Bat shit crazy Elizabeth is at it again, now she wants to take over companies.

The short answer is screw you Commie.
Way to throw in the towel on a civil argument. You lose. DragonLady wins after one round. Thanks for playing

Warren isn't a Commie?
Is she an Indian again.
Hard to keep track of her BS.
You're welcome.
You are all kinds of confused. Haha

Warren is an assclown, no confusion on that.
You aren’t proving to be much different? Why are all your posts about Warren and not about the substance of the bill?

It's a stupid plan.
That's what I expect from Warren.
What a dumb bitch ... They are losing on RTW, they lost with citizens united so now they are trying to find another way in.

Elizabeth Warren's New Bill Aims to Reinvent U.S. Capitalism

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has a plan to rewrite the rules for large U.S. businesses--and it's a provocative one.

The Democratic Senator from Massachusetts is introducing a new bill on Wednesday that would require corporate executives "to consider the interests of all major stakeholders in company decisions--not only shareholders," Warren wrote an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal. The Accountable Capitalism Act would require companies with more than $1 billion in annual revenue--including Facebook, Google, and Amazon--to comply with a federal charter that looks out for workers' interests. Currently, U.S. businesses secure corporation charters from states, not on the federal level.

One of the biggest changes that the bill proposes is for employees to elect at least 40 percent of board directors. The bill also seeks to impose limits on when executives can sell company shares. Directors and officers would have to hold shares for five years before
selling them, or in the case of a company stock buyback, three years. Warren's bill also takes aim at political contributions by requiring approval for all political expenditures from at least 75 percent of shareholders.


Don't be ridiculous, she's not trying to take over companies. She's just giving lip service to her base by promising symbolic non-solutions that will be unenforcable and have no effect.
This will simply serve to move companies out of the USA. No company can survive if it does not look out for its own interest ahead of all other interests.

Here’s a clue dipshit. Looking out for your employees best interests, is in the companies’ best interest. A former roommate of mine called it “enlightened self-interest”.

If you treat your employees well, pay them well, and make them feel valued and respected, they will be happier, more productive, and less likely to leave.

I worked for such a company. It was an amazing place to work. We had top salaries and benefits, premium supplemental health (paying everything OHIP doesn’t), 3 weeks paid vacation to start, health club membership, flex hours, profit sharing bonuses (the Spring Bonus) and Christmas bonuses, and matching contributions on employees personal retirement plans.

Our firm had the reputation as the “hardest working firm on Bay Street”. We had the highest average billable hours, while billing clients the lowest fees of any of the top firms. It was a pleasure and a joy to work there. In our department (100 people), two people quit in 5 years and one came back after three months.

Increased production and billings directly impact the bottom line. Low turnover means lower training costs, higher employee skill levels, which further increases client satisfaction levels and firm profits.

Doing well while doing good should be every company’s motto.
Ummm . How is any of that “taking over companies”?

It's an end run. by making them take into account stakeholders, you basically say they have to listen to anyone or face lawsuits.

She means “employees” ok!! Is that so hard to understand ?

Of course you evil cons don’t give a crap about the working man that’s the backbone of the company . “Hey, let’s close this plant and put 1000 people out of work ! The shareholder will get a 10% dividend bump!”
What a dumb bitch ... They are losing on RTW, they lost with citizens united so now they are trying to find another way in.

Elizabeth Warren's New Bill Aims to Reinvent U.S. Capitalism

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has a plan to rewrite the rules for large U.S. businesses--and it's a provocative one.

The Democratic Senator from Massachusetts is introducing a new bill on Wednesday that would require corporate executives "to consider the interests of all major stakeholders in company decisions--not only shareholders," Warren wrote an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal. The Accountable Capitalism Act would require companies with more than $1 billion in annual revenue--including Facebook, Google, and Amazon--to comply with a federal charter that looks out for workers' interests. Currently, U.S. businesses secure corporation charters from states, not on the federal level.

One of the biggest changes that the bill proposes is for employees to elect at least 40 percent of board directors. The bill also seeks to impose limits on when executives can sell company shares. Directors and officers would have to hold shares for five years before
selling them, or in the case of a company stock buyback, three years. Warren's bill also takes aim at political contributions by requiring approval for all political expenditures from at least 75 percent of shareholders.


The government wouldn't run it, all I see is a badly needed increase in employee power. The middle class is sinking into poverty too much.

It would force companies to take into account "stakeholders" which is basically everyone. The government as a regulator is a stakeholder, and if some stakeholder decided it was being ignored they could sue.

It would basically make companies unmanageable.

Employees are free to form employee run companies if they want to, forcing everyone to do so is stupid.
You realize this bill only applies the companies that make over $1 billion in annual revenue right?

Give a liberal and inch they will take a mile, I am still waiting for the Illinois democrats 1960's promise that toll roads would be closed in a decade or so after the highway bonds were paid off.

Never happened.
Slippery slope cam justify inaction on anything. Yawn. That’s a lazy arguement.

Government doing nothing is THE BEST THING they should do.

Less Government Is Good Government

So you’re in favour of the upcoming government shutdown. The last one cost the economy 6.5 billion dollars a week in lost production.

So no, it’s not better for the government to do nothing.

Take a look a Myanmar. Their government does nothing. You’d love the place. No cops, no laws, no government interference.

There are a lot of jurisdictions with no central government to speak of and people have complete freedom to do as they choose. Pick one.

The bald fact is that business needs a strong, stable, well run government in which to thrive. Trump threatens that environment because of his impetuous and poorly thought out policies and the chaos he likes.
That’s an emotional presumption. How about you point to the elements of the actual bill to make your case instead of subscribing intent through your bias and distain for her?

Marxism like Snowflakism is an Emotional Response to "Why the Fuck am I so Lazy and Don't have more shit like my hard working neighbor?"
If you don’t like emotional responses then why are you making them now? Stick to substance of the bill of you want to be taken seriously. We don’t give a shit about your partisan insults towards Warren, they have nothing to do with this conversation.

I'm not emotional at all about Marxism. I have no affection for it, nor do I feel the need to defend it. Why do you?
Your emotional talking about Warren instead of the substance of the bill. That’s pretty weak and hypocritical given your recent critiques.

I’m not defending Marxism. That’s another one of your emotional presumptions

I have no feelings about Warren other than she is a lunatic and a phoney and a Marxist.

If she dies or lives I care not. She is only worthy of ridicule. But I am no feelings at all about her.

You however have spent this entire thread defending the moonbat nutcase and her bill.
Haha, thanks for the laughs. “I have no feelings for her... except blah blah blah blah”

Good one
This will simply serve to move companies out of the USA. No company can survive if it does not look out for its own interest ahead of all other interests.

Here’s a clue dipshit. Looking out for your employees best interests, is in the companies’ best interest. A former roommate of mine called it “enlightened self-interest”.

If you treat your employees well, pay them well, and make them feel valued and respected, they will be happier, more productive, and less likely to leave.

I worked for such a company. It was an amazing place to work. We had top salaries and benefits, premium supplemental health (paying everything OHIP doesn’t), 3 weeks paid vacation to start, health club membership, flex hours, profit sharing bonuses (the Spring Bonus) and Christmas bonuses, and matching contributions on employees personal retirement plans.

Our firm had the reputation as the “hardest working firm on Bay Street”. We had the highest average billable hours, while billing clients the lowest fees of any of the top firms. It was a pleasure and a joy to work there. In our department (100 people), two people quit in 5 years and one came back after three months.

Increased production and billings directly impact the bottom line. Low turnover means lower training costs, higher employee skill levels, which further increases client satisfaction levels and firm profits.

Doing well while doing good should be every company’s motto.

Looking out for your employees best interests, is in the companies’ best interest.

True. So how did employee owned United Airlines work out?
This will simply serve to move companies out of the USA. No company can survive if it does not look out for its own interest ahead of all other interests.

Here’s a clue dipshit. Looking out for your employees best interests, is in the companies’ best interest. A former roommate of mine called it “enlightened self-interest”.

If you treat your employees well, pay them well, and make them feel valued and respected, they will be happier, more productive, and less likely to leave.

I worked for such a company. It was an amazing place to work. We had top salaries and benefits, premium supplemental health (paying everything OHIP doesn’t), 3 weeks paid vacation to start, health club membership, flex hours, profit sharing bonuses (the Spring Bonus) and Christmas bonuses, and matching contributions on employees personal retirement plans.

Our firm had the reputation as the “hardest working firm on Bay Street”. We had the highest average billable hours, while billing clients the lowest fees of any of the top firms. It was a pleasure and a joy to work there. In our department (100 people), two people quit in 5 years and one came back after three months.

Increased production and billings directly impact the bottom line. Low turnover means lower training costs, higher employee skill levels, which further increases client satisfaction levels and firm profits.

Doing well while doing good should be every company’s motto.
Here is a bigger clue. If you hire employees who are educated, they are not only capable of doing the work needed to be done but also understand you don't pay above the value that the job brings to the company. Your little diatribe is a good indication that you do not understand business at all.

Treating employees well has nothing to do with giving them a near-controlling interest over the specific needs of the business. It is very often -- almost a certainty -- that the employees haven't a clue as to what the business is going through and the intelligence required to navigate the competitive waters of the world. Everywhere you go, you will always find people who think their job is the most important job in the company and will have a thousand reasons why that is. The truth is, every employee is but a single process along the way to a final product that is for sale to a customer and if it is in the best interest of the company to consolidate processes to become more competitive, the employee who has a say will always speak against doing the right thing. Sometimes, the right thing is not saving your job.

No one and nothing can serve a hundred masters. That is why corporations are set up to answer to a select group of people for accountability, but essentially, any business answers to one master. The CEO. That is why he gets the paycheck he does. Because if it goes to shit, he is the one that pays the price.
What a dumb bitch ... They are losing on RTW, they lost with citizens united so now they are trying to find another way in.

Elizabeth Warren's New Bill Aims to Reinvent U.S. Capitalism

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has a plan to rewrite the rules for large U.S. businesses--and it's a provocative one.

The Democratic Senator from Massachusetts is introducing a new bill on Wednesday that would require corporate executives "to consider the interests of all major stakeholders in company decisions--not only shareholders," Warren wrote an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal. The Accountable Capitalism Act would require companies with more than $1 billion in annual revenue--including Facebook, Google, and Amazon--to comply with a federal charter that looks out for workers' interests. Currently, U.S. businesses secure corporation charters from states, not on the federal level.

One of the biggest changes that the bill proposes is for employees to elect at least 40 percent of board directors. The bill also seeks to impose limits on when executives can sell company shares. Directors and officers would have to hold shares for five years before
selling them, or in the case of a company stock buyback, three years. Warren's bill also takes aim at political contributions by requiring approval for all political expenditures from at least 75 percent of shareholders.

The worker’s committee will select board of directors members. Where have I heard that one?
What the hell.

Next time the Dems are up to bat, maybe they'll actually pass such legislation.

If they do, it should prove interesting, with a variety of Pros and Cons to sort through.

It would certainly go a long way towards curbing the worst of the Robber Barons.

Very Teddy Roosevelt (R) -esque... busting trusts before they get too entrenched.
What a dumb bitch ... They are losing on RTW, they lost with citizens united so now they are trying to find another way in.

This proposal is Simply ignorant. She has no idea how business works. I didn’t say she was bat shit crazy. Her proposal is ignorant and designed solely for votes from uneducated rubes.she wants to control all aspects of our life both public and private because she thinks she knows best. At best she is a fraud. Here are enough laws and rules to govern corporations.

Elizabeth Warren's New Bill Aims to Reinvent U.S. Capitalism

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has a plan to rewrite the rules for large U.S. businesses--and it's a provocative one.

The Democratic Senator from Massachusetts is introducing a new bill on Wednesday that would require corporate executives "to consider the interests of all major stakeholders in company decisions--not only shareholders," Warren wrote an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal. The Accountable Capitalism Act would require companies with more than $1 billion in annual revenue--including Facebook, Google, and Amazon--to comply with a federal charter that looks out for workers' interests. Currently, U.S. businesses secure corporation charters from states, not on the federal level.

One of the biggest changes that the bill proposes is for employees to elect at least 40 percent of board directors. The bill also seeks to impose limits on when executives can sell company shares. Directors and officers would have to hold shares for five years before
selling them, or in the case of a company stock buyback, three years. Warren's bill also takes aim at political contributions by requiring approval for all political expenditures from at least 75 percent of shareholders.

You can always count on looney Liz to come up with something ignorant

I have yet to see a single unemotional or well-considered response to this proposal from the right. Warren is neither “bat-shit crazy”, nor a “bitch”. She’s not a “commie” either.

Warren is a well respected legislator. One of the best. Her consumer protection legislation resulted in Wells Fargo Bank being forced to return millions of dollars to customers who were cheated by that Bank.

She’s always stood up for everyday Americans against abuses by corporate interests. Calling corporations to account is in everyone’s best interests.

Of course the right hates her. She speaks truth to power and she’s a woman.
What a dumb bitch ... They are losing on RTW, they lost with citizens united so now they are trying to find another way in.

Elizabeth Warren's New Bill Aims to Reinvent U.S. Capitalism

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has a plan to rewrite the rules for large U.S. businesses--and it's a provocative one.

The Democratic Senator from Massachusetts is introducing a new bill on Wednesday that would require corporate executives "to consider the interests of all major stakeholders in company decisions--not only shareholders," Warren wrote an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal. The Accountable Capitalism Act would require companies with more than $1 billion in annual revenue--including Facebook, Google, and Amazon--to comply with a federal charter that looks out for workers' interests. Currently, U.S. businesses secure corporation charters from states, not on the federal level.

One of the biggest changes that the bill proposes is for employees to elect at least 40 percent of board directors. The bill also seeks to impose limits on when executives can sell company shares. Directors and officers would have to hold shares for five years before
selling them, or in the case of a company stock buyback, three years. Warren's bill also takes aim at political contributions by requiring approval for all political expenditures from at least 75 percent of shareholders.

You can always count on looney Liz to come up with something ignorant

I have yet to see a single unemotional or well-considered response to this proposal from the right. Warren is neither “bat-shit crazy”, nor a “bitch”. She’s not a “commie” either.

Warren is a well respected legislator. One of the best. Her consumer protection legislation resulted in Wells Fargo Bank being forced to return millions of dollars to customers who were cheated by that Bank.

She’s always stood up for everyday Americans against abuses by corporate interests. Calling corporations to account is in everyone’s best interests.

Of course the right hates her. She speaks truth to power and she’s a woman.
She has never spoke the truth. She plays off emotions and you lemmings fall for it.
Ummm . How is any of that “taking over companies”?

It's an end run. by making them take into account stakeholders, you basically say they have to listen to anyone or face lawsuits.

She means “employees” ok!! Is that so hard to understand ?

Of course you evil cons don’t give a crap about the working man that’s the backbone of the company . “Hey, let’s close this plant and put 1000 people out of work ! The shareholder will get a 10% dividend bump!”
You really can’t be this stupid.
What the hell.

Next time the Dems are up to bat, maybe they'll actually pass such legislation.

If they do, it should prove interesting, with a variety of Pros and Cons to sort through.

It would certainly go a long way towards curbing the worst of the Robber Barons.

Very Teddy Roosevelt (R) -esque... busting trusts before they get too entrenched.
These aren’t trusts. Anyone that uses the term robber baron can’t be taken seriously.
What a dumb bitch ... They are losing on RTW, they lost with citizens united so now they are trying to find another way in.

Elizabeth Warren's New Bill Aims to Reinvent U.S. Capitalism

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has a plan to rewrite the rules for large U.S. businesses--and it's a provocative one.

The Democratic Senator from Massachusetts is introducing a new bill on Wednesday that would require corporate executives "to consider the interests of all major stakeholders in company decisions--not only shareholders," Warren wrote an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal. The Accountable Capitalism Act would require companies with more than $1 billion in annual revenue--including Facebook, Google, and Amazon--to comply with a federal charter that looks out for workers' interests. Currently, U.S. businesses secure corporation charters from states, not on the federal level.

One of the biggest changes that the bill proposes is for employees to elect at least 40 percent of board directors. The bill also seeks to impose limits on when executives can sell company shares. Directors and officers would have to hold shares for five years before
selling them, or in the case of a company stock buyback, three years. Warren's bill also takes aim at political contributions by requiring approval for all political expenditures from at least 75 percent of shareholders.

The worker’s committee will select board of directors members. Where have I heard that one?
I don’t want to watch a bunch of children crying. Giligans island reruns would be better.
What a dumb bitch ... They are losing on RTW, they lost with citizens united so now they are trying to find another way in.

Elizabeth Warren's New Bill Aims to Reinvent U.S. Capitalism

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has a plan to rewrite the rules for large U.S. businesses--and it's a provocative one.

The Democratic Senator from Massachusetts is introducing a new bill on Wednesday that would require corporate executives "to consider the interests of all major stakeholders in company decisions--not only shareholders," Warren wrote an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal. The Accountable Capitalism Act would require companies with more than $1 billion in annual revenue--including Facebook, Google, and Amazon--to comply with a federal charter that looks out for workers' interests. Currently, U.S. businesses secure corporation charters from states, not on the federal level.

One of the biggest changes that the bill proposes is for employees to elect at least 40 percent of board directors. The bill also seeks to impose limits on when executives can sell company shares. Directors and officers would have to hold shares for five years before
selling them, or in the case of a company stock buyback, three years. Warren's bill also takes aim at political contributions by requiring approval for all political expenditures from at least 75 percent of shareholders.


BTW do you notice how this bill says nothing about Union political contribution's?

Sure with this bill employees can fuck themseleves out of job and don't even realize it ..
It’s typical liberal window dressing
What a dumb bitch ... They are losing on RTW, they lost with citizens united so now they are trying to find another way in.

Elizabeth Warren's New Bill Aims to Reinvent U.S. Capitalism

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has a plan to rewrite the rules for large U.S. businesses--and it's a provocative one.

The Democratic Senator from Massachusetts is introducing a new bill on Wednesday that would require corporate executives "to consider the interests of all major stakeholders in company decisions--not only shareholders," Warren wrote an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal. The Accountable Capitalism Act would require companies with more than $1 billion in annual revenue--including Facebook, Google, and Amazon--to comply with a federal charter that looks out for workers' interests. Currently, U.S. businesses secure corporation charters from states, not on the federal level.

One of the biggest changes that the bill proposes is for employees to elect at least 40 percent of board directors. The bill also seeks to impose limits on when executives can sell company shares. Directors and officers would have to hold shares for five years before
selling them, or in the case of a company stock buyback, three years. Warren's bill also takes aim at political contributions by requiring approval for all political expenditures from at least 75 percent of shareholders.

You can always count on looney Liz to come up with something ignorant

I have yet to see a single unemotional or well-considered response to this proposal from the right. Warren is neither “bat-shit crazy”, nor a “bitch”. She’s not a “commie” either.

Warren is a well respected legislator. One of the best. Her consumer protection legislation resulted in Wells Fargo Bank being forced to return millions of dollars to customers who were cheated by that Bank.

She’s always stood up for everyday Americans against abuses by corporate interests. Calling corporations to account is in everyone’s best interests.

Of course the right hates her. She speaks truth to power and she’s a woman.
She has never spoke the truth. She plays off emotions and you lemmings fall for it.

Left wingers here are the ones calmly and rationally discussing the proposals. You snowflakes are ranting about socialism, commies, insulting Ms Warren and acting like she proposed forming collectives and confiscating property.

Her proposals simply require that workers have a voice and a say in the management of large corporations, so that their needs aren’t ignored. She’s not suggesting giving them control, a percentage of income or anything other than a voice and a vote.
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