Barr Unlikely To Testify To House Tomorrow

House Dems today changed the rules of engagement to allow extended time for non-committee attorneys to question Barr tomorrow, pretty much guaranteeing he will be a no-show.

That had to have been their intent.

Feckless Dem Clowns.

You are right. He won't be testifying and pretty much told them to pound sand.

Those Dem's don't seem to realize they are paving the way for a Trump win in 2020. Hell. I doubt if they hold the House.

I hope they continue with investigation after investigation for the rest of 2019. Voters are watching and they sure won't like seeing tax money wasted on Dem idiocy.

Barr is anxious to start his investigation into the who, what, where, when and how.

Should be one interesting report and I hope we all get to read it.
but instead chose transparency.
Under threat from Senate republicans, who have the power to remove him.
That you believe he just lied a few times to the Senate
Absolutely he did. His biggest, embarrassing lie was saying trump "cooperated fully with the investigation". The report clearly shows the opposite. He is counting on ignorant fools like you to take his word and never read the report.
You're an idiot, Trump fully cooperated with the investigation. If I were him, I'd pull a Hillary and not cooperate at all and destroy evidence.
Trump the moron , on the congressional committee having lawyers in the hearing:

"You elected people, they're supposed to be doing their own talking."

Trump the moron, whose lawyers tooks weeks to translate his answers to written questions into something coherent.
House Dems today changed the rules of engagement to allow extended time for non-committee attorneys to question Barr tomorrow, pretty much guaranteeing he will be a no-show.

That had to have been their intent.

Feckless Dem Clowns.

What does it matter who ask him the questions if you know what the hell you are talking about, he is not going because if he does it will expose him for the fraud he is.
So you have no prob with either the House or Senate Dem's last-minute scumbaggery?
Yesterday's Senate hearing proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Barr understands the Mueller Report and Dems don't. Rather than ask relevant questions that could elicit important revelations about the process and findings they all pontificated for much of their allotted time - spewing their lame, discredited narratives - and then asked stupid, leading, poorly formulated and delivered interrogatories. They were far more interested in playing "gotcha" and posing than in doing anything that would serve this country … as usual.

Feckless Dem Clowns.
House Dems today changed the rules of engagement to allow extended time for non-committee attorneys to question Barr tomorrow, pretty much guaranteeing he will be a no-show.

That had to have been their intent.

Feckless Dem Clowns.

What does it matter who ask him the questions if you know what the hell you are talking about, he is not going because if he does it will expose him for the fraud he is.
Democrats should be working to improve the lives of all Americans. Instead they go after Trump with nothing to go on. Republicans will be back in charge in 2020. Democrats are too stupid to realse they are messing up.
House Dems today changed the rules of engagement to allow extended time for non-committee attorneys to question Barr tomorrow, pretty much guaranteeing he will be a no-show.
That had to have been their intent.
Feckless Dem Clowns.
So he is also a big fat chickenshit. Figures , he sure can lie with a straight face and defend tramp.
Why should he put his own neck in a noose to please Dimocrats that will never be pleased no matter what he does and they have proven it?

Only an idiot or a lap dog would show up for that firing squad to morrow.

Lap dog is the correct term to use when it comes to the folks serving in this White House.
In the minds of bitter, petulant Dems this prez is guilty no matter what and when he or anyone disagrees with your verdict he or she is guilty of obstruction. Very sad. You should get that checked.

If you still cry yourself to sleep every fucking night, awake on the angry, bitter side of the bed every fucking morning, and obsess all day long I respectfully suggest you at least consider committing yourself for observation.

Is "Trump Derangement Syndrome" a Real Mental Condition?
"Many have argued that some people have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive, affective and behavioral functioning. Such people may need mental health support." - Rob Whitley, Ph.D.
House Dems today changed the rules of engagement to allow extended time for non-committee attorneys to question Barr tomorrow, pretty much guaranteeing he will be a no-show.

That had to have been their intent.

Feckless Dem Clowns.

What does it matter who ask him the questions if you know what the hell you are talking about, he is not going because if he does it will expose him for the fraud he is.
So you have no prob with either the House or Senate Dem's last-minute scumbaggery?
Yesterday's Senate hearing proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Barr understands the Mueller Report and Dems don't. Rather than ask relevant questions that could elicit important revelations about the process and findings they all pontificated for much of their allotted time - spewing their lame, discredited narratives - and then asked stupid, leading, poorly formulated and delivered interrogatories. They were far more interested in playing "gotcha" and posing than in doing anything that would serve this country … as usual.

Feckless Dem Clowns.

Yesterdays testimony proved that Barr should be Trump's personal lawyer not the AG, it all showed that Barr has not read the full report. Trumpers like you don't care about the law and if any were broken all you care about is keeping Trump's misdeeds hidden.
Trump fully cooperated with the investigation.
He clearly did not. I know you don't even believe that.
Lol, he could've done a Hillary.
Sorry, the 5 trillion crybaby hillary threads are over there -->
The only thing coming out of this bullshit investigation is how corrupt the Obama administration was and Hillary will go down as well.
Oh my, the trumpkin has fallen into an obama clinton Tourette's seizure. There goes the rest of your day....
The Dems have shifted their goal 3 times up to now. Barr is their new target because he has the power to bring down the whole stinking mess. This has the makings of a chain reaction that can bring down the Dem party. Many of the Senators and Congressmen that are the prime instigators of the Trump attack are going to be found to be involved themselves. The only one who will skate is Schumer. I believe he is to cunning to have emails or documents leading back to him. That's why the new far Left is going to come out on top of Dems for 2020 election. These scandals don't involve them they weren't there yet. The idea that the Dems in Congress are stupid because they are continuing the attack on Trump is a mistake. They are forced to keep it up because it's all they got. If the Dem politicians were common citizens and made such statements against others in public, they would be liable for slander. You would think by tradition the Seante would be more reserved. There is desperation in the air. Still the big question to me is why they are so viciously attacking Trump. What is their problem with him that makes it the main thing on their agenda. I don't buy the stolen election story. The Dems all know what went on with HRC. They also know what Obama was doing. They were setting up to take over the govt and hold it for years. Trump may be a major block to that but why wouldn't they just wait him out? Even if he got second term it wouldn't be a big deal to their long range take over. I think that there are going to be things exposed that we don't know about today. This is going to worm back into Obama, maybe as far as his first term election. The Dem show is a distraction for something much bigger.
but instead he chose transparency.
Under threat from Senate republicans, who have the power to remove him...
You don't know that. You simply apply your own rationale to serve your own hate-filled agenda.
You don't know that.
Of course I do. We all do. When senate republocans call on him to release the report, that means he has zero political support or means to withhold it.
No we don't. You claimed Trump chose transparency "Under threat from Senate republicans" because you just can't admit the guy did the right thing. There was no "threat."

I realize you can no more resist the CNN/PMSNBC BS than you can the little voices in your toaster but neither are telling you the truth.
Trump had the legit option to invoke executive priv
No, he didn't.
Yes he did but he chose transparency.[/QUOTE]
Trump fully cooperated with the investigation.
He clearly did not. I know you don't even believe that.
Lol, he could've done a Hillary.
Sorry, the 5 trillion crybaby hillary threads are over there -->
The only thing coming out of this bullshit investigation is how corrupt the Obama administration was and Hillary will go down as well.
Oh my, the trumpkin has fallen into an obama clinton Tourette's seizure. There goes the rest of your day....
No my day will be great. Your day will be full of hate. I feel sorry for your kind. Trump bad, lol.
He clearly did not. I know you don't even believe that.
Lol, he could've done a Hillary.
Sorry, the 5 trillion crybaby hillary threads are over there -->
The only thing coming out of this bullshit investigation is how corrupt the Obama administration was and Hillary will go down as well.
Oh my, the trumpkin has fallen into an obama clinton Tourette's seizure. There goes the rest of your day....
No my day will be great. Your day will be full of hate. I feel sorry for your kind. Trump bad, lol.
Nah, you and i both know you will he here all day, throwing your little tantrums and making shit up.
Lol, he could've done a Hillary.
Sorry, the 5 trillion crybaby hillary threads are over there -->
The only thing coming out of this bullshit investigation is how corrupt the Obama administration was and Hillary will go down as well.
Oh my, the trumpkin has fallen into an obama clinton Tourette's seizure. There goes the rest of your day....
No my day will be great. Your day will be full of hate. I feel sorry for your kind. Trump bad, lol.
Nah, you and i both know you will he here all day, throwing your little tantrums and making shit up.
No actually I have a life, but I do like to mess with the feeble minds of liberals.

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