Barbara Listing, Anti-Abortion Leader, Calls Rape And Incest "Accidents"

No woman should have to pay to abort a fetus conceived from rape. Its punishing her all over again.

Huh? By that logic, if someone is stabbed during a mugging, s/he shouldn't have to pay for his/her medical care because that's punishimg him/her all over again. Abortion is a medical most cases an elective medical procedure...and shouldn't be treated any differently than any other medical procedure.

And what exactly do you think a rape victim is punished for when she's raped? I find the concept of rape as punishment to be odd.
No woman should have to pay to abort a fetus conceived from rape. Its punishing her all over again.

Huh? By that logic, if someone is stabbed during a mugging, s/he shouldn't have to pay for his/her medical care because that's punishimg him/her all over again. Abortion is a medical most cases an elective medical procedure...and shouldn't be treated any differently than any other medical procedure.

And what exactly do you think a rape victim is punished for when she's raped? I find the concept of rape as punishment to be odd.

They dont get it. Somehow the medical costs associated with rape are somehow different from any other medical costs caused by unforeseen events.
It never fails when abortion is brought up, some pro-abortion rube throws up the "rape and incest" thing to distract from the million-plus abortions each year which have nothing to do with rape and incest.

They use the rape and incest victims as human shields to hide all the bodies. A very sickening tactic.

Here is the real issue they don't want you to pay any attention to:
Pro-abortionists want everyone to pay for their abortions by making abortion coverage part of the basic package of health insurance. So a woman who would never have an abortion is forced to subsidize an abortion for a woman who doesn't have the common sense to use birth control. The woman who would never get an abortion has to pay higher premiums so the careless bitch doesn't have to pay her full freight for her irresponsibility.

You want to fuck around and be careless and end up with an unwanted pregnancy, and then you expect EVERYONE ELSE to help pay the price for that ahead of time? That takes some serious fucking nerve.

So, hey. Let's use victims of RAPE as human shields to distract from this! Sooner or later, some pro-lifer will say something stupid which will divert all attention away from the actual issue. And we'll put THAT on the show. WORKS EVERY TIME!

It never fails. When abortion is brought up, some anti-BASIC FREEDOM ignorant yahoo shows up to tell the same old lie rw that pro-BASIC FREEDOM libs want someone else to pay for their health care, including abortions.

Abortion should be available, on demand and (is and) should be the complete responsibility of the woman getting the abortion.

As it stands now, abortion is LEGAL (as it should be) but, thanks to Republicans, is often the financial responsibility of the tax payer. Force rw's to pay for their own abortions and other health care. Stupid rw's hate Mexican illegals but are in favor of American tax payers paying for their abortions and baby deliveries. Repeal the socialistic EMTALA rammed down our throats by Ronnie Ray-Gun.
Rape and incest are crimes. A person can insure against crime, they just have to pay for insurance. When your car is stolen you don't get to run to taxpayers to pay for your loss, you get insurance. If you have homeowner's insurance that will pay for your losses, provided you have that coverage.
No woman should have to pay to abort a fetus conceived from rape. Its punishing her all over again.

That is fine. I have absolutely no problem with rape coverage being part of a basic healthcare package. That kind of abortion is such a rare occurrence, it is virtually a zero cost for everyone to share in.

But that is not what the skanks really want. They want THEIR abortions to be paid for, too. They want everyone else to subsidize their careless, irresponsible behavior.

These assholes have no moral qualms whatsoever. They will use crime victims as human shields, and they will blackmail everyone to get what they want. "Pay for my reckless behavior or I will crank out babies you will have to pay welfare for."

This is the level of sickness and depravity to which these skanks have sunk. Such behavior should not be encouraged by the government.
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But that is not what the skanks really want. They want THEIR abortions to be paid for, too. They want everyone else to subsidize their careless, irresponsible behavior.

The fathers in these cases were not careless or irresponsible? And let's say the baby is born....who is going to pay for the baby then?
The solution is very simple. Abortions which are the result of rape or incest can be covered by the basic package. That will raise premiums for everyone by about .00000001 cents.

Any other abortion coverage will cost you extra.

I would add any abortion required due to an actual medical condition.

If its for post birth control however, pay out of your own pocket, or find some charitable group that will do it for you for free.
But that is not what the skanks really want. They want THEIR abortions to be paid for, too. They want everyone else to subsidize their careless, irresponsible behavior.

The fathers in these cases were not careless or irresponsible? And let's say the baby is born....who is going to pay for the baby then?

And there it is! The very blackmail of which I JUST SPOKE.

"Pay for my reckless behavior or I will crank out babies you will have to pay welfare for."

This sick, depraved thinking is now an automatic reflex! And that is because the government has encouraged this.
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No, she didn't call rape an accident. Democrat propagandists achieve a new low. It's almost a daily thing now.
"It's simply, like, nobody plans to have an accident in a car accident, nobody plans to have their homes flooded. You have to buy extra insurance for those," Barbara Listing, president of Right to Life of Michigan, told reporters on Wednesday when asked about the exceptions.

One has a right to privacy, one does not have the right to drive a car, consequently one can be required to purchase insurance accordingly.

This ‘argument’ fails not only because it compares two dissimilar things, but because this is a clear attempt to enact a de facto ban on abortion by making health insurance too expensive to obtain the procedure.

No one is ‘hiding behind’ rape or incest, it’s perfectly appropriate to be critical of those who seek to compel women to give birth to children they do not want, particularly in the context of rape or incest.

You dont have a right to be raped. The privacy argument is nonsense. Rape entails a cost to society thus it is appropriate to mandate insurance for it.

Anything that costs society is insurable? Where did you go to school?
As for "the fathers in these cases", you own depraved lack of morals (or "values" as liberals like to call them these days) and carelessness, led to this. Why are you pretending to be upset "the fathers in these cases" are behaving entirely as should be expected in the environment you have so laboriously designed?
But that is not what the skanks really want. They want THEIR abortions to be paid for, too. They want everyone else to subsidize their careless, irresponsible behavior.

The fathers in these cases were not careless or irresponsible? And let's say the baby is born....who is going to pay for the baby then?

You should, since it seems you want to assume responsibility for it.
According to the Guttmacher Institute, half of all abortions are the result of no birth control of any kind being used during sex.

And these irresponsible fools want us to encourage that behavior by paying for their entirely preventable outcomes.

Is it any wonder they use rape victims as human shields to conceal their recklessness? This is an open admission they have no moral leg to stand on, and so they must smear themselves in the blood of innocents and cry, "FOUL!!!!"
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But that is not what the skanks really want. They want THEIR abortions to be paid for, too. They want everyone else to subsidize their careless, irresponsible behavior.

The fathers in these cases were not careless or irresponsible? And let's say the baby is born....who is going to pay for the baby then?

And there it is! The very blackmail of which I JUST SPOKE.

"Pay for my reckless behavior or I will crank out babies you will have to pay welfare for."

This sick, depraved thinking is now an automatic reflex! And that is because the government has encouraged this.

No, it's not the blackmail you spoke of. Fact: someone has to pay for either abortion or a baby. You clearly, and probably deliberately, missed where I was NOT in favor of treating abortion as any different from any other medical procedure.

But you seem insistant that no abortions occur and it is fact that the parents (well, parent, since you don't seem to think fathers should have any responsibility) are not always able to pay for raising a child.

So what is your solution? It's all well and good to have moral outrage, but it's completely useless in actually solving a problem. Telling someone they shouldn't have sex AFTER THE FACT doesn't really deal with the issue, does it?
As for "the fathers in these cases", you own depraved lack of morals (or "values" as liberals like to call them these days) and carelessness, led to this. Why are you pretending to be upset "the fathers in these cases" are behaving entirely as should be expected in the environment you have so laboriously designed?

That makes absolutely no sense. It appears to have been addressed to me, but bears absolutely no relationship to anything I've ever written. Please give the relevant quotes as to what environment you think I've designed.

Or admit you're just making shit up based on your personal bias.

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