Barry's US Credit rating Down-Grade

Show us kid. Just one......
You're the one who is claiming Obama got everything he wanted.

Didn't think so. You're dismissed child.
What do you want me to show you? You seem very confused.

You aren't a bright fellow are you?
Does this sort of deflection usually work for you?
  • You stated that Obama has gotten everything he wanted.
  • I replied that only a strong president could do that.
  • You went Full Retard.
Only a President who In-Constitutionally by-passes Congress gets EVERYTHING he wants.
Show us kid. Just one......
You're the one who is claiming Obama got everything he wanted.

Didn't think so. You're dismissed child.
What do you want me to show you? You seem very confused.

You aren't a bright fellow are you?
Does this sort of deflection usually work for you?
  • You stated that Obama has gotten everything he wanted.
  • I replied that only a strong president could do that.
  • You went Full Retard.

You stated that the Repubs owned the mess, I asked you to show where they were able to cut anything fro Obama's Budgets. You've had my dick in your ass ever since. Using your "logic" it was Gingrich who came out of the 90's with a "projected" surplus.
So if the republican idea of digging in their heels and saying 'no more' was such a great idea, why was it so catastrophic and why didn't they continue doing it?

$7 trillion in 4 years. Obama was spending like a drunken sailor. The Republicans & the S&P said 'No Mas'! Again, both urged more spending cuts. The S&P went as far as DEMANDING them....and Obama was the one who dug in HIS heels, telling the S&P to go F* themselves......and for his troubles he secured the 1st US Credit rating downgrade.

Way to go, Barry!

Not that I'm a huge Barry fan but when Dubya handed the US the shit sandwich of a collapsed economy and millions of people needed assistance, what would you have done?
I might not have asked Bush to approve the bailout so the money would be ready when I took office.
But that's just me. Under me, GM would have gone under.
You don't seem to realize how long it would take a system as huge as GM and all of its subcontractors and suppliers to ramp back up if it were to shut down.

American Airlines filed Chapter 11 and never even missed a flight.
Yo Easy.................did you forget the part where Jr. didn't pay for the war, just put it on the credit card?

Does that mean the deficit caused by the spending on the wars didn't add to the national debt?
No, Obama very publicly eliminated that accounting sleight of hand that the Bushies were pulling over on the nation, with their off the books "continuing resolutions" to pump more and more billions into their incompetent war.

Obama put all of that back on the books, and reflected the reality of the huge debt Bush and the Republican Congress foisted upon us.

Obama: No More War Spending Tricks

End the abuse of supplemental budgets for war

How the US public was defrauded by the hidden cost of the Iraq war | Michael Boyle

The Democrats had the House from 2007-2011 and passed continuing resolutions so I call Bullshit.
First of all, there was never going to be a "default." Weren't a math major, were you, Dopey? There was way more money coming in than interest payments.

And second, what does that have to do with my point? Obama wouldn't agree to Republicans just like the Republicans wouldn't agree with Obama. And a stupid twat that you are you say OMG, that's the Republicans fault. Stop being such a pussy, Obama didn't cave any more than the Republicans didn't
I have a minor in math you overpaid retard. What's your idea of higher math, balancing your checkbook?

So if the republican idea of digging in their heels and saying 'no more' was such a great idea, why was it so catastrophic and why didn't they continue doing it?

I majored in math.

So how is it that you don't know that we had way more money coming in than the interest payments due so there's no way we would have defaulted unless the Obama administration and Democratic leadership decided to do it on purpose?

You're a liar. We had no reason to default
Ok, I used the wrong term. It wasn't default, it was sequestration. That better?

No, it's not sequestration either. It's just we would have to stop increasing our debt limit. Your credit card has limits, you can't spend more until you pay it down
Government funding isn't like household funding. The government is the lender of last resort and an equalizing force in the economy which has capabilities that individuals don't have to balance the economy as a whole.

What a load
First of all, there was never going to be a "default." Weren't a math major, were you, Dopey? There was way more money coming in than interest payments.

And second, what does that have to do with my point? Obama wouldn't agree to Republicans just like the Republicans wouldn't agree with Obama. And a stupid twat that you are you say OMG, that's the Republicans fault. Stop being such a pussy, Obama didn't cave any more than the Republicans didn't
I have a minor in math you overpaid retard. What's your idea of higher math, balancing your checkbook?

So if the republican idea of digging in their heels and saying 'no more' was such a great idea, why was it so catastrophic and why didn't they continue doing it?

I majored in math.

So how is it that you don't know that we had way more money coming in than the interest payments due so there's no way we would have defaulted unless the Obama administration and Democratic leadership decided to do it on purpose?

You're a liar. We had no reason to default
Ok, I used the wrong term. It wasn't default, it was sequestration. That better?

No, it's not sequestration either. It's just we would have to stop increasing our debt limit. Your credit card has limits, you can't spend more until you pay it down
Austerity has been a complete disaster, just like it was in Europe, and Republicans own it.

Yes, Republicans also own acne, the Asian flu, the Edsel and Geraldo's opening of the Capone (empty) safe
Nice opinion, but I am afraid not. (I have posted several links many times regarding this - I advise you to look them up.)

The GOP called for more spending cuts, and Obama - in his arrogance - was determined not to do anything the GOP wanted - he refused.

The bank that eventually cut the US Credit rating actually came to Obama and warned him that if he refused to agree to more spending cute - as a gesture that he was truly concerned about the quickly expanding / growing debt - it would be forced to cut the US Credit Rating. Barry refused - the budget was passed...and not long after that the Bank cut the US Credit rating:

"For the first time ever, the United States lost its perfect credit rating as Standard & Poor's reduced its U.S. long-term debt assessment from AAA to AA+ with a negative outlook.

In announcing the move late Friday, the ratings agency said a deal this week to reduce the nation's debt did not go far enough..."

S&P Downgrades US Credit Rating to AA+

"The S&P believes that we spend too much as a nation and that we don’t have the political will to stop spending. The Tea Party was formed primarily to send a message to Washington that America needs to stop spending money we don’t have.

The Tea Party won’t get the blame for the debt-rating downgrade. President Obama will get the blame and it will hurt him with the American people in the next election."

The Obama downgrade

Coincidently after that, just about every Obama administration possible paid that bank a visit, auditing and doing all they could as 'payback' to punish the bank:

"The White House’s first reaction to this news was to blame S&P itself, claiming that their math was wrong as spokesmen pointed out S&P’s past rating failures. Correcting the math didn’t correct the problem, however, and so S&P went ahead with its downgrade. Debating S&P’s credibility misses the more important point, which is there for all to see: Projected deficit spending properly raises questions about U.S. credit quality."

Why Did America Receive a Credit Rating Downgrade? - AskHeritage

Of course - Barry's 1st reaction is ALWAYS to BLAME SOMEONE ELSE!
The whole republican default debacle was brought about by their mindless obedience towards Grover Norquist. Thankfully, even brain dead republicans now seem to have forgotten about this hack but at the time, he had them in some sort of Svengali-like trance.

When the two sides can't agree, it's the Republicans. Grow a pair, Nancy
Sounds like you think the default was a good idea.

First of all, there was never going to be a "default." Weren't a math major, were you, Dopey? There was way more money coming in than interest payments.

And second, what does that have to do with my point? Obama wouldn't agree to Republicans just like the Republicans wouldn't agree with Obama. And a stupid twat that you are you say OMG, that's the Republicans fault. Stop being such a pussy, Obama didn't cave any more than the Republicans didn't
When you get your monthly bills, do you only pay the interest on those bills? nothing towards principal?
I am really glad you don't handle my finances.

You're an idiot and you have no long term memory. You think I want to spend money? Buy a clue, Dopey. I'm a libertarian who wants to slash the government. There's something seriously wrong with you. You have what Hillary does?
Yo Easy.................did you forget the part where Jr. didn't pay for the war, just put it on the credit card?

Does that mean the deficit caused by the spending on the wars didn't add to the national debt?
No, Obama very publicly eliminated that accounting sleight of hand that the Bushies were pulling over on the nation, with their off the books "continuing resolutions" to pump more and more billions into their incompetent war.

Obama put all of that back on the books, and reflected the reality of the huge debt Bush and the Republican Congress foisted upon us.

Obama: No More War Spending Tricks

End the abuse of supplemental budgets for war

How the US public was defrauded by the hidden cost of the Iraq war | Michael Boyle

Tell me the year that Obama did that.
“Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein.
There are plenty of ways to disarm him without going to war.

Sure there are. LMFAO What should we do? Can we have your weapons, pretty please with sugar on it.
2009, I believe.

Sanctions, and harsh sanctions on any country bypassing those sanctions. It's how we got Iran to come to the table. Same with Russia.
You're the one who is claiming Obama got everything he wanted.

Didn't think so. You're dismissed child.
What do you want me to show you? You seem very confused.

You aren't a bright fellow are you?
Does this sort of deflection usually work for you?
  • You stated that Obama has gotten everything he wanted.
  • I replied that only a strong president could do that.
  • You went Full Retard.
Only a President who In-Constitutionally by-passes Congress gets EVERYTHING he wants.
He's talking about in dealings with Republicans in Congress.
You're the one who is claiming Obama got everything he wanted.

Didn't think so. You're dismissed child.
What do you want me to show you? You seem very confused.

You aren't a bright fellow are you?
Does this sort of deflection usually work for you?
  • You stated that Obama has gotten everything he wanted.
  • I replied that only a strong president could do that.
  • You went Full Retard.

You stated that the Repubs owned the mess, I asked you to show where they were able to cut anything fro Obama's Budgets.

Your narrow thinking prevents you from seeing that Republicans refused to spend any money for infrastructure, putting people to work and stimulating the economy, while creating more taxpayers and lowering the number of people on welfare.

Republicans also refused to raise taxes on the wealthy, or anyone else.

That's why I said Austerity was a complete Republican policy failure, because you can't cut the debt by cutting spending without raising new revenue.

You've had my dick in your ass ever since.

Keep your fantasies to yourself, perv.

Using your "logic" it was Gingrich who came out of the 90's with a "projected" surplus.
Like I said in post #62. Put down the glue and try to pay attention.
Yo Easy.................did you forget the part where Jr. didn't pay for the war, just put it on the credit card?

Does that mean the deficit caused by the spending on the wars didn't add to the national debt?
No, Obama very publicly eliminated that accounting sleight of hand that the Bushies were pulling over on the nation, with their off the books "continuing resolutions" to pump more and more billions into their incompetent war.

Obama put all of that back on the books, and reflected the reality of the huge debt Bush and the Republican Congress foisted upon us.

Obama: No More War Spending Tricks

End the abuse of supplemental budgets for war

How the US public was defrauded by the hidden cost of the Iraq war | Michael Boyle

The Democrats had the House from 2007-2011 and passed continuing resolutions so I call Bullshit.
Not the Senate until 2009.
Yo Easy.................did you forget the part where Jr. didn't pay for the war, just put it on the credit card?

Does that mean the deficit caused by the spending on the wars didn't add to the national debt?
No, Obama very publicly eliminated that accounting sleight of hand that the Bushies were pulling over on the nation, with their off the books "continuing resolutions" to pump more and more billions into their incompetent war.

Obama put all of that back on the books, and reflected the reality of the huge debt Bush and the Republican Congress foisted upon us.

Obama: No More War Spending Tricks

End the abuse of supplemental budgets for war

How the US public was defrauded by the hidden cost of the Iraq war | Michael Boyle

The Democrats had the House from 2007-2011 and passed continuing resolutions so I call Bullshit.
Not the Senate until 2009.

All spending bills start in the House.
Yo Easy.................did you forget the part where Jr. didn't pay for the war, just put it on the credit card?

Does that mean the deficit caused by the spending on the wars didn't add to the national debt?
No, Obama very publicly eliminated that accounting sleight of hand that the Bushies were pulling over on the nation, with their off the books "continuing resolutions" to pump more and more billions into their incompetent war.

Obama put all of that back on the books, and reflected the reality of the huge debt Bush and the Republican Congress foisted upon us.

Obama: No More War Spending Tricks

End the abuse of supplemental budgets for war

How the US public was defrauded by the hidden cost of the Iraq war | Michael Boyle

Tell me the year that Obama did that.
“Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein.
There are plenty of ways to disarm him without going to war.

Sure there are. LMFAO What should we do? Can we have your weapons, pretty please with sugar on it.
2009, I believe.

Sanctions, and harsh sanctions on any country bypassing those sanctions. It's how we got Iran to come to the table. Same with Russia.

2009 would be wrong. Obama only talked about it.

"During the past 14 fiscal years (FY1998-FY2011), Congress provided funding under continuing resolutions for an average of over four months (129.6 days). The period for which continuing appropriations were provided in these 14 years ranged from 21 days to 365 days. On average, each of the 87 continuing resolutions enacted during this period lasted for about 30 days; 42 of these were for seven days or less."

Sanctions didn't work with Iraq and the only thing that is working with Iran is the $1.7 Billion gift that Obama just gave them.

"The sanctions against Iraq were a near-total financial and trade embargo imposed by the United Nations Security Council on the Iraqi Republic. They began August 6, 1990, four days after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, stayed largely in force until May 2003 (after Saddam Hussein's being forced from power), and persisted in part, including reparations to Kuwait, through the present."
I have a minor in math you overpaid retard. What's your idea of higher math, balancing your checkbook?

So if the republican idea of digging in their heels and saying 'no more' was such a great idea, why was it so catastrophic and why didn't they continue doing it?

I majored in math.

So how is it that you don't know that we had way more money coming in than the interest payments due so there's no way we would have defaulted unless the Obama administration and Democratic leadership decided to do it on purpose?

You're a liar. We had no reason to default
Ok, I used the wrong term. It wasn't default, it was sequestration. That better?

No, it's not sequestration either. It's just we would have to stop increasing our debt limit. Your credit card has limits, you can't spend more until you pay it down
Government funding isn't like household funding. The government is the lender of last resort and an equalizing force in the economy which has capabilities that individuals don't have to balance the economy as a whole.

What a load
Brilliant rebuttal.
I majored in math.

So how is it that you don't know that we had way more money coming in than the interest payments due so there's no way we would have defaulted unless the Obama administration and Democratic leadership decided to do it on purpose?

You're a liar. We had no reason to default
Ok, I used the wrong term. It wasn't default, it was sequestration. That better?

No, it's not sequestration either. It's just we would have to stop increasing our debt limit. Your credit card has limits, you can't spend more until you pay it down
Government funding isn't like household funding. The government is the lender of last resort and an equalizing force in the economy which has capabilities that individuals don't have to balance the economy as a whole.

What a load
Brilliant rebuttal.

It's a load of crap, how should one respond to that? Everything you said was bilch.

Government is the lender of first resort in so many areas and it's increasing, student loans. VA loans, FHA loans, ...

Government skews markets, it doesn't stabilize them.

And they don't "balance the economy," they steal from it.

What you said is just your rose colored fantasy and deep love and worship of government
Yo Easy.................did you forget the part where Jr. didn't pay for the war, just put it on the credit card?

Does that mean the deficit caused by the spending on the wars didn't add to the national debt?
No, Obama very publicly eliminated that accounting sleight of hand that the Bushies were pulling over on the nation, with their off the books "continuing resolutions" to pump more and more billions into their incompetent war.

Obama put all of that back on the books, and reflected the reality of the huge debt Bush and the Republican Congress foisted upon us.

Obama: No More War Spending Tricks

End the abuse of supplemental budgets for war

How the US public was defrauded by the hidden cost of the Iraq war | Michael Boyle

The Democrats had the House from 2007-2011 and passed continuing resolutions so I call Bullshit.
Not the Senate until 2009.

All spending bills start in the House.
Yo Easy.................did you forget the part where Jr. didn't pay for the war, just put it on the credit card?

Does that mean the deficit caused by the spending on the wars didn't add to the national debt?
No, Obama very publicly eliminated that accounting sleight of hand that the Bushies were pulling over on the nation, with their off the books "continuing resolutions" to pump more and more billions into their incompetent war.

Obama put all of that back on the books, and reflected the reality of the huge debt Bush and the Republican Congress foisted upon us.

Obama: No More War Spending Tricks

End the abuse of supplemental budgets for war

How the US public was defrauded by the hidden cost of the Iraq war | Michael Boyle

Tell me the year that Obama did that.
“Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein.
There are plenty of ways to disarm him without going to war.

Sure there are. LMFAO What should we do? Can we have your weapons, pretty please with sugar on it.
2009, I believe.

Sanctions, and harsh sanctions on any country bypassing those sanctions. It's how we got Iran to come to the table. Same with Russia.

2009 would be wrong. Obama only talked about it.

"During the past 14 fiscal years (FY1998-FY2011), Congress provided funding under continuing resolutions for an average of over four months (129.6 days). The period for which continuing appropriations were provided in these 14 years ranged from 21 days to 365 days. On average, each of the 87 continuing resolutions enacted during this period lasted for about 30 days; 42 of these were for seven days or less."

Sanctions didn't work with Iraq and the only thing that is working with Iran is the $1.7 Billion gift that Obama just gave them.

"The sanctions against Iraq were a near-total financial and trade embargo imposed by the United Nations Security Council on the Iraqi Republic. They began August 6, 1990, four days after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, stayed largely in force until May 2003 (after Saddam Hussein's being forced from power), and persisted in part, including reparations to Kuwait, through the present."
I cited Iran and Russia and you reply with Iraq?

Go have another drink.
Does that mean the deficit caused by the spending on the wars didn't add to the national debt?
No, Obama very publicly eliminated that accounting sleight of hand that the Bushies were pulling over on the nation, with their off the books "continuing resolutions" to pump more and more billions into their incompetent war.

Obama put all of that back on the books, and reflected the reality of the huge debt Bush and the Republican Congress foisted upon us.

Obama: No More War Spending Tricks

End the abuse of supplemental budgets for war

How the US public was defrauded by the hidden cost of the Iraq war | Michael Boyle

Tell me the year that Obama did that.
“Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein.
There are plenty of ways to disarm him without going to war.

Sure there are. LMFAO What should we do? Can we have your weapons, pretty please with sugar on it.
2009, I believe.

Sanctions, and harsh sanctions on any country bypassing those sanctions. It's how we got Iran to come to the table. Same with Russia.

2009 would be wrong. Obama only talked about it.

"During the past 14 fiscal years (FY1998-FY2011), Congress provided funding under continuing resolutions for an average of over four months (129.6 days). The period for which continuing appropriations were provided in these 14 years ranged from 21 days to 365 days. On average, each of the 87 continuing resolutions enacted during this period lasted for about 30 days; 42 of these were for seven days or less."

Sanctions didn't work with Iraq and the only thing that is working with Iran is the $1.7 Billion gift that Obama just gave them.

"The sanctions against Iraq were a near-total financial and trade embargo imposed by the United Nations Security Council on the Iraqi Republic. They began August 6, 1990, four days after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, stayed largely in force until May 2003 (after Saddam Hussein's being forced from power), and persisted in part, including reparations to Kuwait, through the present."
I cited Iran and Russia and you reply with Iraq?

Go have another drink.

The only thing that happened of note with Russia in 2009 was the RESET button Hillary gave them, and that sure wasn't sanctions. There have been economic sanctions on Iran since 1979, and nothing Obama did in 2009 changed that.
I suggest that you go have another drink.
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