Barr Tells Congress Rats To Pound Sand

Congress leaves for Easter Recess mid April, the week Barr said he would release it...


How old are you? How long have you been paying attention to politics / how DC works? You act like this is something new....

'Friday Data Dumps'....Dropping / releasing info right before's been going on for 'ages'. It isn't a 'partisan' thing - it's how both sides have been doing it for decades. just admitted that Barr is engaging in obstruction and stonewalling
Yes, that's about what Barr said, but I don't think it's gonna turn out that way.
Why did the Congress give Barr an arbitrary deadline? He has said he will release it in mid-April or before. It's a long report and there is stuff in there that no doubt needs to be redacted by law. So giving him a few weeks is not unreasonable.
What is happening on April 3 that makes the Congress's deadline so important?

If he really had honorable intentions he would have gotten all the information copied and sent to congress the day after he got it.
I agree, but Barr was obviously put in, to cover up for the president...

COVER UP WHAT?? (Hint: Mueller and his democrat shills did not find anything ) At least put up a false claim, otherwise its another witch hunt for anything that looks suspicious, which the Mueller team already tracked down, and found nothing.
Cover up what?

WHat do you think the PURPOSE of a cover up is?

To HIDE what they are covering up...and until that report is IS being covered up.
...because, according to you, Mueller and his 19 lawyers will NOT step forward to expose Barr's manipulation and false reporting of his report if Barr releases a false / doctored report.
of course they won't come out on their own, the rules dictate, that they do not....they follow the rules... unless they are subpoenaed by congress, then they will have to tell what's in it.... behind closed doors.

Why are you so wigged out and against the American citizenry on this? Full Transparency, (outside of top secret classified stuff) is a good thing, for everyone...

75%-80% of the public, wants to see the full Mueller report..... that includes BOTH Republicans and Democrats, and those unaffiliated. just admitted that Barr is engaging in obstruction and stonewalling
Do you EVER stop LYING?

How the hell is releasing the Mueller report on a f*ing FRIDAY a CRIME?


You have lost your damn mind!
of course they won't come out on their own, the rules dictate, that they do not....they follow the rules... unless they are subpoenaed by congress, then they will have to tell what's in it.... behind closed doors.

Unfortunately for YOU, Mueller has already proven that he will step forward in a heart-beat to correct false statements / false claims about his investigation:

"Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s office on Friday denied an explosive report by BuzzFeed News that his investigators had gathered evidence showing President Trump directed his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, to lie to Congress about a prospective business deal in Moscow."

.....but you just keep lying and holding on to those continued conspiracy theories because you can't handle reality / the truth......
Congress leaves for Easter Recess mid April, the week Barr said he would release it...


How old are you? How long have you been paying attention to politics / how DC works? You act like this is something new....

'Friday Data Dumps'....Dropping / releasing info right before's been going on for 'ages'. It isn't a 'partisan' thing - it's how both sides have been doing it for decades. just admitted that Barr is engaging in obstruction and stonewalling
Obstruction of what? He's following the law, isn't he?
Obstruction of what? He's following the law, isn't he?

Barr is technically acting within the law. True. He is not however prevented by law from releasing the Report. He is taking advantage of the law (like the weasel lawyer he is) to obstruct the release of that report...just as he said he would in his job application letter to Trump.

A subpoena has just been issued by Congress and refusing to honor that subpoena will put him on the WRONG side of the law
Congress leaves for Easter Recess mid April, the week Barr said he would release it...


How old are you? How long have you been paying attention to politics / how DC works? You act like this is something new....

'Friday Data Dumps'....Dropping / releasing info right before's been going on for 'ages'. It isn't a 'partisan' thing - it's how both sides have been doing it for decades.
Where is Robert Mueller? Barr said he would be helping him redact the on going investigation parts and classified National Security stuff from the report...

He hasn't been seen since his last day on the job.

that means Mueller ALREADY gave them the full version and a redacted classified information version.

Barr is swiping it clean of all the stuff he simply does not want us to see, the classified stuff has already been noted by the Mueller team before his last day.

Congress, specifically the Judicial committee and the Intelligence committee WILL GET the full unredacted version... Courts have ruled over and over again, that it is part of congress's job to get this kind of information.

We the people may not see the classified version for years, but all the other stuff, we will see eventually....

Trump and the minions he put in office to protect him, are hoping to keep this fight going on, so he can keep hidden what is in the report, until after the election.

Transparency is not a dirty word, as you are playing.

We got to see Page and Strzok's personal emails, you had no problem with that.... you should feel the same about this Mueller report.

WHAT wrong doing ARE YOU TRYING TO HIDE from the American people?

I knew Trump was lying through his teeth when he said he wanted the report released in full, and Donny Junior too....

They ALREADY KNEW that Barr would cover for them and protect them, this is why he was hired, it appears...
Barr and Mueller have been close friends for decades!
Your "Gold Standard" Mueller would NEVER allow Barr to "get away" with fuck all. And Barr would NEVER attempt anything so fucking dumb. He would end his friendship with Mueller and his family. The families go on family vacations your fucking MORON!
The fact YOU haven't "seen Mueller" means fuck all!
What's do you expect Mueller to do? Fucking phone and tell you where he is going everyday?
...because, according to you, Mueller and his 19 lawyers will NOT step forward to expose Barr's manipulation and false reporting of his report if Barr releases a false / doctored report.
of course they won't come out on their own, the rules dictate, that they do not....they follow the rules... unless they are subpoenaed by congress, then they will have to tell what's in it.... behind closed doors.

Why are you so wigged out and against the American citizenry on this? Full Transparency, (outside of top secret classified stuff) is a good thing, for everyone...

75%-80% of the public, wants to see the full Mueller report..... that includes BOTH Republicans and Democrats, and those unaffiliated.
If you think the rat Andrew Wiseman wouldn't leak anything that Barr was 'covering up' you are fucking delusional!
of course they won't come out on their own, the rules dictate, that they do not....they follow the rules... unless they are subpoenaed by congress, then they will have to tell what's in it.... behind closed doors.

Unfortunately for YOU, Mueller has already proven that he will step forward in a heart-beat to correct false statements / false claims about his investigation:

"Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s office on Friday denied an explosive report by BuzzFeed News that his investigators had gathered evidence showing President Trump directed his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, to lie to Congress about a prospective business deal in Moscow."

.....but you just keep lying and holding on to those continued conspiracy theories because you can't handle reality / the truth......
The Mueller team made ONE statement to the public ONCE in TWO YEARS.

Huge Fail there sweetie
...because, according to you, Mueller and his 19 lawyers will NOT step forward to expose Barr's manipulation and false reporting of his report if Barr releases a false / doctored report.
of course they won't come out on their own, the rules dictate, that they do not....they follow the rules... unless they are subpoenaed by congress, then they will have to tell what's in it.... behind closed doors.

Why are you so wigged out and against the American citizenry on this? Full Transparency, (outside of top secret classified stuff) is a good thing, for everyone...

75%-80% of the public, wants to see the full Mueller report..... that includes BOTH Republicans and Democrats, and those unaffiliated.
If you think the rat Andrew Wiseman wouldn't leak anything that Barr was 'covering up' you are fucking delusional!
So you're an acquaintance of ...who? Andrew Wiseman?

How do you know him?

Divorced your sister or something?
Yes, that's about what Barr said, but I don't think it's gonna turn out that way.
Why did the Congress give Barr an arbitrary deadline? He has said he will release it in mid-April or before. It's a long report and there is stuff in there that no doubt needs to be redacted by law. So giving him a few weeks is not unreasonable.
What is happening on April 3 that makes the Congress's deadline so important?

Could be they're just looking for a reason to continue screaming and hollering in front of the cameras. Buying time until they find something else to have their panties in an uproar about.
What thy're "looking for" is the Report.

Have you seen it?

I think it got lost. Maybe it's under Bill Barr's fat ass huh?
The time for Barr to prove his alleged honor is right now. Acting all mysterious and vague about the Mueller report is not doing his credibility any favors. If Barr is interested in his reputation being intact after all this mess he had better hurry up and give it to congress and it had better say what he he says it does.

Or what? Are you derelicts going to start calling Trump a "russian asset" and a "traitor" again? You bet the farm on Mueller and Trump just called your note due and seized the farm. I know you have no concept of winning and losing but trust me, this game is over and you lost.

not according to what I read.

Then you should stop reading leftist blogs and thinking they're news.
The HOAX is DEAD....and now the rodents want to give it an autopsy, the results of which would be in the NYTimes within minutes. No reason the AG should give them law says he must, no standard for the USSC to rule on.....if he decides not to, the slime machine shuts down. So since tomorrow is April Fool's Day, a day before the "deadline" they dreamed up, he should send them 300 pages of redacted black magic marker blocked out nothing. Screw them. If there was any "collusion" or "obstruction" that Barr hasn't told us about, does anybody believe that Mueller, or Weissman, or Rosenstein wouldn't have been on CNN screaming about it? They all know better, all of them, and they had a good time doing it...until now that is. I wonder how funny they think it will be when the new FBI is knocking on their doors?

Have you read one word of Mueller?
Please post
The time for Barr to prove his alleged honor is right now. Acting all mysterious and vague about the Mueller report is not doing his credibility any favors. If Barr is interested in his reputation being intact after all this mess he had better hurry up and give it to congress and it had better say what he he says it does.

Or what? Are you derelicts going to start calling Trump a "russian asset" and a "traitor" again? You bet the farm on Mueller and Trump just called your note due and seized the farm. I know you have no concept of winning and losing but trust me, this game is over and you lost.

not according to what I read.

Then you should stop reading leftist blogs and thinking they're news.
Everyone has their mind made up.
Pathetic really.
You don't listen to knees news?
Yes, that's about what Barr said, but I don't think it's gonna turn out that way.
Why did the Congress give Barr an arbitrary deadline? He has said he will release it in mid-April or before. It's a long report and there is stuff in there that no doubt needs to be redacted by law. So giving him a few weeks is not unreasonable.
What is happening on April 3 that makes the Congress's deadline so important?

Wonder why Starr released his larger report in one day?
Wow the Mueller report must be pretty juicy watching how shitty the Trump camp is acting about a report that allegedly exonerates Trump. By now the White House has a leaked copy and it has been funny watching them try to keep a lid on it.

No, this isn't Holder/Lynch....Barr is an honorable man, he might not even care for the President, and he certainly wouldn't blow the reputation he's spent 40 years building with some fakery. He'll do the right thing, something you wouldn't recognize if it bit you on the face.

In your made up minds opinion
40 years?
Last 30 as a CEO
No legal work in sight
Then wrote a groveling letter to the con saying the pres is a king.
Then surprise he got a job!!
I assumed you voted for hill?

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