK in the back, creating an ISLAMIC fundamentalist Terror government- A President who when US embassies burn all over the entire Middle East, he takes off on taxpayers funds to VEGAS!


How long did it take Bush to react after 9/11? That was an attack on the homeland..not on foreign soil. It was also a great many more people that got killed.

A United States embassy, regardless of it's location is considered American soil and sovereignty.. President Bush was suppose to get up and scream in front of school age kids??? Jets were scrambled and the President was protected being flown to different locations not knowing where and when the next terror attack would take place but you know all of this.. No one has ever accused George Bush of not handling the entire day of 9-11 and shortly thereafter very Presidential and with great dignity.. If this is all you have to try and carry the Appeasers dirty water , it will not work.. Americans are sick to death of you Zombies blaming and defering to Boooooooooooooosh for every single thing.. YOU LIBERALS pushed the ARAB SPRING and betrayed an ALLY, Mubrarak.. When people stated their concerns about the Muslim Brotherhood, you liberals and your leftist media made fun of them, mocked them.. NOW LOOK... ON YOUR WATCH..

You're yammering about a time frame, 24 hours.

It took the Bush administration a good deal longer then that to respond to a larger attack that occurred domestically.

And even longer then that to respond in a meaningful way.

So when you start talking about response..there have to be benchmarks to use as a comparison.

And the whole "Arab Spring" thing is what Bush was trying to do..wasn't it? Encourage Democratically elected governments to take root in the region. So that wasn't his goal?

Are you guys lying when you state that you want Democracy in the world?
How long did it take Bush to react after 9/11? That was an attack on the homeland..not on foreign soil. It was also a great many more people that got killed.

A United States embassy, regardless of it's location is considered American soil and sovereignty.. President Bush was suppose to get up and scream in front of school age kids??? Jets were scrambled and the President was protected being flown to different locations not knowing where and when the next terror attack would take place but you know all of this.. No one has ever accused George Bush of not handling the entire day of 9-11 and shortly thereafter very Presidential and with great dignity.. If this is all you have to try and carry the Appeasers dirty water , it will not work.. Americans are sick to death of you Zombies blaming and defering to Boooooooooooooosh for every single thing.. YOU LIBERALS pushed the ARAB SPRING and betrayed an ALLY, Mubrarak.. When people stated their concerns about the Muslim Brotherhood, you liberals and your leftist media made fun of them, mocked them.. NOW LOOK... ON YOUR WATCH..

You're yammering about a time frame, 24 hours.

It took the Bush administration a good deal longer then that to respond to a larger attack that occurred domestically.

And even longer then that to respond in a meaningful way.

So when you start talking about response..there have to be benchmarks to use as a comparison.

And the whole "Arab Spring" thing is what Bush was trying to do..wasn't it? Encourage Democratically elected governments to take root in the region. So was that wasn't his goal?

Are you guys lying when you state that you want Democracy in the world?

Booooooooooooooooooosh... Do you think your lies actually make a damn? LIAR

"Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward ... freedom will be defended." -- President George W. Bush, 9/11/01

At 9:30 a.m. on 9/11/01, after the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were attacked, President George W. Bush addressed the nation in a brief statement just 45 minutes after the first attack. The shaping of his new presidency was about to take a different direction as America entered in the war on terrorism with the President vowing to protect American citizens.
As we see his cult members were more outraged over Romney Speaking than what happend to our Embassy


Barack Obama Lashes Out at Mitt Romney: “He Likes to Shoot First and Aim Later” (Video)

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, September 12, 2012, 6:15 PM

Barack Obama lashes out at Islamists Mitt Romney: “He likes to shoot first and aim later.”
– Obama flings more rage at Romney than at the Islamists who murdered our ambassador.

Obama was much more subdued with his comments on Ambassador Stevens’ murder.
Via Special Report:
Obama Attacks Romney after US Ambassador Murdered: He Likes to Shoot First and Aim Later - YouTube

Romney spoke out against the Obama Administration after his embassy staff apologized to the Islamists over their attack on our embassy.

National Journal reported:

all of it here
Barack Obama Lashes Out at Islamists Mitt Romney: “He Likes to Shoot First and Aim Later” (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

And Obama likes to lead from behind. reacting to a crisis in a milquetoast way when he could be leading in a proactive manner to begin with if he would just pay attention to day to day affairs at the White House.
This is the interview on Telemundo with Obama.

So far these are the only questions he has answered and I'm sure they were all prepared ahead of time so Obama wouldn't stutter or do his usual series of "UUUUUUUUUUUUUH" driving the viewer up the wall.

This reporter actually said these events shouldn't be politicized.

If they aren't political events then what are they?

Is this war or politics?

I fail to see why this reporter assumes what all of this means.

Obama also took a shot at Romney toward the end acting like he nor his Administration ever makes a statement that they don't have to retract later.....flying in the face of reality.

It also proves that he's trying in a sly way to take the focus off of his failures and accuse Romney of being an amateur.

This is totally hilarious to hear.

It's exactly what the media is trying to show in a concerted effort leading one to believe that they're taking their orders from Obama himself.

[ame=]Obama Discusses Libya Attack And Mitt Romney Comments In Telemundo Interview 9/12/2012 - YouTube[/ame]
A United States embassy, regardless of it's location is considered American soil and sovereignty.. President Bush was suppose to get up and scream in front of school age kids??? Jets were scrambled and the President was protected being flown to different locations not knowing where and when the next terror attack would take place but you know all of this.. No one has ever accused George Bush of not handling the entire day of 9-11 and shortly thereafter very Presidential and with great dignity.. If this is all you have to try and carry the Appeasers dirty water , it will not work.. Americans are sick to death of you Zombies blaming and defering to Boooooooooooooosh for every single thing.. YOU LIBERALS pushed the ARAB SPRING and betrayed an ALLY, Mubrarak.. When people stated their concerns about the Muslim Brotherhood, you liberals and your leftist media made fun of them, mocked them.. NOW LOOK... ON YOUR WATCH..

You're yammering about a time frame, 24 hours.

It took the Bush administration a good deal longer then that to respond to a larger attack that occurred domestically.

And even longer then that to respond in a meaningful way.

So when you start talking about response..there have to be benchmarks to use as a comparison.

And the whole "Arab Spring" thing is what Bush was trying to do..wasn't it? Encourage Democratically elected governments to take root in the region. So was that wasn't his goal?

Are you guys lying when you state that you want Democracy in the world?

Booooooooooooooooooosh... Do you think your lies actually make a damn? LIAR

"Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward ... freedom will be defended." -- President George W. Bush, 9/11/01

At 9:30 a.m. on 9/11/01, after the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were attacked, President George W. Bush addressed the nation in a brief statement just 45 minutes after the first attack. The shaping of his new presidency was about to take a different direction as America entered in the war on terrorism with the President vowing to protect American citizens.

If your so proud of him why was he NEVER mentioned and not invited to your convention?
Look at the right scramble to defend mitty.

they hated him a couple of months ago and will hate him again in a couple of months.

right wing loyalty is so fickle
You're yammering about a time frame, 24 hours.

It took the Bush administration a good deal longer then that to respond to a larger attack that occurred domestically.

And even longer then that to respond in a meaningful way.

So when you start talking about response..there have to be benchmarks to use as a comparison.

And the whole "Arab Spring" thing is what Bush was trying to do..wasn't it? Encourage Democratically elected governments to take root in the region. So was that wasn't his goal?

Are you guys lying when you state that you want Democracy in the world?

Booooooooooooooooooosh... Do you think your lies actually make a damn? LIAR

"Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward ... freedom will be defended." -- President George W. Bush, 9/11/01

At 9:30 a.m. on 9/11/01, after the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were attacked, President George W. Bush addressed the nation in a brief statement just 45 minutes after the first attack. The shaping of his new presidency was about to take a different direction as America entered in the war on terrorism with the President vowing to protect American citizens.

If your so proud of him why was he NEVER mentioned and not invited to your convention?

WTF are you goobing about?! Your fellow Zombie LIED his ass off trying to deflect to Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh.. I PROVED he's a liar and you come back with some insane shit about going to a convention?! PRICELESS.
I like Obama's response to this crisis.......send a Destroyer and 50 marines.

I remember when Bush Senior sent 20,000 marines to Mogadishu to protect the embassy there.
Why in the world would we apologize to them??

To bad the Marines didn't shoot to kill.

What Marines? There were no marines. Funding for the embassies was cut in 2009. Rather than marines, the embassy in Libya was protected by low paid Libyan hired security.
I like Obama's response to this crisis.......send a Destroyer and 50 marines.

I remember when Bush Senior sent 20,000 marines to Mogadishu to protect the embassy there.

obama is hoping that 50 marines will be torn apart by thousands of crazed Libyans armed with RPGs that WE paid for.
If Obby gets in again we're in for a long hard ride folks. Here and abroad.

He's a weak sister and a Muslim sympathizer. Plus, He hates America. and Jews. and Capitalism.
LoLing @ "Obama Lashed Out"...

You hard RWers are so biased and stupid that you don't even realize when you're running yourself off a cliff.


Every single conservative have HEAVILY criticized Romney for his stupid, reckless and dangerous remarks against the President.

Never in history has a sitting President been attacked for political reasons WHILE America was under attack.

Romney's proving more and more that he's just not fit for leadership.

Keep it up.

LOL, have you seen the economic reports this morning. Talk about myopia

besides if zero had 1 oz. of respect for the ambassador he would have stayed washington and suspended a day of campaigning.
I like Obama's response to this crisis.......send a Destroyer and 50 marines.

I remember when Bush Senior sent 20,000 marines to Mogadishu to protect the embassy there.

obama is hoping that 50 marines will be torn apart by thousands of crazed Libyans armed with RPGs that WE paid for.

Still, 50 marines sounds really impressive.

Are they going to take somebody out in a hostile city?

I remember during Black Hawk Down they had over 100 and they got their clocks cleaned.
As we see his cult members were more outraged over Romney Speaking than what happend to our Embassy


Barack Obama Lashes Out at Mitt Romney: “He Likes to Shoot First and Aim Later” (Video)

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, September 12, 2012, 6:15 PM

Barack Obama lashes out at Islamists Mitt Romney: “He likes to shoot first and aim later.”
– Obama flings more rage at Romney than at the Islamists who murdered our ambassador.

Obama was much more subdued with his comments on Ambassador Stevens’ murder.
Via Special Report:
Obama Attacks Romney after US Ambassador Murdered: He Likes to Shoot First and Aim Later - YouTube

Romney spoke out against the Obama Administration after his embassy staff apologized to the Islamists over their attack on our embassy.

National Journal reported:

all of it here
Barack Obama Lashes Out at Islamists Mitt Romney: “He Likes to Shoot First and Aim Later” (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

How many times did Obama shoot first and aimed later? :eusa_whistle:
As we see his cult members were more outraged over Romney Speaking than what happend to our Embassy


Barack Obama Lashes Out at Mitt Romney: “He Likes to Shoot First and Aim Later” (Video)

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, September 12, 2012, 6:15 PM

Barack Obama lashes out at Islamists Mitt Romney: “He likes to shoot first and aim later.”
– Obama flings more rage at Romney than at the Islamists who murdered our ambassador.

Obama was much more subdued with his comments on Ambassador Stevens’ murder.
Via Special Report:
Obama Attacks Romney after US Ambassador Murdered: He Likes to Shoot First and Aim Later - YouTube

Romney spoke out against the Obama Administration after his embassy staff apologized to the Islamists over their attack on our embassy.

National Journal reported:

all of it here
Barack Obama Lashes Out at Islamists Mitt Romney: “He Likes to Shoot First and Aim Later” (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

How many times did Obama shoot first and aimed later? :eusa_whistle:

In terms of foreign policy? None. He's been spot on.

Domestically? I'd say caving to Republicans early on was terrible. That came to a head when he extended the Bush tax cuts in 2010..which was a really bad mistake.

Other then that..he's been spot on domestically too.

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