Barr Tells Congress Rats To Pound Sand

Wow the Mueller report must be pretty juicy watching how shitty the Trump camp is acting about a report that allegedly exonerates Trump. By now the White House has a leaked copy and it has been funny watching them try to keep a lid on it.
Strange how the con changed his mind about releasing in a week.
But then he's saying his dad was born in Germany.
Unbelievable liar
Do Democrats know why the Mueller report is classified? Has it occurred to them to even ask this question? If they did a little checking, they would be embarrassed about their claims/insinuations that Barr is "hiding" or misrepresenting the report's findings.

HINT: Do Democrats understand that grand jury proceedings are sealed?
They talk about it all the time.
knees news and hannity say they don't?
t Trump's campaign was aware of the Russian interference in the election

So did Obammy, why didn't he stop it?

Obama didn't benefit from it. Trump did. He encouraged it.
Does it make you feel better, telling yourself it was OK for Barry to know about Russian meddling back in 2014 but allowing it to continue for 2 years because 'he didn't benefit from it'?!

It was his job to protect the UNITED STATES. Instead, he, his DOJ, & FBI protected Hillary ... Then they attempted a coup against a newly elected President.

"Monaco says that’s because the Obama administration was at the time focused on seeking cooperation for a last-ditch effort by the Department of Homeland Security to avoid Russian tampering in the actual voting process. But the administration, she said, faced a backlash from state and local governments who viewed the DHS cybersecurity election push as “a big federal takeover” and were reluctant to cooperate. That was the case that she, FBI Director James Comey and DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson made in a secret briefing of top members of Congress in the fall, during a session at which Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) reportedly balked at their characterization of the evidence of Russian involvement in the hack."

Did Obama Blow It on the Russian Hacking?

Republicans treated it as a partisan issue despite Obama officials' attempt to warn people about it. What else did you want? WW III?
Obama f*ed up and allowed the Russians to meddle for 2 years...He gave them uranium, he gave them Crimea, and by knowing about Hillary's illegal server use and not shutting it down while knowing the Russians were trying to hack top US officials Barry shares part of the blame for the Russians getting their hands on the classified info on her server.. .

Obama did not give them uranium. He also placed sanctions on Russia There is no evidence that Russia hacked Clinton's server. When Trump wanted Russia to release Clinton's supposedly lost e-mails, the fact they did not shows they did not hack Clinton's server.
you think? and yet.......Mueller. too fking funny.
Do Democrats know why the Mueller report is classified? Has it occurred to them to even ask this question? If they did a little checking, they would be embarrassed about their claims/insinuations that Barr is "hiding" or misrepresenting the report's findings.

HINT: Do Democrats understand that grand jury proceedings are sealed?
They talk about it all the time.
knees news and hannity say they don't?
dude, what the fk is knees news? no one here understands pig latin. so please educate us on your language!!
What is happening on April 3 that makes the Congress's deadline so important?

They wanted it unredacted the moment they heard Lurch had an issue with the phony "obstruction" baloney. They know they've lost the momentum, Trump is on the warpath, and in another couple weeks, they'll be laughed at by their own voters. A THIRD of the Trump crowd last week in Grand Rapids were self-identified democrats...they're all done with the bullshit.
Yes, I sense he is on the warpath. But why? He "won." What is all this hostility about?

Maybe because being accused of and investigating for two years for crimes that turn out not to have happened is annoying? Maybe because after all that, they refuse to accept the results of the investigation they insisted on? Maybe just because politics is adversarial by its nature?
Do Democrats know why the Mueller report is classified? Has it occurred to them to even ask this question? If they did a little checking, they would be embarrassed about their claims/insinuations that Barr is "hiding" or misrepresenting the report's findings.

HINT: Do Democrats understand that grand jury proceedings are sealed?
Do you understand Mueller knows Grand Jury findings are sealed, and that is why he likely enclosed an Executive Summary of his findings that could be released without any further censoring by a partisan political hack posing as Attorney General?

Mueller's report could have been released days ago; the only reason that hasn't occurred is because Barr is functioning as Trump's personal fixer and not as a public servant.

Do YOU understand that it's BARR'S job to communicate the findings outside of his office, not Mueller's? Or that because there are things that can't be made public BY LAW, Mueller's report can't be released without redaction? Do you understand that quibbling about Mueller's alleged summary versus Barr's summary and trying to pretend there's some substantial difference there is nonsensical and childish?

The findings are what they are, regardless of who writes the summary. Adjust to the fact that you didn't get your way, grow up, stop stomping your feet and screaming like a spoiled toddler, and move on.
He should do it for the sake of transparency in the law and our Judicial department, and for the sake of our country to stay a country.... and for the sake of honesty.... and truth...

cover ups by government swamp creatures, are never good for the Nation...

Honesty is the best policy... transparency is the best policy, where ever possible.... knowing the actual facts is the best policy.... informing the public of the facts, is the best policy.

At least if we are going to go at each other, we can do so with actual facts instead of conjecture on both sides.

He was honest

How would you know? Seen the report?

Barr also took it upon himself to clear Trump on Obstruction, which is of course not a credible judgement considering he auditioned for the job by assuring Trump he could not possibly commit that.

Let’s see the report, wtf are you Trumplings so concerned about if it really does clear Trump???

Barr did nothing of the sort. Did you ever even bother to read his summary?

"The report does not recommend any further indictments, nor did the Special Counsel obtain any sealed indictments that have yet to be made public."

"As the report states: "[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities. ""

"After making a "thorough factual investigation" into these matters, the Special Counsel considered whether to evaluate the conduct under Department standards governing prosecution and declination decisions but ultimately determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment. The Special Counsel therefore did not draw a conclusion — one way or the other — as to whether the examined conduct constituted obstruction. Instead, for each of the relevant actions investigated, the report sets out evidence on both sides of the question and leaves unresolved what the Special Counsel views as "difficult issues" of law and fact concerning whether the President's actions and intent could be viewed as obstruction. The Special Counsel states that "while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.""

It's pretty obvious that all Barr did was summarize what Mueller said, and quote him directly where appropriate.

So why don't you tell us where Barr "took it upon himself to exonerate Trump"?
He should do it for the sake of transparency in the law and our Judicial department, and for the sake of our country to stay a country.... and for the sake of honesty.... and truth...

cover ups by government swamp creatures, are never good for the Nation...

Honesty is the best policy... transparency is the best policy, where ever possible.... knowing the actual facts is the best policy.... informing the public of the facts, is the best policy.

At least if we are going to go at each other, we can do so with actual facts instead of conjecture on both sides.

They are going to release the whole report. Why are you so worried? Trump committed no crimes or obstructed or colluded.
How do you know that? Have you seen the Mueller report?

Is that what you really think, or are you just repeating the lies you were TOLD to say like a good little lockstep minion?

Barr has no reason to lie.

And no reason to think it would accomplish anything OR that he would get away with it. Too many people know what was in the report who would not even remotely keep their mouths shut if he lied about it.
I'd post a nice diplomatic explanation of why Barr is redacting the report, and that it will be released in a few weeks, and that the dems' subpoena is worthless, but after the first 10x I'm just going to let the dem posters figure it out for themselves.
The House gets the redacted report when Barr sends it to them, period. Whine all you want until then.
Mueller also says that Trump was not exonerated.
Mueller said 'collusion could not be established'.

Trump-haters cing to the idea this does not exonerate him. Mueller does not say he found any evidence collusion was found. It may mean their is circumstantial evidence of activity between the 2 (sorta like Hillary paying for a Russian-authored document or accepting over $100 million from the Russians - far more than Trump).

And again, saying something could not be established means an inability to prove / substantiate....which means 'INNOCENT' due to lack of evidence / an inability to prove guilt!

Even Barr admits the report does not exonerate Trump. All it apparently state sis that Trump did not co-ordinate his actions with the Russians. What we have is the fact that the Trump campaign was willing to meet with a Russian national to get dirt on Clinton. Roger Stone said he had backchannels to WikiLeaks and knew the Russian hacked Podesta e-mails would show up on WikiLeaks before they did. Manafort turned over campaign documents including polling data to a business associate with ties to Russian intelligence. Then we have the lies surrounding Trump's ties to Russia.

This is not a court of law. Trump is not INNOCENT because it was not proved beyond a reasonable doubt. Believing that Trump did this does not make you a never Trumper. Trump has also gotten a lot of money from Russia as well.

It all adds up to the Trump campaign's attempt to accept the Russian help without dealing directly with them.

Judge Napolitano summed it up best.

“On the conspiracy charge...Mueller, Rosenstein, Barr are on the same page,” the judge responded. “There is something there, but it is not enough to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.”

He added: “On the obstruction charge, Mueller did what a lot of prosecutors do—they kick it upstairs. Let the boss decide this. The evidence is equivocal. There is evidence of obstruction. There is evidence of no obstruction. They’re equivocal.”

Fox’s Judge Napolitano: ‘There Is Something There’ on Conspiracy in Mueller Report
Looks like Barr will be served a subpoena today

What will they do when he ignores it? Take it to the courts? The Law says what it says, and Barr is following it.

The laws do not apply to Congress. They have the duty of oversight of the executive branch and being able to subpoena those documents are a part of that oversight. This is not a active investigation anymore so there is no excuse for not allowing Congress to see them. They have the security clearances so that is not a issue.
...because, according to you, Mueller and his 19 lawyers will NOT step forward to expose Barr's manipulation and false reporting of his report if Barr releases a false / doctored report.
of course they won't come out on their own, the rules dictate, that they do not....they follow the rules... unless they are subpoenaed by congress, then they will have to tell what's in it.... behind closed doors.

Why are you so wigged out and against the American citizenry on this? Full Transparency, (outside of top secret classified stuff) is a good thing, for everyone...

75%-80% of the public, wants to see the full Mueller report..... that includes BOTH Republicans and Democrats, and those unaffiliated.

Approximately 70% of voters who approve of Trump also want the full report released.
Obama didn't benefit from it. Trump did. He encouraged it.
Does it make you feel better, telling yourself it was OK for Barry to know about Russian meddling back in 2014 but allowing it to continue for 2 years because 'he didn't benefit from it'?!

It was his job to protect the UNITED STATES. Instead, he, his DOJ, & FBI protected Hillary ... Then they attempted a coup against a newly elected President.

"Monaco says that’s because the Obama administration was at the time focused on seeking cooperation for a last-ditch effort by the Department of Homeland Security to avoid Russian tampering in the actual voting process. But the administration, she said, faced a backlash from state and local governments who viewed the DHS cybersecurity election push as “a big federal takeover” and were reluctant to cooperate. That was the case that she, FBI Director James Comey and DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson made in a secret briefing of top members of Congress in the fall, during a session at which Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) reportedly balked at their characterization of the evidence of Russian involvement in the hack."

Did Obama Blow It on the Russian Hacking?

Republicans treated it as a partisan issue despite Obama officials' attempt to warn people about it. What else did you want? WW III?
Obama f*ed up and allowed the Russians to meddle for 2 years...He gave them uranium, he gave them Crimea, and by knowing about Hillary's illegal server use and not shutting it down while knowing the Russians were trying to hack top US officials Barry shares part of the blame for the Russians getting their hands on the classified info on her server.. .

Obama did not give them uranium. He also placed sanctions on Russia There is no evidence that Russia hacked Clinton's server. When Trump wanted Russia to release Clinton's supposedly lost e-mails, the fact they did not shows they did not hack Clinton's server.
you think? and yet.......Mueller. too fking funny.

You are the one who is fking funny. So funny that you need to be in a funny farm.
I'd post a nice diplomatic explanation of why Barr is redacting the report, and that it will be released in a few weeks, and that the dems' subpoena is worthless, but after the first 10x I'm just going to let the dem posters figure it out for themselves.
The House gets the redacted report when Barr sends it to them, period. Whine all you want until then.

The Congress is entitled to the full UNREDACTED report. It is part of their oversight duties.
I'd post a nice diplomatic explanation of why Barr is redacting the report, and that it will be released in a few weeks, and that the dems' subpoena is worthless, but after the first 10x I'm just going to let the dem posters figure it out for themselves.
The House gets the redacted report when Barr sends it to them, period. Whine all you want until then.

The Congress is entitled to the full UNREDACTED report. It is part of their oversight duties.

Don't you, lush, and care4none EVER get tired of lying? The lying Dimbos are entitled to NOTHING. Learn the law, then maybe you won't look quite so stupid. By all means, all three of you keep lying and crying as we laugh at you. Poor Dimbos, getting nothing and being told to like it.
I'd post a nice diplomatic explanation of why Barr is redacting the report, and that it will be released in a few weeks, and that the dems' subpoena is worthless, but after the first 10x I'm just going to let the dem posters figure it out for themselves.
The House gets the redacted report when Barr sends it to them, period. Whine all you want until then.

The Congress is entitled to the full UNREDACTED report. It is part of their oversight duties.

Don't you, lush, and care4none EVER get tired of lying? The lying Dimbos are entitled to NOTHING. Learn the law, then maybe you won't look quite so stupid. By all means, all three of you keep lying and crying as we laugh at you. Poor Dimbos, getting nothing and being told to like it.

Barr is well within the law.

Yea you're an asshole

What fucking law are you yammering about jerk off?

Yea you're an asshole

What fucking law are you yammering about jerk off?

Well lush, learn how to read. It's only been put up probably 100 times in the last week. Grand jury information can NOT be released by law. People named but not indicted (including TRUMP) can NOT have their names or information on them released BY LAW. Sure, Mueller and Rosenstein would just let Barr misrepresent them and say nothing. Maybe in your fantasy world. Now go jerk yourself off asshole.
Looks like Barr will be served a subpoena today

What will they do when he ignores it? Take it to the courts? The Law says what it says, and Barr is following it.

The laws do not apply to Congress. They have the duty of oversight of the executive branch and being able to subpoena those documents are a part of that oversight. This is not a active investigation anymore so there is no excuse for not allowing Congress to see them. They have the security clearances so that is not a issue.

You might want to check out the law and what IT says about keeping grand jury proceedings confidential before you breezily assert that "there's no reason". And security clearances are not the issue (not to mention that half of those media whores shouldn't have security clearances, because they can't be trusted to keep jack shit to themselves if they think they can score a headline).
Looks like Barr will be served a subpoena today

What will they do when he ignores it? Take it to the courts? The Law says what it says, and Barr is following it.

The laws do not apply to Congress. They have the duty of oversight of the executive branch and being able to subpoena those documents are a part of that oversight. This is not a active investigation anymore so there is no excuse for not allowing Congress to see them. They have the security clearances so that is not a issue.

You might want to check out the law and what IT says about keeping grand jury proceedings confidential before you breezily assert that "there's no reason". And security clearances are not the issue (not to mention that half of those media whores shouldn't have security clearances, because they can't be trusted to keep jack shit to themselves if they think they can score a headline).
the same law on grand jury testimony kept private from the public has been in place for decades if not centuries....

but the judiciary committee in their watergate investigation GOT ALL of the independent counsel investigation including grand jury testimony, when congress brought it to the courts.

Same with the Starr investigation, the courts ruled that the grand jury testimony, which according to the law was suppose to stay private, be released to congress....

we the people may not see grand jury testimony for years, though in the Starr investigation we got it near immediately, but Congress, who has oversight over the president and executive branch, will get it... guaranteed.

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