Barr Contempt Citation will be thrown out of Court.

Democrats are now threatening Mueller. They are losing their minds.

Remember for years he was the honorable special prosecutor Robert "dont call me Bobby" Muleller leader of the USMB loons...tic tock.."bob" like they spent weekend barbecues with him drinking Bud. Now? Silence. Or House of loons threaten to lock him up too! Lol!
Democrats are now threatening Mueller. They are losing their minds.

Remember for years he was the honorable special prosecutor Robert "dont call me Bobby" Muleller leader of the USMB loons...tic tock.."bob" like they spent weekend barbecues with him drinking Bud. Now? Silence. Or House of loons threaten to lock him up too! Lol!

Rush Limbaugh said it so many times. You can't be friends with these people. You are either with them or you are the enemy. That's the way they look at things.
Democrats are now threatening Mueller. They are losing their minds.

Remember for years he was the honorable special prosecutor Robert "dont call me Bobby" Muleller leader of the USMB loons...tic tock.."bob" like they spent weekend barbecues with him drinking Bud. Now? Silence. Or House of loons threaten to lock him up too! Lol!

Rush Limbaugh said it so many times. You can't be friends with these people. You are either with them or you are the enemy. That's the way they look at things.
They know they are at war with us and are behaving accordingly.
Democrats are now threatening Mueller. They are losing their minds.

Remember for years he was the honorable special prosecutor Robert "dont call me Bobby" Muleller leader of the USMB loons...tic tock.."bob" like they spent weekend barbecues with him drinking Bud. Now? Silence. Or House of loons threaten to lock him up too! Lol!

Rush Limbaugh said it so many times. You can't be friends with these people. You are either with them or you are the enemy. That's the way they look at things.
They know they are at war with us and are behaving accordingly.

Yes, but you would think they'd back down given who they are Fn with. There is no doubt crimes were committed by the last administration, and the smart thing to do would be not to piss off the people that are looking for the corruption.
Nadler is an idiot and his contempt citation will be thrown out of court.

Barr gave him full access to review the document he is saying he was not given access to. This will crash hard and fast as unfounded when it hits a judge.

Not only will it crash but the executive privilege and grand jury information is protected. Nadler has no right to access it in any form without violating the law.

The vote today was for idiots who have no concept of the law and think that Trump is guilty of some fantasy crime, which Mueller, 19 partisan hack attorneys and 35 million dollars couldn't find in 2 1/2 years.

When this flames out it will be a spectacular face plant for democrats right before elections..

Dumb ass democrats.
The law is only for Democrats. Not for Republicans. The day after the star report was released every member of Congress had a copy of it. The day after that Republicans in the House impeached Bill Clinton without a single hearing on the floor.

Why do Republicans get away with special treatment the Democrats aren’t allowed.?

And Democrats are crying why don’t we get the same treatment Republicans get and all they’re saying is let’s follow the law.

Republicans laugh at the law and piss on the constitution
Different times, different laws.
Schiff knew. Comey knew. Obama knew. Susan Rice knew. Biden knew. Brennan knew. Clapper knew. Peter Strzok knew. Lisa Page knew. Andrew McCabe knew. They all knew there was no evidence of collusion
Democrats must have a very low opinion of their constituents since they obviously feel comfortable feeding them absurd talking points like the need to hold Barr in contempt and the fantasy that we are somehow in a constitutional crisis. Only nincompoops would believe such nonsense.
True and they also turn everything into an emotional crisis because they don't have rationality on their side.
Schiff knew. Comey knew. Obama knew. Susan Rice knew. Biden knew. Brennan knew. Clapper knew. Peter Strzok knew. Lisa Page knew. Andrew McCabe knew. They all knew there was no evidence of collusion

Shup. I may put you on the list because you were a Bay area loon, now probably lying about LaPorte, Indiana? Fence rider, be forewarned.

And Oblamo knew, Beast knew.....Jaba knew. They invented it.
Why should I watch CNN???...............I'll wait for the court decision to see if we're still a nation of laws.
So what happens if a Federal Court finds Barr in contempt?

A Court would expect the DOJ to enforce that contempt citation. Barr is the head of the DOJ. How does that work?

That would be like the court ruling you to rob a McDonald's, and then have the prosecutor have you stand trial when you don't.
Nonsense. It would be like a judge finding the prosecutor guilty of contempt and having no one to enforce that

How do you hold one in contempt when they simply refuse to break the law? My scenario is exactly what's happening here.
The law says that Trump has to turn over his tax returns

The law says that Congress can get the full Mueller report (they even made an exception for the Grand Jury testimony)

The law does not say he has to turn over his tax returns. That is why you are an idiot and a lush!
The court creates the order and Barr has to follow it. But that is not going to happen as Nadler has no standing.

This moron studied law when reading the back of a Cheerio cereal box.

According to THIS idiot.....the ENTIRE House committee has "NO standing"...????

Trump was correct when he stated that he LOVES the poorly educated.
The minority (republican) leader went and reviewed the unredacted document. Why didn't Nadler? The whole committee does not have need or standing. Good luck with your unfounded witch hunt.
Are you aware of the restriction placed on Congress regarding that?

No notes. No discussion outside the "secret Mueller Report" room.

Are you kidding?

It is to prevent the loose lips libtards from sinking the ship of state!
Democrats must have a very low opinion of their constituents since they obviously feel comfortable feeding them absurd talking points like the need to hold Barr in contempt and the fantasy that we are somehow in a constitutional crisis. Only nincompoops would believe such nonsense.
They're just probably working stiffs trying to earn enough to make a decent life for their families and loved ones, and turn something else than the bad news stations. The ones most interested in the Party is getting all the goodies they're promised and believing whatever the DNC says about their enemies so they can get re-elected. That was confirmed to me when Maxine Waters suggested it was their duty to harass the President's staff members a couple of years ago. Just months before that, one of the DNC's followers took a gun to Republican Congressmen playing a ball game in a local ball park they rented to get some exercise and play ball to get away from all the hate laid on them by Democrats who were really angry their candidate didn't win and have engaged in some of the poorest sportsmanship I have ever seen Americans express since elementary school a long time ago. You'd expect kids not to know better until taught the principles of good sportsmanship, but it's a little stressful to see adults who are supposed to be leaders in the free world acting like kindergarteners throwing a tantrum when things didn't go their way. All who labor are laboring under some of the highest taxes ever imposed against the middle class from all the takers at city, county, state, and national levels, not to mention the expense they have of feeding, clothing and housing children, chauffeuring, and all the things parents do for their kids. I guess the alternatives to children are living life in a way they consider more fun without worrying about the needs of growing kids for 18 years or more, and dumping the elders who raised them to spend more time at the beach and on the slopes. I don't know the Democrat mind very well, but from what I see around here, I don't think I care to, with several stellar exceptions of liberals who are still gracious people. They remind me that not everyone on the loyal opposition are cruising to find some important Republican to take out with a gun, but actually have active minds and are interested in topics outside of Washington.
...if the government doesnt do something to bring the liberal crooks to justice, maybe there needs to be a vigilante posse formed. About 1 million armed citizens march on Washington DC and demand that the crooks be given up or else...
Damned funny stuff, this... silly buggers braying about vigilantes marching on the capital of the Republic.

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