Barr Tells Congress Rats To Pound Sand

Yes, that's about what Barr said, but I don't think it's gonna turn out that way.
Why did the Congress give Barr an arbitrary deadline? He has said he will release it in mid-April or before. It's a long report and there is stuff in there that no doubt needs to be redacted by law. So giving him a few weeks is not unreasonable.
What is happening on April 3 that makes the Congress's deadline so important?

If he really had honorable intentions he would have gotten all the information copied and sent to congress the day after he got it.
Do Democrats know why the Mueller report is classified? Has it occurred to them to even ask this question? If they did a little checking, they would be embarrassed about their claims/insinuations that Barr is "hiding" or misrepresenting the report's findings.

HINT: Do Democrats understand that grand jury proceedings are sealed?

Do you not understand that congress can get them unsealed?
Wow the Mueller report must be pretty juicy watching how shitty the Trump camp is acting about a report that allegedly exonerates Trump. By now the White House has a leaked copy and it has been funny watching them try to keep a lid on it.

No, this isn't Holder/Lynch....Barr is an honorable man, he might not even care for the President, and he certainly wouldn't blow the reputation he's spent 40 years building with some fakery. He'll do the right thing, something you wouldn't recognize if it bit you on the face.

BS. He's there only because of an un asked for 19 page memo he sent to congress dissing the investigation.
No Jim, that's a right wing LIE.
He confessed and plead guilty, because he DID LIE to the FBI about talking with the Russian Ambassador about removing sanctions....
Robert Mueller releases memo summarizing interview with Michael Flynn - CNNPolitics
Whether the FBI decided Flynn was lying at that moment has become a touch point in President Donald Trump's recent attacks on the Mueller investigation. Trump has latched on to whether Mueller pursued Flynn on a criminal charge at odds with the FBI's initial findings. Former FBI agent Peter Strzok's participation in the Flynn interview -- and the fact that Flynn was not warned he could be prosecuted for lying and had no lawyer in the room with him when he met with the FBI at the White House -- has also cast political shadows on the case.
Trump has alleged the FBI determined that day that Flynn hadn't lied. Yet the memo from January 24, 2017, that was released Monday night does not say the FBI agents made any determinations at that time. The memo only outlines what Flynn said in a straightforward manner.
The subsequent criminal complaint, filed by Mueller's office in December 2017, outlined how Flynn's retelling of the conversations was wrong.​

Even Strojk said he did not believe that Flynn intended to lie that day as he recounted, without preparation, a 12 month old conversation.

But he has been ruined for it anyway because of political partisanship.

No Jim, that's a right wing LIE.
He confessed and plead guilty, because he DID LIE to the FBI about talking with the Russian Ambassador about removing sanctions....
Robert Mueller releases memo summarizing interview with Michael Flynn - CNNPolitics
Whether the FBI decided Flynn was lying at that moment has become a touch point in President Donald Trump's recent attacks on the Mueller investigation. Trump has latched on to whether Mueller pursued Flynn on a criminal charge at odds with the FBI's initial findings. Former FBI agent Peter Strzok's participation in the Flynn interview -- and the fact that Flynn was not warned he could be prosecuted for lying and had no lawyer in the room with him when he met with the FBI at the White House -- has also cast political shadows on the case.
Trump has alleged the FBI determined that day that Flynn hadn't lied. Yet the memo from January 24, 2017, that was released Monday night does not say the FBI agents made any determinations at that time. The memo only outlines what Flynn said in a straightforward manner.
The subsequent criminal complaint, filed by Mueller's office in December 2017, outlined how Flynn's retelling of the conversations was wrong.​

Even Strojk said he did not believe that Flynn intended to lie that day as he recounted, without preparation, a 12 month old conversation.

But he has been ruined for it anyway because of political partisanship.

Nope, no BS.
The report did not exonerate Trump and even Barr has admitted that. That means there is evidence of collusion.
That is bullshit. A quote right out of Mueller's report stated 'Russian collusion could not be established'.

THAT means Mueller and his team did not find evidence to prove Trump or anyone associated with him colluded with the Russians. The lack of evidence of collusion means 'No collusion'. The 'inability to establish collusion' means no collusion was established. NO EVIDENCE of collusion found / established.

Desperate snowflakes, however, are trying to convince people (or themselves) that NOT establishing Russian Collusion means Mueller just could not (find the evidence to) definitively establish / prove that the Russian collusion they CLAIM happened (but which they have no evidence to prove) actually occurred.

The REALITY that actual existing evidence has exposed that Russian Collusion NEVER happened, that the FBI did their own internal investigation and found NO EVIDENCE and NO COLLUSUION but then proceeded anyway to use information they KNEW was not reliable from a Trump-hating foreign spy and Russians, bought by the DNC nominee, to illegally start an investigation of what they already KNEW was a NO CRIME, that all of this happened....that this was an exposed coup attempt.

The REALTY is existing evidence shows Obama's DOJ and FBI collaborated together to prevent Hillary from being indicted and from going to prison. that EXISTS....

Yet insane treasonous Democrats and snowflakes continue to reject acknowledgement of all of this evidence, keep refusing to acknowledge these Democrats crimes, and continue to try to take down the elected President of the United States. It's the biggest exposed scandal in US history and the damnedest thing we have ever seen. The fact that it continues, that sanity has been re-established and the traitors who started all of this have not been brought to justice only proves to me this country is already lost.

If that were true then he would not have said the report did not exonerate Trump. Clearly he was using a legal standard and could not establish collusion beyond a reasonable doubt. That means he found evidence that could lead to collusion.

The fact is that Trump's campaign was aware of the Russian interference in the election and was willing to help the Russians. Roger Stone knew about Podesta's e-mails being released on WikiLeaks BEFORE they were released and said he had a backchannel to WikiLeaks. Paul Manafort gave campaign documents and polling data to a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence.

The REALITY is that Trump was willing to accept Russian help. Comey confirmed that some of the information had been verified. No investigation was started illegally. There was no coup.

The REALITY is that there is no evidence of any collaboration to prevent Clinton from being indicted.

Trump supporters are the ones who are insane and treasonous. They put Trump before the country. You apparently are talking about retaliation. That is treasonous as well.
That means he found evidence that could lead to collusion.

how do you get there from not seeing the report exactly? dude you're a fking kick and a half :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You are the one who is fking 2 kicks. The fact that Trump was not exonerated shows there is something in there.

"Napolitano said he doesn’t know the answer to that question but he does believe Schiff is right that there will be something about collusion in the special counsel’s report.

“I think that Congressman Schiff is correct, in that report will be evidence of the existence of a conspiracy, not enough evidence to prove the existence beyond a reasonable doubt,” the judge declared. “In that report will be evidence of obstruction of justice, interfering with an FBI investigation for a personal gain but not enough evidence to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.”

Fox’s Judge Napolitano: Schiff ‘Is Correct’ That Mueller Report Will Show Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion
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The report did not exonerate Trump and even Barr has admitted that. That means there is evidence of collusion.
That is bullshit. A quote right out of Mueller's report stated 'Russian collusion could not be established'.

THAT means Mueller and his team did not find evidence to prove Trump or anyone associated with him colluded with the Russians. The lack of evidence of collusion means 'No collusion'. The 'inability to establish collusion' means no collusion was established. NO EVIDENCE of collusion found / established.

Desperate snowflakes, however, are trying to convince people (or themselves) that NOT establishing Russian Collusion means Mueller just could not (find the evidence to) definitively establish / prove that the Russian collusion they CLAIM happened (but which they have no evidence to prove) actually occurred.

The REALITY that actual existing evidence has exposed that Russian Collusion NEVER happened, that the FBI did their own internal investigation and found NO EVIDENCE and NO COLLUSUION but then proceeded anyway to use information they KNEW was not reliable from a Trump-hating foreign spy and Russians, bought by the DNC nominee, to illegally start an investigation of what they already KNEW was a NO CRIME, that all of this happened....that this was an exposed coup attempt.

The REALTY is existing evidence shows Obama's DOJ and FBI collaborated together to prevent Hillary from being indicted and from going to prison. that EXISTS....

Yet insane treasonous Democrats and snowflakes continue to reject acknowledgement of all of this evidence, keep refusing to acknowledge these Democrats crimes, and continue to try to take down the elected President of the United States. It's the biggest exposed scandal in US history and the damnedest thing we have ever seen. The fact that it continues, that sanity has been re-established and the traitors who started all of this have not been brought to justice only proves to me this country is already lost.

If that were true then he would not have said the report did not exonerate Trump. Clearly he was using a legal standard and could not establish collusion beyond a reasonable doubt. That means he found evidence that could lead to collusion.

The fact is that Trump's campaign was aware of the Russian interference in the election and was willing to help the Russians. Roger Stone knew about Podesta's e-mails being released on WikiLeaks BEFORE they were released and said he had a backchannel to WikiLeaks. Paul Manafort gave campaign documents and polling data to a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence.

The REALITY is that Trump was willing to accept Russian help. Comey confirmed that some of the information had been verified. No investigation was started illegally. There was no coup.

The REALITY is that there is no evidence of any collaboration to prevent Clinton from being indicted.

Trump supporters are the ones who are insane and treasonous. They put Trump before the country. You apparently are talking about retaliation. That is treasonous as well.
t Trump's campaign was aware of the Russian interference in the election

So did Obammy, why didn't he stop it?

Obama didn't benefit from it. Trump did. He encouraged it.
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If that were true then he would not have said the report did not exonerate Trump. Clearly he was using a legal standard and could not establish collusion beyond a reasonable doubt. That means he found evidence that could lead to collusion.

The fact is that Trump's campaign was aware of the Russian interference in the election and was willing to help the Russians. Roger Stone knew about Podesta's e-mails being released on WikiLeaks BEFORE they were released and said he had a backchannel to WikiLeaks. Paul Manafort gave campaign documents and polling data to a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence.

The REALITY is that Trump was willing to accept Russian help. Comey confirmed that some of the information had been verified. No investigation was started illegally. There was no coup.

The REALITY is that there is no evidence of any collaboration to prevent Clinton from being indicted.

Trump supporters are the ones who are insane and treasonous. They put Trump before the country. You apparently are talking about retaliation. That is treasonous as well.

You're crazier than Jilly....I didn't think that was possible.

You are the crazy Trump supporter. :21:
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The report did not exonerate Trump and even Barr has admitted that. That means there is evidence of collusion.
That is bullshit. A quote right out of Mueller's report stated 'Russian collusion could not be established'.

THAT means Mueller and his team did not find evidence to prove Trump or anyone associated with him colluded with the Russians. The lack of evidence of collusion means 'No collusion'. The 'inability to establish collusion' means no collusion was established. NO EVIDENCE of collusion found / established.

Desperate snowflakes, however, are trying to convince people (or themselves) that NOT establishing Russian Collusion means Mueller just could not (find the evidence to) definitively establish / prove that the Russian collusion they CLAIM happened (but which they have no evidence to prove) actually occurred.

The REALITY that actual existing evidence has exposed that Russian Collusion NEVER happened, that the FBI did their own internal investigation and found NO EVIDENCE and NO COLLUSUION but then proceeded anyway to use information they KNEW was not reliable from a Trump-hating foreign spy and Russians, bought by the DNC nominee, to illegally start an investigation of what they already KNEW was a NO CRIME, that all of this happened....that this was an exposed coup attempt.

The REALTY is existing evidence shows Obama's DOJ and FBI collaborated together to prevent Hillary from being indicted and from going to prison. that EXISTS....

Yet insane treasonous Democrats and snowflakes continue to reject acknowledgement of all of this evidence, keep refusing to acknowledge these Democrats crimes, and continue to try to take down the elected President of the United States. It's the biggest exposed scandal in US history and the damnedest thing we have ever seen. The fact that it continues, that sanity has been re-established and the traitors who started all of this have not been brought to justice only proves to me this country is already lost.

If that were true then he would not have said the report did not exonerate Trump. Clearly he was using a legal standard and could not establish collusion beyond a reasonable doubt. That means he found evidence that could lead to collusion.

The fact is that Trump's campaign was aware of the Russian interference in the election and was willing to help the Russians. Roger Stone knew about Podesta's e-mails being released on WikiLeaks BEFORE they were released and said he had a backchannel to WikiLeaks. Paul Manafort gave campaign documents and polling data to a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence.

The REALITY is that Trump was willing to accept Russian help. Comey confirmed that some of the information had been verified. No investigation was started illegally. There was no coup.

The REALITY is that there is no evidence of any collaboration to prevent Clinton from being indicted.

Trump supporters are the ones who are insane and treasonous. They put Trump before the country. You apparently are talking about retaliation. That is treasonous as well.
If the report would have established (proven) collusion snowflakes would be partying and Trump would be in the middle of Impeachment right now....but he is not because nothing could be found to prove the false accusations of collusion, dumbass!

Again, that is what NORMAL people call being found Innocent due to a LACK OF EVIDENCE.

The report establishes that there is evidence of Russian collusion but not beyond a reasonable doubt. Impeachment is off of the table because of the timing. In less than a year, the primaries are starting. Why would you want to run against anyone but Trump.

This is not a court of law. NORMAL people do not see Trump as innocent. THERE IS EVIDENCE.
The report did not exonerate Trump and even Barr has admitted that. That means there is evidence of collusion.
That is bullshit. A quote right out of Mueller's report stated 'Russian collusion could not be established'.

THAT means Mueller and his team did not find evidence to prove Trump or anyone associated with him colluded with the Russians. The lack of evidence of collusion means 'No collusion'. The 'inability to establish collusion' means no collusion was established. NO EVIDENCE of collusion found / established.

Desperate snowflakes, however, are trying to convince people (or themselves) that NOT establishing Russian Collusion means Mueller just could not (find the evidence to) definitively establish / prove that the Russian collusion they CLAIM happened (but which they have no evidence to prove) actually occurred.

The REALITY that actual existing evidence has exposed that Russian Collusion NEVER happened, that the FBI did their own internal investigation and found NO EVIDENCE and NO COLLUSUION but then proceeded anyway to use information they KNEW was not reliable from a Trump-hating foreign spy and Russians, bought by the DNC nominee, to illegally start an investigation of what they already KNEW was a NO CRIME, that all of this happened....that this was an exposed coup attempt.

The REALTY is existing evidence shows Obama's DOJ and FBI collaborated together to prevent Hillary from being indicted and from going to prison. that EXISTS....

Yet insane treasonous Democrats and snowflakes continue to reject acknowledgement of all of this evidence, keep refusing to acknowledge these Democrats crimes, and continue to try to take down the elected President of the United States. It's the biggest exposed scandal in US history and the damnedest thing we have ever seen. The fact that it continues, that sanity has been re-established and the traitors who started all of this have not been brought to justice only proves to me this country is already lost.

If that were true then he would not have said the report did not exonerate Trump. Clearly he was using a legal standard and could not establish collusion beyond a reasonable doubt. That means he found evidence that could lead to collusion.

The fact is that Trump's campaign was aware of the Russian interference in the election and was willing to help the Russians. Roger Stone knew about Podesta's e-mails being released on WikiLeaks BEFORE they were released and said he had a backchannel to WikiLeaks. Paul Manafort gave campaign documents and polling data to a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence.

The REALITY is that Trump was willing to accept Russian help. Comey confirmed that some of the information had been verified. No investigation was started illegally. There was no coup.

The REALITY is that there is no evidence of any collaboration to prevent Clinton from being indicted.

Trump supporters are the ones who are insane and treasonous. They put Trump before the country. You apparently are talking about retaliation. That is treasonous as well.
t Trump's campaign was aware of the Russian interference in the election

So did Obammy, why didn't he stop it?

Obama didn't benefit from it. Trump did. He encouraged it.
Does it make you feel better, telling yourself it was OK for Barry to know about Russian meddling back in 2014 but allowing it to continue for 2 years because 'he didn't benefit from it'?!

It was his job to protect the UNITED STATES. Instead, he, his DOJ, & FBI protected Hillary ... Then they attempted a coup against a newly elected President.
The report establishes that there is evidence of Russian collusion but not beyond a reasonable doubt..
Again, that is what NORMAL people call 'INNOCENT' due to 'LACK OF EVIDENCE'.

Thank you for admitting that.

There is more existing evidence that Hillary Clinton committed crimes, more existing evidence that Hillary Clinton & the Democrats altered the 2016 election, & more existing evidence that Hillary Clinton illegally colluded with foreign spies and Russians than there is against the President!

Comey, the same man who protected her and went after Trump testified under oath that she broke laws...and now the evidence exists proving the FBI & DOJ protected her from indictment.
The report did not exonerate Trump and even Barr has admitted that. That means there is evidence of collusion.
That is bullshit. A quote right out of Mueller's report stated 'Russian collusion could not be established'.

THAT means Mueller and his team did not find evidence to prove Trump or anyone associated with him colluded with the Russians. The lack of evidence of collusion means 'No collusion'. The 'inability to establish collusion' means no collusion was established. NO EVIDENCE of collusion found / established.

Desperate snowflakes, however, are trying to convince people (or themselves) that NOT establishing Russian Collusion means Mueller just could not (find the evidence to) definitively establish / prove that the Russian collusion they CLAIM happened (but which they have no evidence to prove) actually occurred.

The REALITY that actual existing evidence has exposed that Russian Collusion NEVER happened, that the FBI did their own internal investigation and found NO EVIDENCE and NO COLLUSUION but then proceeded anyway to use information they KNEW was not reliable from a Trump-hating foreign spy and Russians, bought by the DNC nominee, to illegally start an investigation of what they already KNEW was a NO CRIME, that all of this happened....that this was an exposed coup attempt.

The REALTY is existing evidence shows Obama's DOJ and FBI collaborated together to prevent Hillary from being indicted and from going to prison. that EXISTS....

Yet insane treasonous Democrats and snowflakes continue to reject acknowledgement of all of this evidence, keep refusing to acknowledge these Democrats crimes, and continue to try to take down the elected President of the United States. It's the biggest exposed scandal in US history and the damnedest thing we have ever seen. The fact that it continues, that sanity has been re-established and the traitors who started all of this have not been brought to justice only proves to me this country is already lost.

If that were true then he would not have said the report did not exonerate Trump. Clearly he was using a legal standard and could not establish collusion beyond a reasonable doubt. That means he found evidence that could lead to collusion.

The fact is that Trump's campaign was aware of the Russian interference in the election and was willing to help the Russians. Roger Stone knew about Podesta's e-mails being released on WikiLeaks BEFORE they were released and said he had a backchannel to WikiLeaks. Paul Manafort gave campaign documents and polling data to a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence.

The REALITY is that Trump was willing to accept Russian help. Comey confirmed that some of the information had been verified. No investigation was started illegally. There was no coup.

The REALITY is that there is no evidence of any collaboration to prevent Clinton from being indicted.

Trump supporters are the ones who are insane and treasonous. They put Trump before the country. You apparently are talking about retaliation. That is treasonous as well.
t Trump's campaign was aware of the Russian interference in the election

So did Obammy, why didn't he stop it?

Obama didn't benefit from it. Trump did. He encouraged it.
Does it make you feel better, telling yourself it was OK for Barry to know about Russian meddling back in 2014 but allowing it to continue for 2 years because 'he didn't benefit from it'?!

It was his job to protect the UNITED STATES. Instead, he, his DOJ, & FBI protected Hillary ... Then they attempted a coup against a newly elected President.

"Monaco says that’s because the Obama administration was at the time focused on seeking cooperation for a last-ditch effort by the Department of Homeland Security to avoid Russian tampering in the actual voting process. But the administration, she said, faced a backlash from state and local governments who viewed the DHS cybersecurity election push as “a big federal takeover” and were reluctant to cooperate. That was the case that she, FBI Director James Comey and DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson made in a secret briefing of top members of Congress in the fall, during a session at which Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) reportedly balked at their characterization of the evidence of Russian involvement in the hack."

Did Obama Blow It on the Russian Hacking?

Republicans treated it as a partisan issue despite Obama officials' attempt to warn people about it. What else did you want? WW III?
Also, Mueller states collusion could not be established....that does not mean 'he found some but not enough'. It means it could not be proven, verified, substantiated...but you snowflakes are so desperate you grasp at Bill Clinton 'the definition of the word....' Games to continue to insist Trump is guilty.
That is bullshit. A quote right out of Mueller's report stated 'Russian collusion could not be established'.

THAT means Mueller and his team did not find evidence to prove Trump or anyone associated with him colluded with the Russians. The lack of evidence of collusion means 'No collusion'. The 'inability to establish collusion' means no collusion was established. NO EVIDENCE of collusion found / established.

Desperate snowflakes, however, are trying to convince people (or themselves) that NOT establishing Russian Collusion means Mueller just could not (find the evidence to) definitively establish / prove that the Russian collusion they CLAIM happened (but which they have no evidence to prove) actually occurred.

The REALITY that actual existing evidence has exposed that Russian Collusion NEVER happened, that the FBI did their own internal investigation and found NO EVIDENCE and NO COLLUSUION but then proceeded anyway to use information they KNEW was not reliable from a Trump-hating foreign spy and Russians, bought by the DNC nominee, to illegally start an investigation of what they already KNEW was a NO CRIME, that all of this happened....that this was an exposed coup attempt.

The REALTY is existing evidence shows Obama's DOJ and FBI collaborated together to prevent Hillary from being indicted and from going to prison. that EXISTS....

Yet insane treasonous Democrats and snowflakes continue to reject acknowledgement of all of this evidence, keep refusing to acknowledge these Democrats crimes, and continue to try to take down the elected President of the United States. It's the biggest exposed scandal in US history and the damnedest thing we have ever seen. The fact that it continues, that sanity has been re-established and the traitors who started all of this have not been brought to justice only proves to me this country is already lost.

If that were true then he would not have said the report did not exonerate Trump. Clearly he was using a legal standard and could not establish collusion beyond a reasonable doubt. That means he found evidence that could lead to collusion.

The fact is that Trump's campaign was aware of the Russian interference in the election and was willing to help the Russians. Roger Stone knew about Podesta's e-mails being released on WikiLeaks BEFORE they were released and said he had a backchannel to WikiLeaks. Paul Manafort gave campaign documents and polling data to a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence.

The REALITY is that Trump was willing to accept Russian help. Comey confirmed that some of the information had been verified. No investigation was started illegally. There was no coup.

The REALITY is that there is no evidence of any collaboration to prevent Clinton from being indicted.

Trump supporters are the ones who are insane and treasonous. They put Trump before the country. You apparently are talking about retaliation. That is treasonous as well.
t Trump's campaign was aware of the Russian interference in the election

So did Obammy, why didn't he stop it?

Obama didn't benefit from it. Trump did. He encouraged it.
Does it make you feel better, telling yourself it was OK for Barry to know about Russian meddling back in 2014 but allowing it to continue for 2 years because 'he didn't benefit from it'?!

It was his job to protect the UNITED STATES. Instead, he, his DOJ, & FBI protected Hillary ... Then they attempted a coup against a newly elected President.

"Monaco says that’s because the Obama administration was at the time focused on seeking cooperation for a last-ditch effort by the Department of Homeland Security to avoid Russian tampering in the actual voting process. But the administration, she said, faced a backlash from state and local governments who viewed the DHS cybersecurity election push as “a big federal takeover” and were reluctant to cooperate. That was the case that she, FBI Director James Comey and DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson made in a secret briefing of top members of Congress in the fall, during a session at which Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) reportedly balked at their characterization of the evidence of Russian involvement in the hack."

Did Obama Blow It on the Russian Hacking?

Republicans treated it as a partisan issue despite Obama officials' attempt to warn people about it. What else did you want? WW III?
Obama f*ed up and allowed the Russians to meddle for 2 years...He gave them uranium, he gave them Crimea, and by knowing about Hillary's illegal server use and not shutting it down while knowing the Russians were trying to hack top US officials Barry shares part of the blame for the Russians getting their hands on the classified info on her server.. .
The report establishes that there is evidence of Russian collusion but not beyond a reasonable doubt..
Again, that is what NORMAL people call 'INNOCENT' due to 'LACK OF EVIDENCE'.

Thank you for admitting that.

There is more existing evidence that Hillary Clinton committed crimes, more existing evidence that Hillary Clinton & the Democrats altered the 2016 election, & more existing evidence that Hillary Clinton illegally colluded with foreign spies and Russians than there is against the President!

Comey, the same man who protected her and went after Trump testified under oath that she broke laws...and now the evidence exists proving the FBI & DOJ protected her from indictment.

There is no evidence that the FBI and DOJ protected Clinton from indictment. We have had Trump appointed officials at both the FBI and DOJ and no action. It was after Trump tried to get Comey to drop the Flynn investigation.

There is no evidence that Clinton colluded with anyone. The Russians clearly wanted Trump not Clinton. Thy even bought pro-Trump ads on social media after Manafort provided them with polling data.
Also, Mueller states collusion could not be established....that does not mean 'he found some but not enough'. It means it could not be proven, verified, substantiated...but you snowflakes are so desperate you grasp at Bill Clinton 'the definition of the word....' Games to continue to insist Trump is guilty.

Mueller also says that Trump was not exonerated. That does mean he found some proof of collusion but not enough. You are the snowflake. If this was Barack Obama, you would be demanding he be hung. I do believe Clinton was guilty of sexual harassment AND Trump did everything he could to take advantage of the help.
If that were true then he would not have said the report did not exonerate Trump. Clearly he was using a legal standard and could not establish collusion beyond a reasonable doubt. That means he found evidence that could lead to collusion.

The fact is that Trump's campaign was aware of the Russian interference in the election and was willing to help the Russians. Roger Stone knew about Podesta's e-mails being released on WikiLeaks BEFORE they were released and said he had a backchannel to WikiLeaks. Paul Manafort gave campaign documents and polling data to a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence.

The REALITY is that Trump was willing to accept Russian help. Comey confirmed that some of the information had been verified. No investigation was started illegally. There was no coup.

The REALITY is that there is no evidence of any collaboration to prevent Clinton from being indicted.

Trump supporters are the ones who are insane and treasonous. They put Trump before the country. You apparently are talking about retaliation. That is treasonous as well.
t Trump's campaign was aware of the Russian interference in the election

So did Obammy, why didn't he stop it?

Obama didn't benefit from it. Trump did. He encouraged it.
Does it make you feel better, telling yourself it was OK for Barry to know about Russian meddling back in 2014 but allowing it to continue for 2 years because 'he didn't benefit from it'?!

It was his job to protect the UNITED STATES. Instead, he, his DOJ, & FBI protected Hillary ... Then they attempted a coup against a newly elected President.

"Monaco says that’s because the Obama administration was at the time focused on seeking cooperation for a last-ditch effort by the Department of Homeland Security to avoid Russian tampering in the actual voting process. But the administration, she said, faced a backlash from state and local governments who viewed the DHS cybersecurity election push as “a big federal takeover” and were reluctant to cooperate. That was the case that she, FBI Director James Comey and DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson made in a secret briefing of top members of Congress in the fall, during a session at which Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) reportedly balked at their characterization of the evidence of Russian involvement in the hack."

Did Obama Blow It on the Russian Hacking?

Republicans treated it as a partisan issue despite Obama officials' attempt to warn people about it. What else did you want? WW III?
Obama f*ed up and allowed the Russians to meddle for 2 years...He gave them uranium, he gave them Crimea, and by knowing about Hillary's illegal server use and not shutting it down while knowing the Russians were trying to hack top US officials Barry shares part of the blame for the Russians getting their hands on the classified info on her server.. .

Obama did not give them uranium. He also placed sanctions on Russia There is no evidence that Russia hacked Clinton's server. When Trump wanted Russia to release Clinton's supposedly lost e-mails, the fact they did not shows they did not hack Clinton's server.
There is no evidence that the FBI and DOJ protected Clinton from indictment.
That is a lie / false statement.

Former FBI Agent Page testified it happened. Now there is e-mail / text evidence proving this happened.
You forgot on-the-record pussy grabbing
Words only, dingus.

Wow. What else to say?

Can you explain what in the world makes you think it’s words only after dozens of women say it happened to them and Trump fully confessed to doing it?
I'd have to diagnose you with two separate diseases - TDS and Maddow On The Brain (MOB) Disease.

So you can’t explain?
I have no idea why you're a worthless leftist traitor. Maybe you were born a couple cells short.

So you can’t explain why you believe it’s “just words”, you just pathetically try to switch topics.

Good job useful moron, you can now get back to your blind Dear Leader worshiping.

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