BBC News - Palestinian teenager's body found in Jerusalem

Lipush I cannot get the video------it reveals who killed the boy?-----
why was he killed? I found the event very weird------
Is there something wrong with that boy----he appears to me---on
just a short flash of a picture-----not quite 'normal'
oh gee---another picture of the palestinian kid-----he does not look all that
"abnormal"----just very very skinny AIDS???? really abnormally
oh gee---another picture of the palestinian kid-----he does not look all that
"abnormal"----just very very skinny AIDS???? really abnormally

When there is no other action to take, disinformation works - or at least, you try to make it work.
oh gee---another picture of the palestinian kid-----he does not look all that
"abnormal"----just very very skinny AIDS???? really abnormally

When there is no other action to take, disinformation works - or at least, you try to make it work.

what is the DISINFORMATION? there is so little information ---a story---the mom said
he went to the mosque----I decided to call him on his cell phone but he did not answer. A
bunch of neighbors stated "jews came and put him in a van". Later on he was found----in the woods--
dead. I asked reasonable questions "did the people who saw him abducted call the cops?" ---
for that matter ---did they tell the mom ---"he was abducted by jews"? That is all I have----I stated
what I have----it may be entirely wrong I saw a picture of the kid----he does not look WELL at all---
I saw the mom---she does not look starved---but the boy is VERY VERY EMACIATED. People get that
way for many reasons-----some teens simply starve themselves. A serious illness---especially cancer
or tuberculosis can cause a person to be cachectic--------and there is AIDS----people with AIDS----
become very cachectic. You have any other information?
His family was the one who killed him:eusa_whistle:
And the families of the 3 teenagers were responsible for their deaths by putting them in harms way as settler insurgents.

When people make such asinine and idiotic 'statements' as the above trash-talk, they show depraved indifference for others - and they undermine the credibility of their "cause".

Those children were Bible students, not "insurgents": two of them didn't live in 'settlements', and one was a fellow American.
BBC News - Palestinian teenager's body found in Jerusalem

In an act that shows exactly what animals Israeli extremists are, they've kidnapped and murdered a Palestinian boy.

I'll bet the crime is never solved, or they never care about solving it.
I'll also bet the pro Israeli extremists on here defend this murder, just like the animals they are.

Payback's a Bitch. Two more !!! :eusa_boohoo:

That's what I mean when I suggest the murderers, and those that support them, are animals
BBC News - Palestinian teenager's body found in Jerusalem

In an act that shows exactly what animals Israeli extremists are, they've kidnapped and murdered a Palestinian boy.

I'll bet the crime is never solved, or they never care about solving it.
I'll also bet the pro Israeli extremists on here defend this murder, just like the animals they are.

Payback's a Bitch. Two more !!! :eusa_boohoo:

That's what I mean when I suggest the murderers, and those that support them, are animals
Bloodthirsty Zionists, no shock there.
When people make such asinine and idiotic 'statements' as the above trash-talk, they show depraved indifference for others - and they undermine the credibility of their "cause".

Those children were Bible students, not "insurgents": two of them didn't live in 'settlements', and one was a fellow American.
Insurgents is my word for "settlers". They're living in an area they have no legal right to be in.

But my comment is in response to Lipbush's comment. I'm just letting her know the door swings both ways.

I noticed you didn't take exception to what she said, which was almost identical to what I said. Interesting?
PaintMyHouse, et al,

First, let me say, that "if" this was some sort of revenge killing, --- it is just as dishonorable as the Kidnapping and Murder of the three seminary students.

But Arab Palestinians and their supporters, to call "zionist" bloody thirsty -- is just ridiculous.

Payback's a Bitch. Two more !!! :eusa_boohoo:

That's what I mean when I suggest the murderers, and those that support them, are animals
Bloodthirsty Zionists, no shock there.

The Arab Palestinian have been advocating terrorism, kidnapping, suicide bombings and murder for nearly seven decades. They have absolutely no room to talk at all. They have a depraved indifference to life, and have a past history of some of the most despicable terrorist action in history.

Most Respectfully,
BBC News - Palestinian teenager's body found in Jerusalem

In an act that shows exactly what animals Israeli extremists are, they've kidnapped and murdered a Palestinian boy.

I'll bet the crime is never solved, or they never care about solving it.
I'll also bet the pro Israeli extremists on here defend this murder, just like the animals they are.

Would the Palestinian boy be dead if the Jewish boys had not been killed?

No, the palestinian boy would still be alive.

So, who killed the Jewish boys?

Those are your animals.
When people make such asinine and idiotic 'statements' as the above trash-talk, they show depraved indifference for others - and they undermine the credibility of their "cause".

Those children were Bible students, not "insurgents": two of them didn't live in 'settlements', and one was a fellow American.
Insurgents is my word for "settlers". They're living in an area they have no legal right to be in.

But my comment is in response to Lipbush's comment. I'm just letting her know the door swings both ways.

I noticed you didn't take exception to what she said, which was almost identical to what I said. Interesting?

Your word, like the vast bulk of your ideas, is shit. They DO have a legal right to be there.

As for the rest of your rant: Lipush wouldn't say ANYTHING 'almost identical' to what you say, that's just your idiocy babbling again.

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