Barr Tells Congress Rats To Pound Sand

THAT means Mueller and his team did not find evidence to prove Trump or anyone associated with him colluded with the Russians.

More correctly

THAT means Mueller and his team did not find ENOUGH evidence to prove Trump or anyone associated with him colluded with the Russians.

We don't know how MUCH and what KIND of evidence was found and we do know that NO indictment of a sitting President would be enough to charge him because of DOJ policy so...

Yea...we need to see that Report NOW
If it is a part of the report then Congress has a right to know as well as the public. That should override any laws.
Yeah, Democrats / snowflakes always declare what they want and what they do OVERRIDES ANY AND ALL LAWS. That's part of the problem.

Again...what law are you talking about?
How the Democrats have set themselves above the law in just about everything they do.

Case in point, it has been established / proven through memos, testimony, etc...that Obama's DOJ and FBI colluded / collaborated together to protect Hillary from indictment / prison. That is not even in question anymore with the evidence that exists. Snowflakes look at that evidence and don't even blink because they have been so thoroughly programmed / partisanly brainwashed where they continue to defend, lie, deny, and justify even now after that has been proven / established.

Lisa Page said FBI discussed charging Hillary Clinton with 'gross negligence' in 2016, and DOJ told them no
If it is a part of the report then Congress has a right to know as well as the public. That should override any laws.
Yeah, Democrats / snowflakes always declare what they want and what they do OVERRIDES ANY AND ALL LAWS. That's part of the problem.

Again...what law are you talking about?
How the Democrats have set themselves above the law in just about everything they do.

Case in point, it has been established / proven through memos, testimony, etc...that Obama's DOJ and FBI colluded / collaborated together to protect Hillary from indictment / prison. That is not even in question anymore with the evidence that exists. Snowflakes look at that evidence and don't even blink because they have been so thoroughly programmed / partisanly brainwashed where they continue to defend, lie, deny, and justify even now after that has been proven / established.

Lisa Page said FBI discussed charging Hillary Clinton with 'gross negligence' in 2016, and DOJ told them no
It's been "alleged" on sites like 4chan and from people like QAnon.

Ya know. Nutjobs
THAT means Mueller and his team did not find ENOUGH evidence to prove Trump or anyone associated with him colluded with the Russians.


The Mueller reports NO CRIME - NO COLLUSION. The claims could not be substantiated. Add in former FBI Agent Page's testimony under oath before Congress that the FBI, who wanted to take Trump down BAD, failed to find any evidence of collusion BEFORE they conned the FISA Court and Congress into giving them warrants and opening an OFFICIAL investigation - that means TWO investigations spanning MORE than 3 years has FAILED to PROVE any crime.



ON THE OTHER HAND evidence has been exposed of Hillary crimes and Obama agency criminal acts / of a conspiratorial coup!
If it is a part of the report then Congress has a right to know as well as the public. That should override any laws.
Yeah, Democrats / snowflakes always declare what they want and what they do OVERRIDES ANY AND ALL LAWS. That's part of the problem.

Again...what law are you talking about?
How the Democrats have set themselves above the law in just about everything they do.

Case in point, it has been established / proven through memos, testimony, etc...that Obama's DOJ and FBI colluded / collaborated together to protect Hillary from indictment / prison. That is not even in question anymore with the evidence that exists. Snowflakes look at that evidence and don't even blink because they have been so thoroughly programmed / partisanly brainwashed where they continue to defend, lie, deny, and justify even now after that has been proven / established.

Lisa Page said FBI discussed charging Hillary Clinton with 'gross negligence' in 2016, and DOJ told them no
It's been "alleged" on sites like 4chan and from people like QAnon.

Ya know. Nutjobs
Page testified - EVIDENCE - that the DOJ and FBI protected Hillary.
The FBI itself publicly declared they had proven THOUSANDS of criminal counts by Hillary Clinton.
Her guilt - the fact that she committed crimes - are not even questioned by sane, non-partisan nut jobs.

Which makes continuing to discuss anything with YOU is a waste of time.
Then you bought the wrong plan dumbass. You should have bought the silver and gambled on the cheaper bronze.

You think that didn't happen prior to the ACA? Of course it did.
I get my insurance through my employer. so again, out of pocket expenses went up 200%. again you ignore that fact. even in the ACA programs.
Then you're not in the ACA. WTF do you think you're talking about? Bitch at your employer dumfuk
2019 Out of Pocket Maximum | HUB International
Jesus dude. How stupid are you?

That's a max imposed BY the ACA on what private insurance can charge. The ACA is CAPPING what can be charged not imposing that cost. That's on your employer's insurance.

Scrap the ACA and that same insurer can charge MORE.

The ACA was a minority-supported piece of Socialist Agenda legislation forced down the throats of the majority of Americans who did not want it, the 1st admitted step of a Socialist Democrat take-over of the US health care system, one in which Obama lied his ass off to the American people...and f*ed them...HARD.

Democrats claimed to be able to solve a problem by destroying the previous health care system and imposing a new one, one designed to fail. They did not 'fix' anything. Now the Democrats claim that the government liberal / Democrat answer to the new government liberal / Democrat-created problem is even MORE government liberal / Democrat control and power.

Everything to Democrats is about more Money, power, control for THEM and Less liberty, Less choice, Less power, & Less freedom for Americans. .

The ACA is more popular than Trump is. The Republican alternatives were even less popular. The original system was clearly broken. If you were anything but totally healthy, young and well off, the current system worked for you. Otherwise your life was hell.

The Republican alternative is going back to the old system which a majority of people oppose. Graham-Cassidy would have left millions of people without health insurance, penalized older Americans and people with pre-existing conditions.

The public realized that the ACA had faults and that is why they wanted it fixed not repealed. Republicans refused to do that.
He should do it for the sake of transparency in the law and our Judicial department, and for the sake of our country to stay a country.... and for the sake of honesty.... and truth...

cover ups by government swamp creatures, are never good for the Nation...

Honesty is the best policy... transparency is the best policy, where ever possible.... knowing the actual facts is the best policy.... informing the public of the facts, is the best policy.

At least if we are going to go at each other, we can do so with actual facts instead of conjecture on both sides.

We should play by the rules when your side never does? The past two years have shown us the leftists don't believe in anything, especially the Constitution. They've used every opportunity they had to "resist" and overthrow a duly elected President. If you want transparency all of sudden, fine.....let's have the plotters appear before the Senate Intel committee and get asked the kind of questions, under oath, they've been asking Trump satellites for the last two years. And I suggest they be taken to testify in leg irons after their doors are kicked in by SWAT teams with weapons drawn....sound good?

Wrong. Over 800,000 pages were turned over on the fake Clinton email scandal.

Not only will all of the 400 page report be turned over, but all of the notes and accompying documents from the Mueller investigation will to
The ACA is more popular than Trump is.
Among the 'stupid' snowflakes Gruber personally thanked several times for being stupid enough to let the Democrats get away with what they do - I have no doubt. :p
I get my insurance through my employer. so again, out of pocket expenses went up 200%. again you ignore that fact. even in the ACA programs.
Then you're not in the ACA. WTF do you think you're talking about? Bitch at your employer dumfuk
2019 Out of Pocket Maximum | HUB International
Jesus dude. How stupid are you?

That's a max imposed BY the ACA on what private insurance can charge. The ACA is CAPPING what can be charged not imposing that cost. That's on your employer's insurance.

Scrap the ACA and that same insurer can charge MORE.

The ACA was a minority-supported piece of Socialist Agenda legislation forced down the throats of the majority of Americans who did not want it, the 1st admitted step of a Socialist Democrat take-over of the US health care system, one in which Obama lied his ass off to the American people...and f*ed them...HARD.

Democrats claimed to be able to solve a problem by destroying the previous health care system and imposing a new one, one designed to fail. They did not 'fix' anything. Now the Democrats claim that the government liberal / Democrat answer to the new government liberal / Democrat-created problem is even MORE government liberal / Democrat control and power.

Everything to Democrats is about more Money, power, control for THEM and Less liberty, Less choice, Less power, & Less freedom for Americans. .

The ACA is more popular than Trump is. The Republican alternatives were even less popular. The original system was clearly broken. If you were anything but totally healthy, young and well off, the current system worked for you. Otherwise your life was hell.

The Republican alternative is going back to the old system which a majority of people oppose. Graham-Cassidy would have left millions of people without health insurance, penalized older Americans and people with pre-existing conditions.

The public realized that the ACA had faults and that is why they wanted it fixed not repealed. Republicans refused to do that.
The ACA is more popular than the entire Republican Party.
He should do it for the sake of transparency in the law and our Judicial department, and for the sake of our country to stay a country.... and for the sake of honesty.... and truth...

cover ups by government swamp creatures, are never good for the Nation...

Honesty is the best policy... transparency is the best policy, where ever possible.... knowing the actual facts is the best policy.... informing the public of the facts, is the best policy.

At least if we are going to go at each other, we can do so with actual facts instead of conjecture on both sides.

We should play by the rules when your side never does? The past two years have shown us the leftists don't believe in anything, especially the Constitution. They've used every opportunity they had to "resist" and overthrow a duly elected President. If you want transparency all of sudden, fine.....let's have the plotters appear before the Senate Intel committee and get asked the kind of questions, under oath, they've been asking Trump satellites for the last two years. And I suggest they be taken to testify in leg irons after their doors are kicked in by SWAT teams with weapons drawn....sound good?

Wrong. Over 800,000 pages were turned over on the fake Clinton email scandal.

Not only will all of the 400 page report be turned over, but all of the notes and accompying documents from the Mueller investigation will to
So Trump asked Putin to expose something that didn’t exist and that’s a crime.
Do you realize how stupid you are?
we are not in the dark anymore easy. our facts are indeed facts. thanks bro.

We are still in the dark. Mueller said he could not exonerate Trump on collusion. That clearly means he found evidence of collusion but not enough beyond a reasonable doubt. Then we have his failure to make a recommendation on obstruction.
when did mueller say that? you have a copy of his report do ya? See easy, they can't use facts. make up stuff to show the liars they are.

“While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,” Mueller said regarding obstruction, according to Barr.

Mueller Report: No Collusion Between Trump Team and Russia

I believe that he has seen the report so you are the liar.
He should do it for the sake of transparency in the law and our Judicial department, and for the sake of our country to stay a country.... and for the sake of honesty.... and truth...

cover ups by government swamp creatures, are never good for the Nation...

Honesty is the best policy... transparency is the best policy, where ever possible.... knowing the actual facts is the best policy.... informing the public of the facts, is the best policy.

At least if we are going to go at each other, we can do so with actual facts instead of conjecture on both sides.

We should play by the rules when your side never does? The past two years have shown us the leftists don't believe in anything, especially the Constitution. They've used every opportunity they had to "resist" and overthrow a duly elected President. If you want transparency all of sudden, fine.....let's have the plotters appear before the Senate Intel committee and get asked the kind of questions, under oath, they've been asking Trump satellites for the last two years. And I suggest they be taken to testify in leg irons after their doors are kicked in by SWAT teams with weapons drawn....sound good?

Wrong. Over 800,000 pages were turned over on the fake Clinton email scandal.

Not only will all of the 400 page report be turned over, but all of the notes and accompying documents from the Mueller investigation will to
You DO realize at this very minute the FBI is refusing to turn over it's e-mails to CNN from the morning they raided Stone's house in full military-decked-out Commando gear, and CNN was the only news agency on scene with a full camera crew for the FBI's 'surprise' raid, right?


The FBI is attempting to prevent being BUSTED again for their part in the 'Leak Strategy' against Trump and his associates Strzok mentioned in his texts to Page. McCabe has already been recommended for indictment but the US IG for his part in it. But YOU claim the coup co-conspirators will turn over everything willingly.....

Again, Bwuhahahahahahaha!
we are not in the dark anymore easy. our facts are indeed facts. thanks bro.

We are still in the dark. Mueller said he could not exonerate Trump on collusion. That clearly means he found evidence of collusion but not enough beyond a reasonable doubt. Then we have his failure to make a recommendation on obstruction.
Collusion is not a crime, retard.

Doesn't matter whether it is a crime. It is a sad state of affairs when that is your defense retard.
“While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,” Mueller said regarding obstruction, according to Barr.

Mueller Report: No Collusion Between Trump Team and Russia

I believe that he has seen the report so you are the liar.

we are not in the dark anymore easy. our facts are indeed facts. thanks bro.

We are still in the dark. Mueller said he could not exonerate Trump on collusion. That clearly means he found evidence of collusion but not enough beyond a reasonable doubt. Then we have his failure to make a recommendation on obstruction.
when did mueller say that? you have a copy of his report do ya? See easy, they can't use facts. make up stuff to show the liars they are.

“While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,” Mueller said regarding obstruction, according to Barr.

Mueller Report: No Collusion Between Trump Team and Russia

I believe that he has seen the report so you are the liar.
No one but Barr and Rothenstein has seen it.
we are not in the dark anymore easy. our facts are indeed facts. thanks bro.

We are still in the dark. Mueller said he could not exonerate Trump on collusion. That clearly means he found evidence of collusion but not enough beyond a reasonable doubt. Then we have his failure to make a recommendation on obstruction.
Collusion is not a crime, retard.

Doesn't matter whether it is a crime. It is a sad state of affairs when that is your defense retard.
we are not in the dark anymore easy. our facts are indeed facts. thanks bro.

We are still in the dark. Mueller said he could not exonerate Trump on collusion. That clearly means he found evidence of collusion but not enough beyond a reasonable doubt. Then we have his failure to make a recommendation on obstruction.
when did mueller say that? you have a copy of his report do ya? See easy, they can't use facts. make up stuff to show the liars they are.
Actually BARR said Trump was not exonerated. But you'r right...with Barr hiding the Report we don't know what Mueller said
Well we do know there were no open indictments to act on, or any sealed. Exonerate is what that means! Dude, there’s nothing else!
we are not in the dark anymore easy. our facts are indeed facts. thanks bro.

We are still in the dark. Mueller said he could not exonerate Trump on collusion. That clearly means he found evidence of collusion but not enough beyond a reasonable doubt. Then we have his failure to make a recommendation on obstruction.
Collusion is not a crime, retard.

Doesn't matter whether it is a crime. It is a sad state of affairs when that is your defense retard.
It’s a sad state of affairs when you want a president impeached because he...whispered in someone’s ear.
we are not in the dark anymore easy. our facts are indeed facts. thanks bro.

We are still in the dark. Mueller said he could not exonerate Trump on collusion. That clearly means he found evidence of collusion but not enough beyond a reasonable doubt. Then we have his failure to make a recommendation on obstruction.
Collusion is not a crime, retard.

Doesn't matter whether it is a crime. It is a sad state of affairs when that is your defense retard.
It’s a sad state of affairs when you want a president impeached because he...whispered in someone’s ear.
i agree.

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