Barr Tells Congress Rats To Pound Sand

Sen. Harry Reid: Obamacare 'Absolutely' A Step Toward A Single-Payer System

And thank you for the link
Reid said he thinks the country has to “work our way past” insurance-based health care during a Friday night appearance on Vegas PBS’ program “Nevada Week in Review.”

“What we’ve done with Obamacare is have a step in the right direction, but we’re far from having something that’s going to work forever,” Reid said.

OK...well the ACA HAS worked...and it does need fixing. Republicans have shown no interest in fixing fact they have done everything possible to damage it, underfund it, and make its premiums more expensive.

That said...they are now trying to destroy it and leave us with nothing.

Guess whee that takes us? Right to where Reid was talking about. A public option,

I heard it called Medicar X just today.

A Medicare buy in. Even employers would be able to buy in for their employees.


You did this
I merely want my old health care back. fk these government hacks who want to see my business.
The "old healthcare" from 10 years ago that was going up 10%-20% a year? The healthcare that stopped paying once you topped some arbitrary figure no matter how much care you need? The one could drop you if you had a lapse in coverage for even a month?

THAT one?
so don't lie. it's what one does when one doesn't wish to be called a liar.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt (because I know you ain't real bright and all). Point out my lie and prove it is a lie
Sen. Harry Reid: Obamacare 'Absolutely' A Step Toward A Single-Payer System

And thank you for the link
Reid said he thinks the country has to “work our way past” insurance-based health care during a Friday night appearance on Vegas PBS’ program “Nevada Week in Review.”

“What we’ve done with Obamacare is have a step in the right direction, but we’re far from having something that’s going to work forever,” Reid said.

OK...well the ACA HAS worked...and it does need fixing. Republicans have shown no interest in fixing fact they have done everything possible to damage it, underfund it, and make its premiums more expensive.

That said...they are now trying to destroy it and leave us with nothing.

Guess whee that takes us? Right to where Reid was talking about. A public option,

I heard it called Medicar X just today.

A Medicare buy in. Even employers would be able to buy in for their employees.


You did this
I merely want my old health care back. fk these government hacks who want to see my business.
The "old healthcare" from 10 years ago that was going up 10%-20% a year? The healthcare that stopped paying once you topped some arbitrary figure no matter how much care you need? The one could drop you if you had a lapse in coverage for even a month?

THAT one?
exactly. that one. not 200% growth on my out of pocket expenses like obammycare. no such thing as guarantee healthcare. go to canada, you wish that.
The redaction of the version/s that are going to be released are also with Mueller's assistance, if I understand the situation correctly.
they got you in on the discussion do they?
No, lol, but I listen to a radio talk show on WMAL in the mornings and they get a lot of insider information, and they have described the situation a few times.
I am using a software program, and I got the basics entered.... had to take a break, and find all the other tax crap.... ugh... I hate doing them...

Mueller is suppose to be there to redact top secret methods and any on going investigation stuff...

but NO ONE has seen him since he turned in the report...

he's missing in action, from what I've heard??
The redaction of the version/s that are going to be released are also with Mueller's assistance, if I understand the situation correctly.
they got you in on the discussion do they?
No, lol, but I listen to a radio talk show on WMAL in the mornings and they get a lot of insider information, and they have described the situation a few times.
I am using a software program, and I got the basics entered.... had to take a break, and find all the other tax crap.... ugh... I hate doing them...

Mueller is suppose to be there to redact top secret methods and any on going investigation stuff...

but NO ONE has seen him since he turned in the report...

he's missing in action, from what I've heard??
well you must have missed the meeting or didn't get the invite eh?
The redaction of the version/s that are going to be released are also with Mueller's assistance, if I understand the situation correctly.
they got you in on the discussion do they?
No, lol, but I listen to a radio talk show on WMAL in the mornings and they get a lot of insider information, and they have described the situation a few times.
I am using a software program, and I got the basics entered.... had to take a break, and find all the other tax crap.... ugh... I hate doing them...

Mueller is suppose to be there to redact top secret methods and any on going investigation stuff...

but NO ONE has seen him since he turned in the report...

he's missing in action, from what I've heard??
Barr keeps using his and Rosenstein's name to give his actions legitimacy bu I have seen no real indication that either had any input into his actions.
I kinda take issue to being called a liar. No one CLAIMED he was obstructing piece of shit...he's OBSTRUCTING the Report from being seen by the American people.
He is not Obstructing anything, you LIAR.

Grand jury material is secret and its disclosure can be a felony. It can be made public by court order, but DOJ or Congress will have to seek one and the final decision whether the need for the information surmounts the interest in grand jury secrecy rests with the court.

I know you snowflakes have a hard time accepting facts and reality while failing to find any after 2+ years of failure to due so while the Obama administration's coup attempt has been exposed, but DAMN - enough is enough!
The redaction of the version/s that are going to be released are also with Mueller's assistance, if I understand the situation correctly.
they got you in on the discussion do they?
No, lol, but I listen to a radio talk show on WMAL in the mornings and they get a lot of insider information, and they have described the situation a few times.
I am using a software program, and I got the basics entered.... had to take a break, and find all the other tax crap.... ugh... I hate doing them...

Mueller is suppose to be there to redact top secret methods and any on going investigation stuff...

but NO ONE has seen him since he turned in the report...

he's missing in action, from what I've heard??
Barr keeps using his and Rosenstein's name to give his actions legitimacy bu I have seen no real indication that either had any input into his actions.
cause your so much a part of how this is being handled eh? you didn't get the invite either?
Rates increased on average 0% a year for the three years prior to the ACA

Premiums grew average of 10% before Affordable Care Act
again, my out of pocket expense went up 200% with obammy care. 2000 a year to 6000 per year. hmmmmm. I thought you said it didn't go up?
did you end up using any out of pocket expense?
Well I had to pay out of my pocket 6000 yes. ever have hip surgery?
Then you bought the wrong plan dumbass. You should have bought the silver and gambled on the cheaper bronze.

You think that didn't happen prior to the ACA? Of course it did.
Rates increased on average 0% a year for the three years prior to the ACA

Premiums grew average of 10% before Affordable Care Act
again, my out of pocket expense went up 200% with obammy care. 2000 a year to 6000 per year. hmmmmm. I thought you said it didn't go up?
did you end up using any out of pocket expense?
Well I had to pay out of my pocket 6000 yes. ever have hip surgery?
Then you bought the wrong plan dumbass. You should have bought the silver and gambled on the cheaper bronze.

You think that didn't happen prior to the ACA? Of course it did.
I get my insurance through my employer. so again, out of pocket expenses went up 200%. again you ignore that fact. even in the ACA programs.

2019 Out of Pocket Maximum | HUB International

go here and read out of pocket expenses. This is ACA employer info.
Rates increased on average 0% a year for the three years prior to the ACA

Premiums grew average of 10% before Affordable Care Act
again, my out of pocket expense went up 200% with obammy care. 2000 a year to 6000 per year. hmmmmm. I thought you said it didn't go up?
did you end up using any out of pocket expense?
Well I had to pay out of my pocket 6000 yes. ever have hip surgery?
Then you bought the wrong plan dumbass. You should have bought the silver and gambled on the cheaper bronze.

You think that didn't happen prior to the ACA? Of course it did.
I get my insurance through my employer. so again, out of pocket expenses went up 200%. again you ignore that fact. even in the ACA programs.
Then you're not in the ACA. WTF do you think you're talking about? Bitch at your employer dumfuk

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