BBC News - Palestinian teenager's body found in Jerusalem

Let's analyze this statement using actual brain cells...
Jews SAID, "The Wall is Ours [/B]and raised the Jewish national flag."
The Muslim response, as always, was to commit murder.

I see...very logical.
The muslim response should be condemned for what it is, but nothing happens in a vacuum.

My point was Zionists also bear responsibility in those riots as well.

1929...No State of Israel.
And I have YET to see you post even ONE condemnation of the murderous Muslims.
You fail once again.

And how wussy is..."The muslim response should be condemned for what it is"
"what it is"...Why don't YOU tell us "what it is" besides the USUAL historical Muslim response to EVERYTHING that ever pisses them off; including murdering each other.

Man, your father must have REALLY beat the shit out of you when he was cursing out his Jew boss.
And I have never seen a Z post a condemnation of Israeli murders, of which there have been so MANY MORE than there have been Palestinian attacks on Israelis.

By the way, if there was something specifically "muslim" about these riots, someone enlighten me.
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And I have never seen a Z post a condemnation of Israeli murders, of which there have been so MANY MORE than there have been Palestinian attacks on Israelis.

By the way, if there was something specifically "muslim" about these riots, someone enlighten me.

I don't count children being killed in bomb factories as murder.
If you do, you're moral barometer is out of sync with non-Muslims.
1929...No State of Israel.
And I have YET to see you post even ONE condemnation of the murderous Muslims.
You fail once again.
I failed? In spite of the fact that I condemned the riots just one post before.
And how wussy is..."The muslim response should be condemned for what it is"
"what it is"...Why don't YOU tell us "what it is" besides the USUAL historical Muslim response to EVERYTHING that ever pisses them off; including murdering each other.
"It", was the riots themselves. You had to be "told" that? It would make sense. Because even when you comment on my condemnation of those riots, you still go on to say I never condemned their actions. That's out there!
Man, your father must have REALLY beat the shit out of you when he was cursing out his Jew boss.
My father hated blacks, not Jews.

But he did admit on his death bed, he liked Magic Johnson.
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And I have never seen a Z post a condemnation of Israeli murders, of which there have been so MANY MORE than there have been Palestinian attacks on Israelis.

By the way, if there was something specifically "muslim" about these riots, someone enlighten me.

I don't count children being killed in bomb factories as murder.
If you do, you're moral barometer is out of sync with non-Muslims.

Look, hater, were you going to tell us about this?:

Arabs shelter Jews

About two dozen Arab families hid Jews in their homes.[32]
Aharon Reuven Bernzweig related that an Arab named Haj Eissa El Kourdieh, saved a group of 33 Jews after he insisted they hide in his cellar. There they waited with a "deadly fear" for the trouble to pass, worrying that the "murderers outside would hear [the little children who kept crying]." From the cellar, they heard cries of "today is a day that is holy to Mohammed. Anyone who does not kill Jews is a sinner." Meanwhile, several Arab women, stood guard outside, repetitively challenging the claims of the screaming mob that they were sheltering Jews.[2] Yonah Molchadsky gave birth while taking refuge in an Arab basement. Molchadsky later related that when the mob demanded that Arabs give up any Jews they were hiding, her host told them "we have already killed our Jews," whereupon the mob departed.[33] The family of Abu Id Zaitoun rescued Zmira Mani and other Jews by hiding them in their cellar and protecting them with their swords. They later found policeman to escort them safely to the police station at Beit Romano.[34]

I'm sure you were NOT going to tell us because it doesn't serve your purpose of inciting hatred.

OR were you going to mention that what sparked the riots was a rumor that Jews were massacring Arabs in Jerusalem?

See there are always AT LEAST two sides to every story.
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I don't count children being killed in bomb factories as murder.
If you do, you're moral barometer is out of sync with non-Muslims.
How about children hit with a missile while they are sleeping in their bedroom or out playing soccer?

How about rockets being fired from the window on the floor above or the roof?
You think Muslims don't fire weapons from tenement buildings?

But no, you're right, Jews are murderous fuckers.
Especially the accountants.
And I have never seen a Z post a condemnation of Israeli murders, of which there have been so MANY MORE than there have been Palestinian attacks on Israelis.

By the way, if there was something specifically "muslim" about these riots, someone enlighten me.

I don't count children being killed in bomb factories as murder.
If you do, you're moral barometer is out of sync with non-Muslims.

Look, hater, were you going to tell us about this?:

Arabs shelter Jews

About two dozen Arab families hid Jews in their homes.[32]
Aharon Reuven Bernzweig related that an Arab named Haj Eissa El Kourdieh, saved a group of 33 Jews after he insisted they hide in his cellar. There they waited with a "deadly fear" for the trouble to pass, worrying that the "murderers outside would hear [the little children who kept crying]." From the cellar, they heard cries of "today is a day that is holy to Mohammed. Anyone who does not kill Jews is a sinner." Meanwhile, several Arab women, stood guard outside, repetitively challenging the claims of the screaming mob that they were sheltering Jews.[2] Yonah Molchadsky gave birth while taking refuge in an Arab basement. Molchadsky later related that when the mob demanded that Arabs give up any Jews they were hiding, her host told them "we have already killed our Jews," whereupon the mob departed.[33] The family of Abu Id Zaitoun rescued Zmira Mani and other Jews by hiding them in their cellar and protecting them with their swords. They later found policeman to escort them safely to the police station at Beit Romano.[34]

I'm sure you weren't because it doesn't serve your purpose of inciting hatred.

OR were you going to mention that what sparked the riots was a rumor that Jews were massacring Arabs in Jerusalem?

See there are always AT LEAST two sides to every story.

I didn't come to this forum posting "Hate The Jews" videos like you did.
Your knowledge of history is beyond faulty and the fact that you don't watch the videos you post is embarrassing.
I know, I know, you DO watch the videos.
THAT fact may be even MORE embarrassing for you as you miss all the inconsistencies contained in them.
You are no historians and not even capable of simple logic.
I thank God I don't ever have to read that hater's b.s. again.
He just HATES what i am saying because it is the truth.

NO. He hates what you're saying because it NOT a truth, let alone 'the' truth. It is just one more example of overweening arrogance to make such a preposterous claim...and the "I thank God" was a bit of revolting religious grandstanding.

Has anyone else noticed just how full of 'herself' this Hostility is? Really: its entire post above is one big 'neener, neener'. Yup - that's really informed and mature discussion up there.
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You really should stop all the Jew hate and slander; it is Zionists who are murderous fuckers, not Jews, but Zionists.

And rockets are not fired from houses, lying Zionist scum.

We see what Zionists pasttime is in Palestine, burning alive children, killing children, terrorized children. That defines Zionism for the world, child killing scum. And the fate for such as that, absent repentance, is burning in hell.

I don't count children being killed in bomb factories as murder.
If you do, you're moral barometer is out of sync with non-Muslims.
How about children hit with a missile while they are sleeping in their bedroom or out playing soccer?

How about rockets being fired from the window on the floor above or the roof?
You think Muslims don't fire weapons from tenement buildings?

But no, you're right, Jews are murderous fuckers.
Especially the accountants.
You really should stop all the Jew hate and slander; it is Zionists who are murderous fuckers, not Jews, but Zionists.

And rockets are not fired from houses, lying Zionist scum.

We see what Zionists pasttime is in Palestine, burning alive children, killing children, terrorized children. That defines Zionism for the world, child killing scum. And the fate for such as that, absent repentance, is burning in hell.

How about children hit with a missile while they are sleeping in their bedroom or out playing soccer?

How about rockets being fired from the window on the floor above or the roof?
You think Muslims don't fire weapons from tenement buildings?

But no, you're right, Jews are murderous fuckers.
Especially the accountants.

I see its angry sherri's shift.
Can't you sherris at least have the honesty to each have you own user name?
A Zionist knows nothing about Truth, they are filled with lies and hate.

Hate so great they burn alive children, we all just watched that happen in Occupied Palestine. We saw Zionism defined !

What a joke, to speak of Zionism and truth in the same breath!

I thank God I don't ever have to read that hater's b.s. again.
He just HATES what i am saying because it is the truth.

NO. He hates what you're saying because it NOT a truth, let alone 'the' truth. It is just one more example of overweening arrogance to make such a preposterous claim...and the "I thank God" was a bit of revolting religious grandstanding.

Has anyone else noticed just how full of 'herself' this Hostility is? Really: its entire post above is one big 'neener, neener'. Yup - that's really informed and mature discussion up there.
Look, hater, were you going to tell us about this?:

Arabs shelter Jews

About two dozen Arab families hid Jews in their homes.[32]
Aharon Reuven Bernzweig related that an Arab named Haj Eissa El Kourdieh, saved a group of 33 Jews after he insisted they hide in his cellar. There they waited with a "deadly fear" for the trouble to pass, worrying that the "murderers outside would hear [the little children who kept crying]." From the cellar, they heard cries of "today is a day that is holy to Mohammed. Anyone who does not kill Jews is a sinner." Meanwhile, several Arab women, stood guard outside, repetitively challenging the claims of the screaming mob that they were sheltering Jews.[2] Yonah Molchadsky gave birth while taking refuge in an Arab basement. Molchadsky later related that when the mob demanded that Arabs give up any Jews they were hiding, her host told them "we have already killed our Jews," whereupon the mob departed.[33] The family of Abu Id Zaitoun rescued Zmira Mani and other Jews by hiding them in their cellar and protecting them with their swords. They later found policeman to escort them safely to the police station at Beit Romano.[34]

I'm sure you weren't because it doesn't serve your purpose of inciting hatred.

OR were you going to mention that what sparked the riots was a rumor that Jews were massacring Arabs in Jerusalem?

See there are always AT LEAST two sides to every story.

I didn't come to this forum posting "Hate The Jews" videos like you did.
oh, really, when did I post "hate the Jews videos.?" Most of what I have posted has been Jews talking about their experience and knowledge of
Zionism, in fact. So how does your contention that these are "hate the Jews videos" square with that reality?
Your knowledge of history is beyond faulty and the fact that you don't watch the videos you post is embarrassing.
I DO watch the videos I post, and many I watched months and years before I ever got here. YOU are just embarrassed because they don't feature all the hateful things you wish they did.
THAT fact may be even MORE embarrassing for you as you miss all the inconsistencies contained in them.
You are no historians and not even capable of simple logic.
The people you are condemning as inconsistent (and very ungrammatically, too, might I add) have so much more evident education than you that you can't comprehend them. You have one pat little Zionist version of history cemented in your head, and when a Jew comes along to tell you "No, that is not right, we DID drive them out." or "Zionism is contrary to Judaism" it strips the gears in your brain and you can't think straight. Get that Z stuff out of your head long enough listen to what your fellow Jews are saying.
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Guess who's winning?

Unlike Muslims, who are NOT allowed to digress from the path of the psycho with the most guns, Jews can express dissent.
If my dissent is pro-Zionist Piggy stuff, that's my right.
Poor Hostility doesn't know anything about Judaism, yet there the daft bint is, presuming it has some right to give directions to others......

Why isn't Hostility willing to drop her anti-Zionist hatred and listen to what her fellow Christians are saying?
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LOL, there goes the Whore of All HAMAS, playing at board-nanny again : )) Poor l'il sherriKKKins is delusional enough to imagine that she has any right to tell others what they 'should' do........

Why, one might even be deceived into thinking the sherriliar hadn't called other posters "Christ rejecters" in trying to insult and offend them! What a filthy liar that l'il sherrithing is!

You think I'm Sherry?:eusa_clap:
A Zionist knows nothing about Truth, they are filled with lies and hate.

Hate so great they burn alive children, we all just watched that happen in Occupied Palestine. We saw Zionism defined !

What a joke, to speak of Zionism and truth in the same breath!

Yanno, l'il sherriliar - when you spew filth like that, any reasonable person will ignore you. When will you catch on: your 'feeeeeeeewings' do not matter at all. Emotions have no truth value.

There hasn't been ANY accusation you've balked at throwing at 'Zionists'. It truly appalls me that you, as an officer of the court, are oh-so-willing to assume that the vile murderers of that poor teenage boy are 'Zionists'.

Aren't officers of the court supposed to support the principals of that court in ALL cases?

Why don't you want to wait and see what the police investigation turns up?

Have you considered the possibility of the stain on your soul if it's proven that the murder was NOT committed by 'Zionists'?
Now wait a frickin' minute. When it suits you, you justify extrajudicial house demolitions, extrajudicial killings even, and now you accuse Sherri?

I agree we should just wait and see, but frankly if the Z's say it was honor killing I will be confident they're lying, because that is what Z's do. Its in their nature.

And what makes you think emotions have no truth value anyway? I have philosphical issues with that, in your position.
LOL, there goes the Whore of All HAMAS, playing at board-nanny again : )) Poor l'il sherriKKKins is delusional enough to imagine that she has any right to tell others what they 'should' do........

Why, one might even be deceived into thinking the sherriliar hadn't called other posters "Christ rejecters" in trying to insult and offend them! What a filthy liar that l'il sherrithing is!

You think I'm Sherry?:eusa_clap:

Wow. Hostility really is that full of herself. Guess she figured she was 'the' board-nanny around here!

Ya poor daft bint, when I say someone has used a specific phrase, you can bet that it happened. If you've been flinging that particular blob o' feces around here, I hadn't seen it.... but the sherrithing sure 'nuff uses that phrase, a lot. Right after pissing and moaning that trash-talking Jews is wrong.

So trash-talking Jews-as-Jews is a terrible thing to do UNLESS it's the sherriliarfromHell spitting 'Christ rejector' (she can't spell, either!) at non-Christian posters.
Now wait a frickin' minute. When it suits you, you justify extrajudicial house demolitions, extrajudicial killings even, and now you accuse Sherri?

I agree we should just wait and see, but frankly if the Z's say it was honor killing I will be confident they're lying, because that is what Z's do. Its in their nature.
And what makes you think emotions have no truth value anyway? I have philosphical issues with that, in your position.

Well, isn't THAT special! I've hardly ever seen so exact an exposition of prejudice and hate speech as the vile spewage in bold above.

And THAT was posted by someone who deludes herself that she can constantly sling such offensive insulting garbage at other people - but the other people are supposed to accept her every idea because she 'knows in her heart of hearts'?

What is the magic power of Hostility's 'feeeeewings' which makes them more valid a determinant of truth than anyone else's feelings or analysis of the available facts? There's no logical reason to place ANY other person's 'feeeeeeeewings' on a situation above one's own - so 'magic' is an apt description of it.

You appear, Hostility, to be claiming that I personally "justify extrajudicial house demolitions, extrajudicial killings even...." SHOW ME THE POSTS where you imagine that I've done so - and explain that 'when it suits you' stuff.

And then, Hostility, you can explain just why you're pissing and moaning that I've accused the l'il sherrifilth of something or other which you don't think is true....... I've only been posting here for a bit over 2 YEARS: you've been here less than 2 MONTHS.

Now how do you figure, Hostility, that you 'know' what's gone on here for almost two years? More of that magical "superiority" of yours?

I'm not interested in comparing degrees or dissertations or alma maters in some idiotic pissing contest.

I don't think it requires all that much intelligence or education to understand that the words you posted which I've bolded above are NOT the way reasonable people express themselves. You've been criticizing others for posting about 'Palestinian mentality' and such - but you certainly have proven yourself to be no less biased and prejudiced than you've claimed they are.

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