Be very afraid, Trumpies....Beto raises $6.1M FIRST DAY..No PAC $


Like I said, be afraid.

Beto O'Rourke raises $6.1 million on first day, topping Sanders and all other rivals
."The Texas Democrat, who built an impressive fundraising operation last year against Ted Cruz, has sworn off all PAC donations."""""""
We need a black woman. Trump won’t stand a chance

Maybe you need a black women.
Why don’t you think a black woman is capable? Do you hear that women and black people?

Once more in english please.
You got a problem with blacks and or women being president

Who said that?
Yes he is and if beta Beto couldn’t beat Cruz and Cruz couldn’t beat the Great White Hope do the math.

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You don't know shit about Texas politics.
Cruz beat Beto by only 2.6 points.
An incumbent Republican in a red state barely won his seat back from a Dem congressman.

"The Great White Hope". You're right at home here, boy, white trash redneck racist.

And Beta outspent Cruz 2 to 1, and still lost.
In a really red district sure. It was amazing he even came close. That's why we know he will kill Trump in a head to head.

You can have Texas, even though Beto might flip Texas. He will win MI, WI and PA and that makes Trump a 1 term POS. I mean POTUS.

Problem is, Beta is unlikely to even make it to the general election.
I think a black woman has the best chance
Yup, only because the left plays Identity politics.
I do believe you're right, it's a black woman's turn.
Might want to get a tranny into politics, 2024 is coming up and I believe it will be his/her turn.
Blotto is done, put a fork in him.

In Texas, he had to spend twice as much money to lose to an unpopular Senator not even liked by his own Party's POTUS.

His spastic shit won't play in the MidWest, which is really where all presidential elections are decided.
This is how unpopular Ted Cruz was, and still is.

And Blotto LOST to him after spending twice the money.......

Everyone hates Ted Cruz, so why is he still favored to beat Beto O'Rourke?

It was also during the 2016 election that Graham joked, “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you.” Granted, it was an inappropriate joke in light of all the U.S. politicians —from President John F. Kennedy in 1963 to President Ronald Reagan in 1981 to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in 2011 — who have become victims of actual violence over the years. But Graham wasn’t joking when he said that Cruz was wildly unpopular in the Senate among both Democrats and fellow Republicans.

Cruz is so unlikable that even far-right author and troll Ann Coulter attacked him via Twitter on February 11, 2016, declaring, “Cruz is a sleazy, Rovian liar.” Liberals and progressives seldom agree with anything Coulter has to say, but that might be the one time Coulter and the left managed to find some common ground.

Please run Blotto, dimocrap scum.



Like I said, be afraid.

Beto O'Rourke raises $6.1 million on first day, topping Sanders and all other rivals
."The Texas Democrat, who built an impressive fundraising operation last year against Ted Cruz, has sworn off all PAC donations."""""""
You accused others of "obsessing" over this tool last week yet how many thread about him have YOU made or participated in?

For the record I don't think this narcissist has a chance in hell of becoming president but I do look forward to the next streamed installment of "A dick at the dentist"
You don't know shit about Texas politics.
Cruz beat Beto by only 2.6 points.
An incumbent Republican in a red state barely won his seat back from a Dem congressman.

"The Great White Hope". You're right at home here, boy, white trash redneck racist.

And Beta outspent Cruz 2 to 1, and still lost.
In a really red district sure. It was amazing he even came close. That's why we know he will kill Trump in a head to head.

You can have Texas, even though Beto might flip Texas. He will win MI, WI and PA and that makes Trump a 1 term POS. I mean POTUS.

Problem is, Beta is unlikely to even make it to the general election.
I think a black woman has the best chance
Yup, only because the left plays Identity politics.
I do believe you're right, it's a black woman's turn.
Might want to get a tranny into politics, 2024 is coming up and I believe it will be his/her turn.

Well why don't you guys just stick to the only kind of human being you trust to rule the country

white rich man, white rich man, white rich man, white rich man.

How do you explain in a country this diverse all of your leaders are white rich men?

Like I said, be afraid.

Beto O'Rourke raises $6.1 million on first day, topping Sanders and all other rivals
."The Texas Democrat, who built an impressive fundraising operation last year against Ted Cruz, has sworn off all PAC donations."""""""
You accused others of "obsessing" over this tool last week yet how many thread about him have YOU made or participated in?

For the record I don't think this narcissist has a chance in hell of becoming president but I do look forward to the next streamed installment of "A dick at the dentist"

Just vote Republicans like we all know you were going to anyways.
You don't know shit about Texas politics.
Cruz beat Beto by only 2.6 points.
An incumbent Republican in a red state barely won his seat back from a Dem congressman.

"The Great White Hope". You're right at home here, boy, white trash redneck racist.

And Beta outspent Cruz 2 to 1, and still lost.
In a really red district sure. It was amazing he even came close. That's why we know he will kill Trump in a head to head.

You can have Texas, even though Beto might flip Texas. He will win MI, WI and PA and that makes Trump a 1 term POS. I mean POTUS.

Problem is, Beta is unlikely to even make it to the general election.
I think a black woman has the best chance
Yup, only because the left plays Identity politics.
I do believe you're right, it's a black woman's turn.
Might want to get a tranny into politics, 2024 is coming up and I believe it will be his/her turn.

Actually white men are the hot new thing in the Democratic party

The Hot New Thing In The Democratic Party: White Men | HuffPost
This is the guy that’s gonna save the Left? Trump’s gonna steam roll him.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Beto is like Tony Robbins on Crack....but makes less sense.

And Tony Robbins is such a miserable failure, right?

Strange.....well not're a can't see the point of a statement without it being spoon fed to you.

Answer the question, coward.
Tony Robbins makes more sense than Trump, who spent the whole weekend tweeting hate.
50 posts. Picking fights with the McCains, for chrissake.
And he's your Dear Leader.
You're pathetic.

You luv da McCains...awwwww! McCain was what you preach to your commie comrades. Privileged and mediocre. He cost the taxpayers a lot of money over the decades. And they gave him a forever sendoff. I remember a lot of people were not happy with him as the Repub candidate in 2008. And then he disses Palin as could not even leave this earth in a civil way.

Yeah, picking on a dead guy is easy, isn't it, coward?
Trump never confronts anyone face to face.
He fires them through his Chief of Staff or Twitter.
And he picks on people who can't defend themselves publicly, like judges and special counselors.
Because, like you, he's a chickenshit coward.
And Beta outspent Cruz 2 to 1, and still lost.
In a really red district sure. It was amazing he even came close. That's why we know he will kill Trump in a head to head.

You can have Texas, even though Beto might flip Texas. He will win MI, WI and PA and that makes Trump a 1 term POS. I mean POTUS.

Problem is, Beta is unlikely to even make it to the general election.
I think a black woman has the best chance
Yup, only because the left plays Identity politics.
I do believe you're right, it's a black woman's turn.
Might want to get a tranny into politics, 2024 is coming up and I believe it will be his/her turn.

Actually white men are the hot new thing in the Democratic party

The Hot New Thing In The Democratic Party: White Men | HuffPost

After watching Elizabeth Warren's townhall last night, she fucking rocked the room with policy after bill after policy that's she's introduced or written into her platform.

She should take Beto on as Veep. She's got the smarts, stunning economic smarts, and he's got the rock star personality. Dynamic combo.

And neither one suffers from DSM-IV-TR, malignant narcissistic disorder, like Trump, who also suffers from McCain Derangement Syndrome.
Blotto is done, put a fork in him.

In Texas, he had to spend twice as much money to lose to an unpopular Senator not even liked by his own Party's POTUS.

His spastic shit won't play in the MidWest, which is really where all presidential elections are decided.

Republicans vote the way Trump wants them to.

They lined up, traded over their spines and and brains to a cult leader who is now giving 2-1/2 hour rants at CPAC and 50 hate tweets over the last weekend.

That's why Beto lost.
And Beta outspent Cruz 2 to 1, and still lost.
In a really red district sure. It was amazing he even came close. That's why we know he will kill Trump in a head to head.

You can have Texas, even though Beto might flip Texas. He will win MI, WI and PA and that makes Trump a 1 term POS. I mean POTUS.

Problem is, Beta is unlikely to even make it to the general election.
I think a black woman has the best chance
Yup, only because the left plays Identity politics.
I do believe you're right, it's a black woman's turn.
Might want to get a tranny into politics, 2024 is coming up and I believe it will be his/her turn.

Well why don't you guys just stick to the only kind of human being you trust to rule the country

white rich man, white rich man, white rich man, white rich man.

How do you explain in a country this diverse all of your leaders are white rich men?
Identity politics......I will always vote for the best person suited for the job, Sealy.
It makes no difference to color or gender.
I'm not a PC person
And Beta outspent Cruz 2 to 1, and still lost.
In a really red district sure. It was amazing he even came close. That's why we know he will kill Trump in a head to head.

You can have Texas, even though Beto might flip Texas. He will win MI, WI and PA and that makes Trump a 1 term POS. I mean POTUS.

Problem is, Beta is unlikely to even make it to the general election.
I think a black woman has the best chance
Yup, only because the left plays Identity politics.
I do believe you're right, it's a black woman's turn.
Might want to get a tranny into politics, 2024 is coming up and I believe it will be his/her turn.

Actually white men are the hot new thing in the Democratic party

The Hot New Thing In The Democratic Party: White Men | HuffPost
Again....identity politics, I just can't wrap my mind around that
kind of thinking. I would never make a good democrat, I suppose.
Blotto is done, put a fork in him.

In Texas, he had to spend twice as much money to lose to an unpopular Senator not even liked by his own Party's POTUS.

His spastic shit won't play in the MidWest, which is really where all presidential elections are decided.

Republicans vote the way Trump wants them to.

They lined up, traded over their spines and and brains to a cult leader who is now giving 2-1/2 hour rants at CPAC and 50 hate tweets over the last weekend.

That's why Beto lost.

Your Comedy Central education is showing again.

Beto lost to THE most unpopular Senator in the Country. He is even hated by his fellow Republicans.

And this after spending double the money and having the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM campaigning for him 24/7

At what point do you start to realize that what you want isn't a reality? That you're living a lie?

I've seen people end up in a very bad state by not confronting the truth.

Your call. I really couldn't care less.

I really do hope Blotto wins the dimocrap scum nomination. It will be a walkover.
In a really red district sure. It was amazing he even came close. That's why we know he will kill Trump in a head to head.

You can have Texas, even though Beto might flip Texas. He will win MI, WI and PA and that makes Trump a 1 term POS. I mean POTUS.

Problem is, Beta is unlikely to even make it to the general election.
I think a black woman has the best chance
Yup, only because the left plays Identity politics.
I do believe you're right, it's a black woman's turn.
Might want to get a tranny into politics, 2024 is coming up and I believe it will be his/her turn.

Actually white men are the hot new thing in the Democratic party

The Hot New Thing In The Democratic Party: White Men | HuffPost

After watching Elizabeth Warren's townhall last night, she fucking rocked the room with policy after bill after policy that's she's introduced or written into her platform.

She should take Beto on as Veep. She's got the smarts, stunning economic smarts, and he's got the rock star personality. Dynamic combo.

And neither one suffers from DSM-IV-TR, malignant narcissistic disorder, like Trump, who also suffers from McCain Derangement Syndrome.

Go ahead. Do it please. Run the fake Indian and the fake Latino. Guarantees a Trump landslide.
Problem is, Beta is unlikely to even make it to the general election.
I think a black woman has the best chance
Yup, only because the left plays Identity politics.
I do believe you're right, it's a black woman's turn.
Might want to get a tranny into politics, 2024 is coming up and I believe it will be his/her turn.

Actually white men are the hot new thing in the Democratic party

The Hot New Thing In The Democratic Party: White Men | HuffPost

After watching Elizabeth Warren's townhall last night, she fucking rocked the room with policy after bill after policy that's she's introduced or written into her platform.

She should take Beto on as Veep. She's got the smarts, stunning economic smarts, and he's got the rock star personality. Dynamic combo.

And neither one suffers from DSM-IV-TR, malignant narcissistic disorder, like Trump, who also suffers from McCain Derangement Syndrome.

Go ahead. Do it please. Run the fake Indian and the fake Latino. Guarantees a Trump landslide.
Then start throwing in some dirt on Beto that was suppressed by a reporter during the mid terms.
It will not serve him well.

Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke belonged to one of the best-known groups of computer hackers as a teenager, Reuters revealed today.

In an exclusive interview with this reporter for a forthcoming book about the group, the former U.S. congressman from Texas confirmed that as a youth in El Paso, he belonged to the hacking group known as the Cult of the Dead Cow. He also acknowledged that, during those teenage years, he stole long-distance phone service to participate in electronic discussions. Others in the group committed the same offense and got off with warnings; the statute of limitations ran out long ago.
Exclusive: Beto O'Rourke Belonged to Major Hacker Group as a Teenager

Nobody likes hackers these days.....nobody
Beto is like Tony Robbins on Crack....but makes less sense.

And Tony Robbins is such a miserable failure, right?

Strange.....well not're a can't see the point of a statement without it being spoon fed to you.

Answer the question, coward.
Tony Robbins makes more sense than Trump, who spent the whole weekend tweeting hate.
50 posts. Picking fights with the McCains, for chrissake.
And he's your Dear Leader.
You're pathetic.

You luv da McCains...awwwww! McCain was what you preach to your commie comrades. Privileged and mediocre. He cost the taxpayers a lot of money over the decades. And they gave him a forever sendoff. I remember a lot of people were not happy with him as the Repub candidate in 2008. And then he disses Palin as could not even leave this earth in a civil way.

Yeah, picking on a dead guy is easy, isn't it, coward?
Trump never confronts anyone face to face.
He fires them through his Chief of Staff or Twitter.
And he picks on people who can't defend themselves publicly, like judges and special counselors.
Because, like you, he's a chickenshit coward.

Yeah...go ahead and dig McCain up so he can do it to his face......and all of the fuckwads that criticize Trump on CNN must be fucking cowards too, cuz they never say it too his GD face......
Yeah, the dems will nominate a spastic Irish guy who lost to Ted Cruz

The Republicans nominated a 6-time bankruptcy-filing, pussy-grabbing, porn-star-fucking con man who had to settle a $35,000,000 lawsuit for fraud.
Then blew it off when he mocked a spastic, handicapped reporter.
You should be so fucking proud, you brainless cockroach.

And the Democrats nominated Hillary fucking Clinton.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm pretty damned proud that I'm not YOU.

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