Be Afraid - Media Glosses Over Repeated Threats of Violence from LBGT-er

Anyway, back to the OP....besides Zooey Tur, let's see how many other crazy cross dressers we can come up with.

Here's my favorite:

Ed liked to dress up in the skins of his victims. He wanted to be a woman but apparently lacked the income or connections to get a sex change operation, and didn't feel his weirdness would be embraced in his local community. Though of course, his mother DID pass him off as a girl the first few years of his life (do we have any recent parallels of this sick behavior? We sure do! Think Hillary championing the eight year old whose weirdo parents were pawning off as a member of the opposite sex..despite the biological sex of the child)
Edward Gein Murderpedia the encyclopedia of murderers

Those trannies are just ordinary folk!
Not even remotely a related story, or incident.
Now, you are being deliberately disingenuous and antagonistic.

How do you know? You have admitted you have no idea what's going on. Now you're just getting boring.
Obviously, you neither re-read my post, nor are capable of comprehension.
Hadden Clark


Look perfectly normal to me. Can't imagine either one of them actually posing a threat to anyone..

Oh, wait.

One's a serial killer, and one made numerous threats against Shapiro. Color me embarrassed. I thought all perverts were harmless and fun to have around.
Anyway, back to the OP....besides Zooey Tur, let's see how many other crazy cross dressers we can come up with.

Here's my favorite:

Ed liked to dress up in the skins of his victims. He wanted to be a woman but apparently lacked the income or connections to get a sex change operation, and didn't feel his weirdness would be embraced in his local community. Though of course, his mother DID pass him off as a girl the first few years of his life (do we have any recent parallels of this sick behavior? We sure do! Think Hillary championing the eight year old whose weirdo parents were pawning off as a member of the opposite sex..despite the biological sex of the child)
Edward Gein Murderpedia the encyclopedia of murderers

Those trannies are just ordinary folk!
Not even remotely a related story, or incident.
Now, you are being deliberately disingenuous and antagonistic.

How do you know? You have admitted you have no idea what's going on. Now you're just getting boring.
Obviously, you neither re-read my post, nor are capable of comprehension.

Why would I read your posts when you've admitted you don't know what you're talking about?
Anyway, back to the OP....besides Zooey Tur, let's see how many other crazy cross dressers we can come up with.

Here's my favorite:

Ed liked to dress up in the skins of his victims. He wanted to be a woman but apparently lacked the income or connections to get a sex change operation, and didn't feel his weirdness would be embraced in his local community. Though of course, his mother DID pass him off as a girl the first few years of his life (do we have any recent parallels of this sick behavior? We sure do! Think Hillary championing the eight year old whose weirdo parents were pawning off as a member of the opposite sex..despite the biological sex of the child)
Edward Gein Murderpedia the encyclopedia of murderers

Those trannies are just ordinary folk!
Not even remotely a related story, or incident.
Now, you are being deliberately disingenuous and antagonistic.

How do you know? You have admitted you have no idea what's going on. Now you're just getting boring.
Obviously, you neither re-read my post, nor are capable of comprehension.

Why would I read your posts when you've admitted you don't know what you're talking about?
If you took the time to actually read my post, instead of searching google for unrelated nonsense, you'd know that I do know what I'm posting about.
But, why should you take the time to offer cogent responses when you can continue to reinforce your ignorance to the world.
Anyway, back to the OP....besides Zooey Tur, let's see how many other crazy cross dressers we can come up with.

Here's my favorite:

Ed liked to dress up in the skins of his victims. He wanted to be a woman but apparently lacked the income or connections to get a sex change operation, and didn't feel his weirdness would be embraced in his local community. Though of course, his mother DID pass him off as a girl the first few years of his life (do we have any recent parallels of this sick behavior? We sure do! Think Hillary championing the eight year old whose weirdo parents were pawning off as a member of the opposite sex..despite the biological sex of the child)
Edward Gein Murderpedia the encyclopedia of murderers

Those trannies are just ordinary folk!
Not even remotely a related story, or incident.
Now, you are being deliberately disingenuous and antagonistic.

How do you know? You have admitted you have no idea what's going on. Now you're just getting boring.
Obviously, you neither re-read my post, nor are capable of comprehension.

Why would I read your posts when you've admitted you don't know what you're talking about?
If you took the time to actually read my post, instead of searching google for unrelated nonsense, you'd know that I do know what I'm posting about.
But, why should you take the time to offer cogent responses when you can continue to reinforce your ignorance to the world.

I'm sure the irony of that is completely lost on you, lol.
The irony is that you believe you have anything of value to share.
I have only limited time per day to be able to read a screen before it becomes physically painful due to eye damage.
You are not worth any of that time.
Peace and Blessings!

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