Barr Unlikely To Testify To House Tomorrow


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
House Dems today changed the rules of engagement to allow extended time for non-committee attorneys to question Barr tomorrow, pretty much guaranteeing he will be a no-show.

That had to have been their intent.

Feckless Dem Clowns.
The democrats are attempting to try Barr in the pubic session of congress.. Screw them..

All bar is required to give them is the final letter. They are not allowed the rest under the law..
The democrats are attempting to try Barr in the pubic session of congress.. Screw them..

All bar is required to give them is the final letter. They are not allowed the rest under the law..
Barr had the authority to give congress only his summation of the Mueller Report but chose transparency.

Trump had the authority to invoke executive priv but also chose transparency.

The shrill, silly Dems are still having a hissy-fit.

The investigation is over ... the witch-hunt continues.

Very sad.
Barr had the authority to give congress only his summation of the Mueller Report but chose transparency.
Haha... he didn't "choose transparency". He showed up under threat of subpoena. And he blatantly lied a few times and misled many times. But, to anyone not a diehard trump cultist, he was roundly exposed as the Trump stooge he is.
House Dems today changed the rules of engagement to allow extended time for non-committee attorneys to question Barr tomorrow, pretty much guaranteeing he will be a no-show.

That had to have been their intent.

Feckless Dem Clowns.
House Dems today changed the rules of engagement to allow extended time for non-committee attorneys to question Barr tomorrow, pretty much guaranteeing he will be a no-show.

There's ample precedent for professional interrogation during congressional hearings. Barr is simply afraid to answer any questions that don't come from Trump's sycophants.
What We Know About Rachel Mitchell, the Prosecutor Who Questioned Christine Blasey Ford
The democrats are attempting to try Barr in the pubic session of congress.. Screw them..

All bar is required to give them is the final letter. They are not allowed the rest under the law..

They couldn't get Trump so now they're trying to make Barr the case. Like a one-legged man trying to stamp out a forest fire. They better start worrying about next year's election.
Barr had the authority to give congress only his summation of the Mueller Report but chose transparency.
Haha... he didn't "choose transparency". He showed up under threat of subpoena. And he blatantly lied a few times and misled many times. But, to anyone not a diehard trump cultist, he was roundly exposed as the Trump stooge he is.
Yanno, hatred has made you a blithering fool. I said Barr was not required to released even the slightly redacted Mueller report. It was an internal DOJ document. He was required only to summarize it in writing for congress but instead chose transparency. His testimony was a foregone conclusion.

That you believe he lied a few times to the Senate is irrefutable evidence that you are emotionally and mentally troubled.

Many here at USMB, including myself, mimic and/or ridicule those who have regular outbursts of irrationality often regarding the POTUS, his fam, his policies, his tweets, his appearance, his ... well ... his everything. As the phenomenon is widespread - afflicting millions of Americans including much of NY, Cali, the media, and WashDC - Psychology Today tackled the issue of whether TDS is a real mental disorder. In that the mass hysteria is readily observable behavior, the author concludes that "Such people may need mental health support."

If you still cry yourself to sleep every fucking night, awake on the angry, bitter side of the bed every fucking morning, and obsess all day long I respectfully suggest you at least consider committing yourself for observation.

Is "Trump Derangement Syndrome" a Real Mental Condition?
"Many have argued that some people have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive, affective and behavioral functioning. Such people may need mental health support." - Rob Whitley, Ph.D.
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but instead chose transparency.
Under threat from Senate republicans, who have the power to remove him.
That you believe he just lied a few times to the Senate
Absolutely he did. His biggest, embarrassing lie was saying trump "cooperated fully with the investigation". The report clearly shows the opposite. He is counting on ignorant fools like you to take his word and never read the report.
House Dems today changed the rules of engagement to allow extended time for non-committee attorneys to question Barr tomorrow, pretty much guaranteeing he will be a no-show.

That had to have been their intent.

Feckless Dem Clowns.

So he is also a big fat chickenshit. Figures , he sure can lie with a straight face and defend tramp.
but instead chose transparency.
Under threat from Senate republicans, who have the power to remove him...
You don't know that. You simply apply your own rationale to serve your own hate-filled agenda.
That you believe he just lied a few times to the Senate is irrefutable evidence that you are emotionally and mentally troubled.
Absolutely he did. His biggest, embarrassing lie was saying trump "cooperated fully with the investigation". The report clearly shows the opposite. He is counting on ignorant fools like you to take his word and never read the report.
As already mentioned, Trump had the legit option to invoke executive priv but instead chose transparency.

You just can't see beyond the wart on your nose which, I would add, has grown as your rationality his shriveled.
The democrats are attempting to try Barr in the pubic session of congress.. Screw them..

All bar is required to give them is the final letter. They are not allowed the rest under the law..
Barr had the authority to give congress only his summation of the Mueller Report but chose transparency.

Trump had the authority to invoke executive priv but also chose transparency.

The shrill, silly Dems are still having a hissy-fit.

The investigation is over ... the witch-hunt continues.

Very sad.

Democraps need straitjackets so they don't hurt themselves!
House Dems today changed the rules of engagement to allow extended time for non-committee attorneys to question Barr tomorrow, pretty much guaranteeing he will be a no-show.

That had to have been their intent.

Feckless Dem Clowns.
House Dems today changed the rules of engagement to allow extended time for non-committee attorneys to question Barr tomorrow, pretty much guaranteeing he will be a no-show.

There's ample precedent for professional interrogation during congressional hearings. Barr is simply afraid to answer any questions that don't come from Trump's sycophants.
What We Know About Rachel Mitchell, the Prosecutor Who Questioned Christine Blasey Ford
And you were against this then and now suddenly your for it...

AG Barr to Nadler: Have Fun Interviewing Each Other

Fat Jerry Nadler changed the rules today.

Barr is a cabinet-level official, and there are protocols here: While they will consent to be interrogated by someone who's a rough constitutional peer (like a member of Congress), that doesn't mean they'll consent to be insulted and slandered by flunkies.

So, Barr says lol go dishonor yourselves.

Meanwhile, Lindsey Graham says he's done with this clownshow, too:

ABC News Politics @ABCPolitics Sen. Lindsey Graham says he won't call for Robert Mueller to testify before Congress: "I'm not going to do any more. Enough already. It's over."

Deep State is in Deep Shit.

Ace of Spades HQ
The democrats are attempting to try Barr in the pubic session of congress.. Screw them..
All bar is required to give them is the final letter. They are not allowed the rest under the law..
They couldn't get Trump so now they're trying to make Barr the case. Like a one-legged man trying to stamp out a forest fire. They better start worrying about next year's election.
The Dims have already lost the 2020 election with their Identity Politics, criticism of a terrific economy and their endless shrill attacks on a decent President.

Most people in the middle are sick of it and the conservative base is provoked into turning out no matter what.

Most elections turn on the conservative turn out as it is ab out 45% of voters, but usually only about 20% show up at the polls ac cording to exit polls when a Republican moderate runs. Liberals are a steady 20% of the vote and moderates about 50 to 60%.

When a good conservative candidate is running for the GOP, they get much more of the conservatives showing up and landslides like 1972, 1980, 1984, and 2020.

The Dims right now are competing to see who runs the party till 2024, not for the White House.

They are also going to lose the House of Representatives as people realize in purple districts that a vote for a Dim is a vote for radicals that dont give a flying poop about getting anything done for the good of the country.
House Dems today changed the rules of engagement to allow extended time for non-committee attorneys to question Barr tomorrow, pretty much guaranteeing he will be a no-show.
That had to have been their intent.
Feckless Dem Clowns.
So he is also a big fat chickenshit. Figures , he sure can lie with a straight face and defend tramp.
Why should he put his own neck in a noose to please Dimocrats that will never be pleased no matter what he does and they have proven it?

Only an idiot or a lap dog would show up for that firing squad to morrow.
House Dems today changed the rules of engagement to allow extended time for non-committee attorneys to question Barr tomorrow, pretty much guaranteeing he will be a no-show.

That had to have been their intent.

Feckless Dem Clowns.

What does it matter who ask him the questions if you know what the hell you are talking about, he is not going because if he does it will expose him for the fraud he is.
House Dems today changed the rules of engagement to allow extended time for non-committee attorneys to question Barr tomorrow, pretty much guaranteeing he will be a no-show.
That had to have been their intent.
Feckless Dem Clowns.
So he is also a big fat chickenshit. Figures , he sure can lie with a straight face and defend tramp.
Why should he put his own neck in a noose to please Dimocrats that will never be pleased no matter what he does and they have proven it?

Only an idiot or a lap dog would show up for that firing squad to morrow.

Lap dog is the correct term to use when it comes to the folks serving in this White House.
AG Barr to Nadler: Have Fun Interviewing Each Other

Fat Jerry Nadler changed the rules today.

Barr is a cabinet-level official, and there are protocols here: While they will consent to be interrogated by someone who's a rough constitutional peer (like a member of Congress), that doesn't mean they'll consent to be insulted and slandered by flunkies.

So, Barr says lol go dishonor yourselves.

Meanwhile, Lindsey Graham says he's done with this clownshow, too:

ABC News Politics @ABCPolitics Sen. Lindsey Graham says he won't call for Robert Mueller to testify before Congress: "I'm not going to do any more. Enough already. It's over."

Deep State is in Deep Shit.

Ace of Spades HQ

Lindsey Graham, the hypocrite.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) seemed to struggle with his memory Thursday as he defended President Donald Trump.

“What concerns me about the American press is this endless, endless attempt to label the guy as some kind of kook not fit to be president,” Graham told CNN this week.

Just one problem: The “kook” and “unfit” label didn’t necessarily come from the American press.

It came from Sen. Graham.

CNN’s Jake Tapper played a clip of him from just last year slamming Trump.

“I think he’s a kook,” he said in February 2016. “I think he’s crazy. I think he’s unfit for office.”

Sen. Lindsey Graham's Old Words About Trump Come Back To Bite Him In The Butt | HuffPost

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