BBC News - Palestinian teenager's body found in Jerusalem

Alright, pencils down and eyes to the front of the class and that includes you Zionist assholes in the back of the room.

Now that I have your attention....

The majority of violence against children in Israel/Palestine,
is committed by Israeli security forces.

UN Report Shows Israelis Responsible for Most Violence Against Children in Israel-Palestine Conflict

◾In 2013, eight Palestinian children were killed by Israelis, and no Israeli children were killed by Palestinians – p.17/50

◾In 2013, 1265 Palestinian children were injured by Israelis, and eight Israeli children were injured by Palestinians – p.17/50

◾1004 Palestinian children were arrested by Israeli security forces, with 107 of them (including five children under the age of 12) reporting ‘cruel and degrading ill-treatment by the Israel Defense Forces and the Israeli police, including painful restraint, blindfolding, strip-searching, verbal and physical abuse, solitary confinement and threats of violence’ – p.18/50

◾There were 58 education related incidents affecting over 11’000 Palestinian children, with 41 of them involving ‘Israeli security forces operations near or inside schools, forced entry without forewarning, the firing of tear gas canisters and sound bombs into school yards and, in some cases, structural damage to schools. In 15 of the incidents, Israeli security forces fired tear gas canisters into schools run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), some during class hours, without forewarning – p.19/50
Class is dismissed!

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Israeli left is wicked and cruel
Why? Because they believe in human rights and not Zionist bullshit?

Human rights?

Let me tell you a little story.

Few months back, the Leftist activists in Tel Aviv helped, well, organized, a huge demonstration all over the state, to help the infiltrators, eh....shelter seekers and refugees as they called them (most of them not refugees but immigrators looking for jobs, but never mind that).

See, before 2001, there was a huge immigration problem. They centered the immigrant next to the open beach in Tel Aviv, but for some reason, it wasn't "convenient" enough for certain people in north Tel Aviv. So each group arriving then, they took to southern Tel Aviv. Southern Tel Aviv is a community that is weak, old, and sick.

The immigrants quickly filled south Tel Aviv, and since most of them lacked education, money, jobs, etc, the crime rate rose drastically. when checking the crime rate, 70%! of it was from the southern city, most of it from immigrants.

Women got raped, property was stolen, attacks in the streets, and unpleasent things which are not unheard of in needed societies.

You cannot automatically just give citizenship to each immigrant, just like jobs, so what did the city-hall did? centered them in the southern neighborhood, among the old and sick, and ignored the problem completely.

When police arrived to the area they did nothing but make sure the "dirty things" come nowhere near the rich and healthy up the northern parts.

At one time the residents got tired of it, and went all out demonstrating against the city, the state, and the uprising crimes and violence. Things got violent at certain points, but the demand stayed the same. Don't put all those people in one tiny neighborhood in the south, let them seek jobs all over the city, because the southern part cannot deal with the worsening situation. chances are, if you take them to parts in the north when they can work and do something with themselves, it'll be better for all.

Here come the Tel-Aviv leftists, blaming the southern community of racism- "just because they're black you hate them," "they're refugees," "don't youremember the Holocaust"? and etc etc, ignoring all logical argument.

What the Tel Aviv leftists said that the southerner ignorant people have no respect to those in need, those who are defensless, and besides, they need to have more patience and tolerance toward the different people!

Now, it would have been truly remarkable from the left, if that was indeed the issue. But it was not. What they were truly after, is not wanting that kind of community in their own neighborhoods. They didn't want the "weirdos" in their backyards.

Proof if their hypocrisy was proven later. Up in Ramat Aviv, a very unique sensitive Israeli Jews decided to do something good, and renter apartments in his building, hostel, to people with special needs. some autistic, some with different physic disorders, some disabled, or sick.

Here came the SAME leftists from Ramat Aviv, and began bothering the owner, and the young people living in the building. They threw stones at the hosue, physically attacked him and the renters, they said they don't want those kind of people, who may have a record, who are out of control, in the same space as their children.

They were very tolerant to immigrants, many of them with criminal records, but they don't want autistic and disabled LEGAL CIVILIANS next to their kids? How tolerant, human, and sensitive is that?

Yes, the Israeli left is evil. And it has nothing to do with Zionism or not!
You really should stop all the Jew hate and slander; it is Zionists who are murderous fuckers, not Jews, but Zionists.

And rockets are not fired from houses, lying Zionist scum.

We see what Zionists pasttime is in Palestine, burning alive children, killing children, terrorized children. That defines Zionism for the world, child killing scum. And the fate for such as that, absent repentance, is burning in hell.

How about children hit with a missile while they are sleeping in their bedroom or out playing soccer?

How about rockets being fired from the window on the floor above or the roof?
You think Muslims don't fire weapons from tenement buildings?

But no, you're right, Jews are murderous fuckers.
Especially the accountants.
The Zionists you speak about are Jews so it's them you call scum. And there are many videos of terrorists firing from rooftops, yards and windows.Usually surrounded by the kids they force to be there.Why do you lie so much and why do you support murderous terrorist excrement?
Alright, pencils down and eyes to the front of the class and that includes you Zionist assholes in the back of the room.

Now that I have your attention....

The majority of violence against children in Israel/Palestine,
is committed by Israeli security forces.

UN Report Shows Israelis Responsible for Most Violence Against Children in Israel-Palestine Conflict

◾In 2013, eight Palestinian children were killed by Israelis, and no Israeli children were killed by Palestinians – p.17/50

◾In 2013, 1265 Palestinian children were injured by Israelis, and eight Israeli children were injured by Palestinians – p.17/50

◾1004 Palestinian children were arrested by Israeli security forces, with 107 of them (including five children under the age of 12) reporting ‘cruel and degrading ill-treatment by the Israel Defense Forces and the Israeli police, including painful restraint, blindfolding, strip-searching, verbal and physical abuse, solitary confinement and threats of violence’ – p.18/50

◾There were 58 education related incidents affecting over 11’000 Palestinian children, with 41 of them involving ‘Israeli security forces operations near or inside schools, forced entry without forewarning, the firing of tear gas canisters and sound bombs into school yards and, in some cases, structural damage to schools. In 15 of the incidents, Israeli security forces fired tear gas canisters into schools run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), some during class hours, without forewarning – p.19/50
Class is dismissed!

Israel/Palestine Conflict: You're probably right about the violence committed by Israel Security Forces. It sure as hell ain't Lithuanian chicken thieves hurting the "kids". Those security forces have to deal with snipers, rocks and Molotov cocktails from kids because the men are too cowardly and sissified to confront real men.
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It's not a good situation - Israel and Palestine must be partners in this effort...if I were religious I would be praying for them both and for a coming together of the families bereft by these actions :(

I wish there was a picture of all four of those boys together.

I'm afraid following the logic of "price tag" we might need a picture of dozens of boys before the dust settles.

'Price tag' is NOT logic - and I don't think I've seen any of the 'regulars' on here do other but condemn it.

As opposed to the self-proclaimed 'reasonable' and 'caring' posters who have announced that every Jew in the WB is a 'legitimate target' for murder by Pal thugs..... including children, including children who are US citizens.
Does anyone have any idea when the names of the settler killers of this murdered Palestinian child will be released?
Does anyone have any idea when the names of the settler killers of this murdered Palestinian child will be released?

and you need to know their names why? You hoping there will be more "revenge" killing making the situation even worse? If they are minors you don't need their names. Even if they are not, you don't need to know who they are, just that there have been arrests. Israel is dealing with it, unlike the palestinians helping with arrests and evidence against the killing of the three Israeli teens. If hamas and the PA had been upfront, Khdair might still be alive.
and you need to know their names why?
Because we have a right to know who murders children in cold blood.

Their names need to be broadcasted to the entire planet so there isn't one place in the world where they could go hide.

Why are you protecting the murderers of children?
It's not a good situation - Israel and Palestine must be partners in this effort...if I were religious I would be praying for them both and for a coming together of the families bereft by these actions :(

I wish there was a picture of all four of those boys together.

I'm afraid following the logic of "price tag" we might need a picture of dozens of boys before the dust settles.

'Price tag' is NOT logic - and I don't think I've seen any of the 'regulars' on here do other but condemn it.

As opposed to the self-proclaimed 'reasonable' and 'caring' posters who have announced that every Jew in the WB is a 'legitimate target' for murder by Pal thugs..... including children, including children who are US citizens.
you thanked Lipush for her post claiming the murdered young Palestinian child( repeatedly stabbed then set on fire whilst still alive) was murdered as an honor killing because he was gay. When are you going to apologise?
Why? Because they believe in human rights and not Zionist bullshit?

Human rights?

Let me tell you a little story.
no thanks, the one about the Palestinian boy being murdered because he was Gay is still stuck in my throat.

Ps when are you going to apologise ?

The Israel extremists will hang on to their lie, even after some Jewish extremist is convicted.
Scapegoat, miscarriage of justice, anything but a murdering bastard.
Human rights?

Let me tell you a little story.
no thanks, the one about the Palestinian boy being murdered because he was Gay is still stuck in my throat.

Ps when are you going to apologise ?

The Israel extremists will hang on to their lie, even after some Jewish extremist is convicted.
Scapegoat, miscarriage of justice, anything but a murdering bastard.

I have been away-----what is the lie being offered by the alleged murderers?
Are you willing to promise that there will be no attempt----once the pigs who
murdered the Israeli boys are in jail that NO ONE will attempt to free them
with the usual RANSOM process ----or those idiot 'hunger strikes'???
no thanks, the one about the Palestinian boy being murdered because he was Gay is still stuck in my throat.

Ps when are you going to apologise ?

The Israel extremists will hang on to their lie, even after some Jewish extremist is convicted.
Scapegoat, miscarriage of justice, anything but a murdering bastard.

I have been away-----what is the lie being offered by the alleged murderers?
Are you willing to promise that there will be no attempt----once the pigs who
murdered the Israeli boys are in jail that NO ONE will attempt to free them
with the usual RANSOM process ----or those idiot 'hunger strikes'???

See, nothing.


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