Be a Part of the Solution

Ideas that will help build confidence and self-esteem for your students:
  • Have your ESL students make a list of 3 things they don't like about themselves and have them give a few sentences as to why and what they can do about it. (Don't let them know they'll be reading it to the class the next day.) The next day, have them read out loud to the class what they wrote down. Between the readings, have the class respond to what their school mate said.
Fear of public speaking is second only to shark attack. :omg:
I guess most everyone had a bad experience with a teacher at some point in their lives. Mine were the grade school teacher who whacked me on the hand with a ruler for using my fingers to count. High school had the teachers who gave more attention to the bright students. College was that young, liberal, elitist English teacher who talked down to everyone and made us read books that had nothing to do with anything.

I didn't particularly like school, and dropped out of HS in my last year. I got the GED in the Army, went to college for two years, then quit. I saw no future in being a music teacher, and was playing in a rock band at the time.

Then I went to a trade school, became a bricklayer for 12 years. While doing that, I went to a technical institute at nights, got an Associate's Degree, and became an electronics bench tech. The tech school became a legitimate University and I ended up working there for 15 years, until I reached burnout.
You dropped out of high school, but then went on to further your education.
I guess most everyone had a bad experience with a teacher at some point in their lives. Mine were the grade school teacher who whacked me on the hand with a ruler for using my fingers to count. High school had the teachers who gave more attention to the bright students. College was that young, liberal, elitist English teacher who talked down to everyone and made us read books that had nothing to do with anything.

I didn't particularly like school, and dropped out of HS in my last year. I got the GED in the Army, went to college for two years, then quit. I saw no future in being a music teacher, and was playing in a rock band at the time.

Then I went to a trade school, became a bricklayer for 12 years. While doing that, I went to a technical institute at nights, got an Associate's Degree, and became an electronics bench tech. The tech school became a legitimate University and I ended up working there for 15 years, until I reached burnout.
Teachers tend to give more attention to motivated students rather than unmotivated students because it makes their job easier. A good teacher would reach out to the unmotivated student but there are not very many that would.
Teachers tend to give more attention to motivated students rather than unmotivated students because it makes their job easier. A good teacher would reach out to the unmotivated student but there are not very many that would.
They need teachers from the military.

"Gentlemen, you will learn this stuff." -Military instructor
There isn't one.
Tell your bosses that you insist on it staying that way. In the meantime, remove all CRT nonsense; Marxist ideology; how to use condoms; and other such nonsense. Keep your political views out of the classroom (especially YOUR political views) and focus on teaching your students how to exercise their minds by training them to think for themselves.

Get rid of people who aren't teaching our kids the right way.... and the right subjects... ...
Perhaps you misunderstand the question. I am not in a position to fire anyone or change the educational structure of the entire state. I'm talking about what I do in my class.
Eradicate Drag Queen Reading Hour. Focus on useful curriculum that will help kids navigate real life. Balancing a checkbook. Filling out government paperwork. Learning how to file taxes. Auto shop. Wood shop. Home economics and budgeting. Reading. Mathematics. Proper English. You know ... the basics.
Let's focus. I'm talking about in an ESL classroom.
Fous on ethics and morals. Find the most honourable and courageous people in histtory, maybe even a relatively unknown; and use them as a model of bravery. 50 years later they wll remember this lesson, the names and told them
We did a unit that involved examination of history and the meaning of courage at the end of the last academic year.
Here are the 3 absolute best suggestions for fixing all that ails education:
  1. Break up the teacher's union and get rid of that self-serving group of thugs so that both teachers, students, schools and taxpayers are free again.
  2. Get government out of education to restore common sense learning.
  3. Put parents not school boards in charge of how and what their students are taught, and for evaluating the budgets and efficacy of their local schools.
Schools were put there to work for the community, not the other way around.
Another one missing the point.
Perhaps you misunderstand the question. I am not in a position to fire anyone or change the educational structure of the entire state. I'm talking about what I do in my class.

Hand puppets can be a good instructional tool. :laughing0301:


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