Be Principled! that's how to be a conservative-liberal-progressive


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
A thread title asked: "Can I be conservative, liberal, progressive all at once or do I have to pick only one "

The answer is be Principled!

Understand the basic principles of life and use those principles to determine your political position.

For example..
Here is a principle.. "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you".
Now most people resign that to a "theological" category. It is not!
Another principle: Understand the laws of physics were before the laws of man!
Why do people drive 20mph in a school zone?
If you didn't understand the laws of physics and you were an "unprincipled" person you would say.."because there might be a cop around"!
The principled person understanding the laws of physics would say "I can't stop my car fast enough if I'm going 40mph in the speed zone"!

But we don't teach our kids the common sense of the laws of physics, much less the principle of the "Golden Rule" because people think it is practicing religion!

But we can't go on depending on rules and regulations. Every day each of us are breaking the rules or laws in some way... so what's the purpose?
Rather we should teach early and constantly the laws of physics to children.. and the "Golden Rule".. both of which are if practice the ONLY laws needed!

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