Barack Obama Named Recipient of JFK Profile in Courage Award

Great news. :mm: :woohoo:

Barack Obama named recipient of JFK Profile in Courage Award

Former President Barack Obama was named the 2017 winner of the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award on Thursday for carrying on his fellow Democrat's legacy.

"President Kennedy called on a new generation of Americans to give their talents to the service of the country," Kennedy's daughter, Caroline Kennedy, said in a statement. "With exceptional dignity and courage, President Obama has carried that torch into our own time, providing young people of all backgrounds with an example they can emulate in their own lives."

Caroline Kennedy and her son, Jack Schlossberg, will present Obama with the award May 7 at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston.
Another unwarranted bullshit honor.
What a world to live in where Stephen Hawking says something you don't like and he instantly becomes 'an idiot', or a president you don't like wins the Nobel Prize and now the JFK Award and you still don't like him and the awards are now meaningless. This is rejection of the world as it is in favor of a world that does not exist.

How does a mind come to a place where what it believes, no matter if proven wrong over and over, is held above reality? Hatred taken to such extremes are what Isis is all about and all the worst dictators of the past.
What did he do to earn the Nobel peace prize award? Answer that Lib.
Another empty award for the worst President ever.

*yawn* :dunno:
Oh, c'mon now. Barry's carrying on the legacy of the phony Kennedy Camelot bullshit by accepting the Profile in Courage Award, named after JFK's ghostwritten book.
And all you haters will not even be a footnote in history, whereas President Obama will be remembered as the President that prevented the Second Great Republican Depression.
You've got things a bit mixed up asshole.
In fact the 'Second Great Depression" has already begun..............among Obama and Hillary's asslickers. It started on the evening of Trump's election victory.
When President Trump steps down in four years Ivanka WILL become the First Female President. She will serve eight years.
The fucking DEMs are going to drink a Lake Superior size bottle of antidepressants in the next 12 years.
Yet another previously prestigious award, rendered utterly meaningless, to all who would receive it hereafter...

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