BBC News - Palestinian teenager's body found in Jerusalem

yahalom is diamond? It is a word I have never before encountered ----anyone know how
it was derived or if shows up in ancient writings?

Guess who's winning?

Unlike Muslims, who are NOT allowed to digress from the path of the psycho with the most guns, Jews can express dissent.
If my dissent is pro-Zionist Piggy stuff, that's my right.
How about Gazans not being allowed to have exports?

You bitch about them not being able to support themselves, well, how can a business thrive without being able to export its products?

280 trucks with supplies (Food and snacks, bottles of water, soft drinks, makeup, shampoo, medical equipment, cattle) pass through Kerem Shalom crossing. 170 with building material from Qatar for UN approved constriction; 40 trucks filled with gravel, 20 trucks loaded with cement and 10 with steel for the private sector in Gaza were denied entry through Rafah because they would not pay the LE100 for each truck in border fees that gaza demanded.

Chives and mint, flowers, vegetables and strawberries go out as exports to Europe and the US. Not exports from the G to the WB.

Delays exist both in and out due to the fact items need to be unloaded and reloaded on other trucks to complete the journey. Gazan authorities often hold items till past expiration dates before allowing them to be transported.

aka...Billo's FOS.
Now wait a frickin' minute. When it suits you, you justify extrajudicial house demolitions, extrajudicial killings even, and now you accuse Sherri?

I agree we should just wait and see, but frankly if the Z's say it was honor killing I will be confident they're lying, because that is what Z's do. Its in their nature.
And what makes you think emotions have no truth value anyway? I have philosphical issues with that, in your position.

Well, isn't THAT special! I've hardly ever seen so exact an exposition of prejudice and hate speech as the vile spewage in bold above.

And THAT was posted by someone who deludes herself that she can constantly sling such offensive insulting garbage at other people - but the other people are supposed to accept her every idea because she 'knows in her heart of hearts'?

I call them liars because they lie. Routinely.
Now wait a frickin' minute. When it suits you, you justify extrajudicial house demolitions, extrajudicial killings even, and now you accuse Sherri?

I agree we should just wait and see, but frankly if the Z's say it was honor killing I will be confident they're lying, because that is what Z's do. Its in their nature.
And what makes you think emotions have no truth value anyway? I have philosphical issues with that, in your position.

Well, isn't THAT special! I've hardly ever seen so exact an exposition of prejudice and hate speech as the vile spewage in bold above.

And THAT was posted by someone who deludes herself that she can constantly sling such offensive insulting garbage at other people - but the other people are supposed to accept her every idea because she 'knows in her heart of hearts'?

I call them liars because they lie. Routinely.

ROFLMAO -----it was just a matter of time before Aenmity would claim

uhm.....that one seems to be absent in the pali gene pool---of course

shades of meccaist pig
yahalom is diamond? It is a word I have never before encountered ----anyone know how
it was derived or if shows up in ancient writings?

Yahalom (יהלום) is diamond, yes. I don't know any other words for diamond but that one.

Not sure about the second question...:eusa_shifty:
yahalom is diamond? It is a word I have never before encountered ----anyone know how
it was derived or if shows up in ancient writings?

Yahalom (יהלום) is diamond, yes. I don't know any other words for diamond but that one.

Not sure about the second question...:eusa_shifty:

thanks Lipush----hubby is sleeping-----if he comes up with an insight into "yahalom" I
will let you know---thanks for spelling it for me
It's not a good situation - Israel and Palestine must be partners in this effort...if I were religious I would be praying for them both and for a coming together of the families bereft by these actions :(

I wish there was a picture of all four of those boys together.

I'm afraid following the logic of "price tag" we might need a picture of dozens of boys before the dust settles.
Of interest.....

The Rest of the Story: Palestinian Teens Attacked Police w/ Knives Before YouTubed Beating (Video)

The Gateway Pundit ^

Images broadcast on Palestinian television this weekend appeared to show Israeli police beating and kicking a teenager. The victim, Tariq Abu Khdeir, is reportedly a US citizen who was hurling rocks with a slingshot at police. Khdeir goes to school in Florida. The edited footage was released by the Palestinians and widely reported around the world....
The victim, Tariq Abu Khdeir, is reportedly a US citizen who was hurling rocks with a slingshot at police.

Once again, the progressive rule is confirmed: A Jew is not permitted to defend themselves, even when attacked.

^ in the given link
For starters the Palestinians should never have kidnapped those boys and then murdered them, that is what started the trouble. Then the antics of the Palestinians en masse when they turned first the kidnapping and then the barbaric murders into a reason to throw parties or make it reason for frivolity and happiness.

No matter how quick the Israelis are the BLOOD LIBELS have already started, and have been even posted on here.

Has any proof been brought against any Palestinian?

>>The Israeli military has discovered dozens of suspected terror tunnels and weapons laboratories in the Hebron area during Operation Brother's Keeper, the operation to find three teen boys kidnapped by Hamas, reports Israeli news site Ynet. Members of Israel's elite engineering unit Yahalom uncovered the tunnels and laboratories while searching for the three teens kidnapped in the West Bank ten days ago.

Some of the tunnels were found by soldiers inside the homes of Palestinians, under large pieces of furniture and laundry machines.

Using their specialized equipment, Yahalom (diamond in Hebrew) forces participated in dozens of raids on the homes of Palestinian activists across the West Bank, confiscating caches of weapons and explosives.

The unit's forces discovered some 20 laboratories for manufacturing improvised explosives devices (IEDs) hidden in homes they searched. "We would arrive at a suspicious home and find a family living on the first floor and a laboratory with explosives on the third floor," said a senior officer in the unit. We also discovered underground spaces in the Hebron area which we had not known about previously," he added.

IDF forces continued to comb the area north of Hebron on Sunday, searching wells, water reservoirs, pits and ditches on agricultural lands, and homes in order to find the kidnapped teens or a clue that will lead Israeli forces to them.

IDF Spokesperson Brig. Gen. Moti Almoz said the IDF has focused its efforts on finding the missing teens. "We are conducting an enormous intelligence effort in cooperation with Shin Bet personnel and with guidance from the civil authorities. This effort will continue in the coming days."

IDF leadership is expected to conduct an assessment of the situation at midweek to decide on whether to continue the massive search around Hebron or to transfer the thousands of soldiers to another area. They will also decide on whether to continue tightening restrictions on the Palestinian population during the month-long Ramadan holiday that begins next week.

At the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated that Hamas was responsible for the kidnapping of the teens. "We have unequivocal proof that this is Hamas. We are sharing this proof and information to this effect with several countries. Soon this information will be made public."<<

Dozens of Suspected Palestinian Terror Tunnels, Weapons Labs Discovered in West Bank

This story is highly suspect to me. It sounds like a fabrication to provide advance justification for house demolitions. Dozens of tunnels and explosives labs and weapons caches... how sloppy is Israeli security becoming?
Of interest.....

The Rest of the Story: Palestinian Teens Attacked Police w/ Knives Before YouTubed Beating (Video)

The Gateway Pundit ^

Images broadcast on Palestinian television this weekend appeared to show Israeli police beating and kicking a teenager. The victim, Tariq Abu Khdeir, is reportedly a US citizen who was hurling rocks with a slingshot at police. Khdeir goes to school in Florida. The edited footage was released by the Palestinians and widely reported around the world....
Where are the other pictures?
Well, isn't THAT special! I've hardly ever seen so exact an exposition of prejudice and hate speech as the vile spewage in bold above.

And THAT was posted by someone who deludes herself that she can constantly sling such offensive insulting garbage at other people - but the other people are supposed to accept her every idea because she 'knows in her heart of hearts'?

I call them liars because they lie. Routinely.

ROFLMAO -----it was just a matter of time before Aenmity would claim

uhm.....that one seems to be absent in the pali gene pool---of course

shades of meccaist pig

Still didn't check the sources yet, hmmmm?
The victim, Tariq Abu Khdeir, is reportedly a US citizen who was hurling rocks with a slingshot at police.

Once again, the progressive rule is confirmed: A Jew is not permitted to defend themselves, even when attacked.

^ in the given link
God knows the threat unconscious teens (lying on the ground) pose to local authorities?
Has any proof been brought against any Palestinian?

>>The Israeli military has discovered dozens of suspected terror tunnels and weapons laboratories in the Hebron area during Operation Brother's Keeper, the operation to find three teen boys kidnapped by Hamas, reports Israeli news site Ynet. Members of Israel's elite engineering unit Yahalom uncovered the tunnels and laboratories while searching for the three teens kidnapped in the West Bank ten days ago.

Some of the tunnels were found by soldiers inside the homes of Palestinians, under large pieces of furniture and laundry machines.

Using their specialized equipment, Yahalom (diamond in Hebrew) forces participated in dozens of raids on the homes of Palestinian activists across the West Bank, confiscating caches of weapons and explosives.

The unit's forces discovered some 20 laboratories for manufacturing improvised explosives devices (IEDs) hidden in homes they searched. "We would arrive at a suspicious home and find a family living on the first floor and a laboratory with explosives on the third floor," said a senior officer in the unit. We also discovered underground spaces in the Hebron area which we had not known about previously," he added.

IDF forces continued to comb the area north of Hebron on Sunday, searching wells, water reservoirs, pits and ditches on agricultural lands, and homes in order to find the kidnapped teens or a clue that will lead Israeli forces to them.

IDF Spokesperson Brig. Gen. Moti Almoz said the IDF has focused its efforts on finding the missing teens. "We are conducting an enormous intelligence effort in cooperation with Shin Bet personnel and with guidance from the civil authorities. This effort will continue in the coming days."

IDF leadership is expected to conduct an assessment of the situation at midweek to decide on whether to continue the massive search around Hebron or to transfer the thousands of soldiers to another area. They will also decide on whether to continue tightening restrictions on the Palestinian population during the month-long Ramadan holiday that begins next week.

At the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated that Hamas was responsible for the kidnapping of the teens. "We have unequivocal proof that this is Hamas. We are sharing this proof and information to this effect with several countries. Soon this information will be made public."<<

Dozens of Suspected Palestinian Terror Tunnels, Weapons Labs Discovered in West Bank

This story is highly suspect to me. It sounds like a fabrication to provide advance justification for house demolitions. Dozens of tunnels and explosives labs and weapons caches... how sloppy is Israeli security becoming?

from the report-----where do you get "sloppy Israeli security"???? building tunnels is
what criminals do-------we have lots of tunnels between mexico and the USA------
a neighbor of mine-------very very intelligent Mexican tells me that Mexico is chock
full of arab terrorists--------it is far easier to get into the USA from mexico than even
from Canada ------of course those tunnels are being used for lots of purposes----
including both Mexican and jihadist pig drug transport ----and simply for Mexicans
sneaking into the USA. Long ago-----I picked up a copy of EL DIARIO-----Spanish
language newspaper that is prevalent in the USA-------there were islamicist propaganda
articles in the paper
280 trucks with supplies (Food and snacks, bottles of water, soft drinks, makeup, shampoo, medical equipment, cattle) pass through Kerem Shalom crossing. 170 with building material from Qatar for UN approved constriction; 40 trucks filled with gravel, 20 trucks loaded with cement and 10 with steel for the private sector in Gaza were denied entry through Rafah because they would not pay the LE100 for each truck in border fees that gaza demanded.

Chives and mint, flowers, vegetables and strawberries go out as exports to Europe and the US. Not exports from the G to the WB.

Delays exist both in and out due to the fact items need to be unloaded and reloaded on other trucks to complete the journey. Gazan authorities often hold items till past expiration dates before allowing them to be transported.
Those are imports, not exports.
>>The Israeli military has discovered dozens of suspected terror tunnels and weapons laboratories in the Hebron area during Operation Brother's Keeper, the operation to find three teen boys kidnapped by Hamas, reports Israeli news site Ynet. Members of Israel's elite engineering unit Yahalom uncovered the tunnels and laboratories while searching for the three teens kidnapped in the West Bank ten days ago.

Some of the tunnels were found by soldiers inside the homes of Palestinians, under large pieces of furniture and laundry machines.

Using their specialized equipment, Yahalom (diamond in Hebrew) forces participated in dozens of raids on the homes of Palestinian activists across the West Bank, confiscating caches of weapons and explosives.

The unit's forces discovered some 20 laboratories for manufacturing improvised explosives devices (IEDs) hidden in homes they searched. "We would arrive at a suspicious home and find a family living on the first floor and a laboratory with explosives on the third floor," said a senior officer in the unit. We also discovered underground spaces in the Hebron area which we had not known about previously," he added.

IDF forces continued to comb the area north of Hebron on Sunday, searching wells, water reservoirs, pits and ditches on agricultural lands, and homes in order to find the kidnapped teens or a clue that will lead Israeli forces to them.

IDF Spokesperson Brig. Gen. Moti Almoz said the IDF has focused its efforts on finding the missing teens. "We are conducting an enormous intelligence effort in cooperation with Shin Bet personnel and with guidance from the civil authorities. This effort will continue in the coming days."

IDF leadership is expected to conduct an assessment of the situation at midweek to decide on whether to continue the massive search around Hebron or to transfer the thousands of soldiers to another area. They will also decide on whether to continue tightening restrictions on the Palestinian population during the month-long Ramadan holiday that begins next week.

At the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated that Hamas was responsible for the kidnapping of the teens. "We have unequivocal proof that this is Hamas. We are sharing this proof and information to this effect with several countries. Soon this information will be made public."<<

Dozens of Suspected Palestinian Terror Tunnels, Weapons Labs Discovered in West Bank
So your answer is "no", they haven't found any evidence.

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