BARR told Trump to his face, "you're going to lose, you're humiliating yourself: pettiness, acrimony, punching down, chaos--we're tired of this shit"

Flynn was in the administration, but the charges against him were dropped. The whole thing was a scam. Comey, Stzrok and others deserve to go to jail for framing Flynn.
Flynn pleaded guilty…

bannon was in administration too.
So being in prison is better than being broke, fucking moron?
The DOJ imposed that choice on him, you fucking dumbass. That's what extortion is.

Please quit pretending to be even dumber than you actually are.
Let us all hope that the Select Committee...........can help America understand who the players were, what were their actions and their intentions. We need a fulsome exhaustive report on how January 6th came to be. Hold those responsible accountable.
I did respond to your incoherent babbling in a thoughtful and reflective manner. I pointed out that is was incoherent babbling.
Now, my avatar wants to be very clear, this response is NOT a response to the poster, L'il Bripat. That, it seems, is a dry hole. IMO.

Rather, lemme expand on the post in question...#508.
That post attempted to articulate a summary of some of the reportage, of some of the Select Committee's communications.

And the narrative my avatar intended to frame was:
There seems to have been an intent, a motivation to stop the counting of the Electoral Vote.

  • First, by Mike Pence rejecting the counts from targetted states;
  • Second, to incite enough anger in an intentionally assembled MAGAHat crowd ("come to DC, it will be wild") to stop the count physically. Even violently, if need be.

And thus, intiate an 'national emergency' declared by executive order, perhaps impose martial law. But send the Electoral College vote back to Republican controlled legistures with their pre-loaded 'alternate Electors'.

That seems to be what the reportage and the investigation is framing.

Now, if some posters wish to dispute that in whole or in detail....please do so. But do so in an articulate thoughtful manner.

Why is what I posted wrong?
What part?
Or detail?

And any respondents are welcome to offer alternative scenarios to what the reportage seem to indicate.

A give and take of plausible,articulate, and respectful exchanges is what adult discussion is all about.

Also, and again, I do not want to make this particular post a dissing of L'il Bripat......but, the very first part of an informed exchange is to actually read post #508 in its' entirety.

Business leaders too I guess. Trump sure failed at hiring good people it seems.

Not everybody has a kanck at it like Biden does.

The problem is he hired a lot of douchebags from the swamp. He didn't have any other choice
That was a big part of it. At the top level, he had to pick people that could survive the Senate confirmation process. That means someone who is friendly to the established order.

In the meantime, he has "acting" directors of the agencies who are carryovers from previous administrations. Obama was smart to load the agencies down 3 or 4 layers with his own political operatives, because there was a replacement in waiting when the top position went open. That's pretty important considering the criminality that took place.

Trump inherited an administrative State that actively opposed him, and his cabinet was not very effective at getting his policies implemented or enforced. Tillerson spent more time representing the State Dept. to Trump, than he did telling the people at State what the new policies would be, and to get after it.

The DOJ and intelligence community continued to pursue him over the phony Russia narrative.

I think Barr really did want to clean up the FBI, but in the end he just punted. So I guess my response to him would be that he didn't have the temperament to do what was needed to restore the reputation of the FBI, so his criticism of Trump I will just ignore, thank you very much.
You could say that about every member of Biden's cabinet.

Kamila Harris? Loser
Pete Buttigieg - Loser
Merrick Garland - Loser
Jennifer Granholm - Loser
Alejandro Mayorkas - Loser
Xavier Becerra - Loser
Antony Blinken - Loser
Janet Yellen - Loser

You forgot the biggest clown of all, John FFFFFFF Kerry. This is the closest the US has ever been to a potentially nuclear war and this joker is crying about the carbon emissions this war is leaving behind. Forget the people who are dying, who are injured for life, we need to be concerned that they don't cause too much pollution.


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