BBC News - Palestinian teenager's body found in Jerusalem

Regardless of who killed him, in the end - he didn't deserve to die.

Perhaps that is worth remembering, even though the Pali-haters are celebrating.

Would you please point me to where people are celebrating this murder? I haven't seen that going on in this thread......

Are there cartoons in the Israeli press gloating over this poor boy's death?

give it time-----someone will find a picture of some jews dancing at a wedding
Regardless of who killed him, in the end - he didn't deserve to die.

Perhaps that is worth remembering, even though the Pali-haters are celebrating.

Would you please point me to where people are celebrating this murder? I haven't seen that going on in this thread......

Are there cartoons in the Israeli press gloating over this poor boy's death?

Perhaps not celebrating, I replied in kind. But note how in the thread about the 3 murdered boys - even the "Israel-haters" expressed sorrow and condolances at what transpired. Now we have another murdered boy, and different reactions.
Regardless of who killed him, in the end - he didn't deserve to die.

Perhaps that is worth remembering, even though the Pali-haters are celebrating.

Would you please point me to where people are celebrating this murder? I haven't seen that going on in this thread......

Are there cartoons in the Israeli press gloating over this poor boy's death?

Perhaps not celebrating, I replied in kind. But note how in the thread about the 3 murdered boys - even the "Israel-haters" expressed sorrow and condolances at what transpired. Now we have another murdered boy, and different reactions.

I feel sorry for the Arab kid, and I condemn his murder, but: 1) We don't know all the facts yet, so we don't know who did it, and 2) Just like I would mourn an aunt more than another old lady who died (though I would sympathize, of course), all Jews feel like family, so it's more painful when someone Jewish dies. Just a visceral reaction.
BBC News - Palestinian teenager's body found in Jerusalem

In an act that shows exactly what animals Israeli extremists are, they've kidnapped and murdered a Palestinian boy.

I'll bet the crime is never solved, or they never care about solving it.
I'll also bet the pro Israeli extremists on here defend this murder, just like the animals they are.

chances are they will solve the murder-----bodies are found dumped in Israel frequently---
usually murdered arab daughters, sisters or wives......the animals who murdered them
in the name of the honor of "al nabi"----are usually discovered----the weak links are the
family members themselves------and the mode of the murder----animals who murder
in the name of tend to dump the bodies in a silly way-----into a well or just in a shallow

Rare View: Arab kid murdered by his own family in an "Honor killing?"

Got News Wire
How do you know this? Living in Israel as you do, Lipush, do you have some inside information?

Yes, from Jerusalemites who happen to know things more than the press.

His Father and cousin are under questioning, days ago they tried to harm the children of this family (Arabs, not Jews).

If the Jews would have wanted to kill a Palestinian, they would not have taken a boy from Jerusalem. They'd go take some terrorist Sympathaizer from Hebron or take revenge of the family's of the kidnappers.

I cannot wait for this case to be solved, then the Israeli-haters will eat their hearts out.

The media "speculates" non stop, but at the end of the day, it will hopefully be clear.

Regardless of who killed him, in the end - he didn't deserve to die.

Perhaps that is worth remembering, even though the Pali-haters are celebrating.

I cant see any pali haters celebrating, but I do see ISLAMONAZI JEW HATERS telling lies so they can demonise the Jews and start a new BLOOD LIBEL
Regardless of who killed him, in the end - he didn't deserve to die.

Perhaps that is worth remembering, even though the Pali-haters are celebrating.

Would you please point me to where people are celebrating this murder? I haven't seen that going on in this thread......

Are there cartoons in the Israeli press gloating over this poor boy's death?

Perhaps not celebrating, I replied in kind. But note how in the thread about the 3 murdered boys - even the "Israel-haters" expressed sorrow and condolances at what transpired. Now we have another murdered boy, and different reactions.

good point----the responses to the deaths of the three boys have been remarkably
genteel NO ONE suggested that the action was actually DONE BY THE ZIONISTS--
as a cover for "Zionist atrocities" NO ONE said that the action was "heroic" NO ONE --
suggested that the boys were 'legal targets' etc and the reaction to the discovery of
a dead Palestinian teen has been UTTERLY VULGAR------all the Zionists laughed and danced
and NO ONE on "the other side" insisted --sans any evidence----DA JOOOOO DID IT
no one used the unsolved event as an opportunity to call da joooooos "animals"

it was really nice of even the jew haters to comment-----"it is unfortunate that the boys had to
die" (they just had sad.....they had to die......thus are the wages of the sin
of Zionism which 'caused it' to 'transpire'-----it somehow 'transpired'---that
as a result of 'zionism' some bullets----seem to have translated themselves from
a gun to the heads of three teenagers........reminds me of the misfortune that
Anne Frank ----had to die----of typhus----poor girl just happens to have gotten
sick) Long long ago----I learned----from an articulate English prof.-----the very
important way of exploiting the PASSIVE TENSE ---it happened, it transpired,
a death occurred" ----I remember that lesson one day in court----when an articulate
lawyer did the PASSIVE TENSE thing "some funds were taken"

oh gee-------a sense of guilt has a grip on my soul.
has the case against Hamas been proven.

Ps what your answer to my fossil question:badgrin:

The two accused are known members of Hamas. Hamas has been yelling for months about wanting to abduct Israeli Jews. Even the Hamas leader stated so very recently.

Mossad chief's chillingly prescient kidnap prophecy
Ten days ago, Tamir Pardo outlined a scenario that was spookily similar to the kidnapping of three teens missing in the West Bank since Thursday.
Mossad chief's chillingly prescient kidnap prophecy - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

And about the same time hamas was talking about kidnapping Jewish children, so what are you trying to say ?
Regardless of who killed him, in the end - he didn't deserve to die.

Perhaps that is worth remembering, even though the Pali-haters are celebrating.

Would you please point me to where people are celebrating this murder? I haven't seen that going on in this thread......

Are there cartoons in the Israeli press gloating over this poor boy's death?

Perhaps not celebrating, I replied in kind. But note how in the thread about the 3 murdered boys - even the "Israel-haters" expressed sorrow and condolances at what transpired. Now we have another murdered boy, and different reactions.

yes the Israel haters have stepped their hatred of the Jews up a few notches and are formulating a new BLOOD LIBEL. So no matter what the outcome the Jews will be demonised for the murder.
Would you please point me to where people are celebrating this murder? I haven't seen that going on in this thread......

Are there cartoons in the Israeli press gloating over this poor boy's death?

Perhaps not celebrating, I replied in kind. But note how in the thread about the 3 murdered boys - even the "Israel-haters" expressed sorrow and condolances at what transpired. Now we have another murdered boy, and different reactions.

yes the Israel haters have stepped their hatred of the Jews up a few notches and are formulating a new BLOOD LIBEL. So no matter what the outcome the Jews will be demonised for the murder.

be reasonable-----no matter what happens----no matter what the outcome of
the investigation------I CHALLENGE YOU TO PROVE THAT I (ie me--rosie) DID NOT SMILE ...
so there.......gotcha

another possibility-------da joooos are laughing in Aramaic----so no one---
will understand-----like the Talmud---Aramaic---
so no one will understand all that magic stuff
Would you please point me to where people are celebrating this murder? I haven't seen that going on in this thread......

Are there cartoons in the Israeli press gloating over this poor boy's death?

Perhaps not celebrating, I replied in kind. But note how in the thread about the 3 murdered boys - even the "Israel-haters" expressed sorrow and condolances at what transpired. Now we have another murdered boy, and different reactions.

yes the Israel haters have stepped their hatred of the Jews up a few notches and are formulating a new BLOOD LIBEL. So no matter what the outcome the Jews will be demonised for the murder.

Do you think Jews in the UK will be "demonised " (sic) for this crime?
Perhaps not celebrating, I replied in kind. But note how in the thread about the 3 murdered boys - even the "Israel-haters" expressed sorrow and condolances at what transpired. Now we have another murdered boy, and different reactions.

yes the Israel haters have stepped their hatred of the Jews up a few notches and are formulating a new BLOOD LIBEL. So no matter what the outcome the Jews will be demonised for the murder.

Do you think Jews in the UK will be "demonised " (sic) for this crime?

only by some-----a few people---only a few.
Here is a video in Israeli Channel 2: Moshe Nusbaum explains to the broadcaster that a family member, boy of 9 years old, was almost taken by from mother's arms, to be kidnapped, few days ago. The mother thought those were Jews but the father told the cops that those were Arabs who tried to take his son away. That boy was Muhammad Abu-Hdeir's sibling.

Now, what do you get from that?....

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Here is a video in Israeli Channel 2: Moshe Nusbaum explains to the broadcaster that a family member, boy of 9 years old, was almost taken by from mother's arms, to be kidnapped, few days ago. The mother thought those were Jews but the father told the cops that those were Arabs who tried to take his son away. That boy was Muhammad Abu-Hdeir's sibling.

Now, what do you get from that?....

Here is a video in Israeli Channel 2: Moshe Nusbaum explains to the broadcaster that a family member, boy of 9 years old, was almost taken by from mother's arms, to be kidnapped, few days ago. The mother thought those were Jews but the father told the cops that those were Arabs who tried to take his son away. That boy was Muhammad Abu-Hdeir's sibling.

Now, what do you get from that?....


The mother believed those were Jews because they were dressed like Jews.

Which is the same way that the kidnappers drew the 3 boys into the car, to start with.

Now we hear that Arabs try to take the little brother, for whatever reason it may have been, the same day the boys were found dead.

And now the 17 year old had died?

You know, I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories, but something totally STINKS here!
Would you please point me to where people are celebrating this murder? I haven't seen that going on in this thread......

Are there cartoons in the Israeli press gloating over this poor boy's death?

Perhaps not celebrating, I replied in kind. But note how in the thread about the 3 murdered boys - even the "Israel-haters" expressed sorrow and condolances at what transpired. Now we have another murdered boy, and different reactions.

yes the Israel haters have stepped their hatred of the Jews up a few notches and are formulating a new BLOOD LIBEL. So no matter what the outcome the Jews will be demonised for the murder.

Everyone is going to be demonized - Palestinians and Jews, it's already happening, you just see one side of it.

There's already been a great deal of violence and reaction to the murder of the 3 Jewish teens, and the police have had to intervene. I'm sure there will be more violence by Jewish citizens against Palestinians and Palestinians against Jews and that they will subsequently blame Jews for murders and assaults ahead of any evidence. It's very volatile on both sides.

Children get senselessly killed in the process.
Here is a video in Israeli Channel 2: Moshe Nusbaum explains to the broadcaster that a family member, boy of 9 years old, was almost taken by from mother's arms, to be kidnapped, few days ago. The mother thought those were Jews but the father told the cops that those were Arabs who tried to take his son away. That boy was Muhammad Abu-Hdeir's sibling.

Now, what do you get from that?....


The mother believed those were Jews because they were dressed like Jews.

Which is the same way that the kidnappers drew the 3 boys into the car, to start with.

Now we hear that Arabs try to take the little brother, for whatever reason it may have been, the same day the boys were found dead.

And now the 17 year old had died?

You know, I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories, but something totally STINKS here!

I'm content to wait on the results of the investigation.

The mother believed those were Jews because they were dressed like Jews.

Which is the same way that the kidnappers drew the 3 boys into the car, to start with.

Now we hear that Arabs try to take the little brother, for whatever reason it may have been, the same day the boys were found dead.

And now the 17 year old had died?

You know, I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories, but something totally STINKS here!

I'm content to wait on the results of the investigation.

Me too. All the meanwhile they burn Jerusalem and injure journalists.

So hopefully the results will come fast enough.
Would you please point me to where people are celebrating this murder? I haven't seen that going on in this thread......

Are there cartoons in the Israeli press gloating over this poor boy's death?

Perhaps not celebrating, I replied in kind. But note how in the thread about the 3 murdered boys - even the "Israel-haters" expressed sorrow and condolances at what transpired. Now we have another murdered boy, and different reactions.

good point----the responses to the deaths of the three boys have been remarkably
genteel NO ONE suggested that the action was actually DONE BY THE ZIONISTS--
as a cover for "Zionist atrocities" NO ONE said that the action was "heroic" NO ONE --
suggested that the boys were 'legal targets' etc and the reaction to the discovery of
a dead Palestinian teen has been UTTERLY VULGAR------all the Zionists laughed and danced
and NO ONE on "the other side" insisted --sans any evidence----DA JOOOOO DID IT
no one used the unsolved event as an opportunity to call da joooooos "animals"

it was really nice of even the jew haters to comment-----"it is unfortunate that the boys had to
die" (they just had sad.....they had to die......thus are the wages of the sin
of Zionism which 'caused it' to 'transpire'-----it somehow 'transpired'---that
as a result of 'zionism' some bullets----seem to have translated themselves from
a gun to the heads of three teenagers........reminds me of the misfortune that
Anne Frank ----had to die----of typhus----poor girl just happens to have gotten
sick) Long long ago----I learned----from an articulate English prof.-----the very
important way of exploiting the PASSIVE TENSE ---it happened, it transpired,
a death occurred" ----I remember that lesson one day in court----when an articulate
lawyer did the PASSIVE TENSE thing "some funds were taken"

oh gee-------a sense of guilt has a grip on my soul.

I think it's quite possible that most of us here - regardless of our feelings toward Israel or the Palestinians, do not like to see innocent children murdered.
oh gee-----the plot thickens-----not enough information-----for conjecture-----I do not get videos---
did they actually manage to TAKE the little boy? did the police INVESTIGATE? the big scandal
with the three jewish teens----is that the incident was not immediately investigated when the
phone call came thru. oh gee
The mother believed those were Jews because they were dressed like Jews.

Which is the same way that the kidnappers drew the 3 boys into the car, to start with.

Now we hear that Arabs try to take the little brother, for whatever reason it may have been, the same day the boys were found dead.

And now the 17 year old had died?

You know, I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories, but something totally STINKS here!

I'm content to wait on the results of the investigation.

Me too. All the meanwhile they burn Jerusalem and injure journalists.

So hopefully the results will come fast enough.

Ya...mob violence and anger can be very frightening :(

People have been pulled out of buses and attacked, etc.

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