Barry Claims He Was 4 Years Old When His Parents First Met

At least his white uncle helped liberate the prisoners in Auschwitz, as told by him here,]

Who knew his uncle was part of the Russian military?
Doing some fact-checking just now, not surprisingly, Twitchy's claim of what then Sen. Obama said in 2007 was a paraphrase. And completely wrong.

"Obama said those who marched that day on Bloody Sunday helped make it possible for him to stand before them as a candidate."
Obama Returns To Selma For 50th Anniversary Of Historic March NPR

Hey homo, you know that's bullshit as the video clearly shows...there was no "paraphrase"....he clearly claimed his parents met on the Selma bridge....4 years after he was born. :lol:




Wassamatta? Nuttin' there?

Quelle suprise.

Not the Ebonics inflection, it's like Voo-Doo to a white man!!!
Which is exactly the point. Obama is a white man (at least to those segregationists who insist that assimilated is 'white').
I never figured it out since I look white...
Do you speak a southern dialect and call it white?

:lmao: -- a "southern dialect". As if there's only one....
Even Okies talk different than Texicans....
Do you speak a southern dialect and call it white?

:lmao: -- a "southern dialect". As if there's only one....
'A' not 'the'.
Ask a non-lefty to explain that to you.

Your implication is that "a southern dialect" (any) is somehow "not white".

Ask a non-moron to explain that to me.

My wife is silk stocking southern mint julip girl, and Rosh would have gotten her drink thrown in his face. Not the for the race insinuation but for the trashy comment.
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Doing some fact-checking just now, not surprisingly, Twitchy's claim of what then Sen. Obama said in 2007 was a paraphrase. And completely wrong.

"Obama said those who marched that day on Bloody Sunday helped make it possible for him to stand before them as a candidate."
Obama Returns To Selma For 50th Anniversary Of Historic March NPR
2007 he said Selma made it possible for him to be conceived four years after he was born. He said it no denying it. Obuthole has always been a liar.
Doing some fact-checking just now, not surprisingly, Twitchy's claim of what then Sen. Obama said in 2007 was a paraphrase. And completely wrong.

"Obama said those who marched that day on Bloody Sunday helped make it possible for him to stand before them as a candidate."
Obama Returns To Selma For 50th Anniversary Of Historic March NPR

Hey homo, you know that's bullshit as the video clearly shows...there was no "paraphrase"....he clearly claimed his parents met on the Selma bridge....4 years after he was born. :lol:
Doing some fact-checking just now, not surprisingly, Twitchy's claim of what then Sen. Obama said in 2007 was a paraphrase. And completely wrong.

"Obama said those who marched that day on Bloody Sunday helped make it possible for him to stand before them as a candidate."
Obama Returns To Selma For 50th Anniversary Of Historic March NPR
2007 he said Selma made it possible for him to be conceived four years after he was born. He said it no denying it. Obuthole has always been a liar.

Then why can't anybody quote it?
Let's get back on topic a bit. There's room in FZ for personal exchanges.
Doing some fact-checking just now, not surprisingly, Twitchy's claim of what then Sen. Obama said in 2007 was a paraphrase. And completely wrong.

"Obama said those who marched that day on Bloody Sunday helped make it possible for him to stand before them as a candidate."
Obama Returns To Selma For 50th Anniversary Of Historic March NPR
2007 he said Selma made it possible for him to be conceived four years after he was born. He said it no denying it. Obuthole has always been a liar.

Then why can't anybody quote it?
"There was something stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Alabama, because some folks are willing to march across a bridge. So they got together and Barack Obama Jr. was born. So don't tell me I don't have a claim on Selma, Alabama. Don't tell me I’m not coming home to Selma, Alabama." Barrack Obama.
Does that help? From 2007 speech on Selma.
Not the Ebonics inflection, it's like Voo-Doo to a white man!!!
Which is exactly the point. Obama is a white man (at least to those segregationists who insist that assimilated is 'white').
I never figured it out since I look white...
Do you speak a southern dialect and call it white?

Connecticut born George W Bush did
he just wanted to sound more folksy....

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