BBC News - Palestinian teenager's body found in Jerusalem

I am very sad that ANYONE would force a young man into a car and murder them - for any reason.

There is no excuse for this, whoever did it. If it WAS Israelis doing it for revenge, they were acting against Judaism, Zionism, and common decency and I look forward to seeing them punished for it.

I cannot imagine why anyone would fantasize that any more than a very few Israelis or Jews or anyone would be other than heartbroken over this young man's terrible death : (( It bespeaks, I feel, a deep desire to dehumanize and demonize 'the other' for Fred to make such comments..... And I'm sure that's against Islam as much as it would be against Judaism, Christianity or any other faith.
Indofred, please don't set precedent by calling people "animals."

Animals have no rights whatsoever and can be euthanized, killed industrially in slaughterhouses, used in experimentation.... is any of this sounding familiar?

Israel is exploiting this mentality to lay the ideological foundation for genocide. Its not a game.

It leaves us vulnerable to the same charges we are trying to levy against Israel. I appreciate nearly everything you post, but please, not this.

But Phoenall, it doesn't sound AT ALL like an honor killing to me.

That is the word on the street if you read the other post dealing with this episode
I rarely come down on Phoenall's side, but Indofred please don't set precedent by calling people "animals."

Animals have no rights whatsoever and can be euthanized, killed industrially in slaughterhouses, used in experimentation.... is any of this sounding familiar?

Israel is exploiting this mentality to prepare advance ideological justification for genocide. Its not a game.

It leaves us vulnerable to the same charges we are trying to levy against Israel. I appreciate nearly everything you post, but please, not this.
calling a human an animal is an insult, it refers to the religious believe that animals have no soul.The murderous extremists on both sides are soulless animals.

I.P. Freely, sir, your photo reminds me of Jamie Farr, Corporal Maxwell Q. Klinger on M.A.S.H., my all-time favorite show.
I rarely come down on Phoenall's side, but Indofred please don't set precedent by calling people "animals."

Animals have no rights whatsoever and can be euthanized, killed industrially in slaughterhouses, used in experimentation.... is any of this sounding familiar?

Israel is exploiting this mentality to prepare advance ideological justification for genocide. Its not a game.

It leaves us vulnerable to the same charges we are trying to levy against Israel. I appreciate nearly everything you post, but please, not this.
calling a human an animal is an insult, it refers to the religious believe that animals have no soul.The murderous extremists on both sides are soulless animals.

Have you read the Koran lately were it states that Jews and Christians are apes and pigs. This is taught in Islamic schools all over the world as it is the never changing word of their god.

Now remind me again who is calling who animals the most ?
BBC News - Palestinian teenager's body found in Jerusalem

In an act that shows exactly what animals Israeli extremists are, they've kidnapped and murdered a Palestinian boy.

I'll bet the crime is never solved, or they never care about solving it.
I'll also bet the pro Israeli extremists on here defend this murder, just like the animals they are.

The case was not solved and yet you're in a hurry to accuse...
has the case against Hamas been proven.

Ps what your answer to my fossil question:badgrin:

What fossil question ?
has the case against Hamas been proven.

Ps what your answer to my fossil question:badgrin:

The two accused are known members of Hamas. Hamas has been yelling for months about wanting to abduct Israeli Jews. Even the Hamas leader stated so very recently.
so they have been found guilty of murder in a court?

Not yet, but with the evidence stacked up against them it is a foregone conclusion. Forensics alone put the 3 boys in the car along with the arrested men.
And so it begins, and eye for an eye.

So sad. Another kid murdered.

His poor family :(
I must have missed your thread of outrage over the three Israeli teenagers who were kidnapped and murdered by Palestinians... Got a link to that?
Fred and I voiced our disgust at the murder of these three young men.A muslim and jew united in condemnation.

Like I said, I must have missed it...

Did Fred likewise refer to those suspected culprits as "animals?"

Others did.
I am very sad that ANYONE would force a young man into a car and murder them - for any reason.

There is no excuse for this, whoever did it. If it WAS Israelis doing it for revenge, they were acting against Judaism, Zionism, and common decency and I look forward to seeing them punished for it.

I cannot imagine why anyone would fantasize that any more than a very few Israelis or Jews or anyone would be other than heartbroken over this young man's terrible death : (( It bespeaks, I feel, a deep desire to dehumanize and demonize 'the other' for Fred to make such comments..... And I'm sure that's against Islam as much as it would be against Judaism, Christianity or any other faith.

Netanyahu decided to not respond or go against Hamas any further, because, and I quote- "Any escalation might trigger Hamas to launch rockets on Tel Aviv, which will be the worse of outcomes".

Get it? They don't want to piss of Hamas and cause them to launch rockets on the holier of thou Tel Aviv (because our southern blood is cheaper) so they decide to hold their horses.

So the people now see that Netanyahu does nothing, so they feel they must "let off some stim", all in the wrong ways. I believe those things would have been prevented if Netanyahu would have called in and said "Now we're going to kick some Hamas' butt, hold your horses, we will do the job".

What we hear from Netanyahu is pure silence. So what's happening? they go price tagging. They get arrested, they get beat up.

And on top of it all, now they're also being accused of things they DON'T do.

People say Israel kidnapped him? What about the things left UNsaid? Like the fact that 3 days ago, the child's mom called in the ISRAELI AUTHORITIES saying that her child was hit and almost kidnapped by SOMEONE THEY KNOW?

Or the fact that the child's FATHER is now in questioning, because police suspects he might also be involved?

How come those things never get told?
Indofred, please don't set precedent by calling people "animals."

Animals have no rights whatsoever and can be euthanized, killed industrially in slaughterhouses, used in experimentation.... is any of this sounding familiar?

Israel is exploiting this mentality to lay the ideological foundation for genocide. Its not a game.

It leaves us vulnerable to the same charges we are trying to levy against Israel. I appreciate nearly everything you post, but please, not this.

But Phoenall, it doesn't sound AT ALL like an honor killing to me.

Precedent has already been set, many times.

You're wrong about the animals - as far back as the Noahide Law there is some form of religious injunction against cruelty to animals. Both kosher and halal slaughter are an attempt to devise a method of taking an animal's life before it can realize it's in danger, feel pain or fear.

You have offered absolutely NOTHING by way of evidence nor support for your bold assertion - such cannot truthfully be had.

You're already vulnerable: the first indication is your totally one-sided POV, which is a statistical impossibility, so cannot be real. Those 'charges' are FALSE, they are based on lies.

Just can't keep yourself from acting like you've been anointed to be in charge here, LOL!

And once more: Nobody cares what things 'sound like' to such an arrogant lying daft bint.

BBC News - Palestinian teenager's body found in Jerusalem

In an act that shows exactly what animals Israeli extremists are, they've kidnapped and murdered a Palestinian boy.

I'll bet the crime is never solved, or they never care about solving it.
I'll also bet the pro Israeli extremists on here defend this murder, just like the animals they are.

chances are they will solve the murder-----bodies are found dumped in Israel frequently---
usually murdered arab daughters, sisters or wives......the animals who murdered them
in the name of the honor of "al nabi"----are usually discovered----the weak links are the
family members themselves------and the mode of the murder----animals who murder
in the name of tend to dump the bodies in a silly way-----into a well or just in a shallow
And so it begins, and eye for an eye.

So sad. Another kid murdered.

His poor family :(

His family was the one who killed him:eusa_whistle:

How do you know this? Living in Israel as you do, Lipush, do you have some inside information?

Yes, from Jerusalemites who happen to know things more than the press.

His Father and cousin are under questioning, days ago they tried to harm the children of this family (Arabs, not Jews).

If the Jews would have wanted to kill a Palestinian, they would not have taken a boy from Jerusalem. They'd go take some terrorist Sympathaizer from Hebron or take revenge of the family's of the kidnappers.

I cannot wait for this case to be solved, then the Israeli-haters will eat their hearts out.

The media "speculates" non stop, but at the end of the day, it will hopefully be clear.
And so it begins, and eye for an eye.

So sad. Another kid murdered.

His poor family :(

His family was the one who killed him:eusa_whistle:

How do you know this? Living in Israel as you do, Lipush, do you have some inside information?

Last I heard the murder is unsolved----HOWEVER since hubby reads the Hebrew papers
regularly-----I get the news on lots of murders----like several times per month----
a woman shows up in a shallow grave or dumped in a well or a young man faces
the wrath of a "brother" -----and the case does get
"cracked"------like a young family member spills the beans
His family was the one who killed him:eusa_whistle:

How do you know this? Living in Israel as you do, Lipush, do you have some inside information?

Yes, from Jerusalemites who happen to know things more than the press.

His Father and cousin are under questioning, days ago they tried to harm the children of this family (Arabs, not Jews).

If the Jews would have wanted to kill a Palestinian, they would not have taken a boy from Jerusalem. They'd go take some terrorist Sympathaizer from Hebron or take revenge of the family's of the kidnappers.

I cannot wait for this case to be solved, then the Israeli-haters will eat their hearts out.

The media "speculates" non stop, but at the end of the day, it will hopefully be clear.

Regardless of who killed him, in the end - he didn't deserve to die.

Perhaps that is worth remembering, even though the Pali-haters are celebrating.
How do you know this? Living in Israel as you do, Lipush, do you have some inside information?

Yes, from Jerusalemites who happen to know things more than the press.

His Father and cousin are under questioning, days ago they tried to harm the children of this family (Arabs, not Jews).

If the Jews would have wanted to kill a Palestinian, they would not have taken a boy from Jerusalem. They'd go take some terrorist Sympathaizer from Hebron or take revenge of the family's of the kidnappers.

I cannot wait for this case to be solved, then the Israeli-haters will eat their hearts out.

The media "speculates" non stop, but at the end of the day, it will hopefully be clear.

Regardless of who killed him, in the end - he didn't deserve to die.

Perhaps that is worth remembering, even though the Pali-haters are celebrating.

As I said, I believe the murderers should be caught and punished, whoever they might be.

But I feel enraged that they're so quick to accuse, even though many leads the police has say otherwise.

Now only minutes ago, they said on the news that they believe the killers were Jews, based on what the police said.

But then The police officially says no such thing was claimed, and that they don't have any leads.

The only reason people claim it was Jews is the TIMING.

If it was about a month, two months ago, they wouldn't be so quick to decide that.
The case was not solved and yet you're in a hurry to accuse...
has the case against Hamas been proven.

Ps what your answer to my fossil question:badgrin:

The two accused are known members of Hamas. Hamas has been yelling for months about wanting to abduct Israeli Jews. Even the Hamas leader stated so very recently.

Mossad chief's chillingly prescient kidnap prophecy
Ten days ago, Tamir Pardo outlined a scenario that was spookily similar to the kidnapping of three teens missing in the West Bank since Thursday.
Mossad chief's chillingly prescient kidnap prophecy - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz
Regardless of who killed him, in the end - he didn't deserve to die.

Perhaps that is worth remembering, even though the Pali-haters are celebrating.

Would you please point me to where people are celebrating this murder? I haven't seen that going on in this thread......

Are there cartoons in the Israeli press gloating over this poor boy's death?

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