Barcelona attack

Going off topic in a thread is not ok. Will Inreport you? No. But have common decency to post about another attack in its thread, instead of this one.

You have not read what others have been posting then or listening to the news.
We have said the attack in Charlottesville was horrific, but this thread is Not about Charlottesville.
Quit trolling this thread about the attack in Barcelona. There are threads dealing with Charlottesville.

Like it or not, can't-figure-out-how-to-use-the-quote-button boi, attacking logic is a valid argument. If this guy's religion is held as a causation ---- then James Fields' religion must be too.

You can't have it this way here and not have it this way there. That's Double Standard.

Don't like it? Get the laws of logic amended.

By the way I have people working on James Fields' religion right now. Amazing, incredible people. It's unbelievable what they've found.

I posted the other attack (the hostages) today in Spain in a new thread. Some Mod put it in here.

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I get a feeling we're now going to whiplash back to, "You can't blame a whole group for the actions of a few."
The Muslim's name is Driss Oukabi, a Moroccan Muslim.

Man suspected of renting van involved in Barcelona terror attack named by police

You going to keep pretending it is a Catalonian separatist so you can keep defending Islamic terrorists?


Number one --- I made no "pretense" of Catalonian separatism. I made no ass---- umption at all. The OP (Roudy) did that, and you just did it too. I simply stated evidence that that area experiences separatist activism. WITH LINKS. Which the OP did not.

Number two --- and this is the big one ---

I read your entire link. NOWHERE does it describe a "Moroccan Muslim". Or make any reference to religion at all.

You just do not get the concept of "ass-uming facts not in evidence" --- do ya? Where is it?

While you're on that ------------------- what's James Fields' religion?

I've made no ass-umptions here Spunky. YOU did that. NOR I might add have I posted anything about "islamic terrorists" on offense or defense, since that was not known (and still isn't). Again, YOU and your shit-stirring co-conspirators did that.


Sure Pogo, I'm sure he is a Moroccan Christian Refugee that decided to plow through tourists on behalf of a separatist movement.

I don't give a flying fuck what you're "sure" of. I asked you where your link says anything about the perp's religion -- or if he even has one.

To quote your term verbatim, "Moroccan Muslim". Where is it?

We sit, and we continue to wait.

Y'all narrowmined binary-bots continually give yourselves away. "Every person is either Democrat or Republican". "Every person has a religion". "Everyone born in Morocco has to be a Muslim".


-- and while you're hunting for some indication of the perp's religion you might as well know that's only Step One.

Step Two will be establishing "religion" as a causation in car attacks.

That's when we move on to James Fields.


It's a purely logical assumption that his motives were Islamic Jihad, there are very few other groups willing to kill people in such a manner.

What is bewildering is why you are so upset people would assume it is Muslims. They have a history of doing such attacks, but you like to give them the benefit of the doubt. You obviously have an Agenda to defend Islamists. ISIS is celebrating the attack, and you are here defending Islam.

Kind of funny you lefties have been accusing President Trump of "defending Nazis", yet here you are defending Muslims.

See last Saturday.
A 100% American (WN,KKK,Neo,RW-Gun Nutter) Jihad terrorist attacked a crowd with a car.
so , some common sense and a little bit of 'nation master' tells me and everyone else that 98 percent of 'moroccans' are 'sunni muslim' . --- Morocco Religion Facts & Stats --- so this terrorist in Spain is PROBABLY a muslim eh ??
Number one --- I made no "pretense" of Catalonian separatism. I made no ass---- umption at all. The OP (Roudy) did that, and you just did it too. I simply stated evidence that that area experiences separatist activism. WITH LINKS. Which the OP did not.

Number two --- and this is the big one ---

I read your entire link. NOWHERE does it describe a "Moroccan Muslim". Or make any reference to religion at all.

You just do not get the concept of "ass-uming facts not in evidence" --- do ya? Where is it?

While you're on that ------------------- what's James Fields' religion?

I've made no ass-umptions here Spunky. YOU did that. NOR I might add have I posted anything about "islamic terrorists" on offense or defense, since that was not known (and still isn't). Again, YOU and your shit-stirring co-conspirators did that.


Sure Pogo, I'm sure he is a Moroccan Christian Refugee that decided to plow through tourists on behalf of a separatist movement.

I don't give a flying fuck what you're "sure" of. I asked you where your link says anything about the perp's religion -- or if he even has one.

To quote your term verbatim, "Moroccan Muslim". Where is it?

We sit, and we continue to wait.

Y'all narrowmined binary-bots continually give yourselves away. "Every person is either Democrat or Republican". "Every person has a religion". "Everyone born in Morocco has to be a Muslim".


-- and while you're hunting for some indication of the perp's religion you might as well know that's only Step One.

Step Two will be establishing "religion" as a causation in car attacks.

That's when we move on to James Fields.


It's a purely logical assumption that his motives were Islamic Jihad, there are very few other groups willing to kill people in such a manner.

What is bewildering is why you are so upset people would assume it is Muslims. They have a history of doing such attacks, but you like to give them the benefit of the doubt. You obviously have an Agenda to defend Islamists. ISIS is celebrating the attack, and you are here defending Islam.

Kind of funny you lefties have been accusing President Trump of "defending Nazis", yet here you are defending Muslims.

See last Saturday.
A 100% American (WN,KKK,Neo,RW-Gun Nutter) Jihad terrorist attacked a crowd with a car.

Yup, and I've said all along that Islamists and Nazis are the same thing.
Going off topic in a thread is not ok. Will Inreport you? No. But have common decency to post about another attack in its thread, instead of this one.

Once again for the shortbus --- attacking a poster's own logic *IS* on the topic, and there's nothing you can do about that. Don't like it? Go change the laws of rhetorical argument. Not my prob.
Trump is President of Barcelona?
He never comments on overseas attacks?

Yeah he'll have to step around this one. It would put too much spotlight on his obsession with people not named "James Fields" .
I'm sure there were "fine people" involved as well.

I watched the same video you did, and those pedestrians were very violent. Why doesn't Fake News report that?
Oh I meant in the overseas attacks.

So did I. It's satire.
i mean , he11 , there is an attack and you hear the usual BS that the guy was off his meds , was distraught , was upset , was suicidal , was mentally deranged or some other silliness and you hear that BS from muslim apologists in these and USA government . Anyway , common sense says that this TERRORIST was muslim from 'morrocco' where 98 percent of 'morrocans' are muslim and he was on his mission outlined for him by 'mohamad' and 'islamic state' .
Sure Pogo, I'm sure he is a Moroccan Christian Refugee that decided to plow through tourists on behalf of a separatist movement.

I don't give a flying fuck what you're "sure" of. I asked you where your link says anything about the perp's religion -- or if he even has one.

To quote your term verbatim, "Moroccan Muslim". Where is it?

We sit, and we continue to wait.

Y'all narrowmined binary-bots continually give yourselves away. "Every person is either Democrat or Republican". "Every person has a religion". "Everyone born in Morocco has to be a Muslim".


-- and while you're hunting for some indication of the perp's religion you might as well know that's only Step One.

Step Two will be establishing "religion" as a causation in car attacks.

That's when we move on to James Fields.


It's a purely logical assumption that his motives were Islamic Jihad, there are very few other groups willing to kill people in such a manner.

What is bewildering is why you are so upset people would assume it is Muslims. They have a history of doing such attacks, but you like to give them the benefit of the doubt. You obviously have an Agenda to defend Islamists. ISIS is celebrating the attack, and you are here defending Islam.

Kind of funny you lefties have been accusing President Trump of "defending Nazis", yet here you are defending Muslims.

See last Saturday.
A 100% American (WN,KKK,Neo,RW-Gun Nutter) Jihad terrorist attacked a crowd with a car.

Yup, and I've said all along that Islamists and Nazis are the same thing.

Well, I hold the American types like KKK, American Nazi, WN, Neo's lower than them.
But hold pussy Gun Nutters below them all. As they start here.

Of 85 plus deadly US terror attacks since 9/11, far-right-wing extremists were/are
responsible for more dead, than Islamic extremists.
Omar Mateen was 100% America Born got 49 alone btw.
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I don't give a flying fuck what you're "sure" of. I asked you where your link says anything about the perp's religion -- or if he even has one.

To quote your term verbatim, "Moroccan Muslim". Where is it?

We sit, and we continue to wait.

Y'all narrowmined binary-bots continually give yourselves away. "Every person is either Democrat or Republican". "Every person has a religion". "Everyone born in Morocco has to be a Muslim".


-- and while you're hunting for some indication of the perp's religion you might as well know that's only Step One.

Step Two will be establishing "religion" as a causation in car attacks.

That's when we move on to James Fields.


It's a purely logical assumption that his motives were Islamic Jihad, there are very few other groups willing to kill people in such a manner.

What is bewildering is why you are so upset people would assume it is Muslims. They have a history of doing such attacks, but you like to give them the benefit of the doubt. You obviously have an Agenda to defend Islamists. ISIS is celebrating the attack, and you are here defending Islam.

Kind of funny you lefties have been accusing President Trump of "defending Nazis", yet here you are defending Muslims.

See last Saturday.
A 100% American (WN,KKK,Neo,RW-Gun Nutter) Jihad terrorist attacked a crowd with a car.

Yup, and I've said all along that Islamists and Nazis are the same thing.

Well, I hold the American types like KKK, American Nazi, WN, Neo's lower than them.
But hold pussy Gun Nutters below them all. As they start here.

Of course you would hold them lower than Islamists. Islamists are the biggest threat to Western civilization, so they are the highest on your pedestal.
The Muslim's name is Driss Oukabi, a Moroccan Muslim.

Man suspected of renting van involved in Barcelona terror attack named by police

You going to keep pretending it is a Catalonian separatist so you can keep defending Islamic terrorists?


Number one --- I made no "pretense" of Catalonian separatism. I made no ass---- umption at all. The OP (Roudy) did that, and you just did it too. I simply stated evidence that that area experiences separatist activism. WITH LINKS. Which the OP did not.

Number two --- and this is the big one ---

I read your entire link. NOWHERE does it describe a "Moroccan Muslim". Or make any reference to religion at all.

You just do not get the concept of "ass-uming facts not in evidence" --- do ya? Where is it?

While you're on that ------------------- what's James Fields' religion?

I've made no ass-umptions here Spunky. YOU did that. NOR I might add have I posted anything about "islamic terrorists" on offense or defense, since that was not known (and still isn't). Again, YOU and your shit-stirring co-conspirators did that.


Sure Pogo, I'm sure he is a Moroccan Christian Refugee that decided to plow through tourists on behalf of a separatist movement.

I don't give a flying fuck what you're "sure" of. I asked you where your link says anything about the perp's religion -- or if he even has one.

To quote your term verbatim, "Moroccan Muslim". Where is it?

We sit, and we continue to wait.

Y'all narrowmined binary-bots continually give yourselves away. "Every person is either Democrat or Republican". "Every person has a religion". "Everyone born in Morocco has to be a Muslim".


-- and while you're hunting for some indication of the perp's religion you might as well know that's only Step One.

Step Two will be establishing "religion" as a causation in car attacks.

That's when we move on to James Fields.


It's a purely logical assumption that his motives were Islamic Jihad, there are very few other groups willing to kill people in such a manner.

I just posted several of such groups including a map all over Spain. And how soon we forget Charlottesville.
Oh but wait, Charlottesville wasn't a "group". And yet this one has to be a "group".

There's that Double Standard yet again. OOOOpsie.

Say how's that investigation into James Fields' religion coming along? I understand it's a "causation" thing, so we gotta know.

What is bewildering is why you are so upset people would assume it is Muslims. They have a history of doing such attacks, but you like to give them the benefit of the doubt. You obviously have an Agenda to defend Islamists. ISIS is celebrating the attack, and you are here defending Islam.

I've made no mention of "Islam". Roudy did, and I questioned him on where he got it. He had no answer.

I have an agenda to attack bad logic And you're a low-hanging fruit tree. Note if you will that you still can't justify "the Muslim's name is--- a Moroccan Muslim". Because you pulled that out of your ass, twice. On the basis of nothing.

Now THAT is an agenda.

This is all flying way over your head isn't it.

Kind of funny you lefties have been accusing President Trump of "defending Nazis", yet here you are defending Muslims.

I haven't even mentioned "Muslims". I've simply called out the fact that you have. Again, on the basis of, say it with me ----- nothing.

Number one --- I made no "pretense" of Catalonian separatism. I made no ass---- umption at all. The OP (Roudy) did that, and you just did it too. I simply stated evidence that that area experiences separatist activism. WITH LINKS. Which the OP did not.

Number two --- and this is the big one ---

I read your entire link. NOWHERE does it describe a "Moroccan Muslim". Or make any reference to religion at all.

You just do not get the concept of "ass-uming facts not in evidence" --- do ya? Where is it?

While you're on that ------------------- what's James Fields' religion?

I've made no ass-umptions here Spunky. YOU did that. NOR I might add have I posted anything about "islamic terrorists" on offense or defense, since that was not known (and still isn't). Again, YOU and your shit-stirring co-conspirators did that.


Sure Pogo, I'm sure he is a Moroccan Christian Refugee that decided to plow through tourists on behalf of a separatist movement.

I don't give a flying fuck what you're "sure" of. I asked you where your link says anything about the perp's religion -- or if he even has one.

To quote your term verbatim, "Moroccan Muslim". Where is it?

We sit, and we continue to wait.

Y'all narrowmined binary-bots continually give yourselves away. "Every person is either Democrat or Republican". "Every person has a religion". "Everyone born in Morocco has to be a Muslim".


-- and while you're hunting for some indication of the perp's religion you might as well know that's only Step One.

Step Two will be establishing "religion" as a causation in car attacks.

That's when we move on to James Fields.


It's a purely logical assumption that his motives were Islamic Jihad, there are very few other groups willing to kill people in such a manner.

I just posted several of such groups including a map all over Spain. And how soon we forget Charlottesville.
Oh but wait, Charlottesville wasn't a "group". And yet this one has to be a "group".

There's that Double Standard yet again. OOOOpsie.

Say how's that investigation into James Fields' religion coming along? I understand it's a "causation" thing, so we gotta know.

What is bewildering is why you are so upset people would assume it is Muslims. They have a history of doing such attacks, but you like to give them the benefit of the doubt. You obviously have an Agenda to defend Islamists. ISIS is celebrating the attack, and you are here defending Islam.

I've made no mention of "Islam". Roudy did, and I questioned him on where he got it. He had no answer.

I have an agenda to attack bad logic And you're a low-hanging fruit tree. Note if you will that you still can't justify "the Muslim's name is--- a Moroccan Muslim". Because you pulled that out of your ass, twice. On the basis of nothing.

Now THAT is an agenda.

This is all flying way over your head isn't it.

Kind of funny you lefties have been accusing President Trump of "defending Nazis", yet here you are defending Muslims.

I haven't even mentioned "Muslims". I've simply called out the fact that you have. Again, on the basis of, say it with me ----- nothing.


Of course you won't mention Muslims, it's your job to deflect and pretend these terrorists aren't Muslims, and act outraged that anyone would have the gall to do so.
No way this could be an Islamic attack.
The odds just are not there.
Someone mowing people down using a vehicle? Naaaaah. When have Muslims ever done this?

Nowhere that I know of. Their religion is peace, kumbaya type stuff.

All religions are crimes against humanity.
You name a religion, I will show you the
dead approved by gods. One YUGE claim, was some
god killed everyone on the planet. But for a few,
like there was only one family of true believers. FFS!

Okay, confirmed 13 dead in the driver event.
They arrested one terrorist so far.
Seem to on the ISIS devotee. Is not that devoted.

And in the world TODAY, the problem is with the Islamic one.

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