BBC News - Palestinian teenager's body found in Jerusalem

I'm content to wait on the results of the investigation.

Me too. All the meanwhile they burn Jerusalem and injure journalists.

So hopefully the results will come fast enough.

Ya...mob violence and anger can be very frightening :(

People have been pulled out of buses and attacked, etc.

What happened today in Jerusalem was crazy, and I get the feelings things will get worse before improving.
there is something about the situation in Jerusalem which looks

We built the train for them, tried to help developing their neighborhood, and look what they did !

Summing up Jerusalem

* Stoning Jewish homes in Armon Hanatziv

* Throwing molotiv cocktails at a synagogue in the old city

* arsoning the light railway completely in East Jerusalem

* Rioting of hundreds of Palestinians in Shuafat and Issawia, throwing stones delivered by women in the buildings

* Inventing a false alarm of an Arab youth's abduction in Judea and Samaria (Not the boy killed, but another. The Arab was not kidnapped but arrested for stoning Israeli vehicles)

* Rioting in Kalandia, Har Hazeitim and Silwan

* Earlier today, attempt stabbing of a security guard at the train and multiple attempts of stabbing civilians in Yaffo street

How excellent they are at destroying. Well, it is their neighborhood. They can live with it all.

We would have had no problem with it, except that the Jewish civilians in Pisgat Ze'ev now cannot use the light railway because the trails and stations are all burned.
for discussion



I ----DO NOT DO CONSPIRACY OFTEN---BUT THIS stuff is too damned

uhm-----I know that my next statement will offend----it offends even me---
but----I got just a quick flash of a picture of the kid----I think he is about 16---
on very quick glance----the kid did not look "normal"----he could be an example
of something some nuts were willing to ----donate to the jihadist cause---as in
(sorry everyone) "he's retarded anyway----if we knock him off we can blame
da jooooos"
Indofred, please don't set precedent by calling people "animals." .

The extremists, on all sides, are no better than animals, and they don't deserve to live with reasonable people.
Why would anyone in their right mind want to share a planet with someone who would do these things?

I advocate the death sentence for these animals, and the ones that did the Israeli kids.

Precedent, set
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I rarely come down on Phoenall's side, but Indofred please don't set precedent by calling people "animals."

Animals have no rights whatsoever and can be euthanized, killed industrially in slaughterhouses, used in experimentation.... is any of this sounding familiar?

Israel is exploiting this mentality to prepare advance ideological justification for genocide. Its not a game.

It leaves us vulnerable to the same charges we are trying to levy against Israel. I appreciate nearly everything you post, but please, not this.
calling a human an animal is an insult, it refers to the religious believe that animals have no soul.The murderous extremists on both sides are soulless animals.

The OP was calling people on this forum animals.

I was.
These who support murder are little better than those who commit murder.
Plenty of people here support murder.
BBC News - Palestinian teenager's body found in Jerusalem

In an act that shows exactly what animals Israeli extremists are, they've kidnapped and murdered a Palestinian boy.

I'll bet the crime is never solved, or they never care about solving it.
I'll also bet the pro Israeli extremists on here defend this murder, just like the animals they are.

I must have missed your thread of outrage over the three Israeli teenagers who were kidnapped and murdered by Palestinians... Got a link to that?

Others started threads on that subject.
You aren't supposed to start multiple threads covering the same issues.
BBC News - Palestinian teenager's body found in Jerusalem

In an act that shows exactly what animals Israeli extremists are, they've kidnapped and murdered a Palestinian boy.

I'll bet the crime is never solved, or they never care about solving it.
I'll also bet the pro Israeli extremists on here defend this murder, just like the animals they are.

I must have missed your thread of outrage over the three Israeli teenagers who were kidnapped and murdered by Palestinians... Got a link to that?
Fred and I voiced our disgust at the murder of these three young men.A muslim and jew united in condemnation.

And that can happen in the greater world, if we can get the extremists to see sense.
Extremists are the enemies, regardless of any person's religious feelings.

OK, I'm into spreading Islam, but the idiot end of my religious group think killing is the way to do it - they should sod off and do charity work instead.
The same goes for the extremist end of the Jews.

No one with a working brain loves murder and chaos; sadly, too many people are warped.
And so it begins, and eye for an eye.

So sad. Another kid murdered.

His poor family :(

His family was the one who killed him:eusa_whistle:

Quite possibly, and that is STILL a horrible crime. The kid had harmed no one except his so called family honor if he was indeed gay. Sexual orientation should not be a crime.
Did Fred likewise refer to those suspected culprits as "animals?"

The people that committed these murders are animals, as are the Palestinians boy's murders.

I have no problem condemning murder; how about you.
Can you condemn the dogs that killed this Palestinian kid?
BBC News - Palestinian teenager's body found in Jerusalem

In an act that shows exactly what animals Israeli extremists are, they've kidnapped and murdered a Palestinian boy.

I'll bet the crime is never solved, or they never care about solving it.
I'll also bet the pro Israeli extremists on here defend this murder, just like the animals they are.

I must have missed your thread of outrage over the three Israeli teenagers who were kidnapped and murdered by Palestinians... Got a link to that?

Others started threads on that subject.
You aren't supposed to start multiple threads covering the same issues.

does anyone have any real information on this murder??? ----a body of a 17 year old
found ------JUST OUT IN THE OPEN? burned........according to some early
rumor he was beaten to death and----then burned? any actual autopsy yet?

"neighbors saw him abducted by a group of jews"

did they report it to the cops?----what's with the cops?
they ignore reports?

his mother said "he was going to the mosque and
she decided to call his cell phone and got no answer"----
the neighbors did not bother to tell her "DA JOOOOS TOOK HIM"??

so far -----we actually have no information on this event----at least none that I
know of
I am very sad that ANYONE would force a young man into a car and murder them - for any reason.

There is no excuse for this, whoever did it. If it WAS Israelis doing it for revenge, they were acting against Judaism, Zionism, and common decency and I look forward to seeing them punished for it.

I cannot imagine why anyone would fantasize that any more than a very few Israelis or Jews or anyone would be other than heartbroken over this young man's terrible death : (( It bespeaks, I feel, a deep desire to dehumanize and demonize 'the other' for Fred to make such comments..... And I'm sure that's against Islam as much as it would be against Judaism, Christianity or any other faith.

To kill an innocent is a one way ticket to hell as far as Islam is concerned.
The three Israelis were not combatants, so not fair targets.
Of course, the same applies to the Palestinian child.

I really do see murders such as we see here as less than human, regardless of what excuse they use.
All these were deliberate, well thought out and all against kids.
Yes, animals did them all, and those animals deserve sending to hell.
And so it begins, and eye for an eye.

So sad. Another kid murdered.

His poor family :(

That's why this war will never end.
Too many extremist idiots, all wanting revenge for whatever happened last.
BBC News - Palestinian teenager's body found in Jerusalem

In an act that shows exactly what animals Israeli extremists are, they've kidnapped and murdered a Palestinian boy.

I'll bet the crime is never solved, or they never care about solving it.
I'll also bet the pro Israeli extremists on here defend this murder, just like the animals they are.

chances are they will solve the murder-----bodies are found dumped in Israel frequently---
usually murdered arab daughters, sisters or wives......the animals who murdered them
in the name of the honor of "al nabi"----are usually discovered----the weak links are the
family members themselves------and the mode of the murder----animals who murder
in the name of tend to dump the bodies in a silly way-----into a well or just in a shallow

Rare View: Arab kid murdered by his own family in an "Honor killing?"

Got News Wire

You dare post some extremist blog as evidence?
As I said in my OP, there are many who don't want to solve this crime.
I am very sad that ANYONE would force a young man into a car and murder them - for any reason.

There is no excuse for this, whoever did it. If it WAS Israelis doing it for revenge, they were acting against Judaism, Zionism, and common decency and I look forward to seeing them punished for it.

I cannot imagine why anyone would fantasize that any more than a very few Israelis or Jews or anyone would be other than heartbroken over this young man's terrible death : (( It bespeaks, I feel, a deep desire to dehumanize and demonize 'the other' for Fred to make such comments..... And I'm sure that's against Islam as much as it would be against Judaism, Christianity or any other faith.

To kill an innocent is a one way ticket to hell as far as Islam is concerned.
The three Israelis were not combatants, so not fair targets.
Of course, the same applies to the Palestinian child.

I really do see murders such as we see here as less than human, regardless of what excuse they use.
All these were deliberate, well thought out and all against kids.
Yes, animals did them all, and those animals deserve sending to hell.

there is information that the Palestinian kid was taken into a car?----really?
where? Indo----lots of Islamic clerics advocate murder as a ticket to
jannah----has your head been in a bottle? Suicide slut PORTRAITS
actually depict the suicide sluts in ----a PARADISE GARDEN. How do you
define "innocents"?

Indo ---unless you know something about the murder of the Palestinian
kid that I do not--------the FACT is you just jumped into the DECLARATION
that "jewish animals" did it. Can you expand on that concept?
Here is a video in Israeli Channel 2: Moshe Nusbaum explains to the broadcaster that a family member, boy of 9 years old, was almost taken by from mother's arms, to be kidnapped, few days ago. The mother thought those were Jews but the father told the cops that those were Arabs who tried to take his son away. That boy was Muhammad Abu-Hdeir's sibling.

Now, what do you get from that?....

It was broadcast on 2 July and there are two guys talking; no evidence or anything, just two guys talking.

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