Basil the Decimal


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Sometimes commerce can feel like a chess-game, so here's a commerce-consciousness yarn I wrote inspired by the populism-vanity films Bulworth and The Candidate.




Basil Marcus was a true 'modern centurion,' a pedestrian 'diplomat' of populism-oriented politics in the new environment of citizenry-led social dialogue and politics criticism. Basil was an idealistic Internet-blogger who dressed up as Scarecrow (a gargoyle of the harvest) and posted photos and messages about the metaphysical value of commerce dialogue in this new age of capitalism-dominated geopolitics (i.e., European Union, NATO, World Bank). Basil often posted pictures of himself (as the Scarecrow) carrying some kind of a fancy pen or writing-instrument meant to symbolize a modern focus on communication value in the age of high-speed transmissions (e.g., email, eTrade, etc.).

Basil wanted to post a TrumpUSA 'mock-debate' between U.S. President Donald Trump and social critic and conservative Republican Rush Limbaugh (a radio-personality). In the debate, Trump and Limbaugh would talk about how commerce (and commercialism!) had turned politics into a giant 'chess-game' between minds and egos. Trump was to talk about the value of trade-talks with democratic partner South Korea and using trade-pacts to secure the region from the tumultuous pro-nuclear taunts of neighboring rival North Korea. Limbaugh, meanwhile was to talk about America's lack of sufficient leadership with the World Bank and the U.S. government's obligation to take a spearheading role with that international body.

Capitalism is a complex theory, so Basil wanted to convey that new age political discourse and criticism represented a modern social focus on the tangible and even sensitive links between economics and governance in this new age. If Wall Street was the new Colosseum, then TrumpUSA would have to become a 'beacon' of international commercialism intrigue and the NSA and the CIA would have to seriously root out all anti-capitalism sentiments brewing since 9/11. Basil posted on the Internet that the threats posed by the new anti-capitalism terrorist group ISIS may culminate in Americans' paranoia regarding the secure use of 'federalism calligraphy' (e.g., NASDAQ). How would investors of the future regard the sanctity of international economic alliances? This would be the question posed to the Trump Administration!



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