Barr Tells Congress Rats To Pound Sand

Mueller also says that Trump was not exonerated.
Mueller said 'collusion could not be established'.

Trump-haters cing to the idea this does not exonerate him. Mueller does not say he found any evidence collusion was found. It may mean their is circumstantial evidence of activity between the 2 (sorta like Hillary paying for a Russian-authored document or accepting over $100 million from the Russians - far more than Trump).

And again, saying something could not be established means an inability to prove / substantiate....which means 'INNOCENT' due to lack of evidence / an inability to prove guilt!
Mueller also says that Trump was not exonerated.
Mueller said 'collusion could not be established'.

Trump-haters cing to the idea this does not exonerate him. Mueller does not say he found any evidence collusion was found. It may mean their is circumstantial evidence of activity between the 2 (sorta like Hillary paying for a Russian-authored document or accepting over $100 million from the Russians - far more than Trump).

And again, saying something could not be established means an inability to prove / substantiate....which means 'INNOCENT' due to lack of evidence / an inability to prove guilt!
Why lie?

BARR said that. We have no idea what Mueller said
Words only, dingus.

Wow. What else to say?

Can you explain what in the world makes you think it’s words only after dozens of women say it happened to them and Trump fully confessed to doing it?
I'd have to diagnose you with two separate diseases - TDS and Maddow On The Brain (MOB) Disease.

So you can’t explain?
I have no idea why you're a worthless leftist traitor. Maybe you were born a couple cells short.

So you can’t explain why you believe it’s “just words”, you just pathetically try to switch topics.

Good job useful moron, you can now get back to your blind Dear Leader worshiping.
How can you type so well with Hillary's panties stuck in your throat?
Why lie? BARR said that. We have no idea what Mueller said
Good question - why are YOU lying?

Barr quoted Mueller, which we are talking about.

Why lie like you are doing when Barr will soon release every bit of Mueller's report he legally can?

Why not wait a few more days before running your mouth about things you know nothing about?

You claim you don't know what Mueller said but in the next breath try to tell people what Mueller said?

Yes, that's about what Barr said, but I don't think it's gonna turn out that way.
Why did the Congress give Barr an arbitrary deadline? He has said he will release it in mid-April or before. It's a long report and there is stuff in there that no doubt needs to be redacted by law. So giving him a few weeks is not unreasonable.
What is happening on April 3 that makes the Congress's deadline so important?

There is nothing special about April 3.

Why Congress moves, and tries to move swiftly, is impossible to tell, for none of us have direct access to their brains.

On the other hand, we've seen the pervasive "Complete and Total Exoneration" narrative doled out by the shipload. So, it'd be understandable House Democrats would like to move as early as possible to counter that narrative, before it's fixed and unalterable in the national consciousness.

Of course, making Republicans stand up against transparency may be another issue.

In the end, it comes down to trust, or rather, the lack thereof. Trump promised his tax returns for all to see. Remember what happened to that? He then promised the Mueller report, and now they seem to dig in for as long as possible. Meanwhile, Trump moved the narrative again, calling demands for the report a "disgrace". Now, why would Trump call efforts to see the report that completely exonerates him - or so he tells us - a "disgrace"? Funny, no?

Yes, of course, the AG is supposed to follow "the law". The notion the law is somehow simple, offers two-bit answers to the question what is to be published, and what not, is, well, simple, and things may well boil down to how extensive, or narrow, Barr interprets the law on behalf of Trump, and the longer he has, the more elaborate and extensive his redactions might become. So there would be another reason to move early. And yes, there is another, entirely novel thing at work, and I'll coin "Congressional Grandstanding" to describe it. Never seen that one before...
Yes, that's about what Barr said, but I don't think it's gonna turn out that way.
Why did the Congress give Barr an arbitrary deadline? He has said he will release it in mid-April or before. It's a long report and there is stuff in there that no doubt needs to be redacted by law. So giving him a few weeks is not unreasonable.
What is happening on April 3 that makes the Congress's deadline so important?

There is nothing special about April 3.

Why Congress moves, and tries to move swiftly, is impossible to tell, for none of us have direct access to their brains.

On the other hand, we've seen the pervasive "Complete and Total Exoneration" narrative doled out by the shipload. So, it'd be understandable House Democrats would like to move as early as possible to counter that narrative, before it's fixed and unalterable in the national consciousness.

Of course, making Republicans stand up against transparency may be another issue.

In the end, it comes down to trust, or rather, the lack thereof. Trump promised his tax returns for all to see. Remember what happened to that? He then promised the Mueller report, and now they seem to dig in for as long as possible. Meanwhile, Trump moved the narrative again, calling demands for the report a "disgrace". Now, why would Trump call efforts to see the report that completely exonerates him - or so he tells us - a "disgrace"? Funny, no?

Yes, of course, the AG is supposed to follow "the law". The notion the law is somehow simple, offers two-bit answers to the question what is to be published, and what not, is, well, simple, and things may well boil down to how extensive, or narrow, Barr interprets the law on behalf of Trump, and the longer he has, the more elaborate and extensive his redactions might become. So there would be another reason to move early. And yes, there is another, entirely novel thing at work, and I'll coin "Congressional Grandstanding" to describe it. Never seen that one before...
Obama set a new Presidential record for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA - Obama wrote the book on NON-transparency!

Once again, proving they escalate themselves above the law in everything they do, Democrats are engaging in political theater by demanding Barr break the law to give them something they have no legal right to have.

Democrats should just STFU and wait a few days for the release of the Mueller Report, which is what Barr is working in delivering.
Yes, that's about what Barr said, but I don't think it's gonna turn out that way.
Why did the Congress give Barr an arbitrary deadline? He has said he will release it in mid-April or before. It's a long report and there is stuff in there that no doubt needs to be redacted by law. So giving him a few weeks is not unreasonable.
What is happening on April 3 that makes the Congress's deadline so important?

There is nothing special about April 3.

Why Congress moves, and tries to move swiftly, is impossible to tell, for none of us have direct access to their brains.

On the other hand, we've seen the pervasive "Complete and Total Exoneration" narrative doled out by the shipload. So, it'd be understandable House Democrats would like to move as early as possible to counter that narrative, before it's fixed and unalterable in the national consciousness.

Of course, making Republicans stand up against transparency may be another issue.

In the end, it comes down to trust, or rather, the lack thereof. Trump promised his tax returns for all to see. Remember what happened to that? He then promised the Mueller report, and now they seem to dig in for as long as possible. Meanwhile, Trump moved the narrative again, calling demands for the report a "disgrace". Now, why would Trump call efforts to see the report that completely exonerates him - or so he tells us - a "disgrace"? Funny, no?

Yes, of course, the AG is supposed to follow "the law". The notion the law is somehow simple, offers two-bit answers to the question what is to be published, and what not, is, well, simple, and things may well boil down to how extensive, or narrow, Barr interprets the law on behalf of Trump, and the longer he has, the more elaborate and extensive his redactions might become. So there would be another reason to move early. And yes, there is another, entirely novel thing at work, and I'll coin "Congressional Grandstanding" to describe it. Never seen that one before...
Congress leaves for Easter Recess mid April, the week Barr said he would release it...
Congress leaves for Easter Recess mid April, the week Barr said he would release it...


How old are you? How long have you been paying attention to politics / how DC works? You act like this is something new....

'Friday Data Dumps'....Dropping / releasing info right before's been going on for 'ages'. It isn't a 'partisan' thing - it's how both sides have been doing it for decades.
Congress leaves for Easter Recess mid April, the week Barr said he would release it...


How old are you? How long have you been paying attention to politics / how DC works? You act like this is something new....

'Friday Data Dumps'....Dropping / releasing info right before's been going on for 'ages'. It isn't a 'partisan' thing - it's how both sides have been doing it for decades.
Where is Robert Mueller? Barr said he would be helping him redact the on going investigation parts and classified National Security stuff from the report...

He hasn't been seen since his last day on the job.

that means Mueller ALREADY gave them the full version and a redacted classified information version.

Barr is swiping it clean of all the stuff he simply does not want us to see, the classified stuff has already been noted by the Mueller team before his last day.

Congress, specifically the Judicial committee and the Intelligence committee WILL GET the full unredacted version... Courts have ruled over and over again, that it is part of congress's job to get this kind of information.

We the people may not see the classified version for years, but all the other stuff, we will see eventually....

Trump and the minions he put in office to protect him, are hoping to keep this fight going on, so he can keep hidden what is in the report, until after the election.

Transparency is not a dirty word, as you are playing.

We got to see Page and Strzok's personal emails, you had no problem with that.... you should feel the same about this Mueller report.

WHAT wrong doing ARE YOU TRYING TO HIDE from the American people?

I knew Trump was lying through his teeth when he said he wanted the report released in full, and Donny Junior too....

They ALREADY KNEW that Barr would cover for them and protect them, this is why he was hired, it appears...
Yes, I sense he is on the warpath. But why? He "won." What is all this hostility about?

He escaped the plot and the more he thinks about it, the madder he gets. He promised Ivanka, who's friends with Chelsea Clinton, he'd leave Hillary alone. But her henchmen aren't getting away with what they did and he's coming after them. He's pissed about what's happening with the border, and he's pissed about being double-crossed by the RINOs in the Senate for talking him out of going after the Wall money when the GOP still held the House. He's used to getting things talked about, decided on, getting them done and moving on to the next issue. He doesn't admire problems, he solves them.
Total bullshit. This is just another Dim scam.
Barr is redacting the report as required by Law. Whining won't make the required redactions any less.

Yes, that's about what Barr said, but I don't think it's gonna turn out that way.
Why did the Congress give Barr an arbitrary deadline? He has said he will release it in mid-April or before. It's a long report and there is stuff in there that no doubt needs to be redacted by law. So giving him a few weeks is not unreasonable.
What is happening on April 3 that makes the Congress's deadline so important?

If he really had honorable intentions he would have gotten all the information copied and sent to congress the day after he got it.
I agree, but Barr was obviously put in, to cover up for the president...
Where is Robert Mueller? Barr said he would be helping him redact the on going investigation parts and classified National Security stuff from the report...
He hasn't been seen since his last day on the job. that means Mueller ALREADY gave them the full version and a redacted classified information version. Barr is swiping it clean

Do you ever listen to yourself / read your own posts before you post this 'fantasy' / conspiracy crap of yours?

'Where is Mueller? HE HASN'T BEEN SEEN...'


Your fake news mother-ship has not reported to you where Mueller is every minute of every 24-hour period since he turned in his report so that means He is NOT doing anything, is NOT helping Bass as Barr states.... REALLY?!

Then you make the fake news false narrative / fake news UNSUBSTANTIATED, TRUMP-HATING OPINIONATED CONSPIRACY THEORY-BASED declaration that Barr is 'wiping' / 'doctoring' Mueller's report (like Hillary actually tried to do with her server)......

...because, according to you, Mueller and his 19 lawyers will NOT step forward to expose Barr's manipulation and false reporting of his report if Barr releases a false / doctored report.



:wtf:is wrong with you TDS-suffering desperate snowflakes?
Congress leaves for Easter Recess mid April, the week Barr said he would release it...


How old are you? How long have you been paying attention to politics / how DC works? You act like this is something new....

'Friday Data Dumps'....Dropping / releasing info right before's been going on for 'ages'. It isn't a 'partisan' thing - it's how both sides have been doing it for decades.
Where is Robert Mueller? Barr said he would be helping him redact the on going investigation parts and classified National Security stuff from the report...

He hasn't been seen since his last day on the job.

that means Mueller ALREADY gave them the full version and a redacted classified information version.

Barr is swiping it clean of all the stuff he simply does not want us to see, the classified stuff has already been noted by the Mueller team before his last day.

Congress, specifically the Judicial committee and the Intelligence committee WILL GET the full unredacted version... Courts have ruled over and over again, that it is part of congress's job to get this kind of information.

We the people may not see the classified version for years, but all the other stuff, we will see eventually....

Trump and the minions he put in office to protect him, are hoping to keep this fight going on, so he can keep hidden what is in the report, until after the election.

Transparency is not a dirty word, as you are playing.

We got to see Page and Strzok's personal emails, you had no problem with that.... you should feel the same about this Mueller report.

WHAT wrong doing ARE YOU TRYING TO HIDE from the American people?

I knew Trump was lying through his teeth when he said he wanted the report released in full, and Donny Junior too....

They ALREADY KNEW that Barr would cover for them and protect them, this is why he was hired, it appears...

Leftwing conspiracy theories.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Yes, that's about what Barr said, but I don't think it's gonna turn out that way.
Why did the Congress give Barr an arbitrary deadline? He has said he will release it in mid-April or before. It's a long report and there is stuff in there that no doubt needs to be redacted by law. So giving him a few weeks is not unreasonable.
What is happening on April 3 that makes the Congress's deadline so important?

If he really had honorable intentions he would have gotten all the information copied and sent to congress the day after he got it.
I agree, but Barr was obviously put in, to cover up for the president...

COVER UP WHAT?? (Hint: Mueller and his democrat shills did not find anything ) At least put up a false claim, otherwise its another witch hunt for anything that looks suspicious, which the Mueller team already tracked down, and found nothing.

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