Barr Tells Congress Rats To Pound Sand

so don't lie. it's what one does when one doesn't wish to be called a liar.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt (because I know you ain't real bright and all). Point out my lie and prove it is a lie
Barr Tells Congress Rats To Pound Sand
You called me a liar and then did WHAT? Posted the link from the OP? How does that show me to be a liar?
What lie are you claiming?
It's obvious why I did. you lied.
again, my out of pocket expense went up 200% with obammy care. 2000 a year to 6000 per year. hmmmmm. I thought you said it didn't go up?
did you end up using any out of pocket expense?
Well I had to pay out of my pocket 6000 yes. ever have hip surgery?
Then you bought the wrong plan dumbass. You should have bought the silver and gambled on the cheaper bronze.

You think that didn't happen prior to the ACA? Of course it did.
I get my insurance through my employer. so again, out of pocket expenses went up 200%. again you ignore that fact. even in the ACA programs.
Then you're not in the ACA. WTF do you think you're talking about? Bitch at your employer dumfuk
2019 Out of Pocket Maximum | HUB International
Rates increased on average 0% a year for the three years prior to the ACA

Premiums grew average of 10% before Affordable Care Act
again, my out of pocket expense went up 200% with obammy care. 2000 a year to 6000 per year. hmmmmm. I thought you said it didn't go up?
did you end up using any out of pocket expense?
Well I had to pay out of my pocket 6000 yes. ever have hip surgery?
I'm sorry to hear you had to go through that surgery! :(

The high deductibles is a way insurance companies can offer lower premiums, while charging those who are sick and use their medical care more, through the large deductibles or out of pocket expenses, and those who are healthy, that don't use a lot of medical care... less, by them not having to pay much, if any portion of their deductibles or out of pocket expenses....

I'm with you on that though... I hate the deductibles and out of pocket expenses being so high.... but I bet ya, the younguns who pay none of them cuz they have no medical issues, can appreciate the lower monthly premiums and no deductibles....
The HOAX is DEAD....and now the rodents want to give it an autopsy, the results of which would be in the NYTimes within minutes. No reason the AG should give them law says he must, no standard for the USSC to rule on.....if he decides not to, the slime machine shuts down. So since tomorrow is April Fool's Day, a day before the "deadline" they dreamed up, he should send them 300 pages of redacted black magic marker blocked out nothing. Screw them. If there was any "collusion" or "obstruction" that Barr hasn't told us about, does anybody believe that Mueller, or Weissman, or Rosenstein wouldn't have been on CNN screaming about it? They all know better, all of them, and they had a good time doing it...until now that is. I wonder how funny they think it will be when the new FBI is knocking on their doors?


Watergate established the fact that the White House cannot withhold documents from Congress. At the very least, the heads of the House and Senate Intelligence committees have the right to see the unredacted report. That is called oversight. The report did not exonerate Trump and even Barr has admitted that. That means there is evidence of collusion.
did you end up using any out of pocket expense?
Well I had to pay out of my pocket 6000 yes. ever have hip surgery?
Then you bought the wrong plan dumbass. You should have bought the silver and gambled on the cheaper bronze.

You think that didn't happen prior to the ACA? Of course it did.
I get my insurance through my employer. so again, out of pocket expenses went up 200%. again you ignore that fact. even in the ACA programs.
Then you're not in the ACA. WTF do you think you're talking about? Bitch at your employer dumfuk
2019 Out of Pocket Maximum | HUB International
Jesus dude. How stupid are you?

That's a max imposed BY the ACA on what private insurance can charge. The ACA is CAPPING what can be charged not imposing that cost. That's on your employer's insurance.

Scrap the ACA and that same insurer can charge MORE.

Flynn lied to the FBI and to Vice President elect Pence about talking with the Russian ambassador about removing the sanctions the Obama admin just put on them... I want to know why he did this and if then Pres Elect trump told him to do this?

Manafort gave inside secret Trump polling data to Kilimnik, I want to know why? And I want to know if Kilimnik passed that information on to the Russian GRU, who he was close to....

Roger Stone worked with Julian Assange on the DNC and Podesta stolen email dissemination/release/timing....and the contents and worked with Guciffer2, a Russian GRU agent on them..... Did he also work with the Trump campaign, letting them know the inside scoop? I'd like to know the answers to all of this....

Jarod Kushner tried to set up a back channel of communications with Putin/Russia and suggested using the Russian embassy to do it....

What in the heck was that all about? I'd like to know why?

Erik Prince set up and went to a secret meeting in the Seychelles with a Russian Operative, I'd like to know why and what was discussed?

I'd like to know what really happened at the Trump tower meeting with the 6 Russian govt operatives... I'd like to know why president trump made up a story full of lies about it, for Donny Junior, and told the American citizens all those lies??

I'd like to know why NONE of the Trump campaign, after being warned by our intelligence community of Russian hacking and interference, the Trump campaign never reported the Russian contacts with them, to the FBI?

I'd like to know why Candidate Trump lied over and over and over again about all of his team's Russian contacts...?

I'd like to know why Trump and Cohen lied about trying to get a Trump Moscow built and agreed to, while he was running for President?

there are so many things in addition to what I mentioned, I'd like to know answers to, that I KNOW Mueller's team investigated.

People like you made up the allegations and repeat them so often that you now present your fiction as if it's fact. No excuse for that.
So Barr refusing to release the entire Mueller report (as much as he legally can) as quickly as they want has triggered desperate snowflakes whose last 3 years of living for 'fake news collusion', causing them to accuse the US AG of 'obstruction' and 'hiding the truth'...

What are these same snowflakes saying about the exposed attempted Trump coup co-conspirator FBI' refusing to release e-mails between them and CNN, who 'JUST HAPPENED TO BE IN ROGER STONE'S NEIGHBORHOOD WITH A CAMERA CREW, on the day the FBI conducted the 'full militarized / SWAT-like' raid on Roger Stone?

FBI Refuses Records Request For CNN Contacts Before Roger Stone Raid

"The FBI rejected an open records request for any emails sent to or from CNN just
prior to a pre-dawn FBI raid on the Florida home of Roger Stone.

CNN was the only network present at the Fort Lauderdale home of Roger Stone, a former Trump
associate who was indicted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, prior to the arrival of FBI agents
dispatched to arrest the bombastic former Nixon aide. The pre-dawn arrival of CNN at what was
supposed to be a surprise raid of Stone’s home raised questions about whether the network had
been tipped off about the impending FBI arrest of Stone."

This was just another example of the FBI's exposed 'Leak Strategy' against Trump and his associates / anyone connected to him. OF COURSE the FBI tipped CNN off about the 'surprise raid' and had them their to film the raid!

The FBI also just demonstrated they are STILL in FULL 'CYA' Mode, 'OBSTRUCTING' the release of information that will almost guarantee their LEAK and collusion with CNN.

Then, again, we have Rosenstein and Mueller who both committed crimes by refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas.

So the hypocrisy and bullshit by Democrats and snowflakes are again on full display by the Triggered losers who are threatening Barr with a subpoena if he does not release everything in the Mueller report, to include information that he can not legally release.
we are not in the dark anymore easy. our facts are indeed facts. thanks bro.
I kinda take issue to being called a liar. No one CLAIMED he was obstructing piece of shit...he's OBSTRUCTING the Report from being seen by the American people.
He is not Obstructing anything, you LIAR.

Grand jury material is secret and its disclosure can be a felony. It can be made public by court order, but DOJ or Congress will have to seek one and the final decision whether the need for the information surmounts the interest in grand jury secrecy rests with the court.

I know you snowflakes have a hard time accepting facts and reality while failing to find any after 2+ years of failure to due so while the Obama administration's coup attempt has been exposed, but DAMN - enough is enough!

If it is a part of the report then Congress has a right to know as well as the public. That should override any laws.
Well I had to pay out of my pocket 6000 yes. ever have hip surgery?
Then you bought the wrong plan dumbass. You should have bought the silver and gambled on the cheaper bronze.

You think that didn't happen prior to the ACA? Of course it did.
I get my insurance through my employer. so again, out of pocket expenses went up 200%. again you ignore that fact. even in the ACA programs.
Then you're not in the ACA. WTF do you think you're talking about? Bitch at your employer dumfuk
2019 Out of Pocket Maximum | HUB International
Jesus dude. How stupid are you?

That's a max imposed BY the ACA on what private insurance can charge. The ACA is CAPPING what can be charged not imposing that cost. That's on your employer's insurance.

Scrap the ACA and that same insurer can charge MORE.

The ACA was a minority-supported piece of Socialist Agenda legislation forced down the throats of the majority of Americans who did not want it, the 1st admitted step of a Socialist Democrat take-over of the US health care system, one in which Obama lied his ass off to the American people...and f*ed them...HARD.

Democrats claimed to be able to solve a problem by destroying the previous health care system and imposing a new one, one designed to fail. They did not 'fix' anything. Now the Democrats claim that the government liberal / Democrat answer to the new government liberal / Democrat-created problem is even MORE government liberal / Democrat control and power.

Everything to Democrats is about more Money, power, control for THEM and Less liberty, Less choice, Less power, & Less freedom for Americans. .
If it is a part of the report then Congress has a right to know as well as the public. That should override any laws.
Yeah, Democrats / snowflakes always declare what they want and what they do OVERRIDES ANY AND ALL LAWS. That's part of the problem.

we are not in the dark anymore easy. our facts are indeed facts. thanks bro.

We are still in the dark. Mueller said he could not exonerate Trump on collusion. That clearly means he found evidence of collusion but not enough beyond a reasonable doubt. Then we have his failure to make a recommendation on obstruction.
Then you bought the wrong plan dumbass. You should have bought the silver and gambled on the cheaper bronze.

You think that didn't happen prior to the ACA? Of course it did.
I get my insurance through my employer. so again, out of pocket expenses went up 200%. again you ignore that fact. even in the ACA programs.
Then you're not in the ACA. WTF do you think you're talking about? Bitch at your employer dumfuk
2019 Out of Pocket Maximum | HUB International
Jesus dude. How stupid are you?

That's a max imposed BY the ACA on what private insurance can charge. The ACA is CAPPING what can be charged not imposing that cost. That's on your employer's insurance.

Scrap the ACA and that same insurer can charge MORE.

The ACA was a minority-supported piece of Socialist Agenda legislation forced down the throats of the majority of Americans who did not want it, the 1st admitted step of a Socialist Democrat take-over of the US health care system, one in which Obama lied his ass off to the American people...and f*ed them...HARD.

Democrats claimed to be able to solve a problem by destroying the previous health care system and imposing a new one, one designed to fail. They did not 'fix' anything. Now the Democrats claim that the government liberal / Democrat answer to the new government liberal / Democrat-created problem is even MORE government liberal / Democrat control and power.

Everything to Democrats is about more Money, power, control for THEM and Less liberty, Less choice, Less power, & Less freedom for Americans. .
easy, there is no fix. there is no solution. to think there could be is an outright con job.
we are not in the dark anymore easy. our facts are indeed facts. thanks bro.

We are still in the dark. Mueller said he could not exonerate Trump on collusion. That clearly means he found evidence of collusion but not enough beyond a reasonable doubt. Then we have his failure to make a recommendation on obstruction.
when did mueller say that? you have a copy of his report do ya? See easy, they can't use facts. make up stuff to show the liars they are.
we are not in the dark anymore easy. our facts are indeed facts. thanks bro.

We are still in the dark. Mueller said he could not exonerate Trump on collusion. That clearly means he found evidence of collusion but not enough beyond a reasonable doubt. Then we have his failure to make a recommendation on obstruction.
Collusion is not a crime, retard.
If it is a part of the report then Congress has a right to know as well as the public. That should override any laws.
Yeah, Democrats / snowflakes always declare what they want and what they do OVERRIDES ANY AND ALL LAWS. That's part of the problem.


"Democrats (79 percent) are more likely to say the report should be released, but majorities of Republicans (59 percent) and independents (66 percent) also think Mueller’s report should be public. Even 61 percent of voters who approve of the job President Donald Trump is doing say any report authored by the special counsel should be released."

Poll: Majority wants Mueller report released to the public

I'm in the 66% of independents who say that the report should be released. What we are talking about is a report that could not exonerate Trump on collusion or obstruction of justice. The public has a right to know and the law does allow a judge to unseal grand jury testimony.
If it is a part of the report then Congress has a right to know as well as the public. That should override any laws.
Yeah, Democrats / snowflakes always declare what they want and what they do OVERRIDES ANY AND ALL LAWS. That's part of the problem.


"Democrats (79 percent) are more likely to say the report should be released, but majorities of Republicans (59 percent) and independents (66 percent) also think Mueller’s report should be public. Even 61 percent of voters who approve of the job President Donald Trump is doing say any report authored by the special counsel should be released."

Poll: Majority wants Mueller report released to the public

I'm in the 66% of independents who say that the report should be released. What we are talking about is a report that could not exonerate Trump on collusion or obstruction of justice. The public has a right to know and the law does allow a judge to unseal grand jury testimony.
You’re an Independent!
That’s hilarious!
The report did not exonerate Trump and even Barr has admitted that. That means there is evidence of collusion.
That is bullshit. A quote right out of Mueller's report stated 'Russian collusion could not be established'.

THAT means Mueller and his team did not find evidence to prove Trump or anyone associated with him colluded with the Russians. The lack of evidence of collusion means 'No collusion'. The 'inability to establish collusion' means no collusion was established. NO EVIDENCE of collusion found / established.

Desperate snowflakes, however, are trying to convince people (or themselves) that NOT establishing Russian Collusion means Mueller just could not (find the evidence to) definitively establish / prove that the Russian collusion they CLAIM happened (but which they have no evidence to prove) actually occurred.

The REALITY that actual existing evidence has exposed that Russian Collusion NEVER happened, that the FBI did their own internal investigation and found NO EVIDENCE and NO COLLUSUION but then proceeded anyway to use information they KNEW was not reliable from a Trump-hating foreign spy and Russians, bought by the DNC nominee, to illegally start an investigation of what they already KNEW was a NO CRIME, that all of this happened....that this was an exposed coup attempt.

The REALTY is existing evidence shows Obama's DOJ and FBI collaborated together to prevent Hillary from being indicted and from going to prison. that EXISTS....

Yet insane treasonous Democrats and snowflakes continue to reject acknowledgement of all of this evidence, keep refusing to acknowledge these Democrats crimes, and continue to try to take down the elected President of the United States. It's the biggest exposed scandal in US history and the damnedest thing we have ever seen. The fact that it continues, that sanity has been re-established and the traitors who started all of this have not been brought to justice only proves to me this country is already lost.
we are not in the dark anymore easy. our facts are indeed facts. thanks bro.

We are still in the dark. Mueller said he could not exonerate Trump on collusion. That clearly means he found evidence of collusion but not enough beyond a reasonable doubt. Then we have his failure to make a recommendation on obstruction.
when did mueller say that? you have a copy of his report do ya? See easy, they can't use facts. make up stuff to show the liars they are.
Actually BARR said Trump was not exonerated. But you'r right...with Barr hiding the Report we don't know what Mueller said

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