Be Afraid - Media Glosses Over Repeated Threats of Violence from LBGT-er

You do know what the "T" in LBGT stands for, right?
Better than you, it would seem.
:face palm:
No, it doesn't seem like that at all.
Are you Gay? Are you Transgender? Have you known many people who are?
You didn't ask me but I will answer. I have many gay friends. I ain't called the fag hag for nothing, ya know. Some are just flat out gay, some are cross dressers and love being ladies but not going so far as to change their body permanently. None of them would have threatened a curb stomp over being called "sir".
Tor physically grabbed Shapiro on live tv, threatened him, and then threatened him again the next day via twitter.

It was serious enough that the studio gave Shapiro an escort out to his car, and didn't let him leave until they thought Tor was out of the area.

But the leftist media softsoaps the same way they're pretending to be "mystified" by the jihadist attack on our unarmed servicemen a few days ago.

"There is no question that had Shapiro grabbed Tur’s neck and later used social media to threaten to “curb-stomp” him, that Shapiro’s career would be over today because the story would be the biggest media storm in the country.
"But because Tur is a member of a protected status — LGBT — almost all of the media is either ignoring, excusing, glossing over, and even cheering unacceptable violent behavior — because in their minds “the target” is the “correct” one.
"If you want another science-based fact… Tur’s violent behavior and the media either looking the other way or championing it based solely on the identity of the bully and the identity of the victim is something right out of the early days of Nazi Germany.
"What happened between Tur and Shapiro, and more importantly the media’s reaction to it, is a canary in a coalmine.
"The Left’s push for gay rights was never about live and let live."

Be Afraid Media Glosses Over Repeated Threats of Violence From LGBT-er - Breitbart

Your second thread on the same incident?

'science based fact'? Really sound like your Fuehrer's propaganda minister by using that term.

Threats of violence are never acceptable.

I can provide 3 examples of Christian pastors advocating the murder of homosexuals.

Where is your condemnation of them?

There's a difference here. This person put their hand around Shapiro's throat from what I am reading.

On live tv. He hooked his paw around the back of Shapiro's neck, leaned in and said if he said *that* again he was going home in an ambulance. Then the next day, he tweeted the Nazi curbstomp threat.

Holy toledo! I believe we are truly witnessing certain members of certain groups feeling so empowered that they feel they have the right to steam roller anyone in their path that disagrees with them to any degree.

In the old days this attitude or action would be met with the proverbial knuckle sandwich but when you have protected classes responding with a right hook will land you personally in jail and the original antagonist walking away with a settlement.
Tor physically grabbed Shapiro on live tv, threatened him, and then threatened him again the next day via twitter.

It was serious enough that the studio gave Shapiro an escort out to his car, and didn't let him leave until they thought Tor was out of the area.

But the leftist media softsoaps the same way they're pretending to be "mystified" by the jihadist attack on our unarmed servicemen a few days ago.

"There is no question that had Shapiro grabbed Tur’s neck and later used social media to threaten to “curb-stomp” him, that Shapiro’s career would be over today because the story would be the biggest media storm in the country.
"But because Tur is a member of a protected status — LGBT — almost all of the media is either ignoring, excusing, glossing over, and even cheering unacceptable violent behavior — because in their minds “the target” is the “correct” one.
"If you want another science-based fact… Tur’s violent behavior and the media either looking the other way or championing it based solely on the identity of the bully and the identity of the victim is something right out of the early days of Nazi Germany.
"What happened between Tur and Shapiro, and more importantly the media’s reaction to it, is a canary in a coalmine.
"The Left’s push for gay rights was never about live and let live."

Be Afraid Media Glosses Over Repeated Threats of Violence From LGBT-er - Breitbart

Your second thread on the same incident?

'science based fact'? Really sound like your Fuehrer's propaganda minister by using that term.

Threats of violence are never acceptable.

I can provide 3 examples of Christian pastors advocating the murder of homosexuals.

Where is your condemnation of them?

There's a difference here. This person put their hand around Shapiro's throat from what I am reading.

On live tv. He hooked his paw around the back of Shapiro's neck, leaned in and said if he said *that* again he was going home in an ambulance. Then the next day, he tweeted the Nazi curbstomp threat.
Tur said she never tweeted any such thing. But she can't deny putting her hands on Shapiro and threatening him. That is on live tv. Forever.
Tor physically grabbed Shapiro on live tv, threatened him, and then threatened him again the next day via twitter.

It was serious enough that the studio gave Shapiro an escort out to his car, and didn't let him leave until they thought Tor was out of the area.

But the leftist media softsoaps the same way they're pretending to be "mystified" by the jihadist attack on our unarmed servicemen a few days ago.

"There is no question that had Shapiro grabbed Tur’s neck and later used social media to threaten to “curb-stomp” him, that Shapiro’s career would be over today because the story would be the biggest media storm in the country.
"But because Tur is a member of a protected status — LGBT — almost all of the media is either ignoring, excusing, glossing over, and even cheering unacceptable violent behavior — because in their minds “the target” is the “correct” one.
"If you want another science-based fact… Tur’s violent behavior and the media either looking the other way or championing it based solely on the identity of the bully and the identity of the victim is something right out of the early days of Nazi Germany.
"What happened between Tur and Shapiro, and more importantly the media’s reaction to it, is a canary in a coalmine.
"The Left’s push for gay rights was never about live and let live."

Be Afraid Media Glosses Over Repeated Threats of Violence From LGBT-er - Breitbart

Your second thread on the same incident?

'science based fact'? Really sound like your Fuehrer's propaganda minister by using that term.

Threats of violence are never acceptable.

I can provide 3 examples of Christian pastors advocating the murder of homosexuals.

Where is your condemnation of them?

There's a difference here. This person put their hand around Shapiro's throat from what I am reading.

On live tv. He hooked his paw around the back of Shapiro's neck, leaned in and said if he said *that* again he was going home in an ambulance. Then the next day, he tweeted the Nazi curbstomp threat.

Holy toledo! I believe we are truly witnessing certain members of certain groups feeling so empowered that they feel they have the right to steam roller anyone in their path that disagrees with them to any degree.

In the old days this attitude or action would be met with the proverbial knuckle sandwich but when you have protected classes responding with a right hook will land you personally in jail and the original antagonist walking away with a settlement.
I believe this is what is called "YOU CAN'T, but I CAN" syndrome.
Plus he dresses up as Glenn Close.
:rofl: I thought he looked familiar! But I think it's a cross of Glenn Close and Patrick Swayze as Vida. Look at the pic and say it ain't so! :lol:

I love that movie
Transgender as Gay are both mentally deranged.
Hatred and bigotry are signs of mental infirmity.
Also, learn English.
Thank you!
And Tor has a lot of hatred and bigotry going on. Anti semitic and violent.

Plus he dresses up as Glenn Close.
You have no room to talk about hatred and bigotry.
Your every post on this thread epitomizes both.
Gay and transgender retards are some of the most hateful people I know, next to libtards.
I doubt you know anyone from either group well, if at all.
Your posts prove that engaging with you is futile, therefore I shall no longer do so.

Oh for crying out loud. The cross section of the good the bad and the ugly goes for every hetero, lesbian, gay, bi, trans on the planet.

Every group has sons of bitches that are intolerable.
Tor physically grabbed Shapiro on live tv, threatened him, and then threatened him again the next day via twitter.

It was serious enough that the studio gave Shapiro an escort out to his car, and didn't let him leave until they thought Tor was out of the area.

But the leftist media softsoaps the same way they're pretending to be "mystified" by the jihadist attack on our unarmed servicemen a few days ago.

"There is no question that had Shapiro grabbed Tur’s neck and later used social media to threaten to “curb-stomp” him, that Shapiro’s career would be over today because the story would be the biggest media storm in the country.
"But because Tur is a member of a protected status — LGBT — almost all of the media is either ignoring, excusing, glossing over, and even cheering unacceptable violent behavior — because in their minds “the target” is the “correct” one.
"If you want another science-based fact… Tur’s violent behavior and the media either looking the other way or championing it based solely on the identity of the bully and the identity of the victim is something right out of the early days of Nazi Germany.
"What happened between Tur and Shapiro, and more importantly the media’s reaction to it, is a canary in a coalmine.
"The Left’s push for gay rights was never about live and let live."

Be Afraid Media Glosses Over Repeated Threats of Violence From LGBT-er - Breitbart

Your second thread on the same incident?

'science based fact'? Really sound like your Fuehrer's propaganda minister by using that term.

Threats of violence are never acceptable.

I can provide 3 examples of Christian pastors advocating the murder of homosexuals.

Where is your condemnation of them?

There's a difference here. This person put their hand around Shapiro's throat from what I am reading.

On live tv. He hooked his paw around the back of Shapiro's neck, leaned in and said if he said *that* again he was going home in an ambulance. Then the next day, he tweeted the Nazi curbstomp threat.

Holy toledo! I believe we are truly witnessing certain members of certain groups feeling so empowered that they feel they have the right to steam roller anyone in their path that disagrees with them to any degree.

In the old days this attitude or action would be met with the proverbial knuckle sandwich but when you have protected classes responding with a right hook will land you personally in jail and the original antagonist walking away with a settlement.
I don't know about empowered, but there will always be aggressive types...How long has Geraldo Rivera been empowered?...he just like to brawl...
Hatred and bigotry are signs of mental infirmity.
Also, learn English.
Thank you!
And Tor has a lot of hatred and bigotry going on. Anti semitic and violent.

Plus he dresses up as Glenn Close.
You have no room to talk about hatred and bigotry.
Your every post on this thread epitomizes both.
Gay and transgender retards are some of the most hateful people I know, next to libtards.
I doubt you know anyone from either group well, if at all.
Your posts prove that engaging with you is futile, therefore I shall no longer do so.

Oh for crying out loud. The cross section of the good the bad and the ugly goes for every hetero, lesbian, gay, bi, trans on the planet.

Every group has sons of bitches that are intolerable.
I am looking at one now....
And Tor has a lot of hatred and bigotry going on. Anti semitic and violent.

Plus he dresses up as Glenn Close.
You have no room to talk about hatred and bigotry.
Your every post on this thread epitomizes both.
Gay and transgender retards are some of the most hateful people I know, next to libtards.
I doubt you know anyone from either group well, if at all.
Your posts prove that engaging with you is futile, therefore I shall no longer do so.

Oh for crying out loud. The cross section of the good the bad and the ugly goes for every hetero, lesbian, gay, bi, trans on the planet.

Every group has sons of bitches that are intolerable.
I am looking at one now....
Stop looking in the mirror.
You have no room to talk about hatred and bigotry.
Your every post on this thread epitomizes both.
Gay and transgender retards are some of the most hateful people I know, next to libtards.
I doubt you know anyone from either group well, if at all.
Your posts prove that engaging with you is futile, therefore I shall no longer do so.

Oh for crying out loud. The cross section of the good the bad and the ugly goes for every hetero, lesbian, gay, bi, trans on the planet.

Every group has sons of bitches that are intolerable.
I am looking at one now....
Stop looking in the mirror.
I don't have one...I sold them all..
Swayze rocked being Vida, lol. I love that movie and I love Priscilla Queen Of The Desert, too. :lol:
I also enjoy watching Ru Paul. That shouldn't be a surprise. Some of them look great. None on the show ever threatened to curb stomp their competitor for calling them ugly, either.
Gay and transgender retards are some of the most hateful people I know, next to libtards.
I doubt you know anyone from either group well, if at all.
Your posts prove that engaging with you is futile, therefore I shall no longer do so.

Oh for crying out loud. The cross section of the good the bad and the ugly goes for every hetero, lesbian, gay, bi, trans on the planet.

Every group has sons of bitches that are intolerable.
I am looking at one now....
Stop looking in the mirror.
I don't have one...I sold them all..
Because you are too but fugly.
I doubt you know anyone from either group well, if at all.
Your posts prove that engaging with you is futile, therefore I shall no longer do so.

Oh for crying out loud. The cross section of the good the bad and the ugly goes for every hetero, lesbian, gay, bi, trans on the planet.

Every group has sons of bitches that are intolerable.
I am looking at one now....
Stop looking in the mirror.
I don't have one...I sold them all..
Because you are too but fugly.
Butt fugly-you butt munch...
First of all, transgender is not gay.
Second: what one person does not define an entire group, or community.
I'm sure you'd like to indict the Gay community for this persons conduct, but you lose on that count.
Transgender is mentally ill.

And this person is the face of the LGBT community. He's paid big $$ to mince around and *cover the news*.
Astounding and ignorantly incorrect on both counts.
Your hate and ignorant attacks shame the rest of us.
The first to invoke "Nazi" loses by default.
I didn't invoke "Nazi". But just because you claim someone loses by default doesn't mean they really did.

Transgenders are spectacularly mentally ill.

As anybody who looks at Tor or Bruce can attest.
You are spectacularly ignorant on the subject.
Just because something is beyond your comprehension, that does not make it either wrong, nor a deficiency of any kind. Rather, the deficiency belongs to those who feel compelled to impose their subjective standards on the rest of society.
Last edited:
Hatred and bigotry are signs of mental infirmity.
Also, learn English.
Thank you!
And Tor has a lot of hatred and bigotry going on. Anti semitic and violent.

Plus he dresses up as Glenn Close.
You have no room to talk about hatred and bigotry.
Your every post on this thread epitomizes both.
Gay and transgender retards are some of the most hateful people I know, next to libtards.
I doubt you know anyone from either group well, if at all.
Your posts prove that engaging with you is futile, therefore I shall no longer do so.

Oh for crying out loud. The cross section of the good the bad and the ugly goes for every hetero, lesbian, gay, bi, trans on the planet.

Every group has sons of bitches that are intolerable.
And this particular individual's behavior is what the discussion should be about - not their gender identification, or anyone else's sexual orientation.
First of all, transgender is not gay.
Second: what one person does not define an entire group, or community.
I'm sure you'd like to indict the Gay community for this persons conduct, but you lose on that count.
But if a Christian does something wrong you're type blames all Christians.

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