Barry caught in another needless LIE


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2013
Why can't leftist dirtbags resist telling lies that are easily exposed? :eusa_liar: The list is endless...from Willy claiming he grew up in "Hope" when he actually grew up in Hot Springs, Hillary's tale of "sniper fire" in Bosnia and Biden's claim of "eating every day" in a restaurant in Dover closed for over 15 years, to Barry's claim he was born to parents who "met on the bridge in Selma" 4 years after he was born. :lol:

Today's lie was quickly shot down too......well, except for the part where Barry admits he's afraid of his wife which we already knew:

The president was caught on camera Monday telling a U.N. official he hasn't had a cigarette in six years.

"I hope you quit smoking," Obama told Maina Kiai, on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly in New York. "I haven't had a cigarette probably in six years. That's because I'm scared of my wife."


Maybe it just felt like six years. According to statements made by his aides and his family, it's been more like three or four.

The president first admitted in a June 2009 press conference that he snuck a cigarette now and then, though at the time he was trying to quit.

Then in February 2010, his White House physician reported that the president was still smoking.

It appears that sometime in early 2010, the president went cold turkey. The White House reported in December 2010 that Obama hadn't had a cigarette in nine months.

Obama claims he hasn't had a cigarette in 6 years -- or has he? | Fox News
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Since Oblama has nothing on his mind or an agenda of being a character assassin then he probably forgot.
Since Oblama has nothing on his mind or an agenda of being a character assassin then he probably forgot.

Huh? He's assassinated Bush's character for 5 years while doing pretty much the same things Dubya did, all the while lying his ass off about it to the moonbats. And anybody who's quit cigarettes for any period of time can not only tell you the year they did it but the month and even the day. So it's likely he hasn't quit at all and even if he has, why lie about it? what does it accomplish and what does it show about his integrity? :eusa_eh:
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He snorts coke too
How come he avoids that tidbit when discussing his bad habits

Yep, in a thread I posted yesterday called "Barry the cake-boy president", I linked a story about a homo pal of his from Hawaii who used to deliver "fish and poi" to him at the White and poi are Islander slang for weed and coke. The homo pal suddenly vanished before the last election and is believed to be dead.
Since Oblama has nothing on his mind or an agenda of being a character assassin then he probably forgot.

Huh? He's assassinated Bush's character for 5 years while doing pretty much the same things Dubya did, all the while lying his ass off about it to the moonbats. And anybody who's quit cigarettes for any period of time can not only tell you the years they did it but the month and even the day. So it's likely he hasn't quit at all and even if he has, why lie about it? what does it accomplish and what does it show about his integrity? :eusa_eh:

I don't remember the exact date I stopped either, or stopped chugging booze, and I was just a business operator/owner, but I am sure it's not nearly as much of a headache as being President.
I don't remember the exact date I stopped either, or stopped chugging booze, and I was just a business operator/owner, but I am sure it's not nearly as much of a headache as being President.

He counts on guys like you to say the ones who discover his lies are the liars or to say "so what?" like you do. If it was Bush or any other GOPer you'd be laughing and pointing fingers at him. Don't you ever wonder why they lie so often?

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