Barr Tells Congress Rats To Pound Sand

The Stone home surveillance camera PROVES that CNN's news crew arrived in front of Stone's home a full hour before the SWAT team arrived. The CNN news team had all their equipment ready to roll when the SWAT team showed up.....right on time.
Someone at CNN is going to be eventually charged with a series of crimes when the new Special Counsel begins their comprehensive investigations.

Don't hold your breath waiting for that. You won't make it. CNN will not be charged with anything.
Somebody on Mueller's team will be charged with leaking classified information.

I'll bet you believe in the Easter Bunny as well little boy.
Barr said that. Mueller did not. You are a lying little boy.
Mueller said Russian collusion could not be established... In after 3 years, 2 investigations, & 1 witch hunt no definitive evidence to substantiate the false accusations made by the Democrats could be found.

'NORMAL' people call that 'Innocent due to lack of evidence - the prosecutors failed to prove their case! are such a deranged, desperate, sore loser, butt-hurt, hate-driven snowflake!
If you believe letting Shit For Brains get his hands on the undeducted report b/c he has a "security clearance" will not 100% GUARANTEE HE WON'T LEAK THE REPORT TO THE NYT WITHIN AN HOUR YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT!

Does not matter . Congress has a right to see the unredacted report. Worth noting that Rosenstein turned over some documents Republicans wanted and within hours it was leaked. That doesn't seem to bother you. YOU ARE A FUCKING TRUMP IDIOT!
... and still no Russian connection

The Trump campaign is rife with Russian connections.
If they are "Russian connections," then why weren't the indicted for being Russian connections? Why didn't Mueller's report say there was evidence of "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia?

Face it, busybee01, you're a delusional moron.

You are the delusional moron LITTLE BOY!

Trump has extensive ties to Russia. The Mueller report clearly has evidence of collusion but not beyond a reasonable doubt. That is why Mueller did not EXONERATE Trump.
... and still no Russian connection
The Trump campaign is rife with Russian connections.
Which one of them, again, ...

Took $145 MILLION from the Russians?

Paid a Trump-hating foreign spy and the Russians for help in trying to win the 2016 election?

Illegally knowingly used a bogus report written by a Trump-hating foreign spy and the Russians to illegally defraud the FISA Court and Congress to try to perpetrate a proven coup attempt?

.. .oh yeah - NONE OF THEM.

It was Hillary, Obama's agency directors, and Democrats.....

Who on that list you wrote was indicted for anything to do with fake Russian Collusion?

Oh yeah - that would be, again, NONE OF THEM! are such a deranged, desperate, sore loser, butt-hurt, hate-driven snowflake!


Trump took millions from Russia and the ligarchs. Trump was paid

"So, yes, it’s true that Trump has failed to land a business venture inside Russia. But the real truth is that, as major banks in America stopped lending him money following his many bankruptcies, the Trump organization was forced to seek financing from non-traditional institutions. Several had direct ties to Russian financial interests in ways that have raised eyebrows. What’s more, several of Trump’s senior advisors have business ties to Russia or its satellite politicians."

Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

Steele was not a Trump hating spy. He was a private investigator who used his Russia contacts to get information on Trump. The Russians clearly wanted Trump to win. We know that the FISA court was not misled.

Manafort was convicted for lying in regards to his turning over campaign documents to a Russian business associate with ties to Russian intelligence.

Stone is under indictment for lying.

Papadopoulos pleaded guilty for lying about his contacts with Russia.

You are the snowflake who is going down and is looking for anything to break your fall. Loser.
The Trump campaign is rife with Russian connections.
Which one of them, again, ...

Took $145 MILLION from the Russians?

Paid a Trump-hating foreign spy and the Russians for help in trying to win the 2016 election?

Illegally knowingly used a bogus report written by a Trump-hating foreign spy and the Russians to illegally defraud the FISA Court and Congress to try to perpetrate a proven coup attempt?

.. .oh yeah - NONE OF THEM.

It was Hillary, Obama's agency directors, and Democrats.....

Who on that list you wrote was indicted for anything to do with fake Russian Collusion?

Oh yeah - that would be, again, NONE OF THEM! are such a deranged, desperate, sore loser, butt-hurt, hate-driven snowflake!


Trump took millions from Russia and the ligarchs. Trump was paid

"So, yes, it’s true that Trump has failed to land a business venture inside Russia. But the real truth is that, as major banks in America stopped lending him money following his many bankruptcies, the Trump organization was forced to seek financing from non-traditional institutions. Several had direct ties to Russian financial interests in ways that have raised eyebrows. What’s more, several of Trump’s senior advisors have business ties to Russia or its satellite politicians."

Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

Steele was not a Trump hating spy. He was a private investigator who used his Russia contacts to get information on Trump. The Russians clearly wanted Trump to win. We know that the FISA court was not misled.

Manafort was convicted for lying in regards to his turning over campaign documents to a Russian business associate with ties to Russian intelligence.

Stone is under indictment for lying.

Papadopoulos pleaded guilty for lying about his contacts with Russia.

You are the snowflake who is going down and is looking for anything to break your fall. Loser.
Hey insane Snowflake, Trump was / is an international businessman who did business with many countries, to include Russians.

Hillary was / is a corrupt / criminal influence peddler who was protected from indictment for proven crimes by Obama.

None of those names you listed were indicted for fake Russian collusion.

Hillary, not the President, paid a Trump-hating foreign spy or Russians for bogus propaganda used illegally to win the 2016 election and to perpetrate a coup.

You can rant and throw a tantrum all you want, but it doesn't change the facts. are such a deranged, desperate, sore loser, butt-hurt, hate-driven snowflake!
You claimed Manafort is in prison...instead of changing the subject, PROVE IT. Polling data is a joke....all of it. And if you want to talk about collusion, how about Hillary paying russians for lies about Trump that were so bizarre nobody but some web-site would publish it? I know you won't answer but Hillary and her goons will....and sooner than you think.
I had a bad shit this morning, was that Hillary's fault as well?

As for Manafort, if he's not in jail, then where the fuck is he?
They did nothing of the sort and likely violated Flynns Miranda rights as well as soon as he asked about a lawyer and they lied to him.
they are NOT required to tell the person, according to ALL that I have read on it....

And Flynn KNEW that...
Then how is it a crime that Flynn lied about something these men did not have a right to know while in a non-investigative interview?

Just because an FBI dude asks you a question you are under no obligation to answer it unless they tell you it is part of an investigation.

So where is the crime?
Where did I say it was a non-investigative interview?

Jim, you are also missing the point,

WHY DID FLYNN LIE ABOUT IT??? What was he trying to hide, and WHY was he trying to hide it? If you were an FBI agent, who usually never asks questions that they do not have a good idea on what the correct answer is.... wouldn't you be suspicious on why an ex General of the USA chose to lie about that...? I certainly would, and I still want to know the answer to this: Why did Flynn not simply tell them the truth.... why lie?

It was not breaking a law.... a little back handed maybe, but not a crime, as far as I know? And this put him in a compromised position, going out in public, denying any contact with the ambassador on sanctions when he sent Shawn and Pence out to spread that message on National TV.... this made him COMPROMISED and subject to foreign influence, even if unwanted, because he lied to the American people about it, and the Russians all knew he was lying to us about it.... Flynn, as ex military intelligence, knew BETTER than to put himself in that position, certainly he did Jim....

Even in the interview with them, Flynn made a joking comment on them already knowing the answer.... yet when they gave him a chance, 3 times to correct his lie, he didn't...?

Now isn't that weird? Off the wall crazy?
No, C4A, it is not crazy, it is Flynn doing his job to protect classified information from nosy FBI agents and he is getting punished for it.

And unless the FBI agent tells you that a conversation is part of an official investigation it is not an official investigation.

But they lied in order to entrap Flynn..
The Trump campaign is rife with Russian connections.
Which one of them, again, ...

Took $145 MILLION from the Russians?

Paid a Trump-hating foreign spy and the Russians for help in trying to win the 2016 election?

Illegally knowingly used a bogus report written by a Trump-hating foreign spy and the Russians to illegally defraud the FISA Court and Congress to try to perpetrate a proven coup attempt?

.. .oh yeah - NONE OF THEM.

It was Hillary, Obama's agency directors, and Democrats.....

Who on that list you wrote was indicted for anything to do with fake Russian Collusion?

Oh yeah - that would be, again, NONE OF THEM! are such a deranged, desperate, sore loser, butt-hurt, hate-driven snowflake!


Trump took millions from Russia and the ligarchs. Trump was paid

"So, yes, it’s true that Trump has failed to land a business venture inside Russia. But the real truth is that, as major banks in America stopped lending him money following his many bankruptcies, the Trump organization was forced to seek financing from non-traditional institutions. Several had direct ties to Russian financial interests in ways that have raised eyebrows. What’s more, several of Trump’s senior advisors have business ties to Russia or its satellite politicians."

Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

Steele was not a Trump hating spy. He was a private investigator who used his Russia contacts to get information on Trump. The Russians clearly wanted Trump to win. We know that the FISA court was not misled.

Manafort was convicted for lying in regards to his turning over campaign documents to a Russian business associate with ties to Russian intelligence.

Stone is under indictment for lying.

Papadopoulos pleaded guilty for lying about his contacts with Russia.

You are the snowflake who is going down and is looking for anything to break your fall. Loser.
Just about everything in your post was a flat out lie. Do you ever wonder why people think you're stupid?
They did nothing of the sort and likely violated Flynns Miranda rights as well as soon as he asked about a lawyer and they lied to him.
they are NOT required to tell the person, according to ALL that I have read on it....

And Flynn KNEW that...
Then how is it a crime that Flynn lied about something these men did not have a right to know while in a non-investigative interview?

Just because an FBI dude asks you a question you are under no obligation to answer it unless they tell you it is part of an investigation.

So where is the crime?
Where did I say it was a non-investigative interview?

Jim, you are also missing the point,

WHY DID FLYNN LIE ABOUT IT??? What was he trying to hide, and WHY was he trying to hide it? If you were an FBI agent, who usually never asks questions that they do not have a good idea on what the correct answer is.... wouldn't you be suspicious on why an ex General of the USA chose to lie about that...? I certainly would, and I still want to know the answer to this: Why did Flynn not simply tell them the truth.... why lie?

It was not breaking a law.... a little back handed maybe, but not a crime, as far as I know? And this put him in a compromised position, going out in public, denying any contact with the ambassador on sanctions when he sent Shawn and Pence out to spread that message on National TV.... this made him COMPROMISED and subject to foreign influence, even if unwanted, because he lied to the American people about it, and the Russians all knew he was lying to us about it.... Flynn, as ex military intelligence, knew BETTER than to put himself in that position, certainly he did Jim....

Even in the interview with them, Flynn made a joking comment on them already knowing the answer.... yet when they gave him a chance, 3 times to correct his lie, he didn't...?

Now isn't that weird? Off the wall crazy?
No, C4A, it is not crazy, it is Flynn doing his job to protect classified information from nosy FBI agents and he is getting punished for it.

And unless the FBI agent tells you that a conversation is part of an official investigation it is not an official investigation.

But they lied in order to entrap Flynn..
Here's the lesson from the Flynn episode: never talk to the FBI.
The Stone home surveillance camera PROVES that CNN's news crew arrived in front of Stone's home a full hour before the SWAT team arrived. The CNN news team had all their equipment ready to roll when the SWAT team showed up.....right on time.
Someone at CNN is going to be eventually charged with a series of crimes when the new Special Counsel begins their comprehensive investigations.

Don't hold your breath waiting for that. You won't make it. CNN will not be charged with anything.
Somebody on Mueller's team will be charged with leaking classified information.

I'll bet you believe in the Easter Bunny as well little boy.
The moron who's been bleating about Russian collusion for two years is calling me gullible?
The Trump campaign is rife with Russian connections.
Which one of them, again, ...

Took $145 MILLION from the Russians?

Paid a Trump-hating foreign spy and the Russians for help in trying to win the 2016 election?

Illegally knowingly used a bogus report written by a Trump-hating foreign spy and the Russians to illegally defraud the FISA Court and Congress to try to perpetrate a proven coup attempt?

.. .oh yeah - NONE OF THEM.

It was Hillary, Obama's agency directors, and Democrats.....

Who on that list you wrote was indicted for anything to do with fake Russian Collusion?

Oh yeah - that would be, again, NONE OF THEM! are such a deranged, desperate, sore loser, butt-hurt, hate-driven snowflake!


Trump took millions from Russia and the ligarchs. Trump was paid

"So, yes, it’s true that Trump has failed to land a business venture inside Russia. But the real truth is that, as major banks in America stopped lending him money following his many bankruptcies, the Trump organization was forced to seek financing from non-traditional institutions. Several had direct ties to Russian financial interests in ways that have raised eyebrows. What’s more, several of Trump’s senior advisors have business ties to Russia or its satellite politicians."

Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

Steele was not a Trump hating spy. He was a private investigator who used his Russia contacts to get information on Trump. The Russians clearly wanted Trump to win. We know that the FISA court was not misled.

Manafort was convicted for lying in regards to his turning over campaign documents to a Russian business associate with ties to Russian intelligence.

Stone is under indictment for lying.

Papadopoulos pleaded guilty for lying about his contacts with Russia.

You are the snowflake who is going down and is looking for anything to break your fall. Loser.
Just about everything in your post was a flat out lie. Do you ever wonder why people think you're stupid?
everything in her last post is true and proven true....
They did nothing of the sort and likely violated Flynns Miranda rights as well as soon as he asked about a lawyer and they lied to him.
they are NOT required to tell the person, according to ALL that I have read on it....

And Flynn KNEW that...
Then how is it a crime that Flynn lied about something these men did not have a right to know while in a non-investigative interview?

Just because an FBI dude asks you a question you are under no obligation to answer it unless they tell you it is part of an investigation.

So where is the crime?
Where did I say it was a non-investigative interview?

Jim, you are also missing the point,

WHY DID FLYNN LIE ABOUT IT??? What was he trying to hide, and WHY was he trying to hide it? If you were an FBI agent, who usually never asks questions that they do not have a good idea on what the correct answer is.... wouldn't you be suspicious on why an ex General of the USA chose to lie about that...? I certainly would, and I still want to know the answer to this: Why did Flynn not simply tell them the truth.... why lie?

It was not breaking a law.... a little back handed maybe, but not a crime, as far as I know? And this put him in a compromised position, going out in public, denying any contact with the ambassador on sanctions when he sent Shawn and Pence out to spread that message on National TV.... this made him COMPROMISED and subject to foreign influence, even if unwanted, because he lied to the American people about it, and the Russians all knew he was lying to us about it.... Flynn, as ex military intelligence, knew BETTER than to put himself in that position, certainly he did Jim....

Even in the interview with them, Flynn made a joking comment on them already knowing the answer.... yet when they gave him a chance, 3 times to correct his lie, he didn't...?

Now isn't that weird? Off the wall crazy?
No, C4A, it is not crazy, it is Flynn doing his job to protect classified information from nosy FBI agents and he is getting punished for it.

And unless the FBI agent tells you that a conversation is part of an official investigation it is not an official investigation.

But they lied in order to entrap Flynn..
this was adjudicated already, you just won't read the court documents, because you must be afraid of the actual truth, not fitting in with this right wing, created, conspiracy...???

The Judge of Flynn's case, can not accept a charge/indictment and guilty plea for a crime, if it is NOT a crime Jim.... a crime was committed, with a US Statute for the crime, with all details submitted showing the crime exists, and and broken.... and the subject also agreed to the crime being a crime, and plead guilty to this crime, with his lawyers also agreeing, it was a crime....

And YOU think your right wing conspiracy story has more legs to stand on than the actual FACTS and court documents expounding on the facts?

Please Jim, that is simply beyond any reason..... you are barking up the wrong tree on this one.... FACTS over rule your conspiracy conjectures.... Courts are not willy dilly, they do NOT accept indictments of crimes that do not exist, they do not accept guilty pleas of crimes that do not exist....
The Trump campaign is rife with Russian connections.
Which one of them, again, ...

Took $145 MILLION from the Russians?

Paid a Trump-hating foreign spy and the Russians for help in trying to win the 2016 election?

Illegally knowingly used a bogus report written by a Trump-hating foreign spy and the Russians to illegally defraud the FISA Court and Congress to try to perpetrate a proven coup attempt?

.. .oh yeah - NONE OF THEM.

It was Hillary, Obama's agency directors, and Democrats.....

Who on that list you wrote was indicted for anything to do with fake Russian Collusion?

Oh yeah - that would be, again, NONE OF THEM! are such a deranged, desperate, sore loser, butt-hurt, hate-driven snowflake!


Trump took millions from Russia and the ligarchs. Trump was paid

"So, yes, it’s true that Trump has failed to land a business venture inside Russia. But the real truth is that, as major banks in America stopped lending him money following his many bankruptcies, the Trump organization was forced to seek financing from non-traditional institutions. Several had direct ties to Russian financial interests in ways that have raised eyebrows. What’s more, several of Trump’s senior advisors have business ties to Russia or its satellite politicians."

Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

Steele was not a Trump hating spy. He was a private investigator who used his Russia contacts to get information on Trump. The Russians clearly wanted Trump to win. We know that the FISA court was not misled.

Manafort was convicted for lying in regards to his turning over campaign documents to a Russian business associate with ties to Russian intelligence.

Stone is under indictment for lying.

Papadopoulos pleaded guilty for lying about his contacts with Russia.

You are the snowflake who is going down and is looking for anything to break your fall. Loser.
Just about everything in your post was a flat out lie. Do you ever wonder why people think you're stupid?
everything in her last post is true and proven true....
BS. Everything that BB posts is a lie.

Ohr testified, for example, that he told the DOJ, NSA,CIA, & FBI Steele could not be trusted because he was a partisan Trump-hating foreign spy.

It's one lie after the other from BB, Care4All, and other 'false prophets' of the progressive socialist Democrats who protected A criminal so she could run for office and started a coup attempt because she lost.

They and the insane leftists they defend / follow / worship are so 'off the reservation' that their previous Messiah has come forward to warn then they are forming a 'curcular firing squad'...destroying themselves and the party.

And when the man who Obstructed Justice for Hillary & who started a coup tells you that YOU are a far left extremist, you are insanely off the Leftist deep end...

I mean, no more evidence is need than the fact that they are facilitating an invasion, attempting to overthrow our govt / president, & are trying to make it legal to kill newborn baby American citizens.
I've done PLENTY of research on it, and only in your right wing conspiracy circle jerk sites, are regurgitating uncorroborated bull crud....

Evidently NOT ENOUGH.

FBI Refuses Records Request For CNN Contacts Before Roger Stone Raid

FBI Rejects Request for Emails with CNN on the Day of Roger Stone Raid

FBI Refuses FOIA Request for Emails to CNN Before Roger Stone Arrest, Gives Nonsensical Excuse

"You’ll probably recall the
dramatic arrest of Roger Stone. For some reason the FBI (and Robert Mueller’s team) thought it necessary to act like they were taking down a drug kingpin, complete with SWAT teams and guns drawn. This was all highly unusual given Stone had no passport, was not a flight risk, and then was immediately released on bail anyway.

The indication here is that Mueller wanted to make a show of it. That appearance was reinforced by the magical attendance of a CNN news crew that just happened to know the exact day and time of the arrest.

While CNN made the ridiculous claim that they just got lucky"

Yeah, CNN JUST HAPPENED to have a full camera crew out driving around in Roger Stone's neighborhood when they noticed several FBI 'SWAT' vehicles being driven by heavily armored agents, followed them to Stone's House, and were the only media on-hand as the FBI 'took down' this highly dangerous criminal with such a display of force / power.

:laughing0301: :lmao:
It was in fact Wiseman, not Mueller himself who tipped off CNN.
Wiseman's day is coming.
no, it wasn't....

Stone's team already brought that before the judge, with the prosecution showing the judge that their accusation's of Weisman was wrong, the initials on the data was because he wrote the court documents, not because he sent them to CNN.... this was ALREADY settled, in the court.... Plus, contrary to the accusation, the documents were not unsealed until the arrest began, per the court order on the sealed documents.
Spin it anyway you want bitch. Someone tipped off CNN so they would be at Stone's house when the SWAT team arrived.
Some day that person will pay!
this was adjudicated already, you just won't read the court documents, because you must be afraid of the actual truth, not fitting in with this right wing, created, conspiracy...???
Every time you open your mouth / post you spread the the propaganda of exposed proven criminals and traitors.

No one associated with Trump was indicted for illegal non-existent Russian collusion ... but you sad f*ing partisan sheep refuse to accept it...just like you refuse to accept the 2016 election results, the fact that Obama's DOJ & FBI protected her from indictment so she could run for President, and the fact that she lost.

You refuse to accept the fact that the only collusion proven to have happened was Hillary colluding with a Trump-hating foreign spy and Russians...that in the insane aftermath of Hillary's loss the Democrats attempted a coup...and what Mueller's stacked-deck political hit squad failed to do, criminal treasonous classified leaking, govt undermining Democrats are determined to finish.

In his report, Mueller wrote illegal collusion - the claim Democrats have continuously made for 3 years, was 'NOT established'.

And as we all know - and hate-driven traitorous propaganda-pushing snowflakes like you refuse to accept - is that THIS means the Special Prosecutor / Counsel. FAILED TO FIND EVIDENCE TO SUBSTANTIATE THE FALSE CLAIMS MADE BY DEMOCRATS AND TGAT CONTINUE TO HE PUSHED - WITHOUT EVIDENCE - BY SNOWFLAKES LIKE YOU!


Stone's team already brought that before the judge, with the prosecution showing the judge that their accusation's of Weisman was wrong, the initials on the data was because he wrote the court documents, not because he sent them to CNN.... this was ALREADY settled, in the court.... Plus, contrary to the accusation, the documents were not unsealed until the arrest began, per the court order on the sealed documents.
Spin it anyway you want bitch.
You know, dude, you may have the facts but you lost your composure making you look like the loser.

There is no reason to call C4A a bitch. She is polite and brings her facts to the table for discussion unlike most on the left.

You owe her an apology, dude, but I doubt you are man enough to make one.

this was adjudicated already, you just won't read the court documents, because you must be afraid of the actual truth, not fitting in with this right wing, created, conspiracy...???
Every time you open your mouth / post you spread the the propaganda of exposed proven criminals and traitors.

No one associated with Trump was indicted for illegal non-existent Russian collusion ... but you sad f*ing partisan sheep refuse to accept it...just like you refuse to accept the 2016 election results, the fact that Obama's DOJ & FBI protected her from indictment so she could run for President, and the fact that she lost.

You refuse to accept the fact that the only collusion proven to have happened was Hillary colluding with a Trump-hating foreign spy and Russians...that in the insane aftermath of Hillary's loss the Democrats attempted a coup...and what Mueller's stacked-deck political hit squad failed to do, criminal treasonous classified leaking, govt undermining Democrats are determined to finish.

In his report, Mueller wrote illegal collusion - the claim Democrats have continuously made for 3 years, was 'NOT established'.

And as we all know - and hate-driven traitorous propaganda-pushing snowflakes like you refuse to accept - is that THIS means the Special Prosecutor / Counsel. FAILED TO FIND EVIDENCE TO SUBSTANTIATE THE FALSE CLAIMS MADE BY DEMOCRATS AND TGAT CONTINUE TO HE PUSHED - WITHOUT EVIDENCE - BY SNOWFLAKES LIKE YOU!


While I agree on your take on the facts, just because someone disagrees with you does not make them a liar.

C4A has admitted to being wrong before, a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away.

this was adjudicated already, you just won't read the court documents, because you must be afraid of the actual truth, not fitting in with this right wing, created, conspiracy...???
Every time you open your mouth / post you spread the the propaganda of exposed proven criminals and traitors.

No one associated with Trump was indicted for illegal non-existent Russian collusion ... but you sad f*ing partisan sheep refuse to accept it...just like you refuse to accept the 2016 election results, the fact that Obama's DOJ & FBI protected her from indictment so she could run for President, and the fact that she lost.

You refuse to accept the fact that the only collusion proven to have happened was Hillary colluding with a Trump-hating foreign spy and Russians...that in the insane aftermath of Hillary's loss the Democrats attempted a coup...and what Mueller's stacked-deck political hit squad failed to do, criminal treasonous classified leaking, govt undermining Democrats are determined to finish.

In his report, Mueller wrote illegal collusion - the claim Democrats have continuously made for 3 years, was 'NOT established'.

And as we all know - and hate-driven traitorous propaganda-pushing snowflakes like you refuse to accept - is that THIS means the Special Prosecutor / Counsel. FAILED TO FIND EVIDENCE TO SUBSTANTIATE THE FALSE CLAIMS MADE BY DEMOCRATS AND TGAT CONTINUE TO HE PUSHED - WITHOUT EVIDENCE - BY SNOWFLAKES LIKE YOU!


While I agree on your take on the facts, just because someone disagrees with you does not make them a liar.

C4A has admitted to being wrong before, a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away.

C4A has not deviated from her proven lie that Trump and his team engaged in collusion despite no evidence ever being found and no one ever being indicted for it.

C4A has repeatedly refused to acknowledge the ACTUAL existing evidence of Democrats crine, obstruction, & treason. Instead she continues to repeat the propaganda and lies the traitors are spreading on a scale Putin and the Russians were incapable of from 2014 - 2016.

I can 'forgive' ignorant people who are duped...but there is no 'forgiveness' for willing traitors who see the truth and reject it.

Such people are threats to our democracy ... As Hillary said about those who reject the results of elections.
The Trump campaign is rife with Russian connections.
Which one of them, again, ...

Took $145 MILLION from the Russians?

Paid a Trump-hating foreign spy and the Russians for help in trying to win the 2016 election?

Illegally knowingly used a bogus report written by a Trump-hating foreign spy and the Russians to illegally defraud the FISA Court and Congress to try to perpetrate a proven coup attempt?

.. .oh yeah - NONE OF THEM.

It was Hillary, Obama's agency directors, and Democrats.....

Who on that list you wrote was indicted for anything to do with fake Russian Collusion?

Oh yeah - that would be, again, NONE OF THEM! are such a deranged, desperate, sore loser, butt-hurt, hate-driven snowflake!


Trump took millions from Russia and the ligarchs. Trump was paid

"So, yes, it’s true that Trump has failed to land a business venture inside Russia. But the real truth is that, as major banks in America stopped lending him money following his many bankruptcies, the Trump organization was forced to seek financing from non-traditional institutions. Several had direct ties to Russian financial interests in ways that have raised eyebrows. What’s more, several of Trump’s senior advisors have business ties to Russia or its satellite politicians."

Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

Steele was not a Trump hating spy. He was a private investigator who used his Russia contacts to get information on Trump. The Russians clearly wanted Trump to win. We know that the FISA court was not misled.

Manafort was convicted for lying in regards to his turning over campaign documents to a Russian business associate with ties to Russian intelligence.

Stone is under indictment for lying.

Papadopoulos pleaded guilty for lying about his contacts with Russia.

You are the snowflake who is going down and is looking for anything to break your fall. Loser.
Just about everything in your post was a flat out lie. Do you ever wonder why people think you're stupid?
everything in her last post is true and proven true....
You're another one who lies every time you post.

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