Be a Part of the Solution

Alright big mouths! Here's your chance. Give me a practical, realistic idea about improving day-to-day classroom instruction and if it is serious and possible I'll try it out in September and let you know how it went. Remember, "practical" and "realistic."

Here are the 3 absolute best suggestions for fixing all that ails education:
  1. Break up the teacher's union and get rid of that self-serving group of thugs so that both teachers, students, schools and taxpayers are free again.
  2. Get government out of education to restore common sense learning.
  3. Put parents not school boards in charge of how and what their students are taught, and for evaluating the budgets and efficacy of their local schools.
Schools were put there to work for the community, not the other way around.
Alright big mouths! Here's your chance. Give me a practical, realistic idea about improving day-to-day classroom instruction and if it is serious and possible I'll try it out in September and let you know how it went. Remember, "practical" and "realistic."

What grade do you teach? If middle school concentrate on the three R's.

If older I will make suggestions based on appropriateness.
In this thread we have people suggesting that kids learn only the basics like math, reading, civics


that kids learn to balance a checkbook and fill out school.

See why teachers cannot win?
In this thread we have people suggesting that kids learn only the basics like math, reading, civics


that kids learn to balance a checkbook and fill out school.

See why teachers cannot win?

If we're gonna compete with China, our kids need to learn some practical skills...

If we're gonna compete with China, our kids need to learn some practical skills...

You say that, and then some talk show host will grill a "man on the street" on the years of the Civil War and the dude will say 1920 or something, and then everyone will chortle and nag teachers. Maybe the OTHER posters got their way and the "man on the street" can balance a checkbook, shoot a gun, fill out forms. But cannot recall offhand the years of the Civil War--so again, teachers failed.

No one can make up their minds on what should be taught--everyone has made up their minds that teachers suck.

And the cultural rot continues apace
You say that, and then some talk show host will grill a "man on the street" on the years of the Civil War and the dude will say 1920 or something, and then everyone will chortle and nag teachers. Maybe the OTHER posters got their way and the "man on the street" can balance a checkbook, shoot a gun, fill out forms. But cannot recall offhand the years of the Civil War--so again, teachers failed.

No one can make up their minds on what should be taught--everyone has made up their minds that teachers suck.

And the cultural rot continues apace

You can bet the Chinese student's brains aren't turning to mush like our kid's are.
Alright big mouths! Here's your chance. Give me a practical, realistic idea about improving day-to-day classroom instruction and if it is serious and possible I'll try it out in September and let you know how it went. Remember, "practical" and "realistic."
Teach the truth about the American EMPIRE.
Here are the 3 absolute best suggestions for fixing all that ails education:
  1. Break up the teacher's union and get rid of that self-serving group of thugs so that both teachers, students, schools and taxpayers are free again.
  2. Get government out of education to restore common sense learning.
  3. Put parents not school boards in charge of how and what their students are taught, and for evaluating the budgets and efficacy of their local schools.
Schools were put there to work for the community, not the other way around.
Well, that was not useful at all.
Open discussion of a topic. It would keep the boredom down and allow all kids to participate and those kids who get lost in the shuffle can show their knowledge and boost their confidence. You be the moderator and keep it going.
We already do a lot of that.
Start Teaching children actual subjects like math, science, history and civics.

Keep personal politics out of the classroom.
You realize I teach actual classes, right? I'm not the Gandalf of education. I teach ESL for the most part.

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