Barney Frank Ruined The Economy - Fox News


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Jan 17, 2010
[ame=]Barney Frank Ruined The Economy - Fox News - YouTube[/ame]
Cenk's a shame he left MSNBC.

Great journalist.

Young Turks are nothing more than hacks, reporting half truths and half lies just for ratings and not about responsible journalism. Journalism is no longer objective reporting only subjective.
Young Turkish Whore isn't a news source. Fox is 100% correct!
(1) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Power: He pushed to give Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac the power to create a 2ndary market for mortgage. This way unscurplous companies like Ameriquest, First Franklin and New Century (along with the big banks), could write horrendous loans, make big upfront fees and then sell them off nearly instanteously without exposure to any risk.

(2) Community Reinvestment Act: Carter created this law and Reagan put the breaks on it. Along with Clinton and Dodds, this moron brought it back to life with put it on steriods. It force banks to lend a certain percentage of their to people on the lower spectrum side or they wouldn't get the tax benefits other banks got and would be hit with penalties. This would make them 100 fold less competitive. Therefore banks had to toss out their risk matrix and they did it.

(3) Protection of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: The man stated time and time again they are in perfect condition, when the liar knew they were in a ton of trouble. Name the largest losses a company has posted in US history. FM and FM in '08, FM and FM in '09, and FM and FM in '10! I can guarantee you will be able to round out the top five with FM and FM in '11 and '12! Yet he protected them!

(4) The Dodd/Frank Wall Street Act is a Fricking mess! Nuff said.

(5) Obaminationcare is going to cripple the economy in 2014 when it kicks in!

ACORN Housing Corp also made tons of Fannie, Freddie & HUD loans.

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