Barbara Listing, Anti-Abortion Leader, Calls Rape And Incest "Accidents"


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Barbara Listing, Anti-Abortion Leader, Compares Rape And Incest To Car Accidents, Floods

The head of a pro-life group in Michigan made a controversial comparison on Wednesday, arguing that women in the state should be forced to pay extra for health insurance that covers abortions, even in cases of rape or incest.

"It's simply, like, nobody plans to have an accident in a car accident, nobody plans to have their homes flooded. You have to buy extra insurance for those," Barbara Listing, president of Right to Life of Michigan, told reporters on Wednesday when asked about the exceptions.

[ame=]Anti-choice radicals compare rape to a car accident - YouTube[/ame]

According to this sick woman, Rape is an accident and women who expect to be raped need to buy extra insurance.

Watch the video and you'll see that the old George Carlin saying is true:

Why, why, why, why is it that most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place, huh? Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked.
It never fails when abortion is brought up, some pro-abortion rube throws up the "rape and incest" thing to distract from the million-plus abortions each year which have nothing to do with rape and incest.

They use the rape and incest victims as human shields to hide all the bodies. A very sickening tactic.

Here is the real issue they don't want you to pay any attention to:
Pro-abortionists want everyone to pay for their abortions by making abortion coverage part of the basic package of health insurance. So a woman who would never have an abortion is forced to subsidize an abortion for a woman who doesn't have the common sense to use birth control. The woman who would never get an abortion has to pay higher premiums so the careless bitch doesn't have to pay her full freight for her irresponsibility.

You want to fuck around and be careless and end up with an unwanted pregnancy, and then you expect EVERYONE ELSE to help pay the price for that ahead of time? That takes some serious fucking nerve.

So, hey. Let's use victims of RAPE as human shields to distract from this! Sooner or later, some pro-lifer will say something stupid which will divert all attention away from the actual issue. And we'll put THAT on the show. WORKS EVERY TIME!
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WTF??? These actions are a personal sick choice to hurt another human being. Wtf is wrong with people these days.
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The solution is very simple. Abortions which are the result of rape or incest can be covered by the basic package. That will raise premiums for everyone by about .00000001 cents.

Any other abortion coverage will cost you extra.
Like everyone doesn't know the millions of abortions are done strictly for birth control after they went and screwed up..

But why not when you have Planned Parenthood making abortion seem like it's a walk in the park...they don't care that a woman suffers guilt AFTERWARD sometimes for YEARS..

so they throw up this rape and incest to try and shut people up...
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I knew that if Nutbush posted something it had to be a lie. Sure enough. The person did not call rape and incest an accident. That was a lie. She did make the point that rape and incest are unforeseeable events that cannot be planned for. Which is what insurance is supposed to cover. So she is right. And Nutbush is full of shit. Big surprise.
"It's simply, like, nobody plans to have an accident in a car accident, nobody plans to have their homes flooded. You have to buy extra insurance for those," Barbara Listing, president of Right to Life of Michigan, told reporters on Wednesday when asked about the exceptions.

One has a right to privacy, one does not have the right to drive a car, consequently one can be required to purchase insurance accordingly.

This ‘argument’ fails not only because it compares two dissimilar things, but because this is a clear attempt to enact a de facto ban on abortion by making health insurance too expensive to obtain the procedure.

No one is ‘hiding behind’ rape or incest, it’s perfectly appropriate to be critical of those who seek to compel women to give birth to children they do not want, particularly in the context of rape or incest.
"It's simply, like, nobody plans to have an accident in a car accident, nobody plans to have their homes flooded. You have to buy extra insurance for those," Barbara Listing, president of Right to Life of Michigan, told reporters on Wednesday when asked about the exceptions.

One has a right to privacy, one does not have the right to drive a car, consequently one can be required to purchase insurance accordingly.

This ‘argument’ fails not only because it compares two dissimilar things, but because this is a clear attempt to enact a de facto ban on abortion by making health insurance too expensive to obtain the procedure.

No one is ‘hiding behind’ rape or incest, it’s perfectly appropriate to be critical of those who seek to compel women to give birth to children they do not want, particularly in the context of rape or incest.

You dont have a right to be raped. The privacy argument is nonsense. Rape entails a cost to society thus it is appropriate to mandate insurance for it.
"It's simply, like, nobody plans to have an accident in a car accident, nobody plans to have their homes flooded. You have to buy extra insurance for those," Barbara Listing, president of Right to Life of Michigan, told reporters on Wednesday when asked about the exceptions.

One has a right to privacy, one does not have the right to drive a car, consequently one can be required to purchase insurance accordingly.

This ‘argument’ fails not only because it compares two dissimilar things, but because this is a clear attempt to enact a de facto ban on abortion by making health insurance too expensive to obtain the procedure.

No one is ‘hiding behind’ rape or incest, it’s perfectly appropriate to be critical of those who seek to compel women to give birth to children they do not want, particularly in the context of rape or incest.

The skanks have dragged their vaginas into the public square, demanding virtuous women be forced to pay higher premiums to subsize the irresponsible behavior of others. They want government intervention in their crotches. They want the government all up in their twats, working side by side with them to pay for their carelessness. They want money, honey, for fucking up.

These skanks have no moral qualms about abusing society's most tragic victims to accomplish this. And their argument is easily shut down by agreeing to pay for the abortions of rape and incest victims, as that is a near zero cost.

Then you will hear the real howling, because that is not what they actually want. They want their irresponsible behavior subsidized. They don't give a shit about rape and incest victims except as human shields to get what they actually came for.
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H-Nutt thinks that some ill-spoken anti-abortionists represent most anti-abortionists.
He's a useless tool.
No woman should have to pay to abort a fetus conceived from rape. Its punishing her all over again.
This is tantamount to requiring a prospective rapist to purchase a prepaid legal plan in the event they got arrested. This woman is a fool.
No woman should have to pay to abort a fetus conceived from rape. Its punishing her all over again.

ok, you pay for it then..

and notice they HAVE to call IT a fetus..can't call it a baby
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No woman should have to pay to abort a fetus conceived from rape. Its punishing her all over again.

ok, you pay for it then..

and notice they HAVE to call IT a fetus..can't call it a baby

I have to assume you would want to force a rape victim to give birth to her rape baby?

No, I rather force you to PAY FOR IT..
I'm done with this stupid crap, many damn threads have you people MILKED on this already
no shame in any of you PRO-ABORTION people
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ok, you pay for it then..

and notice they HAVE to call IT a fetus..can't call it a baby

I have to assume you would want to force a rape victim to give birth to her rape baby?

No, I rather force you to PAY FOR IT..
I'm done with this stupid crap, many damn threads have you people MILKED on this already
no shame in any of you PRO-ABORTION people

Answer the question - are you okay with a rape victim getting an abortion?

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