Barr Contempt Citation will be thrown out of Court.

It appears that the Dims in Congress are making absolute fools of themselves:

Devastating: Liberal Law Professor Clinically Dismantles Democrats' Contempt Case Against Barr

Barr restricted access to the 98 percent disclosed report, as opposed to the 92 percent public report, due to the inclusion of evidence impacting ongoing prosecutions. He has offered to expand the number of members and staff to review that material but insists on it remaining protected. But this has nothing to do with the redactions. I t is the 2 percent solution to a major political dilemma of the left. Faced with a report that rejected the collusion theories of their running narrative, Democrats want to focus on those 2 percent of redactions rather than over 400 pages of findings. So Congress now will ask a court to find civil contempt for Barr refusing to release grand jury information. The District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals recently rejected a district court claim to have the “inherent supervisory authority” to disclose grand jury matters because of great public interest. To make matters worse, the Justice Department has now said the president has invoked executive privilege over the entire report, making this contempt claim even less likely to prevail over the long run.

Turley also recalls his own testimony before Congress during Barr's confirmation process, in which he stated that by asking Barr to preemptively pledge to release a completely unredacted version of the Mueller report, Democrats were literally asking the nominee to promise to violate the law : "As a witness, I testified that they were asking Barr to commit to a potential criminal act to secure his own confirmation. The report inevitably would contain some grand jury material, which under the law is information that cannot be publicly released without a court order. It is a crime to unveil such information." As he mentions in a bolded portion of the excerpt above, a powerful federal court recently fortified the precedent that secret grand jury records cannot be made public simply as a means of satisfying significant public interest. Absent following a process dictated by existing law, revealing such information is illegal. House Democrats are seeking to hold America's chief law enforcement officer in contempt of Congress for declining to commit a crime. Bold strategy.
Even the CNN reporters have said they are pissing up a rope... CNN is usually right in line with the current mantra from the left, even if its illegal or unlawful, so this must be a very weak position and an unlawful one which violates the standards of ethical conduct... This must be a last ditch effort to keep their lie alive and its going to face plant them..

Using ones position of power, in the government, to compel one to violate the law is itself a felony crime. It also violates their oath of office. I wonder if Nadler forgot these tid-bits of information?
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Devastating: Liberal Law Professor Clinically Dismantles Democrats' Contempt Case Against Barr

"This could do great harm, not to Barr, but to the House. It is the weakest possible case to bring against the administration, and likely to be an example of a bad case making bad law for the House...Barr promised to release as much of the report as possible, and he has delivered.

It is the 2 percent solution to a major political dilemma of the left. Faced with a report that rejected the collusion theories of their running narrative, Democrats want to focus on those 2 percent of redactions rather than over 400 pages of findings."

"Turley also recalls his own testimony before Congress during Barr's confirmation process, in which he stated that by asking Barr to preemptively pledge to release a completely unredacted version of the Mueller report, Democrats were literally asking the nominee to promise to violate the law: "As a witness, I testified that they were asking Barr to commit to a potential criminal act to secure his own confirmation."

--- Devastating: Liberal Law Professor Clinically Dismantles Democrats' Contempt Case Against Barr

BTW, Barr has NOT been held in 'Contempt'. To officially go into effect the entire House must successfully vote to do so.

There is a reason this has not happened. This is all part of the Democrats' treasonous Political Theater. Nancy P{elosi will NEVER allow a full House Vote on holding Barr in Contempt because she knows, just like Nadler, that they can not officially vote to hold the US AG in Contempt for NOT breaking the law.
Any bets that the courts reject the House subpoena? What do they do when the court tells the House that their subpoena is premature and that they need to negotiate in good faith. Then its time for the 2020 campaigns and they go back to their districts to campaign.
It appears that the Dims in Congress are making absolute fools of themselves:

Devastating: Liberal Law Professor Clinically Dismantles Democrats' Contempt Case Against Barr

Barr restricted access to the 98 percent disclosed report, as opposed to the 92 percent public report, due to the inclusion of evidence impacting ongoing prosecutions. He has offered to expand the number of members and staff to review that material but insists on it remaining protected. But this has nothing to do with the redactions. I t is the 2 percent solution to a major political dilemma of the left. Faced with a report that rejected the collusion theories of their running narrative, Democrats want to focus on those 2 percent of redactions rather than over 400 pages of findings. So Congress now will ask a court to find civil contempt for Barr refusing to release grand jury information. The District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals recently rejected a district court claim to have the “inherent supervisory authority” to disclose grand jury matters because of great public interest. To make matters worse, the Justice Department has now said the president has invoked executive privilege over the entire report, making this contempt claim even less likely to prevail over the long run.
Turley also recalls his own testimony before Congress during Barr's confirmation process, in which he stated that by asking Barr to preemptively pledge to release a completely unredacted version of the Mueller report, Democrats were literally asking the nominee to promise to violate the law : "As a witness, I testified that they were asking Barr to commit to a potential criminal act to secure his own confirmation. The report inevitably would contain some grand jury material, which under the law is information that cannot be publicly released without a court order. It is a crime to unveil such information." As he mentions in a bolded portion of the excerpt above, a powerful federal court recently fortified the precedent that secret grand jury records cannot be made public simply as a means of satisfying significant public interest. Absent following a process dictated by existing law, revealing such information is illegal. House Democrats are seeking to hold America's chief law enforcement officer in contempt of Congress for declining to commit a crime. Bold strategy.
Devastating? :cuckoo:
It appears that the Dims in Congress are making absolute fools of themselves:

Devastating: Liberal Law Professor Clinically Dismantles Democrats' Contempt Case Against Barr

Barr restricted access to the 98 percent disclosed report, as opposed to the 92 percent public report, due to the inclusion of evidence impacting ongoing prosecutions. He has offered to expand the number of members and staff to review that material but insists on it remaining protected. But this has nothing to do with the redactions. I t is the 2 percent solution to a major political dilemma of the left. Faced with a report that rejected the collusion theories of their running narrative, Democrats want to focus on those 2 percent of redactions rather than over 400 pages of findings. So Congress now will ask a court to find civil contempt for Barr refusing to release grand jury information. The District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals recently rejected a district court claim to have the “inherent supervisory authority” to disclose grand jury matters because of great public interest. To make matters worse, the Justice Department has now said the president has invoked executive privilege over the entire report, making this contempt claim even less likely to prevail over the long run.
Turley also recalls his own testimony before Congress during Barr's confirmation process, in which he stated that by asking Barr to preemptively pledge to release a completely unredacted version of the Mueller report, Democrats were literally asking the nominee to promise to violate the law : "As a witness, I testified that they were asking Barr to commit to a potential criminal act to secure his own confirmation. The report inevitably would contain some grand jury material, which under the law is information that cannot be publicly released without a court order. It is a crime to unveil such information." As he mentions in a bolded portion of the excerpt above, a powerful federal court recently fortified the precedent that secret grand jury records cannot be made public simply as a means of satisfying significant public interest. Absent following a process dictated by existing law, revealing such information is illegal. House Democrats are seeking to hold America's chief law enforcement officer in contempt of Congress for declining to commit a crime. Bold strategy.
Devastating? :cuckoo:
Did you even read it, shit for brains?

We all know you believe logic and facts are an indicator of insanity.
Nadler is an idiot and his contempt citation will be thrown out of court.

Barr gave him full access to review the document he is saying he was not given access to. This will crash hard and fast as unfounded when it hits a judge.

Not only will it crash but the executive privilege and grand jury information is protected. Nadler has no right to access it in any form without violating the law.

The vote today was for idiots who have no concept of the law and think that Trump is guilty of some fantasy crime, which Mueller, 19 partisan hack attorneys and 35 million dollars couldn't find in 2 1/2 years.

When this flames out it will be a spectacular face plant for democrats right before elections..

Dumb ass democrats.
Is suspect Fat Jerry won't even submit it to the Court, after all, the first thing the Judge is going to point out is that the law that forbids releasing Grand Jury information was written by Congress, and if Congress wanted to write an exception for their committee, they were free to do so then and free to do so now!

Democrats Are Being Real Stupid On Contempt, And The Nation Heartily Returns Their Contempt.

This constitutional crisis is just for show. Partly the Democrats want the show because it just feels good to bash the administration. “This has had a cathartic effect on the Democrats because we have finally been able to find a way to fight back at the obstructionism,” Representative Jamie Raskin said

Partly they are trying to appease the wing of the party that is calling for impeachment. It would be impossible to win a conviction in the Senate without overwhelming popular support — which doesn’t exist. It’s much better for the Democrats if they focus media attention on their presidential candidates. A Trump vs. Nadler media war is exactly what Trump wants.

The problem with any policy of appeasement is that it rarely appeases; it only emboldens. And that’s what’s happening. You can feel the atmosphere in the Democratic Party changing, getting more passionate, getting more caught up in the back-and-forth combat with Trump, getting more whipped up into impeachment furor.​

A bunch of needless “But Trump did it first!” stuff aside, when Brooks is right, he’s right.
One more pile of BS by NAT...

In addition to Barr, democrats are demanding that Mueller testify. He's refused. If democrats move for contempt against both Mueller and Barr it will be as good as conceding the election.
In addition to Barr, democrats are demanding that Mueller testify. He's refused. If democrats move for contempt against both Mueller and Barr it will be as good as conceding the election.

Just when you thought Democrats could never get lower, they do. Now they are trying to hold somebody in contempt for not following their instructions to break the law.

Democrat voters are just sheep, so they think their leaders have a valid case. Take note how not one leftist said that what the Democrats are doing is an over abuse of power and without a doubt, un-constitutioinal.

So for the next five or ten years, when the subject comes up, the sheep will be reminding us how Mueller and Barr refused to testify to protect Trump; a man who did nothing wrong.
In addition to Barr, democrats are demanding that Mueller testify. He's refused. If democrats move for contempt against both Mueller and Barr it will be as good as conceding the election.

Just when you thought Democrats could never get lower, they do. Now they are trying to hold somebody in contempt for not following their instructions to break the law.

Democrat voters are just sheep, so they think their leaders have a valid case. Take note how not one leftist said that what the Democrats are doing is an over abuse of power and without a doubt, un-constitutioinal.

So for the next five or ten years, when the subject comes up, the sheep will be reminding us how Mueller and Barr refused to testify to protect Trump; a man who did nothing wrong.
I will remind them how their infamous leaders wanted him to break the law by subpoena... And ask how they are going to square that with the law...
In addition to Barr, democrats are demanding that Mueller testify. He's refused. If democrats move for contempt against both Mueller and Barr it will be as good as conceding the election.
After 3 years of this insanity, we the public have earned the right to hold the Democrats in contempt of America.
Barr used his wisdom to not return to a Congress so bent on hurting Donald Trump they would do it by intimidating his staff. When Maxine Watters instructed her people to intimidate Trump's staff, she was told to stop it by her own party. Nadler is abusing his power also by going after the Executive Branch over his own party's vices, not Trump's. Trump was cleared of the collusion a very partisan Congress charged him with, and he was cleared of obstruction which was also a superfluous charge imposed on him by a hostile Partisan Congress that has been hostile to him since he won the nomination to the Oval Office. Before and after he was "cleared" of alleged crimes he did not commit, Democrats set one trap after another for him. It didn't work. This Democrat Congress is not honoring their involvement in the border crisis and have left Republicans with all the responsibilities of protecting the American public with a level of respite associated with puerile irresponsibility. It's their job to support national protection, and they have abdicated all duties except social ones with only each other and voters who supported them. Everybody else is still on Hillary Clinton's no-help list.

God bless America, and God help President Trump and his family who are innocent of the lies foisted on them by the former Democrat President, his Secretary of State, and members of the FBI who conspired with a British Spy to tap Russia for dirt on President Trump so they could ruin his chances for being elected President. :sleep:
Democrats must have a very low opinion of their constituents since they obviously feel comfortable feeding them absurd talking points like the need to hold Barr in contempt and the fantasy that we are somehow in a constitutional crisis. Only nincompoops would believe such nonsense.
Democrats must have a very low opinion of their constituents since they obviously feel comfortable feeding them absurd talking points like the need to hold Barr in contempt and the fantasy that we are somehow in a constitutional crisis. Only nincompoops would believe such nonsense.

And that's the whole idea right there: Only nincompoops would believe it.
Nadler is an idiot and his contempt citation will be thrown out of court.

Barr gave him full access to review the document he is saying he was not given access to. This will crash hard and fast as unfounded when it hits a judge.

Not only will it crash but the executive privilege and grand jury information is protected. Nadler has no right to access it in any form without violating the law.

The vote today was for idiots who have no concept of the law and think that Trump is guilty of some fantasy crime, which Mueller, 19 partisan hack attorneys and 35 million dollars couldn't find in 2 1/2 years.

When this flames out it will be a spectacular face plant for democrats right before elections..

Dumb ass democrats.
The law is only for Democrats. Not for Republicans. The day after the star report was released every member of Congress had a copy of it. The day after that Republicans in the House impeached Bill Clinton without a single hearing on the floor.

Why do Republicans get away with special treatment the Democrats aren’t allowed.?

And Democrats are crying why don’t we get the same treatment Republicans get and all they’re saying is let’s follow the law.

Republicans laugh at the law and piss on the constitution
In addition to Barr, democrats are demanding that Mueller testify. He's refused. If democrats move for contempt against both Mueller and Barr it will be as good as conceding the election.

Just when you thought Democrats could never get lower, they do. Now they are trying to hold somebody in contempt for not following their instructions to break the law.

Democrat voters are just sheep, so they think their leaders have a valid case. Take note how not one leftist said that what the Democrats are doing is an over abuse of power and without a doubt, un-constitutioinal.

So for the next five or ten years, when the subject comes up, the sheep will be reminding us how Mueller and Barr refused to testify to protect Trump; a man who did nothing wrong.
I will remind them how their infamous leaders wanted him to break the law by subpoena... And ask how they are going to square that with the law...

They will not respond to that; drive by sheep I call them. The Democrats have programed them to simply throw the allegation out there and run like hell when confronted. They are unaware that the Democrats are asking Barr to break the law as CNN and ilk will never mention that part. They'd have to tune into right-wing radio or Fox to learn those things. But they won't because we all know how Democrats hate the truth.
So, the swamp democrat circus about this hoax continues? Move on with your lives already! It's going on 3 years wasting time and tax payer money. The American people should be outraged from all this scheming going on.

We are. I am beyond outraged. How can we speed this nonsense up! The real criminals walk free why these degenerate scum (here) continue to falsely attack DJT.
So, the swamp democrat circus about this hoax continues? Move on with your lives already! It's going on 3 years wasting time and tax payer money. The American people should be outraged from all this scheming going on.

We are. I am beyond outraged. How can we speed this nonsense up! The real criminals walk free why these degenerate scum (here) continue to falsely attack DJT.

You can't speed it up. The whole idea is to drag this out to the next election or as close as the Democrats can get.

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