Be a Part of the Solution

A 9 year old is not going to be in kindergarten.

They lie, forge BC or given a "pass" to hold them back for sports. Two yrs older running over little kids is a huge advantage. There are 27yr olds in college running over 17-18 yr old 167lb kids. Many have wives with 5yr old kids in the stands watching. See ALA players. Top QB. How did they get there?
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As we‘ve seen throughout this thread, Unkotare like all fucked in the head educators doesn’t actually seek resolve….he ALWAYS aims to massage the FEELINGS of ignorant fools and or emotional dumbasses….he has no intent to do anything differently or sovle problems at their core.
This is government and government minded fools doing what they do.….TALK!
Americans of all sorts face health issues.
It's worse for minorities, especially women, who believe obesity is attractive to men. Minority men are loathe to seek medical attention until it's almost too late. Such cultural norms are hard to overcome.
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Cursive is an anachronistic waste of time, and History is a graduation requirement.
How weird….white kids were taught to use cursive for decades…then our schools are over-run by dark kids and it’s suddenly it’s useless….probably racist huh?
As we‘ve seen throughout this thread, Unkotare like all fucked in the head educators doesn’t actually seek resolve….he ALWAYS aims to massage the FEELINGS of ignorant fools and or emotional dumbasses….he has no intent to do anything differently or sovle [sic] problems at their core.
This is government and government minded fools doing what they do.….TALK!

Says the brainless coward who never does ANYTHING but cry like a little bitch on the internet. I actually step into the classroom every day and try my best to help students in a school district that your cowardly ass wouldn't dare drive through. So, who has "resolve," and who is just "talk"? Everyone knows, LOSER.

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