Barack Obama Named Recipient of JFK Profile in Courage Award

But Obama didn't do anything the guy just copied off of bush economics
No, he actually did, with the Quantitative Easing program, though I think it would have been better to recapitalize the banks with a three pronged approach instead; 1) restore Glass Steagal, 2)give Americans a one time tax forgiveness for 2011 of about $12,000 per person, which would have fueled a huge economic growth for a while, and 3) broken up the big banks.

But I'll take a half a loaf when I can get it.

That was the feds, making money up out of thin air...

Who do you think has to pay interest on the make believe money?
The Noble Peace Prize lost all credibility when they selected Obama as its winner
Now John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award follows suit and looses all its credibility by giving the award to the same person
But Obama didn't do anything the guy just copied off of bush economics
No, he actually did, with the Quantitative Easing program, though I think it would have been better to recapitalize the banks with a three pronged approach instead; 1) restore Glass Steagal, 2)give Americans a one time tax forgiveness for 2011 of about $12,000 per person, which would have fueled a huge economic growth for a while, and 3) broken up the big banks.

But I'll take a half a loaf when I can get it.

That was the feds, making money up out of thin air...

Who do you think has to pay interest on the make believe money?

If the feds were still pumping in 85 billions of month today would you say thanks Trump?

It's fake Monopoly money

With interest in real dollars

We didn't lose wealth. We lost an inflated number. It was phantom wealth that was gained and lost.
Roshawn, you are a sharp guy and dont take this as an insult as I have a lot of respect for you.

Perceived wealth *IS* a form of wealth in that it can be used to get credit and then use that to capitalize more business expansion.

If my house is worth $400k and is $150k over what I owe on it, I can cash out some of that equity with a house refi and pay off high interest debts, start a business, etc.

But if my $400k house is instead appraised at $100k, I am in debt, underwater, and I cant do a damned thing but put in more over time.

Wealth does not have to be physical to be real; it can exist entirely in the minds of those who consider buying the commodity in question.
I understand all of that. But it all has to be backed by something fungible. If you cash out your house at an inflated price you still apply that money against real capital. Otherwise it's just a number. You have to buy at an inflated price and once the inflation air is let out of the capital you are back to amount of real fungible capital you started with.
Energy is fungible. It's real capital. It's treasure. It has essentially usurped gold. Obama outlawed treasure hunting.
Great news. :mm: :woohoo:

Barack Obama named recipient of JFK Profile in Courage Award

Former President Barack Obama was named the 2017 winner of the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award on Thursday for carrying on his fellow Democrat's legacy.

"President Kennedy called on a new generation of Americans to give their talents to the service of the country," Kennedy's daughter, Caroline Kennedy, said in a statement. "With exceptional dignity and courage, President Obama has carried that torch into our own time, providing young people of all backgrounds with an example they can emulate in their own lives."

Caroline Kennedy and her son, Jack Schlossberg, will present Obama with the award May 7 at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston.

We didn't lose wealth. We lost an inflated number. It was phantom wealth that was gained and lost.
Roshawn, you are a sharp guy and dont take this as an insult as I have a lot of respect for you.

Perceived wealth *IS* a form of wealth in that it can be used to get credit and then use that to capitalize more business expansion.

If my house is worth $400k and is $150k over what I owe on it, I can cash out some of that equity with a house refi and pay off high interest debts, start a business, etc.

But if my $400k house is instead appraised at $100k, I am in debt, underwater, and I cant do a damned thing but put in more over time.

Wealth does not have to be physical to be real; it can exist entirely in the minds of those who consider buying the commodity in question.
I understand all of that. But it all has to be backed by something fungible. If you cash out your house at an inflated price you still apply that money against real capital. Otherwise it's just a number. You have to buy at an inflated price and once the inflation air is let out of the capital you are back to amount of real fungible capital you started with.
Energy is fungible. It's real capital. It's treasure. It has essentially usurped gold. Obama outlawed treasure hunting.

Great news. :mm: :woohoo:

Barack Obama named recipient of JFK Profile in Courage Award

Former President Barack Obama was named the 2017 winner of the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award on Thursday for carrying on his fellow Democrat's legacy.

"President Kennedy called on a new generation of Americans to give their talents to the service of the country," Kennedy's daughter, Caroline Kennedy, said in a statement. "With exceptional dignity and courage, President Obama has carried that torch into our own time, providing young people of all backgrounds with an example they can emulate in their own lives."

Caroline Kennedy and her son, Jack Schlossberg, will present Obama with the award May 7 at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston.
The spineless one gets an award for courage. Only libs are that stupid.
But Obama didn't do anything the guy just copied off of bush economics
No, he actually did, with the Quantitative Easing program, though I think it would have been better to recapitalize the banks with a three pronged approach instead; 1) restore Glass Steagal, 2)give Americans a one time tax forgiveness for 2011 of about $12,000 per person, which would have fueled a huge economic growth for a while, and 3) broken up the big banks.

But I'll take a half a loaf when I can get it.

That was the feds, making money up out of thin air...

Who do you think has to pay interest on the make believe money?

If the feds were still pumping in 85 billions of month today would you say thanks Trump?

It's fake Monopoly money

With interest in real dollars


Great news. :mm: :woohoo:

Barack Obama named recipient of JFK Profile in Courage Award

Former President Barack Obama was named the 2017 winner of the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award on Thursday for carrying on his fellow Democrat's legacy.

"President Kennedy called on a new generation of Americans to give their talents to the service of the country," Kennedy's daughter, Caroline Kennedy, said in a statement. "With exceptional dignity and courage, President Obama has carried that torch into our own time, providing young people of all backgrounds with an example they can emulate in their own lives."

Caroline Kennedy and her son, Jack Schlossberg, will present Obama with the award May 7 at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston.

Great for President Obama, well deserved. I think you'll continue to see him win various awards for his work as president. Bringing the entire world back from the brink of a world-wide economic depression and single-handedly saving the US auto industry are noteworthy enough. But the list is much longer of his accomplishments.

Trump is due to go to a ward soon one would think as well.

I have some foil covered cardboard awards my kids made for me when they were kidlins.
Those have more meaning and value than anything trotted out for Obama the America hater

To you they probably do and should. They're your kids.

To the rest of the adult world they don't. Sorry.

Wait till the RWNJ Pooting lovers find out this is just a front for rounding up trump voters and dumping them in those FEMA aka Jade Helm camps.

If they're smart (LOL), they won't put toes guns away ...


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President Obama is the third president to receive this award. Ford and Bush, Sr. were the other two.
A giant fart noise on his award

And from the grave in Arlington came a massive fart that was ignited by the eternal frame and lit up the sky so brilliantly that people in Richmond thought The British were, once again, burning Washington.

It also blew out the eternal flame
Look at all the ^^^ RWNJ Pootarian traitors^^^ who benefited from the 8 years of Obama being president. And they will continue to benefit for the rest of their lives.

Are they stupid? Very wealthy? Or just so completely invested in their own willful ignorance.

When the Dems are back in power, schools will go back to teaching critical thinking.

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So ya put on your beauty and the beast costume ehhh.
Great news. :mm: :woohoo:

Barack Obama named recipient of JFK Profile in Courage Award

Former President Barack Obama was named the 2017 winner of the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award on Thursday for carrying on his fellow Democrat's legacy.

"President Kennedy called on a new generation of Americans to give their talents to the service of the country," Kennedy's daughter, Caroline Kennedy, said in a statement. "With exceptional dignity and courage, President Obama has carried that torch into our own time, providing young people of all backgrounds with an example they can emulate in their own lives."

Caroline Kennedy and her son, Jack Schlossberg, will present Obama with the award May 7 at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston.
2nd Corinthians 10:12
What a world to live in where Stephen Hawking says something you don't like and he instantly becomes 'an idiot', or a president you don't like wins the Nobel Prize and now the JFK Award and you still don't like him and the awards are now meaningless. This is rejection of the world as it is in favor of a world that does not exist.

How does a mind come to a place where what it believes, no matter if proven wrong over and over, is held above reality? Hatred taken to such extremes are what Isis is all about and all the worst dictators of the past.
What a world to live in where Stephen Hawking says something you don't like and he instantly becomes 'an idiot', or a president you don't like wins the Nobel Prize and now the JFK Award and you still don't like him and the awards are now meaningless. This is rejection of the world as it is in favor of a world that does not exist.

How does a mind come to a place where what it believes, no matter if proven wrong over and over, is held above reality? Hatred taken to such extremes are what Isis is all about and all the worst dictators of the past.

Because he was nominated for a Nobel prize, for not doing anything... just because they thought he was going to be the "Messiah"

And God knows why he deserved this award..

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