BBC News - Palestinian teenager's body found in Jerusalem

Is it possible for the Zionist MHunterB to discuss thread topics instead of the regular spewing of Zionist hate?

We all know you hate me, but I am not the topic. And I could care less what you say about me, your words simply keep on showing us who you are, saying everything about you and nothing about me.

The topic is the Palestinian teenager burned alive by Zionist settler scum.

I certainly hate seeing what happened to this boy, but there is a positive aspect to this, we are all seeing Zionism exposed to the world for what it is. That is a good thing, it hastens the day Zionist Israel ceases to exist.
Is it possible for the Zionist MHunterB to discuss thread topics instead of the regular spewing of Zionist hate?

We all know you hate me, but I am not the topic. And I could care less what you say about me, your words simply keep on showing us who you are, saying everything about you and nothing about me.

The topic is the Palestinian teenager burned alive by Zionist settler scum.

I certainly hate seeing what happened to this boy, but there is a positive aspect to this, we are all seeing Zionism exposed to the world for what it is. That is a good thing, it hastens the day Zionist Israel ceases to exist.
I whole heartily condemn the murder of the young Palestinian child, would you join me in condemning the murder of the three Jewish children?
Now wait a frickin' minute. When it suits you, you justify extrajudicial house demolitions, extrajudicial killings even, and now you accuse Sherri?

I agree we should just wait and see, but frankly if the Z's say it was honor killing I will be confident they're lying, because that is what Z's do. Its in their nature.
And what makes you think emotions have no truth value anyway? I have philosphical issues with that, in your position.

Well, isn't THAT special! I've hardly ever seen so exact an exposition of prejudice and hate speech as the vile spewage in bold above.

And THAT was posted by someone who deludes herself that she can constantly sling such offensive insulting garbage at other people - but the other people are supposed to accept her every idea because she 'knows in her heart of hearts'?

What is the magic power of Hostility's 'feeeeewings' which makes them more valid a determinant of truth than anyone else's feelings or analysis of the available facts? There's no logical reason to place ANY other person's 'feeeeeeeewings' on a situation above one's own - so 'magic' is an apt description of it.

You appear, Hostility, to be claiming that I personally "justify extrajudicial house demolitions, extrajudicial killings even...." SHOW ME THE POSTS where you imagine that I've done so - and explain that 'when it suits you' stuff.

And then, Hostility, you can explain just why you're pissing and moaning that I've accused the l'il sherrifilth of something or other which you don't think is true....... I've only been posting here for a bit over 2 YEARS: you've been here less than 2 MONTHS.

Now how do you figure, Hostility, that you 'know' what's gone on here for almost two years? More of that magical "superiority" of yours?

I'm not interested in comparing degrees or dissertations or alma maters in some idiotic pissing contest.

I don't think it requires all that much intelligence or education to understand that the words you posted which I've bolded above are NOT the way reasonable people express themselves. You've been criticizing others for posting about 'Palestinian mentality' and such - but you certainly have proven yourself to be no less biased and prejudiced than you've claimed they are.
I ask you the same question as above.
Now wait a frickin' minute. When it suits you, you justify extrajudicial house demolitions, extrajudicial killings even, and now you accuse Sherri?

I agree we should just wait and see, but frankly if the Z's say it was honor killing I will be confident they're lying, because that is what Z's do. Its in their nature.
And what makes you think emotions have no truth value anyway? I have philosphical issues with that, in your position.

Well, isn't THAT special! I've hardly ever seen so exact an exposition of prejudice and hate speech as the vile spewage in bold above.

And THAT was posted by someone who deludes herself that she can constantly sling such offensive insulting garbage at other people - but the other people are supposed to accept her every idea because she 'knows in her heart of hearts'?

What is the magic power of Hostility's 'feeeeewings' which makes them more valid a determinant of truth than anyone else's feelings or analysis of the available facts? There's no logical reason to place ANY other person's 'feeeeeeeewings' on a situation above one's own - so 'magic' is an apt description of it.

You appear, Hostility, to be claiming that I personally "justify extrajudicial house demolitions, extrajudicial killings even...." SHOW ME THE POSTS where you imagine that I've done so - and explain that 'when it suits you' stuff.

And then, Hostility, you can explain just why you're pissing and moaning that I've accused the l'il sherrifilth of something or other which you don't think is true....... I've only been posting here for a bit over 2 YEARS: you've been here less than 2 MONTHS.

Now how do you figure, Hostility, that you 'know' what's gone on here for almost two years? More of that magical "superiority" of yours?

I'm not interested in comparing degrees or dissertations or alma maters in some idiotic pissing contest.

I don't think it requires all that much intelligence or education to understand that the words you posted which I've bolded above are NOT the way reasonable people express themselves. You've been criticizing others for posting about 'Palestinian mentality' and such - but you certainly have proven yourself to be no less biased and prejudiced than you've claimed they are.
I ask you the same question as above.

My views on the matter have been posted several times on various threads. If you look up 'all posts' you can find that I've already condemned this most vicious murder of Mohamed Hussein Abu Khdeir no matter WHO perpetrated this terrible crime and no matter for what 'reason'.

I didn't wait for someone to ask me to condemn Abu Khdeir's murder..... it's rather like asking someone 'Do you love me?' If I've got to ask for you to say so, your response is pretty well degraded by that circumstance......
Well, isn't THAT special! I've hardly ever seen so exact an exposition of prejudice and hate speech as the vile spewage in bold above.

And THAT was posted by someone who deludes herself that she can constantly sling such offensive insulting garbage at other people - but the other people are supposed to accept her every idea because she 'knows in her heart of hearts'?

What is the magic power of Hostility's 'feeeeewings' which makes them more valid a determinant of truth than anyone else's feelings or analysis of the available facts? There's no logical reason to place ANY other person's 'feeeeeeeewings' on a situation above one's own - so 'magic' is an apt description of it.

You appear, Hostility, to be claiming that I personally "justify extrajudicial house demolitions, extrajudicial killings even...." SHOW ME THE POSTS where you imagine that I've done so - and explain that 'when it suits you' stuff.

And then, Hostility, you can explain just why you're pissing and moaning that I've accused the l'il sherrifilth of something or other which you don't think is true....... I've only been posting here for a bit over 2 YEARS: you've been here less than 2 MONTHS.

Now how do you figure, Hostility, that you 'know' what's gone on here for almost two years? More of that magical "superiority" of yours?

I'm not interested in comparing degrees or dissertations or alma maters in some idiotic pissing contest.

I don't think it requires all that much intelligence or education to understand that the words you posted which I've bolded above are NOT the way reasonable people express themselves. You've been criticizing others for posting about 'Palestinian mentality' and such - but you certainly have proven yourself to be no less biased and prejudiced than you've claimed they are.
I ask you the same question as above.

My views on the matter have been posted several times on various threads. If you look up 'all posts' you can find that I've already condemned this most vicious murder of Mohamed Hussein Abu Khdeir no matter WHO perpetrated this terrible crime and no matter for what 'reason'.

I didn't wait for someone to ask me to condemn Abu Khdeir's murder..... it's rather like asking someone 'Do you love me?' If I've got to ask for you to say so, your response is pretty well degraded by that circumstance......
:eusa_clap: I would recommend Edward de Bono.
This was not a national crime!

Mark my words. Print-screen this post. This was not a national crime, the boy was killed for family-honor, he was not killed by Jews,

And I say this openly, if it turns out I'm wrong, I will openly and publicly apologize to you, and whoever believed it was indeed this case.

Until then, think twice to whom you call animals, please.
proof please, and if you are wrong I want no apology, just condemn the soulless animals responsible.
How about rockets being fired from the window on the floor above or the roof?
You think Muslims don't fire weapons from tenement buildings?
Answer the question without throwing your bullshit two cents into the mix!

Gazan children have been killed while sleeping in their beds from a missile attack with no rockets fired above, no suicide jackets, no human shields; all they were doing WAS SLEEPING !

Children have been targeted while playing soccer; children have been targeted while walking to school; children have been targeted while going to the store and fuckers like you, just like the fuckers in Nazi Germany, accept this kind of violence and never speak out against it.

But no, you're right, Jews are murderous fuckers.
Especially the accountants.
Come hell or high water, you got to find some way to make this about Jews. You won't be able to live with yourself, if you can't get people to believe, this is about Jews. Well, sorry , it isn't!
LOL, there goes the Whore of All HAMAS, playing at board-nanny again : )) Poor l'il sherriKKKins is delusional enough to imagine that she has any right to tell others what they 'should' do........

Why, one might even be deceived into thinking the sherriliar hadn't called other posters "Christ rejecters" in trying to insult and offend them! What a filthy liar that l'il sherrithing is!
And to think, you call me disrespectful and insulting?

What a fuckin' hypocrite you are!

You accept the violence against this Palestinian teenager, then attack anyone who takes issue with that.

You're a scumbag!

Guess who's winning?

Unlike Muslims, who are NOT allowed to digress from the path of the psycho with the most guns, Jews can express dissent.
If my dissent is pro-Zionist Piggy stuff, that's my right.
How about Gazans not being allowed to have exports?

You bitch about them not being able to support themselves, well, how can a business thrive without being able to export its products?
How about rockets being fired from the window on the floor above or the roof?
You think Muslims don't fire weapons from tenement buildings?
Answer the question mother-fucker without throwing your bullshit two cents into the mix!

Gazan children have been killed while sleeping in their beds from a missile attack with no rockets fired above, no suicide jackets, no human shields; all they were doing WAS SLEEPING YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!

Children have been targeted while playing soccer; children have been targeted while walking to school; children have been targeted while going to the store and fuckers like you, just like the fuckers in Nazi Germany, accept this kind of violence and never speak out against it.

But no, you're right, Jews are murderous fuckers.
Especially the accountants.
Come hell or high water, you got to find some way to make this about Jews. You won't be able to live with yourself, if you can't get people to believe, this is about Jews. Well, sorry fucker, it isn't!

Very simple dildo the terrorists will be using the location to fire rockets, it could be in the grounds of the building. So the Israelis return fire and people get hurt or killed. The blame still lies with the Palestinians for not meeting INTERNATIONAL LAW and using civilian areas to fire rockets at Israel. Over half of gaza in unoccupied land, what cant they fire from there ?

You foul mouthed rant shows that deep down you know the arab muslims are the ones to blame for the deaths but your HATRED for the Jews keeps bubbling up to the top

Guess who's winning?

Unlike Muslims, who are NOT allowed to digress from the path of the psycho with the most guns, Jews can express dissent.
If my dissent is pro-Zionist Piggy stuff, that's my right.
How about Gazans not being allowed to have exports?

You bitch about them not being able to support themselves, well, how can a business thrive without being able to export its products?

Apart from other terrorists who wants qassams. If they want to export then let them give up all terrorisn, violence and belligerence as demanded by the Geneva conventions and International law


Guess who's winning?

Unlike Muslims, who are NOT allowed to digress from the path of the psycho with the most guns, Jews can express dissent.
If my dissent is pro-Zionist Piggy stuff, that's my right.
How about Gazans not being allowed to have exports?

You bitch about them not being able to support themselves, well, how can a business thrive without being able to export its products?

No exports?
Please explain the Mall and Billionaires Row.
And please explain why the upper echelon Gazans do NOTHING to help their poorer "Brothers".

I know, it's not YOUR job to explain anything, just to hate Jews.
This was not a national crime!

Mark my words. Print-screen this post. This was not a national crime, the boy was killed for family-honor, he was not killed by Jews,

And I say this openly, if it turns out I'm wrong, I will openly and publicly apologize to you, and whoever believed it was indeed this case.

Until then, think twice to whom you call animals, please.
I notice [MENTION=36574]Lipush[/MENTION] that you were thanked by@Phoenall and @MHunters does this mean all three of you will apologize ?
This is just so bad all around....the anger and potential for violence and more revenge is just so high.

What we need now is strong condemnation of these acts of senseless murder on those boys from the leadership of Palestinie and the leadership of Israel.

Abbas and Hamas need to take a strong tone of intolerance for any reprisals, show support for justice by law not mobs.

Israel needs to show it can conduct a fair and transparent trial of anyone convicted of these murders - all of them.

All sides need to show zero tolerance for an eye-for-an-eye.

Kudus to Israel for it's speed and effort in attempting to solve these murders and maintain public peace.

It's not a good situation - Israel and Palestine must be partners in this effort...if I were religious I would be praying for them both and for a coming together of the families bereft by these actions :(

I wish there was a picture of all four of those boys together.

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