BBC News - Palestinian teenager's body found in Jerusalem

it is obvious what Frankel said frightens you :badgrin:
Wrong again. You P'd Freely, but in your pants.

Roudy ---give up-----they NEED to believe their own filth. They have been living on it
for 1800 years------BLOOD LIBEL--------the Hamass islamo Nazis have aleady turned
the death of the Palestinian kid-----into a BLOOD LIBEL.
Something I learned from hubby------the Pogrom in Aden of 1947 was also instigated
by a kind of blood libel--------a rumor that some jew touched one of their sluts. How did
they usually excite their dogs in Iraq?

You are INSANEly irresponsible, irosie. You are about to go into my electronic cornfield with Sally as someone who can be dismissed because of NEVER saying anything remotely constructive.
His family was the one who killed him:eusa_whistle:
And the families of the 3 teenagers were responsible for their deaths by putting them in harms way as settler insurgents.
Ignorant dumbass doesn't know that Jews have lived in Hebron since ancient days, and it is the location of the Tomb of Patriarchs, one of Judaism's holiest sites, which the boys were paying a religious visit to.

The same animals who's forefathers committed ancient cleansing and genocide on the ancient Jews of Hebron in 1929 killed those three boys.

I'll tell ya what, Roudy. If Israel gets soldiers are settlers out of the WB, talks can begin on a religious presence in Hebron. That has never been a problem.

But you seem to think that a longstanding Jewish religious presence in Hebron means Israel can take the place over.
I'll tell ya what, Roudy. If Israel gets soldiers are settlers out of the WB, talks can begin on a religious presence in Hebron. That has never been a problem. But you seem to think that a longstanding Jewish religious presence in Hebron means Israel can take the place over.
Being an arab settler is a difficult occupation, isn't it?
Wrong again. You P'd Freely, but in your pants.

Roudy ---give up-----they NEED to believe their own filth. They have been living on it
for 1800 years------BLOOD LIBEL--------the Hamass islamo Nazis have aleady turned
the death of the Palestinian kid-----into a BLOOD LIBEL.
Something I learned from hubby------the Pogrom in Aden of 1947 was also instigated
by a kind of blood libel--------a rumor that some jew touched one of their sluts. How did
they usually excite their dogs in Iraq?

You are INSANEly irresponsible, irosie. You are about to go into my electronic cornfield with Sally as someone who can be dismissed because of NEVER saying anything remotely constructive.

Once more the reality makes you into a dumb ISLAMONAZI. Will we see you spreading this BLOOD LIBEL some more on here.
And the families of the 3 teenagers were responsible for their deaths by putting them in harms way as settler insurgents.
Ignorant dumbass doesn't know that Jews have lived in Hebron since ancient days, and it is the location of the Tomb of Patriarchs, one of Judaism's holiest sites, which the boys were paying a religious visit to.

The same animals who's forefathers committed ancient cleansing and genocide on the ancient Jews of Hebron in 1929 killed those three boys.

I'll tell ya what, Roudy. If Israel gets soldiers are settlers out of the WB, talks can begin on a religious presence in Hebron. That has never been a problem.

But you seem to think that a longstanding Jewish religious presence in Hebron means Israel can take the place over.

The fact that Jews owned Hebron up until the ISLAMONAZI MURDERING SCUM drove them out in 1948.

I tell you what amity why don't you get all the illegal arab muslim immigrants out of Palestinian and send them all back were they came from.
Here then I'll repost it for you too:

Yet, sadly and perhaps unsurprisingly, there were also those who celebrated the kidnapping and glorified the murderer's actions. In the days following the kidnapping, social media was also abuzz with the "Three Fingers" campaign, with images depicting adults and children gleefully performing a three-finger salute in solidarity with the kidnappers' actions. A related, ugly social media campaign, "Three Shalits," a reference to the former Israeli solider Gilad Shalit who was kidnapped by Hamas and exchanged for the release of over 1,000 Palestinian terrorists, encouraged the public to share three-finger photos in support of a similar exchange of Palestinians for the kidnapped teens.

In a practice all too familiar among Palestinians, some Gazans took to the streets to celebrate the kidnapping, expressing support for the kidnappers while handing out sweets to locals. Hamas officials, while denying Israel's accusations that they were behind the kidnapping, praised the abduction as a form of "resistance" against Israel.
chances are they will solve the murder-----bodies are found dumped in Israel frequently---
usually murdered arab daughters, sisters or wives......the animals who murdered them
in the name of the honor of "al nabi"----are usually discovered----the weak links are the
family members themselves------and the mode of the murder----animals who murder
in the name of tend to dump the bodies in a silly way-----into a well or just in a shallow

Rare View: Arab kid murdered by his own family in an "Honor killing?"

Got News Wire

You dare post some extremist blog as evidence?
As I said in my OP, there are many who don't want to solve this crime.

You really are too funny. Both links are to stories that boy might have been gay. As far as extremist blog, do you even know who and what they are for or against?

Jump up and down while patting yourself on the back if it makes you feel good. You might look ridiculous doing so, but if this is how you get your kicks.


To make you fit the part of jester.
And the families of the 3 teenagers were responsible for their deaths by putting them in harms way as settler insurgents.
Ignorant dumbass doesn't know that Jews have lived in Hebron since ancient days, and it is the location of the Tomb of Patriarchs, one of Judaism's holiest sites, which the boys were paying a religious visit to.

The same animals who's forefathers committed ancient cleansing and genocide on the ancient Jews of Hebron in 1929 killed those three boys.

I'll tell ya what, Roudy. If Israel gets soldiers are settlers out of the WB, talks can begin on a religious presence in Hebron. That has never been a problem.

But you seem to think that a longstanding Jewish religious presence in Hebron means Israel can take the place over.
Long standing? Jews have been living in Hebron since ancient days, and in fact defended it against the Crusaders, WITH NO ARABS / MUSLIMS AROUND. You know when Jews stopped living in Hebron? When Muslim animals committed ethnic cleansing and genocide on them in 1929. That's when.

Those three boys had every right to visit a site that is the second holiest site in their faith without some Muslim animals trying to kidnap or kill them. That town has had the a Jewish name of HEVRON for 2500 years, long before Muslim invaders and long before Islam.
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Here's a man who says his family was among the Jewish families in Hebron.
He is articulate and has quite a story to tell:

And of course the current Palestinian inhabitants ARE in all likelihood descended from the ancient Jewish inhabitants, whereas the Zionist settlers who are trying to take over are NOT descended from the Jewish inhabitants.
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And here's a Palestinian whore sub humanoid who's father was one of the animals who committed the Hebron massacre.

[ame=]92 years old palestinian women talk about Hebron massacre - YouTube[/ame]
Roudy, you are utterly worthless as a contributor.
Didn't you even notice how he cut her off?
You aren't going to be satisfied until the streets of Palestine/Israel run with blood, and when it comes right down to it, you don't really care whose....

You are so hateful and racist you are no longer welcome in my mind.
I have nothing to learn from you and so am going to forget you exist.

To the electronic corn field with you!!!

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I dislike the daily mail but I'll use their story on this occasion as, being a right wing, anti Muslim rag, there's little for the pro murder brigade to question in this link.

Footage shows Israeli police beating Palestinian teenager | Mail Online

Shocking footage shows Israeli police savagely beating teenage cousin of Palestinian boy, 15, burned alive in revenge attack over death of three Jewish youths

One kid was murdered by setting the poor sod on fire, so police kick his cousin in the head.

There he is, on the ground and defencless, being beaten up by bastards.

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Roudy, you are utterly worthless as a contributor.
Didn't you even notice how he cut her off?
You aren't going to be satisfied until the streets of Palestine/Israel run with blood, and when it comes right down to it, you don't really care whose....

You are so hateful and racist you are no longer welcome in my mind.
I have nothing to learn from you and so am going to forget you exist.

To the electronic corn field with you!!!

Keep up will ya? This Palestinian whore was describing her personal account of the Hebron massacre. The journalist cut her off because she was saying things that were true, embarrassing, and disgusting about the massacre and embarrassing and exposing the Palestinians who did it as bloodthirsty savages, DIPSHIT.

Speaking of worthless, you worm, I'm not the one spamming the board with hate, old Islamist propaganda, and lies 24/7. Stop wasting so much oxygen and the pixels on my screen, you filthy Islamist hag - sock.
Roudy, you are utterly worthless as a contributor.
Didn't you even notice how he cut her off?
You aren't going to be satisfied until the streets of Palestine/Israel run with blood, and when it comes right down to it, you don't really care whose....

You are so hateful and racist you are no longer welcome in my mind.
I have nothing to learn from you and so am going to forget you exist.

To the electronic corn field with you!!!

Keep up will ya? This Palestinian whore was describing her personal account of the Hebron massacre. The journalist cut her off because she was saying things that were true, embarrassing, and disgusting about the massacre and embarrassing and exposing the Palestinians who did it as bloodthirsty savages, DIPSHIT.

Speaking of worthless, you worm, I'm not the one spamming the board with hate, old Islamist propaganda, and lies 24/7. Stop wasting so much oxygen and the pixels on my screen, you filthy Islamist hag - sock.

Come on, Roudy, tell us what we really think.
I thank God I don't ever have to read that hater's b.s. again.
He just HATES what i am saying because it is the truth.
Ignorant dumbass doesn't know that Jews have lived in Hebron since ancient days, and it is the location of the Tomb of Patriarchs, one of Judaism's holiest sites, which the boys were paying a religious visit to.

The same animals who's forefathers committed ancient cleansing and genocide on the ancient Jews of Hebron in 1929 killed those three boys.
Zionists started the Hebron riots in '29 when a band of them went down to the Wailing Wall and declared it "theirs".

BTW, there were over 400 Jews whose lives were saved by their Arab neighbors during those riots.

In mid-August 1929, hundreds of Jewish nationalists marched to the Western Wall in Jerusalem shouting slogans such as The Wall is Ours and raising the Jewish national flag.

Jewish homes were pillaged and synagogues were ransacked. Many of the 435 Jews who survived were hidden by local Arab families.
Ignorant dumbass doesn't know that Jews have lived in Hebron since ancient days, and it is the location of the Tomb of Patriarchs, one of Judaism's holiest sites, which the boys were paying a religious visit to.

The same animals who's forefathers committed ancient cleansing and genocide on the ancient Jews of Hebron in 1929 killed those three boys.
Zionists started the Hebron riots in '29 when a band of them went down to the Wailing Wall and declared it "theirs".

BTW, there were over 400 Jews whose lives were saved by their Arab neighbors during those riots.

In mid-August 1929, hundreds of Jewish nationalists marched to the Western Wall in Jerusalem shouting slogans such as The Wall is Ours and raising the Jewish national flag.

Jewish homes were pillaged and synagogues were ransacked. Many of the 435 Jews who survived were hidden by local Arab families.

Let's analyze this statement using actual brain cells...
Jews SAID, "The Wall is Ours [/B]and raised the Jewish national flag."
The Muslim response, as always, was to commit murder.

I see...very logical.
Let's analyze this statement using actual brain cells...
Jews SAID, "The Wall is Ours [/B]and raised the Jewish national flag."
The Muslim response, as always, was to commit murder.

I see...very logical.
The muslim response should be condemned for what it is, but nothing happens in a vacuum.

My point was Zionists also bear responsibility in those riots as well.

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