Barr Tells Congress Rats To Pound Sand

The report did not exonerate Trump and even Barr has admitted that. That means there is evidence of collusion.
That is bullshit. A quote right out of Mueller's report stated 'Russian collusion could not be established'.

THAT means Mueller and his team did not find evidence to prove Trump or anyone associated with him colluded with the Russians. The lack of evidence of collusion means 'No collusion'. The 'inability to establish collusion' means no collusion was established. NO EVIDENCE of collusion found / established.

Desperate snowflakes, however, are trying to convince people (or themselves) that NOT establishing Russian Collusion means Mueller just could not (find the evidence to) definitively establish / prove that the Russian collusion they CLAIM happened (but which they have no evidence to prove) actually occurred.

The REALITY that actual existing evidence has exposed that Russian Collusion NEVER happened, that the FBI did their own internal investigation and found NO EVIDENCE and NO COLLUSUION but then proceeded anyway to use information they KNEW was not reliable from a Trump-hating foreign spy and Russians, bought by the DNC nominee, to illegally start an investigation of what they already KNEW was a NO CRIME, that all of this happened....that this was an exposed coup attempt.

The REALTY is existing evidence shows Obama's DOJ and FBI collaborated together to prevent Hillary from being indicted and from going to prison. that EXISTS....

Yet insane treasonous Democrats and snowflakes continue to reject acknowledgement of all of this evidence, keep refusing to acknowledge these Democrats crimes, and continue to try to take down the elected President of the United States. It's the biggest exposed scandal in US history and the damnedest thing we have ever seen. The fact that it continues, that sanity has been re-established and the traitors who started all of this have not been brought to justice only proves to me this country is already lost.

If that were true then he would not have said the report did not exonerate Trump. Clearly he was using a legal standard and could not establish collusion beyond a reasonable doubt. That means he found evidence that could lead to collusion.

The fact is that Trump's campaign was aware of the Russian interference in the election and was willing to help the Russians. Roger Stone knew about Podesta's e-mails being released on WikiLeaks BEFORE they were released and said he had a backchannel to WikiLeaks. Paul Manafort gave campaign documents and polling data to a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence.

The REALITY is that Trump was willing to accept Russian help. Comey confirmed that some of the information had been verified. No investigation was started illegally. There was no coup.

The REALITY is that there is no evidence of any collaboration to prevent Clinton from being indicted.

Trump supporters are the ones who are insane and treasonous. They put Trump before the country. You apparently are talking about retaliation. That is treasonous as well.
The report did not exonerate Trump and even Barr has admitted that. That means there is evidence of collusion.
That is bullshit. A quote right out of Mueller's report stated 'Russian collusion could not be established'.

THAT means Mueller and his team did not find evidence to prove Trump or anyone associated with him colluded with the Russians. The lack of evidence of collusion means 'No collusion'. The 'inability to establish collusion' means no collusion was established. NO EVIDENCE of collusion found / established.

Desperate snowflakes, however, are trying to convince people (or themselves) that NOT establishing Russian Collusion means Mueller just could not (find the evidence to) definitively establish / prove that the Russian collusion they CLAIM happened (but which they have no evidence to prove) actually occurred.

The REALITY that actual existing evidence has exposed that Russian Collusion NEVER happened, that the FBI did their own internal investigation and found NO EVIDENCE and NO COLLUSUION but then proceeded anyway to use information they KNEW was not reliable from a Trump-hating foreign spy and Russians, bought by the DNC nominee, to illegally start an investigation of what they already KNEW was a NO CRIME, that all of this happened....that this was an exposed coup attempt.

The REALTY is existing evidence shows Obama's DOJ and FBI collaborated together to prevent Hillary from being indicted and from going to prison. that EXISTS....

Yet insane treasonous Democrats and snowflakes continue to reject acknowledgement of all of this evidence, keep refusing to acknowledge these Democrats crimes, and continue to try to take down the elected President of the United States. It's the biggest exposed scandal in US history and the damnedest thing we have ever seen. The fact that it continues, that sanity has been re-established and the traitors who started all of this have not been brought to justice only proves to me this country is already lost.

If that were true then he would not have said the report did not exonerate Trump. Clearly he was using a legal standard and could not establish collusion beyond a reasonable doubt. That means he found evidence that could lead to collusion.

The fact is that Trump's campaign was aware of the Russian interference in the election and was willing to help the Russians. Roger Stone knew about Podesta's e-mails being released on WikiLeaks BEFORE they were released and said he had a backchannel to WikiLeaks. Paul Manafort gave campaign documents and polling data to a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence.

The REALITY is that Trump was willing to accept Russian help. Comey confirmed that some of the information had been verified. No investigation was started illegally. There was no coup.

The REALITY is that there is no evidence of any collaboration to prevent Clinton from being indicted.

Trump supporters are the ones who are insane and treasonous. They put Trump before the country. You apparently are talking about retaliation. That is treasonous as well.
That means he found evidence that could lead to collusion.

how do you get there from not seeing the report exactly? dude you're a fking kick and a half :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
The report did not exonerate Trump and even Barr has admitted that. That means there is evidence of collusion.
That is bullshit. A quote right out of Mueller's report stated 'Russian collusion could not be established'.

THAT means Mueller and his team did not find evidence to prove Trump or anyone associated with him colluded with the Russians. The lack of evidence of collusion means 'No collusion'. The 'inability to establish collusion' means no collusion was established. NO EVIDENCE of collusion found / established.

Desperate snowflakes, however, are trying to convince people (or themselves) that NOT establishing Russian Collusion means Mueller just could not (find the evidence to) definitively establish / prove that the Russian collusion they CLAIM happened (but which they have no evidence to prove) actually occurred.

The REALITY that actual existing evidence has exposed that Russian Collusion NEVER happened, that the FBI did their own internal investigation and found NO EVIDENCE and NO COLLUSUION but then proceeded anyway to use information they KNEW was not reliable from a Trump-hating foreign spy and Russians, bought by the DNC nominee, to illegally start an investigation of what they already KNEW was a NO CRIME, that all of this happened....that this was an exposed coup attempt.

The REALTY is existing evidence shows Obama's DOJ and FBI collaborated together to prevent Hillary from being indicted and from going to prison. that EXISTS....

Yet insane treasonous Democrats and snowflakes continue to reject acknowledgement of all of this evidence, keep refusing to acknowledge these Democrats crimes, and continue to try to take down the elected President of the United States. It's the biggest exposed scandal in US history and the damnedest thing we have ever seen. The fact that it continues, that sanity has been re-established and the traitors who started all of this have not been brought to justice only proves to me this country is already lost.

If that were true then he would not have said the report did not exonerate Trump. Clearly he was using a legal standard and could not establish collusion beyond a reasonable doubt. That means he found evidence that could lead to collusion.

The fact is that Trump's campaign was aware of the Russian interference in the election and was willing to help the Russians. Roger Stone knew about Podesta's e-mails being released on WikiLeaks BEFORE they were released and said he had a backchannel to WikiLeaks. Paul Manafort gave campaign documents and polling data to a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence.

The REALITY is that Trump was willing to accept Russian help. Comey confirmed that some of the information had been verified. No investigation was started illegally. There was no coup.

The REALITY is that there is no evidence of any collaboration to prevent Clinton from being indicted.

Trump supporters are the ones who are insane and treasonous. They put Trump before the country. You apparently are talking about retaliation. That is treasonous as well.
t Trump's campaign was aware of the Russian interference in the election

So did Obammy, why didn't he stop it?
If that were true then he would not have said the report did not exonerate Trump. Clearly he was using a legal standard and could not establish collusion beyond a reasonable doubt. That means he found evidence that could lead to collusion.

The fact is that Trump's campaign was aware of the Russian interference in the election and was willing to help the Russians. Roger Stone knew about Podesta's e-mails being released on WikiLeaks BEFORE they were released and said he had a backchannel to WikiLeaks. Paul Manafort gave campaign documents and polling data to a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence.

The REALITY is that Trump was willing to accept Russian help. Comey confirmed that some of the information had been verified. No investigation was started illegally. There was no coup.

The REALITY is that there is no evidence of any collaboration to prevent Clinton from being indicted.

Trump supporters are the ones who are insane and treasonous. They put Trump before the country. You apparently are talking about retaliation. That is treasonous as well.

You're crazier than Jilly....I didn't think that was possible.
The ACA is more popular than Trump is. The Republican alternatives were even less popular. The original system was clearly broken. If you were anything but totally healthy, young and well off, the current system worked for you. Otherwise your life was hell.

The Republican alternative is going back to the old system which a majority of people oppose. Graham-Cassidy would have left millions of people without health insurance, penalized older Americans and people with pre-existing conditions.

The public realized that the ACA had faults and that is why they wanted it fixed not repealed. Republicans refused to do that.

Pounding sand down a rat hole never got rid of the rat. BarryCare was unfixable because, like any other plan that tries to cover preexisting illness or injury, the insurers can't make enough in premiums to cover their claims. The whole concept of insurance is IN CASE something happens, not after it already has.
The ACA is more popular than Trump is. The Republican alternatives were even less popular. The original system was clearly broken. If you were anything but totally healthy, young and well off, the current system worked for you. Otherwise your life was hell.

The Republican alternative is going back to the old system which a majority of people oppose. Graham-Cassidy would have left millions of people without health insurance, penalized older Americans and people with pre-existing conditions.

The public realized that the ACA had faults and that is why they wanted it fixed not repealed. Republicans refused to do that.

Pounding sand down a rat hole never got rid of the rat. BarryCare was unfixable because. like any other plan that tries to cover preexisting illness or injury, the insurers can't make enough in premiums to cover their claims. The whole concept of insurance is IN CASE something happens, not after it already has.
but even at that, the folks with the pre-existing conditions don't think they need to pay extra. It's like asking a car insurance company for the money for the fix without ever getting that insurance. No, they would expect you to pay the initial costs before signing up. ludicrous.
The report did not exonerate Trump and even Barr has admitted that. That means there is evidence of collusion.
That is bullshit. A quote right out of Mueller's report stated 'Russian collusion could not be established'.

THAT means Mueller and his team did not find evidence to prove Trump or anyone associated with him colluded with the Russians. The lack of evidence of collusion means 'No collusion'. The 'inability to establish collusion' means no collusion was established. NO EVIDENCE of collusion found / established.

Desperate snowflakes, however, are trying to convince people (or themselves) that NOT establishing Russian Collusion means Mueller just could not (find the evidence to) definitively establish / prove that the Russian collusion they CLAIM happened (but which they have no evidence to prove) actually occurred.

The REALITY that actual existing evidence has exposed that Russian Collusion NEVER happened, that the FBI did their own internal investigation and found NO EVIDENCE and NO COLLUSUION but then proceeded anyway to use information they KNEW was not reliable from a Trump-hating foreign spy and Russians, bought by the DNC nominee, to illegally start an investigation of what they already KNEW was a NO CRIME, that all of this happened....that this was an exposed coup attempt.

The REALTY is existing evidence shows Obama's DOJ and FBI collaborated together to prevent Hillary from being indicted and from going to prison. that EXISTS....

Yet insane treasonous Democrats and snowflakes continue to reject acknowledgement of all of this evidence, keep refusing to acknowledge these Democrats crimes, and continue to try to take down the elected President of the United States. It's the biggest exposed scandal in US history and the damnedest thing we have ever seen. The fact that it continues, that sanity has been re-established and the traitors who started all of this have not been brought to justice only proves to me this country is already lost.

If that were true then he would not have said the report did not exonerate Trump. Clearly he was using a legal standard and could not establish collusion beyond a reasonable doubt. That means he found evidence that could lead to collusion.

The fact is that Trump's campaign was aware of the Russian interference in the election and was willing to help the Russians. Roger Stone knew about Podesta's e-mails being released on WikiLeaks BEFORE they were released and said he had a backchannel to WikiLeaks. Paul Manafort gave campaign documents and polling data to a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence.

The REALITY is that Trump was willing to accept Russian help. Comey confirmed that some of the information had been verified. No investigation was started illegally. There was no coup.

The REALITY is that there is no evidence of any collaboration to prevent Clinton from being indicted.

Trump supporters are the ones who are insane and treasonous. They put Trump before the country. You apparently are talking about retaliation. That is treasonous as well.
If the report would have established (proven) collusion snowflakes would be partying and Trump would be in the middle of Impeachment right now....but he is not because nothing could be found to prove the false accusations of collusion, dumbass!

Again, that is what NORMAL people call being found Innocent due to a LACK OF EVIDENCE.
but even at that, the folks with the pre-existing conditions don't think they need to pay extra. It's like asking a car insurance company for the money for the fix without ever getting that insurance. No, they would expect you to pay the initial costs before signing up. ludicrous.

Medicare is going broke like it is without adding more basket cases with one foot in the OR and the other in the grave. You have to means-test it same as Social Security....I bet almost half of the current recipients could afford to buy their own safety net. Sure, we get screwed out of all we paid in, but on the other hand, we can congratulate ourselves we didn't need it. Same way with SS...why should a millionaire get a check for a couple grand a month from SS when it could go to a COLA for the less fortunate?
Flynn lied to the FBI and to Vice President elect Pence about talking with the Russian ambassador about removing the sanctions the Obama admin just put on them... I want to know why he did this and if then Pres Elect trump told him to do this?

Manafort gave inside secret Trump polling data to Kilimnik, I want to know why? And I want to know if Kilimnik passed that information on to the Russian GRU, who he was close to....

Roger Stone worked with Julian Assange on the DNC and Podesta stolen email dissemination/release/timing....and the contents and worked with Guciffer2, a Russian GRU agent on them..... Did he also work with the Trump campaign, letting them know the inside scoop? I'd like to know the answers to all of this....

Jarod Kushner tried to set up a back channel of communications with Putin/Russia and suggested using the Russian embassy to do it....

What in the heck was that all about? I'd like to know why?

Erik Prince set up and went to a secret meeting in the Seychelles with a Russian Operative, I'd like to know why and what was discussed?

I'd like to know what really happened at the Trump tower meeting with the 6 Russian govt operatives... I'd like to know why president trump made up a story full of lies about it, for Donny Junior, and told the American citizens all those lies??

I'd like to know why NONE of the Trump campaign, after being warned by our intelligence community of Russian hacking and interference, the Trump campaign never reported the Russian contacts with them, to the FBI?

I'd like to know why Candidate Trump lied over and over and over again about all of his team's Russian contacts...?

I'd like to know why Trump and Cohen lied about trying to get a Trump Moscow built and agreed to, while he was running for President?

there are so many things in addition to what I mentioned, I'd like to know answers to, that I KNOW Mueller's team investigated.

People like you made up the allegations and repeat them so often that you now present your fiction as if it's fact. No excuse for that.

NO, you all just do not care enough to pay attention to any of what actually happened because you've been too busy mimicking your Lord and Savior, Donald Trump.... shouting LOCK HER UP and WITCH HUNT and NO COLLUSION brainwashing crud....

Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI about his talks with the Russian Ambassador about removing the Sanctions Obama had put on the Russians, and then LIED to Vice President Pence about it, and then lied to the FBI about it, and the President fired him for it.

Flynn was CONVICTED for this crime.
America is a Democracy In Name Only

you can collude with Russia, commit treason, and become president of the united states!

You forgot on-the-record pussy grabbing
Words only, dingus.

Wow. What else to say?

Can you explain what in the world makes you think it’s words only after dozens of women say it happened to them and Trump fully confessed to doing it?
I'd have to diagnose you with two separate diseases - TDS and Maddow On The Brain (MOB) Disease.

So you can’t explain?
You DO realize at this very minute the FBI is refusing to turn over it's e-mails to CNN from the morning they raided Stone's house in full military-decked-out Commando gear, and CNN was the only news agency on scene with a full camera crew for the FBI's 'surprise' raid, right?
Who is asking for the emails, that they are refusing to give them to..?. Do you even know if there are emails to CNN from them? I call bull crud, or give us a link.... ;)

YOU do realize that the FBI has been run by Christopher Wray, a Trump appointee, for almost 2 years now, don't you?
The ACA is more popular than Trump is. The Republican alternatives were even less popular. The original system was clearly broken. If you were anything but totally healthy, young and well off, the current system worked for you. Otherwise your life was hell.

The Republican alternative is going back to the old system which a majority of people oppose. Graham-Cassidy would have left millions of people without health insurance, penalized older Americans and people with pre-existing conditions.

The public realized that the ACA had faults and that is why they wanted it fixed not repealed. Republicans refused to do that.

Pounding sand down a rat hole never got rid of the rat. BarryCare was unfixable because, like any other plan that tries to cover preexisting illness or injury, the insurers can't make enough in premiums to cover their claims. The whole concept of insurance is IN CASE something happens, not after it already has.

And there it is. The concept of insurance.

Insurance might be a concept. Dying from an illness that can be treated isn't.

The rat is whether or not an insurance company can make a profit.

A rat that will be gotten rid of soon.
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You DO realize at this very minute the FBI is refusing to turn over it's e-mails to CNN from the morning they raided Stone's house in full military-decked-out Commando gear, and CNN was the only news agency on scene with a full camera crew for the FBI's 'surprise' raid, right?
Who is asking for the emails, that they are refusing to give them to..?. Do you even know if there are emails to CNN from them? I call bull crud, or give us a link.... ;)

YOU do realize that the FBI has been run by Christopher Wray, a Trump appointee, for almost 2 years now, don't you?
You should do some research or just read the thread I started in it. There is a great link that would educate you.
America is a Democracy In Name Only

you can collude with Russia, commit treason, and become president of the united states!

You forgot on-the-record pussy grabbing
Words only, dingus.

Wow. What else to say?

Can you explain what in the world makes you think it’s words only after dozens of women say it happened to them and Trump fully confessed to doing it?
I'd have to diagnose you with two separate diseases - TDS and Maddow On The Brain (MOB) Disease.

So you can’t explain?
I have no idea why you're a worthless leftist traitor. Maybe you were born a couple cells short.
Barr keeps using his and Rosenstein's name to give his actions legitimacy bu I have seen no real indication that either had any input into his actions.
You jack ass, the AG does not need Mueller or the ASSISTANT AG to lend his actions legitimacy.

Fuck you and welcome to my ignore list.

I wish I could take back the time I wasted responding to your stupid ass shit.
Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI about his talks with the Russian Ambassador about removing the Sanctions Obama had put on the Russians, and then LIED to Vice President Pence about it, and then lied to the FBI about it, and the President fired him for it.

Flynn was CONVICTED for this crime.
Flynn confessed in order to stop the diestruction of his personal estate.

That is how these Federali goons at the DOJ work, they run up your legal costs to the point you are wiped out to fight them. You plead just to avoid being completely ruined when it is all over. This is something that badly needs reform.
You DO realize at this very minute the FBI is refusing to turn over it's e-mails to CNN from the morning they raided Stone's house in full military-decked-out Commando gear, and CNN was the only news agency on scene with a full camera crew for the FBI's 'surprise' raid, right?
Who is asking for the emails, that they are refusing to give them to..?. Do you even know if there are emails to CNN from them? I call bull crud, or give us a link.... ;)

YOU do realize that the FBI has been run by Christopher Wray, a Trump appointee, for almost 2 years now, don't you?
You should do some research or just read the thread I started in it. There is a great link that would educate you.
I've done PLENTY of research on it, and only in your right wing conspiracy circle jerk sites, are regurgitating uncorroborated bull crud....

EVEN I KNEW Roger Stone was going to be arrested and charged on Friday, due to sealed filings on Thursday in the DC court by the Special Counsel.... Roger Stone was the only major one left to be charged...

even Roger Stone claimed months ago, that he WAS GOING to be indicted... we waited and waited and waited for this to happen, and nada.... then the special counsel filed a sealed indictment the Thursday before his Friday's arrest.... ANYONE following the investigation closely, knew it had to be for Stone's arrest.
Mueller said it was no one from the special counsel/FBI

Mueller rebuffs Roger Stone’s claims that feds tipped off CNN
Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI about his talks with the Russian Ambassador about removing the Sanctions Obama had put on the Russians, and then LIED to Vice President Pence about it, and then lied to the FBI about it, and the President fired him for it.

Flynn was CONVICTED for this crime.
Flynn confessed in order to stop the diestruction of his personal estate.

That is how these Federali goons at the DOJ work, they run up your legal costs to the point you are wiped out to fight them. You plead just to avoid being completely ruined when it is all over. This is something that badly needs reform.
No Jim, that's a right wing LIE.

He confessed and plead guilty, because he DID LIE to the FBI about talking with the Russian Ambassador about removing sanctions....

He did lie to VP Pence about it as well, unless you believe Pence actually knew the truth about the talks about sanction removal with the Russians by Flynn and Pence was lying to all of us, by telling us he was unaware of it....?

He plead guilty to some of the CRIMES HE ACTUALLY committed to keep himself from being charged with ALL THE OTHER CRIMES he and his son, committed, and then decided to cooperate with the special counsel, to reduce his sentence AND to keep from going flat out broke....

he did not plead guilty to something he did not do.... he did it, among other illegal and traitorous type things he had done as well... he admitted he did it, several times, and he admitted he was confessing to it, without coercion....
No Jim, that's a right wing LIE.
He confessed and plead guilty, because he DID LIE to the FBI about talking with the Russian Ambassador about removing sanctions....
Robert Mueller releases memo summarizing interview with Michael Flynn - CNNPolitics
Whether the FBI decided Flynn was lying at that moment has become a touch point in President Donald Trump's recent attacks on the Mueller investigation. Trump has latched on to whether Mueller pursued Flynn on a criminal charge at odds with the FBI's initial findings. Former FBI agent Peter Strzok's participation in the Flynn interview -- and the fact that Flynn was not warned he could be prosecuted for lying and had no lawyer in the room with him when he met with the FBI at the White House -- has also cast political shadows on the case.
Trump has alleged the FBI determined that day that Flynn hadn't lied. Yet the memo from January 24, 2017, that was released Monday night does not say the FBI agents made any determinations at that time. The memo only outlines what Flynn said in a straightforward manner.
The subsequent criminal complaint, filed by Mueller's office in December 2017, outlined how Flynn's retelling of the conversations was wrong.​

Even Strojk said he did not believe that Flynn intended to lie that day as he recounted, without preparation, a 12 month old conversation.

But he has been ruined for it anyway because of political partisanship.
The HOAX is DEAD....and now the rodents want to give it an autopsy, the results of which would be in the NYTimes within minutes. No reason the AG should give them law says he must, no standard for the USSC to rule on.....if he decides not to, the slime machine shuts down. So since tomorrow is April Fool's Day, a day before the "deadline" they dreamed up, he should send them 300 pages of redacted black magic marker blocked out nothing. Screw them. If there was any "collusion" or "obstruction" that Barr hasn't told us about, does anybody believe that Mueller, or Weissman, or Rosenstein wouldn't have been on CNN screaming about it? They all know better, all of them, and they had a good time doing it...until now that is. I wonder how funny they think it will be when the new FBI is knocking on their doors?


There was never any hoax to begin with.

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