Barr Tells Congress Rats To Pound Sand

1) The ACA was fully funded and a dipshit moron like you did not fund it unless to go to the tanning booth a lot.

That is a flat-out LIE!

Aetna CEO Bertolini says Obamacare's 'biggest problem' is that it's not fully funded by government
Aetna CEO Bertolini says Obamacare's 'biggest problem' is that it's not fully funded by government

Furthermore, It did NOT pay for itself as Obama promised. The promise that it would NOT COST A DIME was complete and utter bullshit.

The web site alone cost Americans hundreds of millions and turned into a personal identity thief's / scam artists paradise. Obama / Democrats hired the asshole who was fired in Canada to design their web site and failed miserably:

"The Obamacare Website Has Cost $840 Million. A slew of management failures led to the site's disastrous launch, according to a new GAO report"

Obamacare Website Has Cost $840 Million

2) There is a clause in the ACA that said that any plan in effect at the bill's signing could be continued

"If you like your plan (and doctor), you can keep it."

This was not only a LIE, this was the 'LIE OF THE YEAR' FOR 2013
-- Politifact

Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

Four Pinocchios

The Democrats / government created a new definition - a new mandatory minimum amount of coverage for all health care coverage. This change MANDATED / RESULTED in millions of Americans losing their tailor-made plans that met their needs and forced them to buy new plans that mandated coverage for all, even if not needed:

"within five years, every health-care plan will have to meet a new federal definition for coverage — one that your current plan might not match, even if you like it.”

- Obama apologizes for insurance cancellations due to Obamacare - CNNPolitics

"I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," he told NBC News in an exclusive interview.

3) There is nothing in the ACA that sets provider networks. If you lost your doctor, then you were too stupid to pick a plan that included them.


You TRY to claim that if Americans lost the doctors that they liked then it was THEIR fault, not the changes made by Obamacare that resulted in these Americans losing the doctors they liked...despite Obama promising they could keep the doctors they liked. IT WAS NOT TRUE - IT WAS ANOTHER LIE!

Patients outraged after losing doctors under Obamacare

"Kevin McCarthy of Thousand Oaks, California, was surprised last spring, when he learned his family doctor of 14 years could not accept the Blue Shield insurance he'd purchased under
Obamacare. He said he was "outraged" because when he was shopping for his policy, Blue Shield confirmed his doctor was covered."

'If you like your DOCTOR you can KEEP your doctor was just another LIE - IMO part of Obama's 'LIE OF THE YEAR' about the ability to keep your plan you liked!

The CBO aid it was not only fully funded but it lowered the deficit. You post something from an insurance company exec trying to blame someone because they lost money. The grandfather clause is fact.

Kevin McCarty never checked the network or he would have known his doctor wasn't in it.

The ACA NEVER EVER set provider networks. If you think it did, proved the lines in the bill that did.

That is a fact. Your jumping up & down & throwing a fit does not change it.

except that there's this:

Aetna CEO Bertolini says Obamacare's 'biggest problem' is that it's not fully funded by government

"Aetna CEO Bertolini says Obamacare's 'biggest problem' is that it's not fully funded by government"

you know what they needed? a mandate!!! and now no mandate. so it is not funded, was never fully funded and it's dying. whether you choose to believe that or not, it's happening. I can't make you drink water, I can only show how and where the supply is. It's up to you to drink.
Follow along here. Republicans didn't fund the risk corridors. Removed taxes meant to provide revenue to the ACA...lowered the individual mandate to zero...and THEN whine that it;'s not funded.

In fact the reason it is now in court is BECAUSE they lowered the mandate to zero...which they claim invalidates the entire law.

So they create a "crisis" and then use that to destroy our healthcare...and leave us with nothing.

it was never fully funded. Evah!!!! the mandate never brought in enough money. it's why they removed it. The fact is, private companies lost and are losing money. go back to the business prior to ACA and let's try it again. I do not want any mther fking government hack in my health business. So scratch your ass and the medicare shit off the list of next gen healthcare. go back I say, go back. deductibles of 2000 for a family is what it should be. fk all else.
Barr is not telling Congress and the American people to pound sand. The opposite is occurring. Congress and the American people are telling Trump's flunky to pound sand and kick rocks.
you go kid. I'm telling pelosi, schiff and schumer to kiss my ass.
1) The ACA was fully funded and a dipshit moron like you did not fund it unless to go to the tanning booth a lot.

That is a flat-out LIE!

Aetna CEO Bertolini says Obamacare's 'biggest problem' is that it's not fully funded by government
Aetna CEO Bertolini says Obamacare's 'biggest problem' is that it's not fully funded by government

Furthermore, It did NOT pay for itself as Obama promised. The promise that it would NOT COST A DIME was complete and utter bullshit.

The web site alone cost Americans hundreds of millions and turned into a personal identity thief's / scam artists paradise. Obama / Democrats hired the asshole who was fired in Canada to design their web site and failed miserably:

"The Obamacare Website Has Cost $840 Million. A slew of management failures led to the site's disastrous launch, according to a new GAO report"

Obamacare Website Has Cost $840 Million

2) There is a clause in the ACA that said that any plan in effect at the bill's signing could be continued

"If you like your plan (and doctor), you can keep it."

This was not only a LIE, this was the 'LIE OF THE YEAR' FOR 2013
-- Politifact

Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

Four Pinocchios

The Democrats / government created a new definition - a new mandatory minimum amount of coverage for all health care coverage. This change MANDATED / RESULTED in millions of Americans losing their tailor-made plans that met their needs and forced them to buy new plans that mandated coverage for all, even if not needed:

"within five years, every health-care plan will have to meet a new federal definition for coverage — one that your current plan might not match, even if you like it.”

- Obama apologizes for insurance cancellations due to Obamacare - CNNPolitics

"I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," he told NBC News in an exclusive interview.

3) There is nothing in the ACA that sets provider networks. If you lost your doctor, then you were too stupid to pick a plan that included them.


You TRY to claim that if Americans lost the doctors that they liked then it was THEIR fault, not the changes made by Obamacare that resulted in these Americans losing the doctors they liked...despite Obama promising they could keep the doctors they liked. IT WAS NOT TRUE - IT WAS ANOTHER LIE!

Patients outraged after losing doctors under Obamacare

"Kevin McCarthy of Thousand Oaks, California, was surprised last spring, when he learned his family doctor of 14 years could not accept the Blue Shield insurance he'd purchased under
Obamacare. He said he was "outraged" because when he was shopping for his policy, Blue Shield confirmed his doctor was covered."

'If you like your DOCTOR you can KEEP your doctor was just another LIE - IMO part of Obama's 'LIE OF THE YEAR' about the ability to keep your plan you liked!

The CBO aid it was not only fully funded but it lowered the deficit. You post something from an insurance company exec trying to blame someone because they lost money. The grandfather clause is fact.

Kevin McCarty never checked the network or he would have known his doctor wasn't in it.

The ACA NEVER EVER set provider networks. If you think it did, proved the lines in the bill that did.

That is a fact. Your jumping up & down & throwing a fit does not change it.

except that there's this:

Aetna CEO Bertolini says Obamacare's 'biggest problem' is that it's not fully funded by government

"Aetna CEO Bertolini says Obamacare's 'biggest problem' is that it's not fully funded by government"

you know what they needed? a mandate!!! and now no mandate. so it is not funded, was never fully funded and it's dying. whether you choose to believe that or not, it's happening. I can't make you drink water, I can only show how and where the supply is. It's up to you to drink.
Follow along here. Republicans didn't fund the risk corridors. Removed taxes meant to provide revenue to the ACA...lowered the individual mandate to zero...and THEN whine that it;'s not funded.

In fact the reason it is now in court is BECAUSE they lowered the mandate to zero...which they claim invalidates the entire law.

So they create a "crisis" and then use that to destroy our healthcare...and leave us with nothing.

As Harry Reid admitted, the ACA was designed to fail, a stepping-stone meant to help herd Americans towards Single Payer.

Obama's (and those of snowflakes who defended Obama's lies) were debunked. Obama's 'you can keep your plan' bullshit was named 'LIE OF THE YEAR 2013'; yet, snowflakes demonstrate this is just another reality - like he 2016 election results and Mueller's report - that they can not / refuse to accept.

Despite Jonathon Gruber - the self-described Architect of Obamacare being exposed for repeatedly calling Democrats / snowflakes 'STUPID' and thanking them for their stupidity for buying all of Obama's and the democrats' lies about the ACA and supporting it, snowflakes refused to acknowledge Gruber was talking about THEM!

Let that sink in - Multiple videos of Gruber thanking the stupidity of 'the American voters' - the Democrats who supported and still fully supports Obamacare, but Democrats still insist Gruber was talking about those OTHER 'stupid Americans' who bought the Democrats' bullshit about his 'ACA'.

- Obamacare: Voters, are you stupid? -
the mandate never brought in enough money. it's why they removed it.

That's just a flat out lie. It doesn't even pass the simplest of logic tests.

If something doesn't bring in enough money you reduce the price of it?

Yea dude. Start a business and tell me how well it works to give your product awy because you set the price too low initially.


And insurance companies AIN'T losing money
Barr is not telling Congress and the American people to pound sand.
Barr is not telling 'the American people' to 'pound sand'. He is telling the treasonous Democrats engaging in useless political theater to 'pound sand'.
1) The ACA was fully funded and a dipshit moron like you did not fund it unless to go to the tanning booth a lot.

That is a flat-out LIE!

Aetna CEO Bertolini says Obamacare's 'biggest problem' is that it's not fully funded by government
Aetna CEO Bertolini says Obamacare's 'biggest problem' is that it's not fully funded by government

Furthermore, It did NOT pay for itself as Obama promised. The promise that it would NOT COST A DIME was complete and utter bullshit.

The web site alone cost Americans hundreds of millions and turned into a personal identity thief's / scam artists paradise. Obama / Democrats hired the asshole who was fired in Canada to design their web site and failed miserably:

"The Obamacare Website Has Cost $840 Million. A slew of management failures led to the site's disastrous launch, according to a new GAO report"

Obamacare Website Has Cost $840 Million

2) There is a clause in the ACA that said that any plan in effect at the bill's signing could be continued

"If you like your plan (and doctor), you can keep it."

This was not only a LIE, this was the 'LIE OF THE YEAR' FOR 2013
-- Politifact

Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

Four Pinocchios

The Democrats / government created a new definition - a new mandatory minimum amount of coverage for all health care coverage. This change MANDATED / RESULTED in millions of Americans losing their tailor-made plans that met their needs and forced them to buy new plans that mandated coverage for all, even if not needed:

"within five years, every health-care plan will have to meet a new federal definition for coverage — one that your current plan might not match, even if you like it.”

- Obama apologizes for insurance cancellations due to Obamacare - CNNPolitics

"I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," he told NBC News in an exclusive interview.

3) There is nothing in the ACA that sets provider networks. If you lost your doctor, then you were too stupid to pick a plan that included them.


You TRY to claim that if Americans lost the doctors that they liked then it was THEIR fault, not the changes made by Obamacare that resulted in these Americans losing the doctors they liked...despite Obama promising they could keep the doctors they liked. IT WAS NOT TRUE - IT WAS ANOTHER LIE!

Patients outraged after losing doctors under Obamacare

"Kevin McCarthy of Thousand Oaks, California, was surprised last spring, when he learned his family doctor of 14 years could not accept the Blue Shield insurance he'd purchased under
Obamacare. He said he was "outraged" because when he was shopping for his policy, Blue Shield confirmed his doctor was covered."

'If you like your DOCTOR you can KEEP your doctor was just another LIE - IMO part of Obama's 'LIE OF THE YEAR' about the ability to keep your plan you liked!

The CBO aid it was not only fully funded but it lowered the deficit. You post something from an insurance company exec trying to blame someone because they lost money. The grandfather clause is fact.

Kevin McCarty never checked the network or he would have known his doctor wasn't in it.

The ACA NEVER EVER set provider networks. If you think it did, proved the lines in the bill that did.

That is a fact. Your jumping up & down & throwing a fit does not change it.

except that there's this:

Aetna CEO Bertolini says Obamacare's 'biggest problem' is that it's not fully funded by government

"Aetna CEO Bertolini says Obamacare's 'biggest problem' is that it's not fully funded by government"

you know what they needed? a mandate!!! and now no mandate. so it is not funded, was never fully funded and it's dying. whether you choose to believe that or not, it's happening. I can't make you drink water, I can only show how and where the supply is. It's up to you to drink.
Follow along here. Republicans didn't fund the risk corridors. Removed taxes meant to provide revenue to the ACA...lowered the individual mandate to zero...and THEN whine that it;'s not funded.

In fact the reason it is now in court is BECAUSE they lowered the mandate to zero...which they claim invalidates the entire law.

So they create a "crisis" and then use that to destroy our healthcare...and leave us with nothing.

As Harry Reid admitted, the ACA was designed to fail, a stepping-stone meant to help herd Americans towards Single Payer.

Obama's (and those of snowflakes who defended Obama's lies) were debunked. Obama's 'you can keep your plan' bullshit was named 'LIE OF THE YEAR 2013'; yet, snowflakes demonstrate this is just another reality - like he 2016 election results and Mueller's report - that snowflakes can not / refuse to accept.

Despite Jonathon Gruber - the self-described Architect of Obamacare being exposed for repeatedly calling Democrats / snowflakes 'STUPID' and thanking them for their stupidity for buying all of Obama's and the democrats' lies about the ACA and supporting it, snowflakes refused to acknowledge Gruber was talking about THEM!

Let that sink in - Multiple videos of Gruber thanking the stupidity of 'the American voters' - the Democrats who supported and still fully supports Obamacare, but Democrats still insist Gruber was talking about those OTHER 'stupid Americans' who bought the Democrats' bullshit about his 'ACA'.

- Obamacare: Voters, are you stupid? -
Sen. Harry Reid: Obamacare 'Absolutely' A Step Toward A Single-Payer System
As Harry Reid admitted, the ACA was designed to fail, a stepping-stone meant to help herd Americans towards Single Payer.

Please post a link to that claim?

I don't expect to see one but hey..I might as well point out the nonsense
the mandate never brought in enough money. it's why they removed it.

That's just a flat out lie. It doesn't even pass the simplest of logic tests.

If something doesn't bring in enough money you reduce the price of it?

Yea dude. Start a business and tell me how well it works to give your product awy because you set the price too low initially.


And insurance companies AIN'T losing money
tell yourself that. prices went up and up and up and up!! people opted out of the program and took the penalty. the mandate failed and failed Yugely.
Barr is not telling Congress and the American people to pound sand.
Barr is not telling 'the American people' to 'pound sand'. He is telling the treasonous Democrats engaging in useless political theater to 'pound sand'.
He's obstructing. Yes. Thank you for the admission. And again...every member from both parties of the House voted to Release the Report.

What are you afraid of?
the mandate never brought in enough money. it's why they removed it.

That's just a flat out lie. It doesn't even pass the simplest of logic tests.

If something doesn't bring in enough money you reduce the price of it?

Yea dude. Start a business and tell me how well it works to give your product awy because you set the price too low initially.


And insurance companies AIN'T losing money
tell yourself that. prices went up and up and up and up!! people opted out of the program and took the penalty. the mandate failed and failed Yugely.
You failed to always.
the mandate never brought in enough money. it's why they removed it.

That's just a flat out lie. It doesn't even pass the simplest of logic tests.

If something doesn't bring in enough money you reduce the price of it?

Yea dude. Start a business and tell me how well it works to give your product awy because you set the price too low initially.


And insurance companies AIN'T losing money
tell yourself that. prices went up and up and up and up!! people opted out of the program and took the penalty. the mandate failed and failed Yugely.
You failed to always.
looks like a response to me. wipe the tears away from your eyes and read it.
Barr is not telling Congress and the American people to pound sand.
Barr is not telling 'the American people' to 'pound sand'. He is telling the treasonous Democrats engaging in useless political theater to 'pound sand'.
He's obstructing. Yes. Thank you for the admission. And again...every member from both parties of the House voted to Release the Report.

What are you afraid of?
asked and answered throughout the forum. look it up. There are rules of posting the same post over and over in different threads. you want an answer go look for it.
Sen. Harry Reid: Obamacare 'Absolutely' A Step Toward A Single-Payer System

And thank you for the link
Reid said he thinks the country has to “work our way past” insurance-based health care during a Friday night appearance on Vegas PBS’ program “Nevada Week in Review.”

“What we’ve done with Obamacare is have a step in the right direction, but we’re far from having something that’s going to work forever,” Reid said.

OK...well the ACA HAS worked...and it does need fixing. Republicans have shown no interest in fixing fact they have done everything possible to damage it, underfund it, and make its premiums more expensive.

That said...they are now trying to destroy it and leave us with nothing.

Guess whee that takes us? Right to where Reid was talking about. A public option,

I heard it called Medicar X just today.

A Medicare buy in. Even employers would be able to buy in for their employees.


You did this
Sen. Harry Reid: Obamacare 'Absolutely' A Step Toward A Single-Payer System

And thank you for the link
Reid said he thinks the country has to “work our way past” insurance-based health care during a Friday night appearance on Vegas PBS’ program “Nevada Week in Review.”

“What we’ve done with Obamacare is have a step in the right direction, but we’re far from having something that’s going to work forever,” Reid said.

OK...well the ACA HAS worked...and it does need fixing. Republicans have shown no interest in fixing fact they have done everything possible to damage it, underfund it, and make its premiums more expensive.

That said...they are now trying to destroy it and leave us with nothing.

Guess whee that takes us? Right to where Reid was talking about. A public option,

I heard it called Medicar X just today.

A Medicare buy in. Even employers would be able to buy in for their employees.


You did this
I merely want my old health care back. fk these government hacks who want to see my business.
WHY do you snowflakes have to LIE in EVERY single one of your posts? Barr is NOT obstructing justice, you liar!

I kinda take issue to being called a liar. No one CLAIMED he was obstructing piece of shit...he's OBSTRUCTING the Report from being seen by the American people.

That makes YOU the fucking liar.

just sayin
WHY do you snowflakes have to LIE in EVERY single one of your posts? Barr is NOT obstructing justice, you liar!

I kinda take issue to being called a liar. No one CLAIMED he was obstructing piece of shit...he's OBSTRUCTING the Report from being seen by the American people.

That makes YOU the fucking liar.

just sayin
so don't lie. it's what one does when one doesn't wish to be called a liar.

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