BBC Laughs At FOX

Now even the BBC admits it is biased to its very core Express Comment Comment Daily Express

"Only the BBC could have commissioned a man happy to describe himself as a “progressive liberal” to lead an investigation into accusations of liberal bias at the BBC.

The report by Stuart Prebble, former head of ITV, published on Wednesday, bends over backwards to exonerate the BBC yet it can’t help but reveal an organisation that is steeped in a Left-liberal culture and which has contempt for the views of the majority of the licence-fee-payers who fund it.

Former social affairs editor Barnie Choudhury says that he was “roundly condemned by some colleagues for playing into the hands of the BNP” when he broadcast a report into thugs in Oldham who were trying to turn parts of the town into a no-go area for whites.

This in spite of him taking great trouble also to represent the views of moderate members of Oldham’s ethnic population.

An unnamed former producer of Any Answers is quoted in the report talking about filtering on the phone-in show which made sure people criticising levels of immigration were kept off the air.

But it is a comment by Helen Boaden, former director of BBC News, which really raises the eyebrows. She admits that the BBC had a “deep liberal bias” on immigration when she took up the job in 2004."

"The premise of too much of its coverage is based on a Left-liberal view of the world. If a politician or other public figure speaks out against mass immigration the coverage on BBC news or a discussion programme will invariably start from the position that they have been racist or at least have pandered to racists."

"At least BBC News does make some attempt to be neutral.

Not so the BBC’s light entertainment arm.

Week after week it pumps out comedy shows and news quizzes in which beery Left-wing comedians, heavily aided by controlled audience laughter, attempt to ridicule conservative opinion."

"If the BBC wants to behave like a Guardian of the airwaves, representing the opinion of a small, London-based liberal elite who consider themselves “enlightened” and that everyone else is stupid and evil then quite reasonably the majority of listeners and viewers are going to ask themselves just what are they getting for their money."
It's fun to watch how FOX News dummies respond when confronted with reality.

14 minutes of John Stewart?

Give me transcripts.

Is everyone who works at FOX News this stupid?

That was fast. Did you watch it, or just posting according to video titles?

No, I actually watch them all the way through. Unlike you cut and paste types.
The BBC is filled with op-eds, they just don't like competition. Liberals seldom do. They can't stand it if a media outlet sings out of harmony, they would make it illegal if they could.
How could anyone possibly compete with FOX? No one else does what they do.
That's true, you'll only get one side of the story and anyone with a brain knows that's seldom the case for clarity. Hating a media outlet that doesn't goose step to the leftist playbook is what's funny.
The BBC is filled with op-eds, they just don't like competition. Liberals seldom do. They can't stand it if a media outlet sings out of harmony, they would make it illegal if they could.
How could anyone possibly compete with FOX? No one else does what they do.
That's true, you'll only get one side of the story and anyone with a brain knows that's seldom the case for clarity. Hating a media outlet that doesn't goose step to the leftist playbook is what's funny.
Why do the good folks at FOX News make stuff up all the time?

The BBC is filled with op-eds, they just don't like competition. Liberals seldom do. They can't stand it if a media outlet sings out of harmony, they would make it illegal if they could.
How could anyone possibly compete with FOX? No one else does what they do.
That's true, you'll only get one side of the story and anyone with a brain knows that's seldom the case for clarity. Hating a media outlet that doesn't goose step to the leftist playbook is what's funny.
Why do the good folks at FOX News make stuff up all the time?

They don't. You lie about them because you can't stand someone putting the spotlight on liberal corruption.
The BBC is filled with op-eds, they just don't like competition. Liberals seldom do. They can't stand it if a media outlet sings out of harmony, they would make it illegal if they could.
How could anyone possibly compete with FOX? No one else does what they do.
That's true, you'll only get one side of the story and anyone with a brain knows that's seldom the case for clarity. Hating a media outlet that doesn't goose step to the leftist playbook is what's funny.
Why do the good folks at FOX News make stuff up all the time?

They don't. You lie about them because you can't stand someone putting the spotlight on liberal corruption.

You got your reality a little fucked up there professor.

Takes a helluva nerve to make up a story about a city like Birmingham being all Muslim or police in London attacking people for not wearing "official Muslim attire".
No doubt, lots of Fox viewers believed it.

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