Barry Claims He Was 4 Years Old When His Parents First Met

Your implication is that "a southern dialect" (any) is somehow "not white".

Ask a non-moron to explain that to me.

My wife is silk stocking southern mint julip girl, and Rosh would have gotten her drink thrown in his face. Not the for the race insinuation but for the trashy comment.
No trash comment by me. Empirical observation. And your wife needs to learn manners.
You are the one who is mannerless. Your empirical observation is flawed. And the trash like you are always collected in the south and put in the dumpster.
Generalize much? Without reason?
You are a concrete learner. So, read it all again.
You've given me nothing to read and you haven't challenged anything I posted. Just lefty disparagement.
I never figured it out since I look white...
Do you speak a southern dialect and call it white?

Connecticut born George W Bush did
W Bush assimilated to the southern region where he spent much of his life and naturally assumed that dialect.

Neither of his parents or Jeb picked up the same dialect

W faked it to make him sound like a good ole boy (from Connectecut)
Jeb grew up in MA and W in TX. That's why the different dialects. And if you think a Texas accent goes over with stuffy lefties then you need to get out more. The idea of W faking a Texas accent as an enhancement is absurd.
George W as governor talked the Texas talk, son, and it also helped him that he had been owner of the Texas Rangers.
My wife is silk stocking southern mint julip girl, and Rosh would have gotten her drink thrown in his face. Not the for the race insinuation but for the trashy comment.
No trash comment by me. Empirical observation. And your wife needs to learn manners.
You are the one who is mannerless. Your empirical observation is flawed. And the trash like you are always collected in the south and put in the dumpster.
Generalize much? Without reason?
You are a concrete learner. So, read it all again.
You've given me nothing to read and you haven't challenged anything I posted. Just lefty disparagement.
Rosh, you are now a gastric penguin belching mouth farts. You made a stupid statement, got called on it, and doubled down on stupid. Here are some of your neighbors doubling down on you.

To suggest that the only dialect in the south is associated with blacks is a racialist, ignorant comment.

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Boy Obama sure puts the jive dialect on in that video ! Pretty funny. Bet when he goes to his other homeland of Ireland he reels that in just a bit ! :biggrin:
I never figured it out since I look white...
Do you speak a southern dialect and call it white?

Connecticut born George W Bush did
W Bush assimilated to the southern region where he spent much of his life and naturally assumed that dialect.

Neither of his parents or Jeb picked up the same dialect

W faked it to make him sound like a good ole boy (from Connectecut)
Jeb grew up in MA and W in TX. That's why the different dialects.


>> Jeb Bush was born in Midland, Texas. When he was six years old, the family relocated to Houston, Texas.[11] The nickname "Jeb" is composed of his initials J.E.B. (John Ellis Bush).[12] He initially attended Grady Elementary School in Houston.[13] Following in the footsteps of his father and older brother George, Jeb attended high school at the Massachusetts boarding school Phillips Academy.<<
Speech patterns are formed by the time a kid goes to elementary school. One of them consciously changed.

I'm pretty sure Dubya's dogged pronunciation of "nu-kyu-lur" is trained, not natural. Probably engineered there by Karl Rove to appeal to the Dumbdowners.
Doing some fact-checking just now, not surprisingly, Twitchy's claim of what then Sen. Obama said in 2007 was a paraphrase. And completely wrong.

"Obama said those who marched that day on Bloody Sunday helped make it possible for him to stand before them as a candidate."
Obama Returns To Selma For 50th Anniversary Of Historic March NPR
2007 he said Selma made it possible for him to be conceived four years after he was born. He said it no denying it. Obuthole has always been a liar.

Then why can't anybody quote it?
"There was something stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Alabama, because some folks are willing to march across a bridge. So they got together and Barack Obama Jr. was born. So don't tell me I don't have a claim on Selma, Alabama. Don't tell me I’m not coming home to Selma, Alabama." Barrack Obama.
Does that help? From 2007 speech on Selma.

Somewhat. But we need the context -- what sets it up? Obviously this isn't the beginning of the speech; it must grow from something.
Do you speak a southern dialect and call it white?

Connecticut born George W Bush did
W Bush assimilated to the southern region where he spent much of his life and naturally assumed that dialect.

Neither of his parents or Jeb picked up the same dialect

W faked it to make him sound like a good ole boy (from Connectecut)
Jeb grew up in MA and W in TX. That's why the different dialects.


>> Jeb Bush was born in Midland, Texas. When he was six years old, the family relocated to Houston, Texas.[11] The nickname "Jeb" is composed of his initials J.E.B. (John Ellis Bush).[12] He initially attended Grady Elementary School in Houston.[13] Following in the footsteps of his father and older brother George, Jeb attended high school at the Massachusetts boarding school Phillips Academy.<<
Speech patterns are formed by the time a kid goes to elementary school. One of them consciously changed.

I'm pretty sure Dubya's dogged pronunciation of "nu-kyu-lur" is trained, not natural. Probably engineered there by Karl Rove to appeal to the Dumbdowners.
Your 'dumbdowners' comment illustrates my point about not developing a Texas accent to avoid disparagement from pretentious elitists.
What's more, I've unconsciously spoken two dialects in my life as a result of having moved from the Midwest to DC. Only upon visiting each locale did I realize I spoke differently.
Connecticut born George W Bush did
W Bush assimilated to the southern region where he spent much of his life and naturally assumed that dialect.

Neither of his parents or Jeb picked up the same dialect

W faked it to make him sound like a good ole boy (from Connectecut)
Jeb grew up in MA and W in TX. That's why the different dialects.


>> Jeb Bush was born in Midland, Texas. When he was six years old, the family relocated to Houston, Texas.[11] The nickname "Jeb" is composed of his initials J.E.B. (John Ellis Bush).[12] He initially attended Grady Elementary School in Houston.[13] Following in the footsteps of his father and older brother George, Jeb attended high school at the Massachusetts boarding school Phillips Academy.<<
Speech patterns are formed by the time a kid goes to elementary school. One of them consciously changed.

I'm pretty sure Dubya's dogged pronunciation of "nu-kyu-lur" is trained, not natural. Probably engineered there by Karl Rove to appeal to the Dumbdowners.
Your 'dumbdowners' comment illustrates my point about not developing a Texas accent to avoid disparagement from pretentious elitists.
What's more, I've unconsciously spoken two dialects in my life as a result of having moved from the Midwest to DC. Only upon visiting each locale did I realize I spoke differently.

Uhh... yeah OK. But there's nothing "elitist" about pronouncing a word the way it's goddam spelt.
"There was something stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Alabama, because some folks are willing to march across a bridge. So they got together and Barack Obama Jr. was born. So don't tell me I don't have a claim on Selma, Alabama. Don't tell me I’m not coming home to Selma, Alabama." Barrack Obama.
Does that help? From 2007 speech on Selma.

Do you really think Obama is claiming he was conceived in Selma? Are you really that simple?
Are you too stupid to comprehend what he said? Yep, you are.

You mean when he claimed a debt of grattitude to those who marched in Selma?
Dodging the truth makes you look stupid. But then looks tell all.

Are you unable to understand what a metaphor is?

No, Obama didn't really claim to be born in Selma

Of course, that won't stop most conservatives from continuing to spread the lie.
Oh for FUCK'S SAKE, partisan hacks, quit acting like a dolt. It's called Mirroring, and we all do it every day. Especially a speaker.

>> Mirroring is the behaviour in which one person subconsciously imitates the gesture, speech pattern, or attitude of another. Mirroring often occurs in social situations, particularly in the company of close friends or family. The concept often affects other individual's notions about the individual that is exhibiting mirroring behaviors, which can lead to the individual building rapport with others << (WIki)
Jesus Christ on a set of Crutches, the lengths to which some hacks will bend over backward to preserve their own hackitude... :cuckoo:
Do you really think Obama is claiming he was conceived in Selma? Are you really that simple?
Are you too stupid to comprehend what he said? Yep, you are.

You mean when he claimed a debt of grattitude to those who marched in Selma?
Dodging the truth makes you look stupid. But then looks tell all.

Are you unable to understand what a metaphor is?

No, Obama didn't really claim to be born in Selma

Of course, that won't stop most conservatives from continuing to spread the lie.
You like right winger are stupid, he said conceived not born. Obuthole is the lie.
obama is a malignant narcissist. Everything is about him. If it wasn't about him there was no reason for the Selma march to ever have happened.
About 2:10 on the Op video, the Manchurian muslim LIES dead to rights...all these pond scum that refuse to recognize it, are plainly LIARS, or STUPID.... I vote for #1 and #2!!!

Of course he doesn't
Are you too stupid to comprehend what he said? Yep, you are.

You mean when he claimed a debt of grattitude to those who marched in Selma?
Dodging the truth makes you look stupid. But then looks tell all.

Are you unable to understand what a metaphor is?

No, Obama didn't really claim to be born in Selma

Of course, that won't stop most conservatives from continuing to spread the lie.
You like right winger are stupid, he said conceived not born. Obuthole is the lie.

You must be illiterate. He never mentioned a place of conception. At all.
You mean when he claimed a debt of grattitude to those who marched in Selma?
Dodging the truth makes you look stupid. But then looks tell all.

Are you unable to understand what a metaphor is?

No, Obama didn't really claim to be born in Selma

Of course, that won't stop most conservatives from continuing to spread the lie.
You like right winger are stupid, he said conceived not born. Obuthole is the lie.

You must be illiterate. He never mentioned a place of conception. At all.
I read the transcript, you idiots keep saying he said he was born there, stupidity runs deep in your veins.

Ya know, more ya cuss and throw insults more everyone assumes you got caught lying, are embarassed, and trying to divert attention.

You're an admitted "bisexual" and I won't be called a liar by leftist trash like yourself, boi.
I am mainstream Republican and you are lying trash. It is what you do every time you get caught lying. This is going to be the way forever, so the smart person would not lie.
Liar, you are as lefturd as they come.
Doing some fact-checking just now, not surprisingly, Twitchy's claim of what then Sen. Obama said in 2007 was a paraphrase. And completely wrong.

"Obama said those who marched that day on Bloody Sunday helped make it possible for him to stand before them as a candidate."
Obama Returns To Selma For 50th Anniversary Of Historic March NPR
2007 he said Selma made it possible for him to be conceived four years after he was born. He said it no denying it. Obuthole has always been a liar.

Then why can't anybody quote it?
"There was something stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Alabama, because some folks are willing to march across a bridge. So they got together and Barack Obama Jr. was born. So don't tell me I don't have a claim on Selma, Alabama. Don't tell me I’m not coming home to Selma, Alabama." Barrack Obama.
Does that help? From 2007 speech on Selma.

Wait a second!

Here's what you think he said, "There was something stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Alabama, because some folks are willing to march across a bridge. So they got together and Barack Obama Jr. was born. So don't tell me I don't have a claim on Selma, Alabama. Don't tell me I’m not coming home to Selma, Alabama."

Now switch on the Obama Context filter


And it changes to, ""Obama said those who marched that day on Bloody Sunday helped make it possible for him to stand before them as a candidate."



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