Barr Tells Congress Rats To Pound Sand

if Barr continues to distort and cover up for the president,

Barr may get disbarred...
if Barr continues to distort and cover up for the president,

Barr may get disbarred...
mueller report

I just liked the way it sounded... and rhymed!

Barr may give us a good portion of the mueller report, to where we will understand it.... but he may not....? my barr may get disbarred, goes with the scenario of shenanigans occurring and pages and pages of unnecessary blackout.
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Sure, Mueller and Rosenstein would just let Barr misrepresent them and say nothing. Maybe in your fantasy world.

Some on Mueller’s Team Say Report Was More Damaging Than Barr Revealed

By Nicholas Fandos, Michael S. Schmidt and Mark Mazzetti

April 3, 2019

WASHINGTON — Some of Robert S. Mueller III’s investigators have told associates that Attorney General William P. Barr failed to adequately portray the findings of their inquiry and that they were more troubling for President Trump than Mr. Barr indicated, according to government officials and others familiar with their simmering frustrations.

Now go jerk yourself off asshole.

That would be "your fantasy world", eh? What a sight...
Looks like Barr will be served a subpoena today

What will they do when he ignores it? Take it to the courts? The Law says what it says, and Barr is following it.

The laws do not apply to Congress. They have the duty of oversight of the executive branch and being able to subpoena those documents are a part of that oversight. This is not a active investigation anymore so there is no excuse for not allowing Congress to see them. They have the security clearances so that is not a issue.

You might want to check out the law and what IT says about keeping grand jury proceedings confidential before you breezily assert that "there's no reason". And security clearances are not the issue (not to mention that half of those media whores shouldn't have security clearances, because they can't be trusted to keep jack shit to themselves if they think they can score a headline).
the same law on grand jury testimony kept private from the public has been in place for decades if not centuries....

but the judiciary committee in their watergate investigation GOT ALL of the independent counsel investigation including grand jury testimony, when congress brought it to the courts.

Same with the Starr investigation, the courts ruled that the grand jury testimony, which according to the law was suppose to stay private, be released to congress....

we the people may not see grand jury testimony for years, though in the Starr investigation we got it near immediately, but Congress, who has oversight over the president and executive branch, will get it... guaranteed.

It's over.

You lost.

Go home.
Sure, Mueller and Rosenstein would just let Barr misrepresent them and say nothing. Maybe in your fantasy world.

Some on Mueller’s Team Say Report Was More Damaging Than Barr Revealed

By Nicholas Fandos, Michael S. Schmidt and Mark Mazzetti

April 3, 2019

WASHINGTON — Some of Robert S. Mueller III’s investigators have told associates that Attorney General William P. Barr failed to adequately portray the findings of their inquiry and that they were more troubling for President Trump than Mr. Barr indicated, according to government officials and others familiar with their simmering frustrations.

Now go jerk yourself off asshole.

That would be "your fantasy world", eh? What a sight...

It's over.

You lost.

Go home.
Attorney General Barr is going to wipe that grin off those liars' faces. He has to. They lied on President Trump for two full years. They gave him nothing but hell; now it's their turn to pay up. I saw one of the most honest lefties I know today telling how bad Trump was. That's how deep the lie went. They harassed his children in school, his family, beat up on his wife and said bad things about her. They lied their butts off about any involvement, and he kept telling people he did not collude as they charged. They spent FORTY MILLION DOLLARS PERPETRATING LIES THAT CAME FROM AN OBAMA DESK MEMO INSISTING ON GETTING TRUMP BUSTED BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE FOR A PERPETRATED LIE OUT OF HIS OWN PRESIDENT MEN'S IMAGINATION.

They're going to be wearing black and white stripes for the rest of their miserable, lying, calumnious creepy days. And nobody's going to be crying except their grandkids who had nothing to do with Grandpa's amusement crimes.
If they "lied their butts off", why are there a half-dozen of Trump's campaign officials in jail? Why did they all lie about contacts with the Russian's?
Obstruction of what? He's following the law, isn't he?

Barr is technically acting within the law. True. He is not however prevented by law from releasing the Report. He is taking advantage of the law (like the weasel lawyer he is) to obstruct the release of that report...just as he said he would in his job application letter to Trump.

A subpoena has just been issued by Congress and refusing to honor that subpoena will put him on the WRONG side of the law

"Technically within the law" is synonymous with "within the law." A number of laws prevent him from releasing the unredacted report. You already know what they are. It's actually Congress who is on the wrong side of the law. Barr can tell Congress to pound sand, and there isn't a thing they can do about it.
And one of Mueller best friends going back decades. Their families go on vacations together.
Barr stated at his confirmation hearing that he and Mueller were "close friends" and "when this is over Mueller and I and our families will still be close friends".
The LIBs have declared Mueller to be the "Gold Standard of integrity". So why is he still close friends with Barr?
By your dumb-ass reasoning that makes Mueller also a Trump puppet".
Not according to recent Mueller statements in an NYT report.
Obstruction of what? He's following the law, isn't he?

Barr is technically acting within the law. True. He is not however prevented by law from releasing the Report. He is taking advantage of the law (like the weasel lawyer he is) to obstruct the release of that report...just as he said he would in his job application letter to Trump.

A subpoena has just been issued by Congress and refusing to honor that subpoena will put him on the WRONG side of the law

"Technically within the law" is synonymous with "within the law." A number of laws prevent him from releasing the unredacted report. You already know what they are. It's actually Congress who is on the wrong side of the law. Barr can tell Congress to pound sand, and there isn't a thing they can do about it.
Absolutely false.

I'd ask you to cite those laws but you don't know what you're yammering about so that would be pointless
Attorney General Barr is going to wipe that grin off those liars' faces. He has to. They lied on President Trump for two full years. They gave him nothing but hell; now it's their turn to pay up. I saw one of the most honest lefties I know today telling how bad Trump was. That's how deep the lie went. They harassed his children in school, his family, beat up on his wife and said bad things about her. They lied their butts off about any involvement, and he kept telling people he did not collude as they charged. They spent FORTY MILLION DOLLARS PERPETRATING LIES THAT CAME FROM AN OBAMA DESK MEMO INSISTING ON GETTING TRUMP BUSTED BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE FOR A PERPETRATED LIE OUT OF HIS OWN PRESIDENT MEN'S IMAGINATION.

They're going to be wearing black and white stripes for the rest of their miserable, lying, calumnious creepy days. And nobody's going to be crying except their grandkids who had nothing to do with Grandpa's amusement crimes.
If they "lied their butts off", why are there a half-dozen of Trump's campaign officials in jail? Why did they all lie about contacts with the Russian's?
Not a one of Trump's alleged campaign officials colluded with Russia. What are the names of the six incarcerated individuals, please.
I'd post a nice diplomatic explanation of why Barr is redacting the report, and that it will be released in a few weeks, and that the dems' subpoena is worthless, but after the first 10x I'm just going to let the dem posters figure it out for themselves.
The House gets the redacted report when Barr sends it to them, period. Whine all you want until then.

The Congress is entitled to the full UNREDACTED report. It is part of their oversight duties.

"Oversight" doesn't mean that the House can run roughshod over the Executive.
The USSC will probably need to decide on the interpretation of the "Law vs oversight".
Barr will not provide the unredacted report until the USSC says they have to.
I'd post a nice diplomatic explanation of why Barr is redacting the report, and that it will be released in a few weeks, and that the dems' subpoena is worthless, but after the first 10x I'm just going to let the dem posters figure it out for themselves.
The House gets the redacted report when Barr sends it to them, period. Whine all you want until then.

The Congress is entitled to the full UNREDACTED report. It is part of their oversight duties.

Don't you, lush, and care4none EVER get tired of lying? The lying Dimbos are entitled to NOTHING. Learn the law, then maybe you won't look quite so stupid. By all means, all three of you keep lying and crying as we laugh at you. Poor Dimbos, getting nothing and being told to like it.

You are the lying little weasel. The Congress is entitled to any documents as they have the responsibility of oversight. You need to learn the law and about the Constitution. 77% of Trump supporters want the report publicly released Dumbo.
Looks like Barr will be served a subpoena today

What will they do when he ignores it? Take it to the courts? The Law says what it says, and Barr is following it.

The laws do not apply to Congress. They have the duty of oversight of the executive branch and being able to subpoena those documents are a part of that oversight. This is not a active investigation anymore so there is no excuse for not allowing Congress to see them. They have the security clearances so that is not a issue.

You might want to check out the law and what IT says about keeping grand jury proceedings confidential before you breezily assert that "there's no reason". And security clearances are not the issue (not to mention that half of those media whores shouldn't have security clearances, because they can't be trusted to keep jack shit to themselves if they think they can score a headline).

You might learn that there are numerous exceptions to this and Congress has access as part of their oversight. Watergate established the rights that Congress has to subpoena documents from the Executive branch.
I'd post a nice diplomatic explanation of why Barr is redacting the report, and that it will be released in a few weeks, and that the dems' subpoena is worthless, but after the first 10x I'm just going to let the dem posters figure it out for themselves.
The House gets the redacted report when Barr sends it to them, period. Whine all you want until then.

The Congress is entitled to the full UNREDACTED report. It is part of their oversight duties.

"Oversight" doesn't mean that the House can run roughshod over the Executive.
The USSC will probably need to decide on the interpretation of the "Law vs oversight".
Barr will not provide the unredacted report until the USSC says they have to.

Yes it does in regards to any document that is produced by the Executive Branch.
If the USSC follows the precedents established during Watergate, it will be released to Congress.
Barr will not be allowed to continue his coverup.
if Barr continues to distort and cover up for the president,

Barr may get disbarred...
mueller report

I just liked the way it sounded... and rhymed!

Barr may give us a good portion of the mueller report, to where we will understand it.... but he may not....? my barr may get disbarred, goes with the scenario of shenanigans occurring and pages and pages of unnecessary blackout.
YOU have NO idea what should and what should not be redacted you IDIOT! If YOUR name was mentioned in a Grand Jury proceeding b/c you worked at the AW cleaning the parking lot where Flynn bought his Teen burgers would YOU want your name to be made public?????????
Fucking DUMMY!
I'd post a nice diplomatic explanation of why Barr is redacting the report, and that it will be released in a few weeks, and that the dems' subpoena is worthless, but after the first 10x I'm just going to let the dem posters figure it out for themselves.
The House gets the redacted report when Barr sends it to them, period. Whine all you want until then.

The Congress is entitled to the full UNREDACTED report. It is part of their oversight duties.

"Oversight" doesn't mean that the House can run roughshod over the Executive.
The USSC will probably need to decide on the interpretation of the "Law vs oversight".
Barr will not provide the unredacted report until the USSC says they have to.

Yes it does in regards to any document that is produced by the Executive Branch.
If the USSC follows the precedents established during Watergate, it will be released to Congress.
Barr will not be allowed to continue his coverup.
I guess you are not aware that the law was changed, by the DEMs, after Bill Clinton was impeached.
There's lots of information about the change in the law available on Google.
I'd post a nice diplomatic explanation of why Barr is redacting the report, and that it will be released in a few weeks, and that the dems' subpoena is worthless, but after the first 10x I'm just going to let the dem posters figure it out for themselves.
The House gets the redacted report when Barr sends it to them, period. Whine all you want until then.

The Congress is entitled to the full UNREDACTED report. It is part of their oversight duties.

"Oversight" doesn't mean that the House can run roughshod over the Executive.
The USSC will probably need to decide on the interpretation of the "Law vs oversight".
Barr will not provide the unredacted report until the USSC says they have to.

Yes it does in regards to any document that is produced by the Executive Branch.
If the USSC follows the precedents established during Watergate, it will be released to Congress.
Barr will not be allowed to continue his coverup.
If you believe the SC is going to rule in favor of the AG releasing the unredacted Muller report to Congress you are fucking delusional.
They KNOW Shit For Brains would leak the report the NYT within 10 minutes of him getting a copy of the report.
So does everyone in Washington!

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