Barr Tells Congress Rats To Pound Sand

It was in fact Wiseman, not Mueller himself who tipped off CNN.
Wiseman's day is coming.
no, it wasn't....

Stone's team already brought that before the judge, with the prosecution showing the judge that their accusation's of Weisman was wrong, the initials on the data was because he wrote the court documents, not because he sent them to CNN.... this was ALREADY settled, in the court.... Plus, contrary to the accusation, the documents were not unsealed until the arrest began, per the court order on the sealed documents.
ROFL! You think that proves nobody on Mueller's team leaked the raid to CNN?
What it shows is that Stone has absolutely zero proof, that anyone leaked.
The fact that CNN showed up an hour before the FBI arrived and had plenty of time to set up their cameras is all the proof needed.

If you believe that you need to go back to grade school. Proof is required.
I just posted the proof. That's sufficient to start an investigation and issue subpoenas.
I've done PLENTY of research on it, and only in your right wing conspiracy circle jerk sites, are regurgitating uncorroborated bull crud....

Evidently NOT ENOUGH.

FBI Refuses Records Request For CNN Contacts Before Roger Stone Raid

FBI Rejects Request for Emails with CNN on the Day of Roger Stone Raid

FBI Refuses FOIA Request for Emails to CNN Before Roger Stone Arrest, Gives Nonsensical Excuse

"You’ll probably recall the
dramatic arrest of Roger Stone. For some reason the FBI (and Robert Mueller’s team) thought it necessary to act like they were taking down a drug kingpin, complete with SWAT teams and guns drawn. This was all highly unusual given Stone had no passport, was not a flight risk, and then was immediately released on bail anyway.

The indication here is that Mueller wanted to make a show of it. That appearance was reinforced by the magical attendance of a CNN news crew that just happened to know the exact day and time of the arrest.

While CNN made the ridiculous claim that they just got lucky"

Yeah, CNN JUST HAPPENED to have a full camera crew out driving around in Roger Stone's neighborhood when they noticed several FBI 'SWAT' vehicles being driven by heavily armored agents, followed them to Stone's House, and were the only media on-hand as the FBI 'took down' this highly dangerous criminal with such a display of force / power.

:laughing0301: :lmao:
It was in fact Wiseman, not Mueller himself who tipped off CNN.
Wiseman's day is coming.
no, it wasn't....

Stone's team already brought that before the judge, with the prosecution showing the judge that their accusation's of Weisman was wrong, the initials on the data was because he wrote the court documents, not because he sent them to CNN.... this was ALREADY settled, in the court.... Plus, contrary to the accusation, the documents were not unsealed until the arrest began, per the court order on the sealed documents.
Spin it anyway you want bitch. Someone tipped off CNN so they would be at Stone's house when the SWAT team arrived.
Some day that person will pay!
have at it, try to find this proof, that does not exist.

the night before the raid, the special counsel filed a sealed court document... the two other times they did this, was for Manafort and Cohen.

In the Manafort case, the following morning they showed up at his place, right at the breaking of dawn, with the search and arrest warrants.

In the Michael Cohen case, they showed up the next morning right before dawn, to raid his place with a search warrant.

Everyone, including me, knew this sealed court filing from the Mueller team was going to be for Stone.... Even Stone knew he was going to be indicted and served with a search warrant and he mentioned such a month earlier. We were ALL waiting for it, and waiting for it and waiting for it.... and when the secret sealed court filing happened the night before the raid, most of us thought and believed it was for Roger Stone.

CNN called their person down in Miami and asked them to go to Stone's house with their ONE camera man and set up before dawn and wait, in case it did happen.

And it did happen, and we all were right, that it was the Warrant for Stone.

If you can prove otherwise, then prove it..... don't just spew a bunch of garbage and conjecture and repeat the president's lies.... show you are correct.
I've done PLENTY of research on it, and only in your right wing conspiracy circle jerk sites, are regurgitating uncorroborated bull crud....

Evidently NOT ENOUGH.

FBI Refuses Records Request For CNN Contacts Before Roger Stone Raid

FBI Rejects Request for Emails with CNN on the Day of Roger Stone Raid

FBI Refuses FOIA Request for Emails to CNN Before Roger Stone Arrest, Gives Nonsensical Excuse

"You’ll probably recall the
dramatic arrest of Roger Stone. For some reason the FBI (and Robert Mueller’s team) thought it necessary to act like they were taking down a drug kingpin, complete with SWAT teams and guns drawn. This was all highly unusual given Stone had no passport, was not a flight risk, and then was immediately released on bail anyway.

The indication here is that Mueller wanted to make a show of it. That appearance was reinforced by the magical attendance of a CNN news crew that just happened to know the exact day and time of the arrest.

While CNN made the ridiculous claim that they just got lucky"

Yeah, CNN JUST HAPPENED to have a full camera crew out driving around in Roger Stone's neighborhood when they noticed several FBI 'SWAT' vehicles being driven by heavily armored agents, followed them to Stone's House, and were the only media on-hand as the FBI 'took down' this highly dangerous criminal with such a display of force / power.

:laughing0301: :lmao:
It was in fact Wiseman, not Mueller himself who tipped off CNN.
Wiseman's day is coming.
no, it wasn't....

Stone's team already brought that before the judge, with the prosecution showing the judge that their accusation's of Weisman was wrong, the initials on the data was because he wrote the court documents, not because he sent them to CNN.... this was ALREADY settled, in the court.... Plus, contrary to the accusation, the documents were not unsealed until the arrest began, per the court order on the sealed documents.
Spin it anyway you want bitch. Someone tipped off CNN so they would be at Stone's house when the SWAT team arrived.
Some day that person will pay!
have at it, try to find this proof, that does not exist.

the night before the raid, the special counsel filed a sealed court document... the two other times they did this, was for Manafort and Cohen.

In the Manafort case, the following morning they showed up at his place, right at the breaking of dawn, with the search and arrest warrants.

In the Michael Cohen case, they showed up the next morning right before dawn, to raid his inhabitant with a search warrant.

Everyone, including me, knew this sealed court filing from the Mueller team was going to be for Stone.... Even Stone knew he was going to be indicted and served with a search warrant and he mentioned such a month earlier. We were ALL waiting for it, and waiting for it and waiting for it.... and when the secret sealed court filing happened the night before the raid, most of us thought and believed it was for Roger Stone.

CNN called their person down in Miami and asked them to go to Stone's house with their ONE camera man and set up before dawn and wait, in case it did happen.

And it did happen, and we all were right, that it was the Warrant for Stone.

If you can prove otherwise, then prove it..... don't just spew a bunch of garbage and conjecture and repeat the president's lies.... show you are correct.
None of that proves that no one on Mueller's team leaked the info to CNN. You have to be a brain damaged retard not to understand that.


Breaking: Surveillance Video Captures FBI Directing CNN Camera Man At Roger Stone Raid; It’s All Theater

Breaking: Surveillance Video Captures FBI Directing CNN Camera Man At Roger Stone Raid; It’s All Theater

Stunning new video footage released exclusively by shows FBI personnel directing the CNN camera man who filmed the armed raid of Roger Stone
C4A has not deviated from her proven lie that Trump and his team engaged in collusion despite no evidence ever being found and no one ever being indicted for it.
there is evidence of collusion

Manafort gave insider Trump polling data to Kilimnik

Donny junior and manafort and Kushner agreed to meeting with the 6 Russian operatives, they were told ahead of the meeting, were going to give them dirt on Hillary that the Russian government had gotten, and as their gift to Trump, to help him win the election.

Flynn met with and called the Russian Ambassador spy, after being briefed that the Russians were interfering with our election process, to convince the Russians not to retaliate on the Obama sanctions put on them, because Trump would make certain they would be removed when he got in to office.

Kushner tried to make arrangements with the Russians for a back door communication process between the Trump team and the Russians that could not be traced by the US Government, and Kushner suggested they use the Russian Embassy to do this...

Roger Stone offered his help to the Russian tool of wikileaks and the GRU GUCIFER, to disburse the stolen emails of the DNC/Podesta that the Russians got, on a beneficial and timely basis for the Trump campaign....

Are you falsely claiming that those things and several others, did not happen?
C4A has not deviated from her proven lie that Trump and his team engaged in collusion despite no evidence ever being found and no one ever being indicted for it.
there is evidence of collusion

Manafort gave insider Trump polling data to Kilimnik

Donny junior and manafort and Kushner agreed to meeting with the 6 Russian operatives, they were told ahead of the meeting, were going to give them dirt on Hillary that the Russian government had gotten, and as their gift to Trump, to help him win the election.

Flynn met with and called the Russian Ambassador spy, after being briefed that the Russians were interfering with our election process, to convince the Russians not to retaliate on the Obama sanctions put on them, because Trump would make certain they would be removed when he got in to office.

Kushner tried to make arrangements with the Russians for a back door communication process between the Trump team and the Russians that could not be traced by the US Government, and Kushner suggested they use the Russian Embassy to do this...

Roger Stone offered his help to the Russian tool of wikileaks and the GRU GUCIFER, to disburse the stolen emails of the DNC/Podesta that the Russians got, on a beneficial and timely basis for the Trump campaign....

Are you falsely claiming that those things and several others, did not happen?
He gave the polling data in February 2019, a full 2 years after Trump was inaugurated. So how did that effect the election, retard?
there is evidence of collusion


-- Mueller Report






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this was adjudicated already, you just won't read the court documents, because you must be afraid of the actual truth, not fitting in with this right wing, created, conspiracy...???
Every time you open your mouth / post you spread the the propaganda of exposed proven criminals and traitors.

No one associated with Trump was indicted for illegal non-existent Russian collusion ... but you sad f*ing partisan sheep refuse to accept it...just like you refuse to accept the 2016 election results, the fact that Obama's DOJ & FBI protected her from indictment so she could run for President, and the fact that she lost.

You refuse to accept the fact that the only collusion proven to have happened was Hillary colluding with a Trump-hating foreign spy and Russians...that in the insane aftermath of Hillary's loss the Democrats attempted a coup...and what Mueller's stacked-deck political hit squad failed to do, criminal treasonous classified leaking, govt undermining Democrats are determined to finish.

In his report, Mueller wrote illegal collusion - the claim Democrats have continuously made for 3 years, was 'NOT established'.

And as we all know - and hate-driven traitorous propaganda-pushing snowflakes like you refuse to accept - is that THIS means the Special Prosecutor / Counsel. FAILED TO FIND EVIDENCE TO SUBSTANTIATE THE FALSE CLAIMS MADE BY DEMOCRATS AND TGAT CONTINUE TO HE PUSHED - WITHOUT EVIDENCE - BY SNOWFLAKES LIKE YOU!


While I agree on your take on the facts, just because someone disagrees with you does not make them a liar.

C4A has admitted to being wrong before, a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away.

C4A has not deviated from her proven lie that Trump and his team engaged in collusion despite no evidence ever being found and no one ever being indicted for it.

C4A has repeatedly refused to acknowledge the ACTUAL existing evidence of Democrats crine, obstruction, & treason. Instead she continues to repeat the propaganda and lies the traitors are spreading on a scale Putin and the Russians were incapable of from 2014 - 2016.

I can 'forgive' ignorant people who are duped...but there is no 'forgiveness' for willing traitors who see the truth and reject it.

Such people are threats to our democracy ... As Hillary said about those who reject the results of elections.
Given her trusted sources and her perspective, she is not lying by defen ding her point of view.

Havent you ever been sincerely wrong about something?

Were you then lying to assert the thing you were wrong about?
this was adjudicated already, you just won't read the court documents, because you must be afraid of the actual truth, not fitting in with this right wing, created, conspiracy...???
Every time you open your mouth / post you spread the the propaganda of exposed proven criminals and traitors.

No one associated with Trump was indicted for illegal non-existent Russian collusion ... but you sad f*ing partisan sheep refuse to accept it...just like you refuse to accept the 2016 election results, the fact that Obama's DOJ & FBI protected her from indictment so she could run for President, and the fact that she lost.

You refuse to accept the fact that the only collusion proven to have happened was Hillary colluding with a Trump-hating foreign spy and Russians...that in the insane aftermath of Hillary's loss the Democrats attempted a coup...and what Mueller's stacked-deck political hit squad failed to do, criminal treasonous classified leaking, govt undermining Democrats are determined to finish.

In his report, Mueller wrote illegal collusion - the claim Democrats have continuously made for 3 years, was 'NOT established'.

And as we all know - and hate-driven traitorous propaganda-pushing snowflakes like you refuse to accept - is that THIS means the Special Prosecutor / Counsel. FAILED TO FIND EVIDENCE TO SUBSTANTIATE THE FALSE CLAIMS MADE BY DEMOCRATS AND TGAT CONTINUE TO HE PUSHED - WITHOUT EVIDENCE - BY SNOWFLAKES LIKE YOU!


While I agree on your take on the facts, just because someone disagrees with you does not make them a liar.

C4A has admitted to being wrong before, a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away.

C4A has not deviated from her proven lie that Trump and his team engaged in collusion despite no evidence ever being found and no one ever being indicted for it.

C4A has repeatedly refused to acknowledge the ACTUAL existing evidence of Democrats crine, obstruction, & treason. Instead she continues to repeat the propaganda and lies the traitors are spreading on a scale Putin and the Russians were incapable of from 2014 - 2016.

I can 'forgive' ignorant people who are duped...but there is no 'forgiveness' for willing traitors who see the truth and reject it.

Such people are threats to our democracy ... As Hillary said about those who reject the results of elections.
Given her trusted sources and her perspective, she is not lying by defen ding her point of view.

Havent you ever been sincerely wrong about something?

Were you then lying to assert the thing you were wrong about?
She is defending LIES. PROVEN, DEBUNKED LIES. Continuing to do so is LYING intentionally.
C4A has not deviated from her proven lie that Trump and his team engaged in collusion despite no evidence ever being found and no one ever being indicted for it.
there is evidence of collusion

Manafort gave insider Trump polling data to Kilimnik

Donny junior and manafort and Kushner agreed to meeting with the 6 Russian operatives, they were told ahead of the meeting, were going to give them dirt on Hillary that the Russian government had gotten, and as their gift to Trump, to help him win the election.

Flynn met with and called the Russian Ambassador spy, after being briefed that the Russians were interfering with our election process, to convince the Russians not to retaliate on the Obama sanctions put on them, because Trump would make certain they would be removed when he got in to office.

Kushner tried to make arrangements with the Russians for a back door communication process between the Trump team and the Russians that could not be traced by the US Government, and Kushner suggested they use the Russian Embassy to do this...

Roger Stone offered his help to the Russian tool of wikileaks and the GRU GUCIFER, to disburse the stolen emails of the DNC/Podesta that the Russians got, on a beneficial and timely basis for the Trump campaign....

Are you falsely claiming that those things and several others, did not happen?
The LIB judge is going to put Stone in prison for ten days!
Then Stone writes a book and signs a movie deal and hauls in millions. AFTER President Trump has 100% pardoned him.
10 Days?

The 8 Democrats being referred for indictment will face a helluva lot more time....

C4A has not deviated from her proven lie that Trump and his team engaged in collusion despite no evidence ever being found and no one ever being indicted for it.
there is evidence of collusion

Manafort gave insider Trump polling data to Kilimnik

Donny junior and manafort and Kushner agreed to meeting with the 6 Russian operatives, they were told ahead of the meeting, were going to give them dirt on Hillary that the Russian government had gotten, and as their gift to Trump, to help him win the election.

Flynn met with and called the Russian Ambassador spy, after being briefed that the Russians were interfering with our election process, to convince the Russians not to retaliate on the Obama sanctions put on them, because Trump would make certain they would be removed when he got in to office.

Kushner tried to make arrangements with the Russians for a back door communication process between the Trump team and the Russians that could not be traced by the US Government, and Kushner suggested they use the Russian Embassy to do this...

Roger Stone offered his help to the Russian tool of wikileaks and the GRU GUCIFER, to disburse the stolen emails of the DNC/Podesta that the Russians got, on a beneficial and timely basis for the Trump campaign....

Are you falsely claiming that those things and several others, did not happen?
He gave the polling data in February 2019, a full 2 years after Trump was inaugurated. So how did that effect the election, retard?
He gave the polling data in February 2019, a full 2 years after Trump was inaugurated. So how did that effect the election, retard?
Where did you get that "February 2019" fiction from, Trump U?

Manafort Accused of Sharing Trump Polling Data With Russian Associate

"Both Mr. Manafort and Rick Gates, the deputy campaign manager, transferred the data to Mr. Kilimnik in the spring of 2016 as Mr. Trump clinched the Republican presidential nomination, according to a person knowledgeable about the situation.

"Most of the data was public, but some of it was developed by a private polling firm working for the campaign, according to the person.

"Mr. Manafort asked Mr. Gates to tell Mr. Kilimnik to pass the data to two Ukrainian oligarchs, Serhiy Lyovochkin and Rinat Akhmetov, the person said.

"The oligarchs had financed Russian-aligned Ukrainian political parties that had hired Mr. Manafort as a political consultant."
C4A has not deviated from her proven lie that Trump and his team engaged in collusion despite no evidence ever being found and no one ever being indicted for it.
there is evidence of collusion

Manafort gave insider Trump polling data to Kilimnik

Donny junior and manafort and Kushner agreed to meeting with the 6 Russian operatives, they were told ahead of the meeting, were going to give them dirt on Hillary that the Russian government had gotten, and as their gift to Trump, to help him win the election.

Flynn met with and called the Russian Ambassador spy, after being briefed that the Russians were interfering with our election process, to convince the Russians not to retaliate on the Obama sanctions put on them, because Trump would make certain they would be removed when he got in to office.

Kushner tried to make arrangements with the Russians for a back door communication process between the Trump team and the Russians that could not be traced by the US Government, and Kushner suggested they use the Russian Embassy to do this...

Roger Stone offered his help to the Russian tool of wikileaks and the GRU GUCIFER, to disburse the stolen emails of the DNC/Podesta that the Russians got, on a beneficial and timely basis for the Trump campaign....

Are you falsely claiming that those things and several others, did not happen?

No, YOu would be lying as you always do about these things. You do realize the "Manaort gave the Russia s polling data" story has been debunked right? Has been for months. And still no Russian collusion indictments. Won't be any either. You're not getting the unredacted report, you're not getting Trump's taxes, and you and busybee can cry al you want, CNN WAS tipped off on the Stone raid, as proven by the emails neither side will release. Again, per Mueller's words, NO evidence of collusion involving Trump or members of his team. You lost, give it up.
As for Manafort, if he's not in jail, then where the fuck is he?

Jail ain't the same as prison, moron. Again you've ducked the real "collusion" question about Hillary and I'm done with're like some nutcase on a traffic island yelling at cars going by and giving you the finger....waste of my time.
Stone's team already brought that before the judge, with the prosecution showing the judge that their accusation's of Weisman was wrong, the initials on the data was because he wrote the court documents, not because he sent them to CNN.... this was ALREADY settled, in the court.... Plus, contrary to the accusation, the documents were not unsealed until the arrest began, per the court order on the sealed documents.
Spin it anyway you want bitch.
You know, dude, you may have the facts but you lost your composure making you look like the loser.

There is no reason to call C4A a bitch. She is polite and brings her facts to the table for discussion unlike most on the left.

You owe her an apology, dude, but I doubt you are man enough to make one.

I didn't know she was a she. I call men 'bitches' too when they act like one.
This 'bitch' is habitually lying and lying by omission. or 'she is REALLY REALLY ill informed/ignorant.
She was claiming 'BIG MIKE' was just an innocent bystander who was killed by a rogue cop soley b/c he was a negro. That's the sort of mentality we are dealing with.
I'll apologize when Maxine stops wearing James Brown's wigs.
I've done PLENTY of research on it, and only in your right wing conspiracy circle jerk sites, are regurgitating uncorroborated bull crud....

Evidently NOT ENOUGH.

FBI Refuses Records Request For CNN Contacts Before Roger Stone Raid

FBI Rejects Request for Emails with CNN on the Day of Roger Stone Raid

FBI Refuses FOIA Request for Emails to CNN Before Roger Stone Arrest, Gives Nonsensical Excuse

"You’ll probably recall the
dramatic arrest of Roger Stone. For some reason the FBI (and Robert Mueller’s team) thought it necessary to act like they were taking down a drug kingpin, complete with SWAT teams and guns drawn. This was all highly unusual given Stone had no passport, was not a flight risk, and then was immediately released on bail anyway.

The indication here is that Mueller wanted to make a show of it. That appearance was reinforced by the magical attendance of a CNN news crew that just happened to know the exact day and time of the arrest.

While CNN made the ridiculous claim that they just got lucky"

Yeah, CNN JUST HAPPENED to have a full camera crew out driving around in Roger Stone's neighborhood when they noticed several FBI 'SWAT' vehicles being driven by heavily armored agents, followed them to Stone's House, and were the only media on-hand as the FBI 'took down' this highly dangerous criminal with such a display of force / power.

:laughing0301: :lmao:
It was in fact Wiseman, not Mueller himself who tipped off CNN.
Wiseman's day is coming.
no, it wasn't....

Stone's team already brought that before the judge, with the prosecution showing the judge that their accusation's of Weisman was wrong, the initials on the data was because he wrote the court documents, not because he sent them to CNN.... this was ALREADY settled, in the court.... Plus, contrary to the accusation, the documents were not unsealed until the arrest began, per the court order on the sealed documents.
Spin it anyway you want bitch. Someone tipped off CNN so they would be at Stone's house when the SWAT team arrived.
Some day that person will pay!
have at it, try to find this proof, that does not exist.

the night before the raid, the special counsel filed a sealed court document... the two other times they did this, was for Manafort and Cohen.

In the Manafort case, the following morning they showed up at his place, right at the breaking of dawn, with the search and arrest warrants.

In the Michael Cohen case, they showed up the next morning right before dawn, to raid his place with a search warrant.

Everyone, including me, knew this sealed court filing from the Mueller team was going to be for Stone.... Even Stone knew he was going to be indicted and served with a search warrant and he mentioned such a month earlier. We were ALL waiting for it, and waiting for it and waiting for it.... and when the secret sealed court filing happened the night before the raid, most of us thought and believed it was for Roger Stone.

CNN called their person down in Miami and asked them to go to Stone's house with their ONE camera man and set up before dawn and wait, in case it did happen.

And it did happen, and we all were right, that it was the Warrant for Stone.

If you can prove otherwise, then prove it..... don't just spew a bunch of garbage and conjecture and repeat the president's lies.... show you are correct.
So WHO called CNN with the "secret court sealed document"????????????
Obviously someone in the DOJ.
The person who leaked the secret document court filing to CNN IS going to be prosecuted when Graham's new Special Counsel investigates.
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So WHO called CNN with the "secret court sealed document"???????????? Obviously someone in the DOJ.
The person who leaked the secret document court filing to CNN IS going to be prosecuted when Graham's new Special Counsel investigates.

CNN laughably tried to explain it by saying they 'got lucky'.


"Oversight" doesn't mean that the House can run roughshod over the Executive.
The USSC will probably need to decide on the interpretation of the "Law vs oversight".
Barr will not provide the unredacted report until the USSC says they have to.

Yes it does in regards to any document that is produced by the Executive Branch.
If the USSC follows the precedents established during Watergate, it will be released to Congress.
Barr will not be allowed to continue his coverup.
If you believe the SC is going to rule in favor of the AG releasing the unredacted Muller report to Congress you are fucking delusional.
They KNOW Shit For Brains would leak the report the NYT within 10 minutes of him getting a copy of the report.
So does everyone in Washington!

You are the one who is delusional. The Supreme Court's job is to uphold the Constitution and that is all. Whether it is leaked is none of their concern.

You are the one who is delusional if you think the Supreme Court can uphold the Constitution without caring about leaked information that violates people's Constitutional rights. Your partisanship is making you rabid.

The Supreme Court is sworn to uphold the Constitution and that is it. Over 70% of voters including Trump supporters are not partisan.

Interesting how you skipped over the part about "not violating people's Constitutional rights". It's almost like you only care about certain parts of the Constitution, and only when they can be twisted to serve your current purposes.

And I didn't say 70% of the voters were partisan, you illiterate twat. I said YOU were. The majority are just uneducated on the subject of laws and the purposes they serve . . . which would be why there's a licensed profession for knowing that information.

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